Newspaper Page Text
; - F "■•
Ihft I iiU itmMA IfiUlCiuliU (mIdIA? vUlL Li •
Obituaries will be pxibiitsbfjil in
t beGoc ist at 5 Gouts j> .m- lint*.
Clevki.and, Ga., h. 1837 .
•v> B
T IjUv / w n , t O liC*.
riff's sdTs
nr On account of sickness j
tlie paper is not as full of news as -
ivo would like f*>l it to Ik*. ( I'd.)
Subscribe for tlie Ootu*i**r. !
Rliuif load of ooc! |
IW U " Oil I
Pllhm*!|)tion. i
lv A, e do , all ,, . kind . , of .. pi, . , work. , J
Ml, and Mrs. 0 0 Hell cav c :
. . cn-- e
nji from Gainesville Sunday to
visit homo folk'.
Jiidtre W. Ih 11 ■!! wsisconli led
to his rmnn for soreEil days of
last work with gri|,j>p.
Messrs. Black veil a n.d
Schnlefoid, sjient h few hours in
Cleveland Monday.
Go to John F. Little’s for fresh
clover and grass seed, Gaines¬
ville, Ga.
End Uvccon Ledford, of Mis
hy Creek, was in town Tuea-.l tv.
Mr. . 1 . E‘ Potts, of Mossy
Greek, was in town Tuesday.
Ex-shri-iff S. Ti, Hfown, was in
town the early part of the week
Dnr.nnie Elder was in town i
tl.< first of the week. J
Col. j Mine Oakes is nUciidhufl |
Gliukesyille court this week.
Messrs. ',V. J. Hlaek ami Ren¬
ton Trotter paid es a pK-,.s.<ii
e.uil Tuesday UHH'iiing.
Mr. N' tit. Porter, of Mossy
Creek, was in town for a few
hours Tuesday.
Mr. A- \V. Smith, of Sh >; 1
Greek, Was in-town Tuesday.* '
Tlnn. If. T. Kcuthtcr W.d <riT thv
Miller propevt v Tucs<l..y for eight
lutmlird and live dollars.
^Dou’t forgijl itt, *ul»-vi-U»o for
tills ftlptU'i —
< Jet Vour jolt prim illg done at I
this -dll-,..
TUuBom-l of Ro id an I Rove
mum belli their regular meeting
Th-- Lnmlsvilie pu-t uEii'o wa
burglarized Monday iiii’lP.
js known how imie-h tnoti- y was
taken from tlu* office. |
Messrs. J. IE Allen and Frank
McAfee, of Loud.'ivillo was • 1,1 j
Wednesday. j
Roy. , t. ., R. Cook Will preach . at .
tile Methodist Chit roll It. Clove I
. , . , . i
I h ikI the .second bundin' inirnt m
March -it 7-30 j ,
Mr. ReeJeri reitresrtiling a
North Carolina , , -i. lohaeeo i (at.. , - Was
the guest of the Henderson House;
ednesday night. ;
Kenilljer Logan & Kenimer j j
have just received a large htocii , i
of goods of all kinds, and are go- i
Illg to sell ,, them ., cheap. , 1 hey
call special attention to their mil
Rneiy department which is com¬
plete in every respect. They can
furnish vou any kind of hat you
want and trim it to suit at low¬
est prices.
Quarter] y Meeting.
The Quarter'y Meeting for the
Cleveland circuit will he held at
m •»sv t.rec.c church . on tic , 1 second
cii and in M-rci
‘ -id .1- Elder, U v. E Ii.
0o»k, will preach both Saturday;
aitd Sunday at It a. in. Go to
hear him.
Leo Local*.
The family of Robert Atkins 1
has boon sick for the past week.
Mr. James McKinney has been
confinud to his r 00 m for the past
week with grippe. We hope he
may soon recover.
Mrs. J. W. Smith is not any
better at this writing.
Miss Hattie Miles has been
quite sick for tbe past week.
Simeon Miles and Wiley Dor
tt cy are preparing to go to the
piny woods.
•CM, Miller made a business
«•s»e ^£CT^B 8 <K«Br 3 »saagawsawgsae<qtsijas»r.
*-.. .aV -a... .
»« BaMmwgu Sunday.
