Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, April 09, 1897, Image 2

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m Qsialani Courier., Official Qrgnn of White County. p <s»-»k fliX, HJUot* ml Pxb- 1 t 3 het«. Cleveland, Ga. April 9, i897. 'sendaFschooe ‘•Suffer little ehihlren to come 'T*ito me. itnd forbid I lii'iu not, ■ of Mich h the kiiiocloni of „ : o.j veil.” We the members 0 >r « part of the member*) of Mt. Yoiiiih I’ap tist church are striviiur ]>;" <mt l\ to.keep our Sunday School in a tli i ■ inir, progressive o. dition, hut for the last few week* it teems that discouragement i* tin ring us in the face. Some of our members arc, appnrently tudoep. we rnnm t mw " hy out l.umber has lieen reduced, we have a good worthy Supt. good teachers,and plenty of literature, i ml wo can’t understand why the parents are so negligent about their children's! attendance at Sunday School. Why do they leave us to battle along with a few faitlifrl ones from Sunday to Sunday, Parents, children, young men, young women, who belong to out church, or who do not attend Sunday School of any denomina¬ tion; wc not only extend to you a cordial welcome, hut we entreat you to come to Sunday School, w< will try to make each Sunday morning pleasant as well as prof¬ itable for you. We will welcome you into our r,uinks with loving hearts, and (vfu hope,) helping hands. Malfo a good start next Sun¬ day morning, by coming to Sun¬ day School, to a. m.. Now, we know those who arc awake will come. An Interested One. School In Boyhood Days. When I was six years old my father sent me to school. 1 had uevor been to school before hut 1 ad hear! many scarry tales i bout school and school teachers. Ltd. however, I went n long for my first time, walked into school house sit. down waiting the arri¬ val of tlm teacher, scringing from ever larger student that came in, thinking lie was the teacher. Alas! In comes a man, who looked sour if lie had eaten pickles for breakfast, IIL lirst Avoid was in a gruff tone, “come lo order,” “Pay attention to the rules.’ lie read out a long code of rules, and also, the penal «ity lo many of them when viola¬ tes *. 1 cottUl not help from keeping luv eyes on him, as his looks re¬ mained so sour an .1 his tones so harsh I feared to move. Just before recess 1m took from the talde his oiler and oiled all the smalle.t students, when he got through oiling us he said, '‘re¬ cess,’’ We all walked, still fed the effects of the oil wo had re¬ ceived. and how the larger stu dents did tease us. Afte’ 1 a short period our atten¬ tion was attracted by a beating on the house, seemed as if a mule was kicking it. That meant to * turn to our hooks. That same . our expression remained mi his face; the same gruff tone remain to his words. B 'fore releasing us for dinner he ren ated our dose of of oil. 1 recoup lie gave us it to keep our minds front getting rusty during play tune, l don’t know what it was for, for he continued throughout the whole term. \\ hen 1 went there 1 did know my holers, l went about three months and 1 learned almost two thirds of them. I also learned to fo: r school teuchets; I learned to halo school even the name school ( made me tremble at ter i that. I thought it a place of! punishment in place