Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, March 12, 1897, Image 1
j County j Official Organ of White | Prank N;X, Hilton,' and >ub- j | | Ci.kvki and, G a. March 12 180 | It's President McKinley now The people of White county extends a cordial welcome to all home seekers. Cabinet making has been tlie leading industry of the United State for Uio past month or so. One of the best weekly paper that comes to our table, is that ever luight and good natnml (leorgin Cracker. Pro. P- -kers posesses the get-iip-aiid-tmike thincs lively. mur der of J. 1 I bis is one of the biggest words in Kttgl'sh Language, Every podv carries it about wit It' them, and if you could hear that i "rniKNDTo mi n kack,” when gets behind youi hack, you then think “hatred.” There is j i.ot more than" r on<* man out (•!" every ten that claims to lie your• fl ietid hid 'hat will like whilc you ai c with him, an i hate j , on vvle n lie get behind y our ; haek, and women the same way, j and ])erhaps a little worse Sonic j people hate you because you 1 lmve improved your time better than they l ave, tune la cause i vou know more than they do. j Some because you have morel money than 'tuev have. Some i because vou wear letter clothes than they tlo. Some because you work, and seme In cause you re.-t.! Some hat" you because you do j not practice what they do. Some j hate vou because you won't look I up to them and worship them as you would a king. Some hate you because they were horned w ith a disposiaion to dislike everv hotly but. themseves. Some because you are better than they are, and : some because they do not think; you are as ggood as they are. j Some hate v»>u because you hale | tl.i ni anti -tone heeause v on love i (nil"* like that fellow, 1 tl.ii.k lie i» grand rascal. You who ;U'o rf this read Pruv. 10 : 18 . | lie Unit ut'eroth slander, a j fool.’’ We .;lt talk too inwh, a nd espi v-i.-iily uncut cur nepsrli hors, "Uhosocvi ktepeth his mouth ami his tongue Lecpeth his i soul from trouble. ’ i he hi st way • to remedy this ha tied t.nnmg tin' human ran- is to lit every i ; low ; man or woman before lie or she coes to talk, stop right still, and j see if he has the heaui cut of i, • eye, and if he ha.s’nt, lie may not ! he looking at the fellott light and i he had hotter not say any thing. i “Love your cuemiv's, do good to i them which lettc \ >iu." j. When w ill we d t ids ? j > I Ml Ml. I I S-tar: in vhi'v m dncttoii I you may and vo will meet with j the ’'observer' ami ihe man whi; | talks, lie observes sernt.iuizing- ; ty. He hears everything, sees ; everything. kl.ov.s everything and talks about everything from “no fence to McKinleys Cabinet, and all with the air of Uismarck or Cromwell. If y ou address him on any sub¬ ject, secular or religions, lie is right there, I tell you, ready to argue his “pints" if any of his neighbors happen to surea-t elv view his fdvvise aphorisms. 1 lung me il t he can t preai !i a “bigger sermon" any time than the Kev. id lie vit Tailing ', hut never has any converts save the sect styled by Sam dimes: “Pup Sucker-. He is not only a pro icher, li p. also *i fotteller and a prophet, lie could have told you six months n and that McKin ley w ■ ,.g right on to the in it >use’’ and firovn was toeircumnavigat * the world and see them rii h feller- Shiloelis. “Slnu ks he'saysd i! 1 hatl eon o! this sludiaug— this gi\ eminent— Ed never think of -hooi’n duck t vimr goin' to Buz zard Bay. 