\J5 Al! ^ ' v Io,lme r UcKord u , . . 1 * Visiting . . .
relatives in Gainesville.
T. Dorsey is quite ill at
1 lii'le is . n visitor 111 our
by tbe name of Mr. Urqmc.
I-i! ... , 1V;. ,, ... . Jl% , fell , ,, , last
u eeK and lus'ke Ins arm. .
*" • \r .-.ii ii
‘ 1 K!S
, ' iii
' . r ]);■>»'.
/. vv,
unable to teach lari
Mw * ,, V’. ... U ' r T: ' n ' ;,rn , ’
. is visisllino" h her fai her.
Pv,,f \v \ White -Ll r I
Ed Stas cel gave us a piem-aut
... . ^
‘ “ ‘ V>Kl ias u ' v
: *
<l r o'l ldri, sjHMlt a C*'>U K‘ l . of day.'*
* ,
with,!. !), ( last svte.k.
^ jf,s> Iona v-ootev bUru’
\ Vu ln«>d, V at home.
- -
l.iz/.ie . • . AiCX.iuder , , ,
-'tl-s spent
last, weed with her <rrantif.itlicr,
Mr, E. A.. AleivSndn
I’rof. Henry Ivvllo cnloird
sciii (.1 at Mossy Creek ' Monday, ’
___-x. 1 '.______ , j. ■ a _________
..» mmoc •,V i • .1 X, level.;,ul , ,
m on or
nil M f \) r. 10 , | 1 < J i'.ltd It do;:!
ill'st class dental work. He sure
U) Call oil me and have 'hat had
i.iouih >>ui in order {'I moan
. , ,, j,
""’l 11 ,
.M. .McGee.
Jr-u Sosubo 1 T.Hie! for (liva;-vi>,
JfttVV v s. , I WIiit-• Sr.pev’e * ‘tali t
SfiRi'liee April t.'rm 1S>7.
'1 . 1 PelJy;
AihJ an Iwvc'iy c.oinania,le:l tA b'da-Bit.
J'ers vr !!y or by altori.ev, at- Hie
‘ t0 «>“ ? >> ’•'' ;i "
- •
y. f - 1,, on thv rs-yinit v n’nday In
th'.o, toanswi-v ihi-." l-ove.inrliou f
f-i- -,n- ib-fault thsr-.if tt n rOiirt
pmreoft rtr to |vsites ihai't a. p i t,
\Vitnexa the ,Uo„, Join, Kimssr
of r.eid . This T< h. 11 th
- Writ, TOWi-ot, C. 8. C:
Wli;i\vuHti i T.ih 1 for <!n-o, t
Whitworth vs. I - Vv Aprij liilt'StijiGpK p ('t nft.
tortn 1-197.
To Wiley Whihvni'.’i:
\ ui are lievaby ' o. mm-.mV.l to he
,, ' r j f»r hy jutdED 'y at
i next Bii|>erior to ,ri t In hsld in
cowrits R*., os the soemiii Mon
ill Apri'; 1 ’j 11 / to ,'ia5vvai' the nli *v co or in .h-fool t-hdreof tii.
will pi-oce;.ii as to ju*- s’,ail an
Witness the ilrm.,loin, J Krii
'y Ju ige ofs. ! Mill. 'I his Fri, Ut
W. R. rOWKR, o. S. C.
Join; Martin j AR,o;bmcnt Ap, ii
" V| d.vnir.i v^. fL'it fop .\}:c it'--. >>
*’ -- C .i,l j, -. „f
Mot n,j 1 I ; v.-i i-nij - Kali ;i
i.-.v-.toil . , , M 0-1 <yc.
!| i ! . ■ e-'- 1 s'’'-.;;, f - - h- ’ Ti-i-,'-.
'IT. M I , Fir-iri. kiinri
Oi LtMD.b Knyhi ml Vf.-a
i-.ic.b "i a t, \ apt* fc’fhy j v oonirrmndiMl
hear. ! car lioforc hj.s is nniioi KHnoi* J. ,!. ,i.
.lictgs State of the Hiijp'nop (ti’-VI
county. of tiro.- ■ : , U.S.A
n 1 hirchon! in .raid Wlrtt-co nt,y in tin
<t if ay of ApL, tsiq.uu : the
I aIiouM anye, n cm,, why ou.nil.........