of pleasure, j and realy that school was. Index, NOTICE. Alt who are indebted to me cither by note or account, must come in at. once an i settle at up, Hasp Av tf ull v, A. II. iicud u>ou. «i km of im ml A JIIXTUKE. Boy £UI! ; joy. fun. Gmi bust ; boy rust. f I unity !h Rub)»*k9. One thonrand women in Galesburg, 33s., earn their own living, rt doesn't ippear why. There ura plenty of me?., «d they seem lo 3s, clever. But these mo thousand women com© down town every morning to teach school, tv sell goods, to run typewriters, to nt-A four number when yon ring up the cen¬ tal, to send messages, to keep books, to work in factories, and on on. Most of these women have not only samed their own bread here. but that Dure bnilt homes. Perhaps if coma of the young men hero had done likewise then* might cot have been eo many a (must' bread winners.—Cor. Chicago Tribute. A Nt-w Way to Get CM Debt*. First Florist-— Young Do Pink is;; . low ?aycr, isn’t be? Second Florist -Last week he paid up the big bill ho owed me, and made afi er»ofapologies-suid he'd forgotten all ibout it. “Eh? Did you send hita a writ?" •‘No; the last tirao ho ordwed a boo {net to be sent to hia girl l made out a sill for thy past three year-;, giving tb* iddres! ouch bouquet went to.” “Yea.” “Well, Uu> Loy made a mistake, and ielivered the bouquet to Do Pink and ’-h« bill to ibo Kill.”—London Tit-Bits. tU$ Crxhbi vty Grower*, fymxc of the largest ('rowers of cran lunatjs nro Mr. Makepeace, whose plan* »li<xr,( on Capo Cod )>roduco about fiO.OOC barrels normally; Mr. hi a all, of if nr vich, who puts about 12.01X) bnabcls tn the market; Eitdi &Co., near Dctlin A'is., whose annual crop hnn roanhuo .0,000 barrels, and Joseph Hircla.aau, ut Ireatog, N. J., about 8,000 Irash-ii*. Yr. Philu'lclplua Pr»* rdY LADDIEt NG. »*e tt up or down cur boat shot out! Ytm who nr# oiU'smun uuiybe luiow; Thori> comnol no need that 1 afiould hoftd Annl.t nave to watch my laddls row. tlin ftoatlo;; trosaos of tho tr>;efl Bout, low to Etna tho river’* txige; A pl; 0 nf l>ird. tvlioue nwt wasaUnred, Hom: > Coif, out the sedgo. The Hwlft turn* of th« curving counsel Tho tranquil nook wbrso sieptf A htmmn flute, now yharj), now botti'B^ Ao low IxHMMUih tho IffiuR wo cropt. Thf' wet of tiio tiller ropes X>ripptnl nilvor lu that iruqrlo elr, fhe river'ti edge, 11 ko glam hedge, Grew dense with bhr.dowu Much an<4 taro, t eufldeu tteab of gicatulog Uwnp*. Where Blirill luu^htcr pierced tho (deft* A glint fuid glow on us bolow, Tboa - fitUluea*, and the rare rocwnMuht* A fe»wny bend tn crimson cap^ Eye*;, honest ryes, most darkly Mae; l&re unit) of «tu>w that voiuo and go Athwart u etutuo's iv»y hua, 0 mwti i v, lug, strange dementia breeds* What srirtt this quiet pulse of mine? What Illumed vbdou tho .sweet world and with Leompleto light dlvioel Ko ausvvw‘i*i But the moon shined on, Smiling, ma> haps with gentle glue. Why shouM l ti ibh wlfh her to Jrtso Tito ttifirt, who ts'uot for mof gome daj* the statu© will arouse, *lHro marido arms with warmth will giotv? Thun i;t JHh boat another’ll float. And she will watch my luchllo row. '*A»ul why." you nail, “toother lovos I’o I re-sign my goaUoUerf” “tiecaiwe <.th, mol |hocruelty!) I urn his maiden mint, my dear.” Got a Stuart Wheeler in