'i his t hings in a tickle —This governnment is. Not only Stale and National affairs, but nine ilowir to the' county -eoi.n* home. Look haw ticy are do.ngubout Hus school husinev*"(u*o. Kytie the rest of mu. 1 mean (1 *o. 'hem “drotted’ eoinini•s;o:i is—no Imard. W liy if T In y won t hear iterry word yon toll : about -ieh and sieli a telle; 1 - haven to walk away Hire lour miles to school an ] go <■ • 1 t an -iioB;. gosti , where, when it ram i L half leg deep • thai ! Honk M it. mad em ,. h t; ti urn mi. but f ronkeu it don t ditfeieui e arte arc not wlnit U-. a Wav o.h u - - and all of us knows that was a teacher light. lie weal to Ur* Leo-l.-hltute, 1 gt l o.> a .J.<v Mid miiedyr-* too these otl'.ei fellers: Del'll, atid only git- t I clout know whether any or not, Ikd l e',ie-> then he w 's Count-.' Sclaso! iiouis sioiter -< tu! i he r- uoi a nian ■f \ou \\ 111) wiil (leu*, the '. U :t itian” was eh-Mi euten of Georg - or ny i Ills lv > ys-si f f III they V cit eat oh him by ! lie Vnd then here's “B : !i her of them o’d the the swif. :\-t ties. who has ev h ■ >n i of t he count v-otTieo .IS old i 'ell Me hi ■ thing* ■ a tout) I---H and li > went to Kvtle for 1 he ad 11!• 11 And Unit whi 'Mil' i eni B uhl idler's jnii,’ to Texas ami ilia km a f >rl un« . ’i hey ill lei! and count one, tlmm old f ii. a W'll .‘tie Cel \ o.l I 1C) ! oss nil). And let me tell *• on sumpen - these old lieu .-''hmil teaehei's ;t v was F.XI'gTTOrl.: ti.M.K. ^ | | '■)N THIS SPACE t OR II. A. daM al o's ad v in I ;• emwiit. | .1 m rra i d’s iv t iie pla ce to jj buy cheap gootls. |j f \\ lii'i) v <nt'are in .town call on Mr. Jana I'll and ex- g uniina his' got <1>. S (iKOBCIA- White maty; WLcivss. a. R- Mtrdevp, cepresea : a to j | !h* coyrt in !;is a'(l, I'jjiiion tu!y lileil and imlri . _ on rce so it !n> * 1 ht fir 11 y jet • 4 : 1 r<«d Vr *• Caiidict? I.iuaU(-)•’«i'utate. j Tin* it* tluM'v i'oro to oitc &il persona i < fi t; ii; t-t], debtors an l F ere .'to- p, to ! i-eti.jje. if ally they cun, why said • uhouM n*>i be < : 1 iF-charged hr. lien and receive ! let tea yu the tirkt Monday May 18 .» 7 . , J H . F HTa F. \ t A N, Ordinary. lO-MHo S: Wtelec V < i■■■ - iuaal vitJs of tli., 721 , ilistcict o M. • 1.-,-a i reauty’ ten no aorsl-y neUnmi Iti.-il • '-ta it > n of !5 Irreliobiurs ti.'s lirijii It ■■ 1 a ftiay asking I’.'i' ; iU^riio'i in -ri ili.a.rii't nil the ■a -m ; * ; • i;ne I, rktaw. Ai the : err • j* iiv nay tlays an olectiau v ai •-.a am. <, t, ; i- yyav ]aevenUil. ; e-i.y 11 ITKKSMaNi. oi | i. aaiay Mi. W. Vi . bpillen, drug clock with ,1, V. . Mi 'onneil, parnassus! Pa., say.-.; htis out all night hist winter and eontraeted a set Yi'J't* CO i was hoarse for a week 1 mid h mlly speak. Knowing hovv well customers of our store spoke of (Ahamher lain s {.'(■ugh Ki'ii,edv . 1 coin lu¬ lled to try it. One-half of a hoU I !e cured me o.ntirel v." J. A. \ r an V al/.ali, I lughesville Pa., says: 1 'handier!:!!'.’s Cong] tiemi dv has prm en s . vabiahh that 1 do not h - Male to recoin mend il to an v one.” Dr. F. Wing i, Ephrata, Pa., says: “Mr. J. 1 ). Kliiie, a eigai maker of this place, reports : complete cure of his cough with a 50 eent bottle of ('hand); rlain - t’oiigli remedy aftev he h :d tried others which had tailed." Eoi sale at "ge and VO cents per Hot 11* by A. 1 !. Henderson general merchant (’leveland, (la. IT 8 Iff M’fVf wkat wa si\y but wlmt HooT vAu-saipriJiadoas that tells the •tory ofimacii When inneed of meil iuaeremtMA" >;'')©P ’8 CURIS m im-v # A' 7 ho •:•/ I 3 gf 3 ."'1 j r£ : \ F'Cif- ' * ' t"d ■ "Z J? ■'** ■ m % M m *#;.. \:*iu ■*, lo til g-y & & qJ?