J ( >u not ho mwl- }. ,ies <>t ih r *
case, «i,din <i:*f;uiit thcirof
will be ititvic parties to tuuil.e ut-!,and
case proc»e<i as justice sii.tll or may
Witne.-S the iron. J, J. Kon- -y J the 10 th ilny of l‘Vh~
'T .1997
w. it. P 0 WI 5 R. Olci-k 8. (J.
ffKORtilA—White county: I \V, tmiii Ji.
Olerk <*f th<* SnjHa-iiM-Coart of
ito hereby certify that the fo -c
is a true extract from the Records
of Fije in my office.
Given _. under my hand Ited official die
This the loth day of Febu.e y
lrf3 ' W. R. POWER C. H. C.
mm THE last BLOOD B i Is . the
health. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to
keep it pure and rich. Ee sure to get
Seeing is Believing’.’
-V’ T-— Find (t ggood I-czinF >.
must good. be simple; Simple, when Beautiful, it is not Good simple —these it is Lsg:- mjmffl -“ J
jP-, words mean much, but to see “The Rochester” t
B r " ill impress the truth more forcibly. All metal,
it tough is absolutely and seamless, safe sxaA and unbreakable. made in three Like piec“s Aladdin’s cnly,^|ppf5§A;
cf old, it is indeed a “ wondej ul lamp,” for its mar
velous light is purer and bn rhter than gas light,
softer then electric light and more cheerful than either.
fi^ fevS. ilS. Poch«6t€r. for this. stamp— the style T III, Ek. eod to It tbr for lamp Waaler has illustrate'! n : ite* Jri-n:il cataVpg'Ja, o*
F \ZK'i stud you want. \ ns our e
t^*^i-*fc! r '> ve wul you a lamp snf'-.y by exursn*— your choice cl’ Over
J J KOCHB«rrs» from th-r Larptst ua? If: mpStore in 42 the rau World. Place, Hew Moils,
Midr > Cts., cw.
'FM “The Rochester. vs
ndasxi j
You staid nd&rds we msty tifitr to p
money st a. J cut ci p
our difference; g-. cu spay ;T
cr,vx. Eu: we went dlSJcr ?.s
t_ the m.iki cc c-..e ......-j—-i £
emoEson of cod liver > i 1 . y,
won and held its way for
jh- , t
nearly 25 years in the world of y ^
medicine u.vdi to-day it is a I
most as much the standard in
| all cases condition of long trouble, of and |l
every wasting s
I | whether in child or adult as
j i 1 | quinine Differ is in mala-iat the fevers.
! on money ques¬
| tion if you will, but when it
J comes to a question cf health,
• pei-hafs ^; life and death, get
: the standard.
! Your o'cc; gist setts Scott’s Emulsion.
i Two stirs, 5 D cts. and }i .00
| SCOTT U BOWHE, Mew York.
| j
the world has
< cevsr C(row.-i
! such value for
■ T'lL; is AV'bat the biggest wholesale mer¬
cantile concern o.i cartJi will do for you:
25ifea. Granulated Sugar..
6 5vs. LouGted Rio Ccffee.. \ lOua’itygtiaranteeil
id fijs. (tois ns .............
RO U>$. C^?ifor«ju Prunes.. ail ro a
i iij.-fiftfl Salting Powder.. /d%
5 a$3i GrVI BV< tapper) WR 3
C lbs. Sampfa Mixed Tea..
13 iw«. Caroflwa ?flce_______
H ‘b^. <vd!d>iJ Cm Is
*6 Its. t laundry Varsill'j Starch Btraci^" ____ ^Quality gu'^antsed
V/e vein eave you money, not only on
g til in or vmi need.
oriu\d quoted quote 'any ^ r - 08
or any my oriu\* $* in in any any cataloffud cutoloQUQ • • an-i a .
guaranty guarantm TO to to qiv- qi^.- ijQupieea>J>e you : the earn a > OTibtitsr onbetter < good.% noo
. . all wit,, order from ttlio -his r adveriise- * •
of . -
went a copy l our-n.'W oui n ,‘W “Book “Book of Money
laying” ...