IdOUSsville Courier ,iow-> evil U 1 \\"her.' do you Ini, your “o ids “1 buy them from the man w ho v . ertises ...t!...... Saved Bis Life BV U3XNa Ayer’s Cherry pectoral “When my aflepi- Ci eel sou \va3 seven years of age, he had ® ’• as severe a cough as I ever knew any- 01 one to suiter from, ©* Ho coughed luces . suntly, and spit up o? o| . blood, i tried every thing I could think of, but he constant* o • ?J|' L ly grew worse, ami I feared the poor o] little fellow would surely die. At last, 1 JJ1 *>: gave him A;*er’s Cherry Pectoral, being recommended to do so by the physic!au. Os lids medicine gave the child speedy re lief and effected a permanent cure.’’— 0 : I>irs. M. K. Dekat, Liberty, Texas. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral ol S) Received WORLD’S Highest Awards a I AT THE FAIR bcooseeoopseoooaoooooae »*«« »» iw.uu w ■ ---------y- rinrir Subst-vibe fuy your e. uutv r: ttayipyistu Su<atc<i^ aqi - , apts k» THE I«*> OST remarkable rH*>nV«0'X0VS S.QUO.-'QBKi H-v cures on 5to 8 record have been accompltshed by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It is ns,equalled .\u all BLOOD DISEASES. XOJ IfJE.- . < l'OBGIA- V,lijti‘ county: VTiiereas, Id. 33. MiW, Adininietrstor of Milton M.'ic-- • represents to the cons t in hiapelUion, do !y tiled Hud ent-.i edos: record, that lie inis, fully adtufaffctered the Mitton Moore es¬ tate. Tliis is therefore to site all persons ameenu-u, kindred and creditors, to -how cause if any they can, why tai.-l A la ;i;i‘Irator should not be disc.barged iVoni Ms diemissinu adiniviistni'seo the and receive Monday 1G- in j j *. es < t oil first sly 1307 a full and final settlement with | ill the hpbs'of naid estate lirr-ehehig li&d on that flay. J.H. Freeman, Ordinary Jtfe tSosebe i L)bel for divorce VP. .- Wind* Superi Cr'-ort Mai y Soselee ) April term 1807. j ToJMa? y How.hne: nd j You arc hereby coma landed to he. a i np] ear \ es serially or hy attorney, at the next tttiimrioy Court to beheld hi While no.tidy ( ia „ «n ihe secend Monday in A pi ii 1807. tea :sv;ei v tire above net Ion tor divojcii or in detail It thereof the for, rt will proceed to jvstice shall appertain. V/itiiess the lion, domi J. fCimsey Jinlge of said court. This Kelt. 1.3tli 1807. AY. It, rOWKU, C. 8. C: Laura Whllvoa lh t Lib-1 for ilivore© vs. \A hit© Superior Court W.iley Whitworth ) April tenu lbu7. To Wiley Whit wort b : ,i ai© hereby e-lu,- s: d d to • | V' , 1 m **t ™ , ? »* tlie next Superior court to bo held in j tVliile coutilt Ga., on lh« flecori-1 Moo 1 day in April ibi>7 to answer toe above | HCti >u toi divtr-ee or in dafeet ihereof the : court will proc.eed as to justice snail ap— pert .in. V\ ituer-a the ihiit. a. Klmt ! M-y Ju'-iie of said e.- urt. Tides feb 13ih, j ie;.(. \v. n. cuwl;;, c. s. V. F.vr.r, oat.c i Don’t put off ths (sowing of oats until iprinR. Mnk,i ready and -roolre t-o sow In tiaia. Wo hav« found the ruat, proof, oarly and thin pro !n...t;vo Bugio now, and havo ovary 4 in rovdinsKi to put in a heavy fall crop, tioptombci is none too <mc!y to begin. *AKMKH»' l’BUB CUT! AND AriRICguTfR AI. l-’.UUH, July is the farmer's bvonthing spoil, Msm'iq; as it doc., hotwenn tho steady strain of proparaf -hi, plnnffutcand oat tivatiou, mid llio glistering of