*> li s, 8 , 10 , Fte DI.iT 0?f!C C Av rile lop price iss! Violins.$1.50, *.50, 8,4 20, *5, to 150. MAIL ORIIEKS WIB. If E€ pite mi i*t a tt Ej> T r rao> Aisfoltarps, Banjos,Gi:itar Withers, Cor nets, Flutes, Fifes, Flageolets, jlfeto harps, Accordeons, Drums, Blow Accor o»s, strings, Trimming aiul eases for al ; instruments, Music Molls, Music Ktau<!« [ Music Folios, Ocarinas, Music lfo\cs Harps rom 5c to $125 each, SET HRS IT ILF ffil. * Write for Fists to V, T. 11ARJVWEL1 118 Peachtree Hi. Atlanta, CJa.* ' Wu. V In a few week 1 \v ; || stall to ih Paste* a Maim ' Gainesville stock of gcSmls of every description ih:p h •• and in order to make r-. J propose mow to he in a i'i (’ I 'm will ha p be sold si lie have r -d out "d ; on to mak ! : r irmt.i ice, a i ”::I of ' 'no • • ■ : . 1 1 cost m 1 wiil -old for a. . AuoUie. til,at sold for 4 s, V, dl !i el • ! el ! . at - ; l ’.to. the *; ,un> '">'1 ’■ 50 , 'J'hl* best Con t s',and, \ es, ; o I ; M mid tim price will '.<• van dm- o te yi m from Vi to $ j wiil he do: d ;•( Vo ec Worth 65 c, will go at I He, imul Un* 4 : t ki.el cost. ! wm -<'i. a man v hole stock, liregan Shoe.-, it.;; kin I tii .< sell.-, at ;< | to ?t .25 S will sell now for a.'.i whole -I'd ,< (lainesvltle make, the i.iud iliai veil- fut now i i ■, Boots at less than f11 si. cost. BEST HATS- LOWEST FKK’E L Vv’ill sell the best lints eve;’ -old in (bsiiiesv i'il- or the mo: >?v Hats worth # 1.52 will ho closed out in this sale at a pd • ee 'lirough the Hat stock, ,-r-i»,,. l J NI)EUW A RE— LAI )! ES' A M) G i 1 XT.S„ • A'eii'- and Liidiclua ware, and .Men's Ovev-hhts, will be t>* at les than the in'i'st cyst. Bed Blankets wort h 75<; wiil '■ closed out at 50c; the 11 and kiftd at eHe. U .11 sell a d snmoth v ard wide Sheeting, tlm .«• kind for m jier y ard. Cli**' :i l .ge jier van!, Dre-s Goods will h v v reduei J in j nee ail ale;:': h line. FLOl'U Sl’G \K AND COFFEE The 5 1-2 pound Green Oi fl'ee I will sell now ti pounds to the dollar - as good ns anybody'.- a pound (Vffey. Puown Sugar :F< B>. to tlm dollar, and the per lihl i'ioui will be -old al, big lot a t ronv Oil" <)f th - 'cst thing in the. house I- a lot of ! Of Toii.i: , C() that 1 ll.iv just ebsed out VVIth^a hi.l'lli < '.iK.lilia factory. 1 closed 1 !; • 'if' lot ; i M it at a bar '.in, and will -i 11 it now as long as it I •!-; a; ,‘i(li per pound. W Tim\5t ft I BOXANXC sura m. yisi:ASfs ‘X 0 ** to t»«nofit from i,h« •if. urn 1.1 v driving ' i■ mi. tin offerus. H p‘‘fa ;too or ti uson oiufluto;. a^n** t # 0 i.( of J 5 *viiiit!* - Buliy peri r .i u. d c *io v. iii’. -a,- i . oy,wn iD<l. ;a.x ■■. '--h -i • V-. .. t rsl MvZtRI " * ' ’ v * Vg'r kfit'S*'* ’>■) »}!*.t vVi;;*Sd Si <>s fr?f 5 ;(f*'th'* pbnoft-e.^tiunisi y./«s Vf cGHtrtnj? tttiMk! iirieet fBri:^fi©*j f' hr-. > . '*o<l *rfifUtfiAlait * v ..WJSHU*. w'w- V- • rt?**'u f s * ttt* «t*,- c:ft» ' ■'}.** ‘lani.v.': I'lViiiM' S v, dv. FvUl^y of X• fin- V, -JUf j.B W *5 f fc FOR .Qiacutl Lhrn r - Keif im SeifBg i|»cfi!afc So ; •> ■■ S 06 -K.:,-, jCs»'i. SSU»; BWjuCtiaum. 01 .R®t'*S. 1 um, .I’i ,“;.I-ns,:ao. SOI CiUKi'l: , ’i. C-g ; n J&p - s. v D c ' fe b . i well as the best coal e On if. you cm" i Bake, Roast, Fry did do it without '.-.i* Mo and vbCi'j’t sun» 3 c )i stir do no affect b s. •- ay, i fsn;n ( ?vf\vyoRK. < . - • ■■ ■ ■. ho-i * ; ■> vv * BISEASi^^ OP TUP SKTIf i ff«? ike b.’iij* iipt) Liiianiin to oca>ni«. irfm.'mi’ <’• «jrn,aiK - -I k . ,.S< Li .; ' ■ .-»•»• > ia jaJ ,V -» . 1 ;. :i , •. -lie by drupsists Try Dr. baity i'ors? fj, 3 l v. hat n r Tonic, biooJ T — — ic l y ivti.-.nt.C'evt'