and oClclai whole >ale price
guide avid, be sent 4 .ree u*-ja<iy .shortly)
• • • Wr *te to Opr WEoJcss 19 Order
Cep art mo lit. rv?fe
A.M.Rothlchild^Co. ^^y* 0 4 0r * 0 “ y
State er.d Vjn Dufen sts., Chicago.
pffiou&tT nS r ' ocal lia; ' o P 0ra Writa for
YBAK ^ 9
K):p£RS 5 MC.B
ri ;: i B/a« rS3in'l--4
mmi WM* r* THAOB D KAitKS,
A nyontv.goiHtlnfl; i< rkt>.1 eh mul dossi'Iptioii 1 . v
nuieHTy om^rtain, frue. tvimthi r an I.tvowU<'•••« <»i
probably ctm;L’etttlai. petOTti’lJe Oldutti. GuiiHoiifHt-HtinYiH i-iiirUy
ut eitoy t'< v •vctti Pef ;> l ..-.,.
in ArjioriOrt. \\ v, have a V-iwLjiifi.'i) oiiic*.
IV.G.;Ha t-pf*n Uirfiiuflr Mi:tin Co. recoiv*
Speck '1 notice in f lu;
83 i£JiT!H 9
t-'*3u ftcicnti , »fu}!v icutlTc IKu:<frnfo'l,, Jaivtvf, ;.iy, ui&ffv ctfrolatl itlbn of
ai.'V v.-;-. f.rii so ycni'i
n.;Vj.six eui nonMio. 1! ha. HijeHmun w - j >«.***i; t; 1 *ji cobitu->i:ul U4*;.)
U,>u: i*A i’UNTB : AUt L -S 3
flUNW r:o.,
381 Ui'.-ffittdv.;’'* v- At : v y ork.
Honli Georgia
lf»P« it 11 'J? 011606.
D^vnmm or wvi x
S*’rl;i« Term De&Iea First FAnn-lsy i;t Ft-fcrur.ry.
p-U Tern* tkjicn First iWUmd */ in September.
tuition rrtcE,
V/U& fc.-iplc : c ' F■> F " cichcrs.
yader fx U. *S. A: - v OliaT itfuHcd
by Seer clary of War.
Peninansliip, A-aslc and fxi
I’cJ’rcon 3 pc»C"il and tlfcmurT’X*
YOUNG LAJico fc3V£
Her Catalogues and full biformaiiou, add nw Secretar.
orlreasure; of Board Truaiccj.
Torrifcla HeadaohoP
fce&Yi/mrci y»cfi 4
LlYrs, Oft BOWELS,
H«el«-VO <3 by
"I fam’ttxtiftve ftS
th-ir* cr.r vr >m w
feofHl a i>Ui isrrio
.--j.-il P/T 'if L aa A 3-r,r’.« (in!.- r
Gf \ uc vrm ytrjfj jt|
-rill Ui- ai! ya* rvt
jooimcinil th«a for p|
'• aa 1: 1 tlVC '. • -«• 1 ir-ors. ©| %
Ji -,.B< -id o;
from too«« h«*< pin. la to »a h<» tea a, taeilntno ' '<M- roe-V-i t- yt ^
apt me rigUi »r»!a. Ter hcKUri ., they L
M»»r taJJ. I have !im* t vt.-tT' ot V-r
ta»ie lieadaoSw, »j>* . V « *iro-r teai'-ii F>
■■jUiint to rtlitve ttiea so vtiafciy as jp
A^r'i mi,. Since I lugan tailag tils
la^icioa, tis* gitark, kaw i«»* x*<1 o|
Iws frequMt, inti), at p«««ip mo»uu ®
tar* i-a*,ed «i*ce I have haj oat. '—C.
F. ft nu, no* Spur, Tv
Ww Medal e.t World’s Fair
V ■'-’V- 'L St'' '•%£•.'•'
• Ko^ii,«r«.
I 'Qnsfrnox.—I oaolswo a farcin’* i!wv».