all the srops, au l now we imv,, oppumiuiiy .a meet together, and while enjoying the pioiCUUUoiKiiat gatheidn.of, disensj pin 11 ami results and compare W« note with pleasure the revival in mat r parts of tho .w.ate,of tho old tntvt ooutt ty clubs and fairs. Non* except those who have participated in them c form any conception of die plcasuie atid the prolir- to bo derive J. They not only encourage tho social clement hy bringing tho members together, but turuUb subjects of eommon and gener al mfarcst, tho practical results of which are better crops, hotter ami cheaper homo raised moats, 11 ml n gen r d dis semination of tho bn t and most eoo uomicnl all plans. Lei these olnba l« form. /;d in sessions of th-a sum, to m <o! once a taouiU, em tffWHaawi 1 -riis..u-» developmants mooting tvs they rise and decide 0:1 plans for them. Dot tne die snasions include field, ftarden orchard and vineyard at ops, with the product* of the dnirv, poultry yard, apiary mi l ; | any profitable otlier industry which can be made and f liut ttd I to our ren. treen I id'tr. is slioaid boot;' j; • ! in cr -ry deport | meut. The co.upttiti m tiuiiengutdjp e>t often results i;i vai'tiblo dtscovorieN. Vnr iuetaitw, in a roue .t experiment among oluh mer.Hwrs in raising bii bogs, and in d *ct hag on t!i > cheap .-t food ' or hogs the o )-a varied from f.-.roo | to M, cents. A wide in irgi .i and s I ddreiittlea wlri h >■ n' I but. tesn't- in valuable inform;.! .on to tho high©! 1 priced hog raisar. Tim *l'ar.;ttii..* ' 1 : 1 ,,ll|l|. QTtKS I rJO.v. i el!, he n vie! clover which Would d’-o v-cii t mil c-. Hors.- , cult tin and h g.. nr- onu it. p, u of any value ? Ax;ovi::t. -Tlion’aotiNii .t u >v| hut l>(‘tiia;:;s to tin? .-era.lorn :,imi;y. It is the ' Oarolin 1 Oimuc's P t: lor;-. »i»Bi C.!!'.i!!m'.rjum), a inm'? Atlatitio vari m. aid i? u.u.ll? found on ltd sides or in > .;*>«. p.m-'-.ts In rich, CU.tivarod fin Ii, u w . > often makes a rank growth ;u u w- . 1 . It is not uaa il for s >.i e.i' it, n'ltoc. there ts n PC:!, ;;.V .„t'..»- fo. i 1: oomotiuite pr xtu •••.•• -ir anal. And .quickly o vk:c' th • laid vh-.e it, | lmsobtained a ; ot 1 . r.d 1 , tHi oe.tlue m .if ifflidv otbar cnn.'*in« spocios. itis-na 7* ica > antra ,***,-. ,1 i!, m tk I inpits growth tu t:i■' spring, and n<n oUy dying tK-foro mblsommer i> tins state. It is easily destroyed by cultiva¬ tion, and is of i,;, agricultural v.dua.- Stats Agricultural Department. TURNIPS. 1 . A.cul phosphate, BOO. pounds; nb •trate of so la, 205 pound ;; muriate or potash, itt* uonuds; sulphate of lime, Ulj pounus. 2. Cottonseed meal. 5T.1 pound*; acid phosphate, 1,000 po*.u is; kain.t, dOtf pounds; sulphate of lime, icO pour.ds llroadoast stable manure, with pounds of either of the ub >v >, tur:. un¬ der, harrow uuiil a ; lumoi u’> hrikoi!. Then apply in tho livi i. c-u i r of i :.■> ahovii at tho rata of old pound l<r acre. , f ..... H7 ■fl 7\; ■ i ,Wn 1 j/7.~S - YSr l os. u w% i tL W yf;.!-. '■ I ty m 1 v a 1 / 1 v 4 J-i Xi&Ju JSa! a V riUUMUWi..* ,C?."V , ... Kd < -a i--,.vc ;. ISuELSi-J: CiLS-At-E-G-' ' T».L,n.) FfiliiS.SD^i Hi . A, • '..5 JS'otioe. 