;-J» saiihnr in (his Wo,J. m to make fortui
tears. Has it been- stittautaesl to t-ha <le
! partmmit for o.vasuiuatio ani is it
fcood tnrmala? i, a
j Axs'.veh-—T int is a formula offered
| l»y tivo “Oiiaiapioa Ch-.-micril Process
• Company of Dari, F.iyeimvilia, and
J r Went, i’Uotuasvi'u>, and Gouarai H. G. .1 D Better 'Pres
; J This
form ala has not only bem disap
j proved by this d«nvrtm»nt, but-it has
i'even tionoti :o-'d thr.»a c.» the re
ami I-„ow take this opportn
nity of pnb iriiitnr in every e.nii-y in
I trie state. it is aa utt % tr -ud au,l
I human-,, gotten ty> t > deceive and rob
farmers. T i->rn is a . suoh cheat!
i ml as ••tun .o • *ub»hnt-t of am min ”
Thpre is m> u ' h oh-vui-ai UR •’marate
j mMln.” such a "S thin* i;phut* a. -marm of i l” sn'nT.t-a of
» so wis never
lioir.I of rscop: by this bn-vriaff rasoil
J. l-V B:ii;nr. If in / f 5 • ti V' or cinb
that has be:i'i swLu ilea bv tUis m vn. or
j hi-s age:K.i, \vtU:i:>-->> t*\o i*w ior ‘-nwin
j oiin r tuul t GDacia ^ 0 ro raoai. i Imvo no
; j doul>t he or c *a a b> lio^rve.V.v
r.c„ sh-si. Th-y nm vi th „ litw
. in <.ffonn K -i iormaU I,:m uor been
B-tirti-mr. I hy tiiis ilnjy.irtnc'ut. and .they
! »r«<chj».«t’.nf .••; 1 sweuiiiu-t tho farmers
j by ii *’;:u wants* of p -r.« ;t s itui'ac
-lion,” in n iurn'r,-:-. tie, i nevus ant
! r' r ' of which o.iuuut ha obtaimel save
n, iho tern o in-inn of thu r:i«o-U J. 1 ).
! Pjfbn’i 3 have a train an -1 a,yam watme.l
j j iuiyc.'it; the Ku tuoi .)},« H as ot t his, (..K\or.:vv a ad yaf a rai tho >st. rascals sa *.i\
■ ctficuv (0 W'.>r:c tiio st.ite wif.ii
fl;u , „ su . G Mn .; ju-i-s aud solid.
tors should fake lo . matter in luitid
r.ud prvc-n’c all who o a i-i anv way
f.-lU.rcO'ii with this imfuiioes Lnsilios'.!.
A ” y tar ' Mt m wh > W!,lUs to
liiuiie cimip .st •■ail! e r- fud lustra-tious« mauer by ■ m > i y writer; ,o this
n«pnr<ment. wUmli will lie aiaci to fur
lijsU the necessary information. There
i-i u<> excuse, thmiijjpitt, for beinsf swiu
died by tnese iircspoiisib'.t) imposters,
whri anunaily ouavtiHx the state, satiiug
tliair worth.ass formtt'.a,—State Agri¬
cultural Di'inirtm - at.
THE diets:
Is about as near perfection as 50 years
of Lamp-Making can attain to. * It
burns kerosene, and gives a powerful,
clear,white light, and will neither blow
nor jar out. When out driving with
it the darkness easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be had, ask your
dealer for the “ Dietz."
We issue a special Catalogue of this
Lamp, and, if you ever prowl around
after night-fall, it will interest you.
'Tis mailed free.
6g Laight St., New Yoyk.
Established id 1840.
Speedily Cured by
Ayer'S Cherry Pectoral
“My wifo vm £4
Buffering from a or
fearful Which the cough, beat £• ,j
jmullcal skill pro- 0:
S curable was uua
• \ ble to relievo. We
(did not expect c!
E#vv;,Y ' that she could but long Mr. J*?,
; J ai’ vive; h Royal dep- o O? s
/ surveyor, hap
c nod to bo stop- o(
plug with us over night, and leaving a * :
bottle of Ayer’s CUcny Doctoral with
! I him, result induced my wife beneficial, to try thi.yemm!y. that she c j
The was so
kept on taking it, till she was cured.
, excellent health, oi
She t» now enjoying
and weighs 160 pounds.”—It. S.Humph- Cj
i whs. aiK9, Saussy, Saussy, Ga. Ga. oi o|
Ayer’s Cherry Pmtoral gj
Received Highest At ads
V ana guf)-. vm-i Htv.t .s»'in.
: ro paunu t na;j j.-u-j v-;j a.jpnvjz
‘T'H E MOST remarkable cures on
■ record have been accomplished by
Wood’s Sarsaparilla, tt is unequalled !
.~-.-JM.iU-. -
GoHsicor Ptein Facts!
A]i|iaro;-.t clv’a jiness does not
make si real saving of UiOUC”
i ;■ «• k,E f ; \
| i EE Y#
! ! />
r ~ -
j CT ‘
..Ee l 'A.---y.--A- j s
| L'
i and only cheapness.
lima Qr vr.rrv ; I fa’r pru'cs
real and only cvononiy.
Tin: DovrsTic has always Ihhmi -
U\ evurv neu-^i of that tn-.-i
BSS (’ for tbs 1 Hifvi't to ho’!, u.s it g-ivrs |
bio Dm most j> obt for tiie least troultlo. j
B!g j T for uorduist'rs borauso it givifs •
; ft . is !:b ‘ '1 '-R : s:at*! v.mi \v nso.
;;8T?C” ntift i MPKiU AL PA- :
RiiR r' 1 K S K j..;' centi for cat:'.
I'.IC.: V.V.
p> it T,' Cj . VL ESTATE.
Mines and Mining Lards.
Farms an i Fanning Lan is
Timin' and Wild Lands
Solid Lv vestments a t tempt
(dorr, on le ice Invited.
Hsisrf TrsHbis Quiekly Gtirad.
A goavlutlMg TestlnioiaJai.
4 Fmmf b.
Y-riv'T ■' ; vt?- - Y -■ m YFYv . v« ...
-ri Sr
V,\ E\ \ W dy i{ ] l 4 ?.. .riT/ /9 '
C v'it>
p'.iD’j Ki. r.A I'liim
*TL; ' k I " •-!:.• be- yb ip
i ’ 1 . Ui:Li id " i. w.ri. tit • ••.. '1 | v
rC- a«!»!••-.*v.d'.* d-'-.• p?-. AU ot taort.
--• J-!lU. 1 < Mr i-i vs ‘ he. cared. I \rdv
: :~:.\\y tl i- iJul-DCl Y/i'.b h>’1-';I i.IiCSd cf Mlri-Tlh:
' r-.u-l >vU.n- In U*0 fii<Tn, It 1 ?h.
< ii' Micd rrj: .-.ii’ :r; t-bu l» ■■•x.-.i
ii: -.J-.J :• ‘.Is, • ••",.; VL.’Y L'DVM’O. A*
... It OP- -'L-’J !ECi'5 thyiii
! •»'• -vr*.'.'.**. :rg Hh'd ill the mont’l?
t IH'V-’ ,i>s\r i « :*^-/t;• • I f-f!.k*n-r
I- i ’ Ut I, { ‘.gvc* -,r- *irOVV-fj Zdvl’C ily
’ • ; .- • vv. ? v« >r-y ini s.side. i?otoothii.’-^ 1
,-. . !■'..• .1 - Is fort: f cun
vu'F.i vit.ii Loir’.fj nrA t\m it?
mtch oeVdr LdOA:. ii.aa **:r.r L./orc, 1 would
d : 1. .-’.t; LOtCfii from b-dlT t trouble
V; .’/ Or. Miiv*' lOY.'tJ-Ui' le remedy -vV.honi.
:. Li tU Idliwauk^, W;o.
r ;.:orl>-' ,..,-g Is. «:Yva"on a pOSltU/O
‘L’Y 'Li' fQ-sfilyit; 1 .** .•••{)! OUio'Jt
''L did l A r*t- 4 i, _■ dooH;;^ for &>. CT
o' . 'DD-i.i. it; x^cuipt of priori
-hi LAif U*. ;.ZuGi Lii ■I'-.di.i Co , Lilc’aactg Iu.d
;■•■- lri~—- r -.t-i- r«rr« R**c»v*
. . . ------- <»•< >•« ...Htsj:.! .
____ 1
•r,\f 'S
KO'i’IGE. j
________ 1
^GEORGIA—IVjiile cott"! y :
Tt itppniiritirr to nm -.h ihn ov- i
(linary of sn' i •■nun'y I h d a )>'•- .
lition of Eriti'hohiffs of tl f- h-p,
Dialriet < r. M. of s-'t-i comity
hatintr been dirty tiled -n tlii>
o'!if.‘ itsknig for nn i'.ifecfioti in
vi id Disiricl, on I’n-rifiu-slion <:f
‘‘ Fence or Slock I/uv’ Tii ,1 iwifjcc
was duly pul»H<hed uikI posted ::s
Toijiiirod by law, and that cl:c- ;
tion was duly huh! in said dlsli-ict
ri.n the 22 iid, day of D-c. tHd ,;
it’l l it :i{)jK';H !lUjr llint :i i!i:*jorif V j j
| 01 ' t i»f'| Y‘ - G-jv of h ;M f : I
1 Diet have voted for “Stock Law ’ !
v , » dG-Glnru , , 1 t!i< , .
1 !U»n*l>Y * J : » ' ° Mi S
f - ii'] t'!o-tion in said district !
w is in favor of “Stock l,:\w I
t tin* same will tro into effect
tut the hih day of March 1897.
i’espcclfid!v Dec. 23rd 189C.
J. If. Freeman. Ordinary.
«*n ? *<t lOiJmwiVfa
m-uv ->rs
IW-itaG S 88pl
fS'Luje «»u:o
'.-IHI Uv» k
;., fc. ik- V>U.'yy,,-v ^;-'v rich
fs a remedy of sterling value. It positiv Y
cures v.W Bronchia! Affections, Cough, Cold, C. •
Bronchitis and Grippe. You can always rely on it.
DR. BULL'A COUGH SYRUP is indispensable to
every fam ily......Pric e 25 cts. Shuni ail subs titut es.
c:is*r Ufssrs rums, Ike l>ssl Tc'csccd Antiilols.lOc. Dealers cr mail.S.C.Havcr & Co.. Sallo-MS.
/-*SH 3 SS> wia^iiv i r 5 L” \ <u. ~
THI massing E- wosi>
lUgE Kiff which arc pfeased to make have an entirely Glance now offer to the ot-.r c ahscrikorA ord
every one may a to name mivwr w
*9 this sentence :
U supply m turn iWx uz mumn
AS •urc 1 V IW* 4 un rrpr-jT 2 b Cm tbtr S K n
It is quoted from a prmnii!cnt writer upon economic sv' ■ —
In rri-rkir.^- your gue.>.-> it is not irve ::ry to w.-Lit on ,.,
esntence—simyly write; *< t\j gjoss far sui.wiit'r wo J - .-•
Solissfiis Uiphi/i l6f Til -3 ON; TiTUTiO
y ;"-,t
ICClib i i
e» /;i he rn'micj
mi mci # ,,.
And send your guess with it, and we will forward all for you and t: a ;
<*3 Give Y cu a Oianse fo (Vlako Good Kan-y.
TDK CONSTITUTION g;.:nrant«es that thi smount of the awn-;
will sot i>i kiss Pian gTJS ir. Casa, and i. may he as utuci; as $ 2 1 * 33 .*
It will be cent of all suL leriptions that ,
10 per we, ana aii U.e
other clubbing papers With T.ic C j istiur.i-;;',, so.:tire iur the at.,ml,a of
January raid February. If the sub; .viptiotv? keep up with the rceoid oi
last year, the sum to he given will Exceed $2,003 c....,!:. ii the sab;
scriptions are doubled, as they were in January, just past The Consti¬
tution will pay out about t in c i.*h pretninn;.: in this contest. If
move than one person name the proper ’.void, the -.-.mount will be equally
•divided between them.
# The We«r.’y $$tts 1 !f«',!ojits ZsrP ?si WaeYfS 3 ».:? 3 jwrla »sa Wor'd,
with a circulation of j 3^,000. ft covers the iv.holu world m iu aevas'
service, and covers the news o' the United States in minute detail, with
12 pages, 7 columns to the page. ?4 fctitliim lot-l V2m.
AFi A N.L WSl’A J I K — Ibr V ct].iy < <»:i (.iitD.ion ha no atjn.ii m America! Its news
reports cover the work', .*nJ •/* lui* • ami a;; 2 iUs arc to bt* found in a!i:j <s» every
bailiwick io the Soailifm Aii-l Western MuLyl
AS A M AGAZ! N1‘* —U more sm:H matin an is ordinarily found iu the grestt,.
magay.ineB of the rva »• t v thtm •'an be goiten both even the heal o! them.
AS AN KPDCATOvl—It is a v.h;.- 4 !'(»u^f •/Aiihi iLclf, and a year’s reading of TIIE ;
CONS Ah I'iTU A hhi i t. «N l* a n.'ri.d L> COM edurprioo PAN G >N Ifr h ^.*4, T *Ti:oU i^Ae ’
»■:!. i' ; • ~ ; ri - ro Uu- every
week, i- eagerly sought Hv the cbhdven, e«m4lV«3 v#.V,table lot ahj^is
1 erveec lopr •.!:« of in-iiuct-'ii for every member of tm- i.ou.-.cht*iJ. -
vrci ITS <v\i Sl’tCtA), \h\ ef l-'KATUUKS- ATI IV'V*;—A .-e such ai are nol lode found in any other paper ip
Arc ell under able direction, find, are sp id.illy r,t,iracti re tq Uiohc to wluim tlvcse dcj^rimenta
are adtlivbsc.d.
Ll *
LET n% miLVli FlXVdFZl ps .32
And with it your rwieiis—for the guess must, in cvfciv e*-*. ac¬
company t!i - yearly subscription sent in. You,cannot <!o with¬
out your local newspaper, and you cannot do veitmmt a great,
general n-rwipiper, in tou-.-h with your section. We cover the
local d i wand-TMd COG5TITUT10N covets the vvor I Ii you
arc already a subteriher lo our paper and want The Gonsrittitiott,
send us $ l.oo, and along with it your guess in tin- missing word
contest We will forward same and duly record your guess,
THE CHUTIST #.m\ M.W i, IS 37 .
Send us your money and get both papers one year, and per-'
haps get enough money to clear you of debt, or buy you a good
home Now is the ti.usa to subscribe.
Address all orders t —
Cleveland Courier,
Clevfch iid. Ga.
i'hid Hpitce lie served FotE
X A •amil lA ltJ Marbli
-.....— --------- * ~ <I ^T.A.
Is l)fT \ T> 1 > Propriety i
t:hc ni-sT pm* nnvomw. qne«t w»A *
..,.y,,, i;'s rv.M-h V-r. D ) you know the
i.i v „ -
dy is th hast f-r <-.ldMrrn I aver -”<1 . to euio a sjirain ■ r bru sc, a burn
p.ii- cr»u}> h is rni'-nivl'cil. : l! or sf-alil? Sudi injuries are very
(INI (i;iI witli „. uh i> „. ... T . m. comirnm and can be cured quick¬
?vLg r v r : ,_ un jr,. >t . Wtir>u>’ ,n ! Bh^riv.V’ -'Mini'M. ly if vnaq eriv treated. Nlr. -T. M.
Pa. Wliefi v.^ 1 t*« R< '^ m ,0 - p +V)e ^’ s? Fork! lb O.. Coluni
- that ia a.- -.s •'■» A tiem an of
s-y.v-t.t.- m» apn-,,-. l»* • Go., PA., Says: “I have.
,.',dhl 1 .osemflR TvouvfiO. Of OVfJH even nflGi* ..ffa- ite ti-G
ci-.mpy cough lift ! apr*°»wrL ; t will n <*~ never found tinythihg l° eompnro
v'-nt tii- iittie-k. The mntiiprK ot ,-npnv with Chamberlain’s 1 atit Balm
rilildn n s’lould hear this in mind anilal for Sprains, brutSCS and burns,
wayski-> i'i; mcdiiane •• a - Ib«i world for \Ye have used it in otir■family for
uf ,ri:, r .«■! ^ fw , tMt wt ,
-oMr.-!ml whooping Cfslph. Pm- side at 3
. sale .
.5 no wntB p-r bottle hy \. H. Htti- cun not do without it- »'• r
r.-ts-on gf ocral Birrctiaot. at 25 and 50 cents per b.ittio by
Relief cures p.i:lr-He.;' i r h*!ii C.’ev land Ga. ;>
vio.nj/j, cholera Mori *#SOp « %WK>
for lar^c bottle. . (
io-C- 25 c. If! 1c iMini