1; KOCRIA—vtlute county: Wlscr«ii3 : . B. Lt Mearfere, represent Is t/j ih& ecuri id Iris pefttimi ^:t)y filed •lie' entered tin record, .that b ahader'e ' bar- folly ad ministered Sirs' Cun; lice estate. Tfcig therefore to cite gll person? ccri f < i Df d, (’filers an 1 / creditors, 1 o pliovf came, if any they can. why raid admiidslrator should not be discharged f,. OItl administratieti and receive ,.f .lisiirHsh-n < n the first Monday * j^ TJ ;i v . J.IJ FR bKMAN, Ordinary. \S\ \\. Spiii' ii, drug clerk with J. W. Mi'Cmmcll, |Wfii; '-ii Pn., h;iv^: 1 was out nil n’ght lust winter am! <'ontrunted :\ veve coid. I mas !i rursc for a , week I could ]i 11 c! Is. speak. I Knowing how well cii-Tomc:> j uf om* stoic spoke of Clm.iubcr. lulu’s {'i-'igli Hcmedy, J coucbi dec! to try ii- (Inc-iiulf i;f a !>;>{ > tic cured me entirely.” J. A. Van V -Izah, 11 ughcsvillc ] Pa., says; ChambcrlaE.’sCmigh : llctncdv lias proven so vaiuabli*! that I do not lb -;tatir to ircunt mend it lo c.ny oik*.” I>r. 1 . Winger, Kphrafa, i’ •..! | -.CVS; “.Ml*. .1 I), Kline, a cigar mckcr cf this place, report, a complete cure of his cough with a So cent hot tie of Chatnbcrlam s Ccuyli remedy after Ini had tried ct her - v.iiicii had failed.’’ Foi sate at 25 und 50 cents per hutlli by A. II. Henderson, general l merchant Cleveland, Ga. WEtTFi \ ill ?rii HHill? ukyjD 1 s O Send 5 ct i. in ttAir.p* f o tin* ATLANTA 1 DAILY HERALD, "O.G’V. V* Great Mm ’Home' I’lif'er,’ '■vr s for tlsf-’r a MripituoDi sair.ple ov } >8 <■% ..'-y day fU-S'.fiptton Fd’U.n. u ;*8 * ” <;t 1-Jot > ic-•* ( f (rt >i> f % that sttijN.'si'er. lutily I to they Additi* 4’ tree C> rn.'.T. givti lo i. • to -*aH. every ahw r«u copy tiff- Hi ts mj< .. Art la i *> Coi«»rs». suit able wU& f■ 1 r frantinj.% f t hat hi store* Ut halt a dollar, wilt bo rt'trt ■w i " Mffi geiKh 5 i'duts for (he e spy uh is ims u*t i iscitAi. oi t f;w-t'Vfci. :o.v;.r nv BY A a NEWPcoPliK. ■ PM'. YAdffi*. S*MCripth.ia Dept.. myrAi.n. Att,r.t*. *•>. pm *» m iltl wl ’ cj i'i- if; «‘A “7 L:- kik I fej ■ -.;r -Vjbali i m r-r 4 r*3Sk SW ;:w r.k 1 U n : ve- ' s fe SA-v/ is 1 . V. f 14 Y, \ a \. ■3— - -Si - .FI 1 18 LVuddrce St. Alla UP) a. i L tv ( a 41# O FOR fRICES cf *V s-iASfa'J® a « r :iisviit!D<r ^ its <h e usnsi O * P i s a «ff a < S-- *# Mauuoitus. ®i.-a f %f (*£ O fitfc a S3; *ipas. * 5 ? fw“ V ) >.?■> <t,P x. 9) s, *iUV f. 3> A 9 r» e SJs, | * ii mini's. AIM* ■ff \J “Z jA s. ■ a V % ; /r«t» 8, SO, 1 c2* c’g? A) c St's b c>5 % r -r- a % it. iijsr a & *■ fl*0 D1AT4LV2C Gl' )S- El ^ X 4 fe ■> W 1 fl L ,« 5 0 Q m dollars. f V lor e in-IS OCSOrgjHf.KI io' ( l h M £3> ■ -& £ S t > <s5 ^ a . r > ;G -s >" G <5 . (J J* H af ii 5 , 2 O 9 I -■> cj q »> £4 ih / Ti E £>-jz z: « « ^ r*' ar Li. ^ K 9 i * 1 ^ ^ j> fe .’k k E j St r Lw >' £ -s fit « t f v « j SzL-lA -Jt ^4 A ii v PMB51 FT ATTEMTiL^ A n '. olutriw. Slsiujos, C4 si i in r 5?-1 j fat*rs k *J?g * h K* _ 513 fife. Fiistr^, Fifes, £as:eoicts 9 Aecordeons, Dniins, SSiow Aeeor ^tring’g*, mvJ eases IiH 6* a nVi Si *rv y C oils, 3rS ;isf $i’.\ UAt , e tf i» * £ <. 3»>i? nsie jSk v3 c n IS. M us?t 7 s Cl Si os 5 0earhuis 9 * «■> fid. or ii r n fe J r5b*ve.y II arpsronB r"r s* - go iu^i25 eac?i ffiriTT telti iliUdiy ill a MUIF ibiul ifebfe ! LuiJL as Write for Lists foV. Ga. « ii & v <i X* « ^ isr ^ ^ ^ . e. 118 Peaelstree 8L Allan aits -1 S* €3 a*t K 4 # UT §P| m RIGes AT uftS STORE!;! In a few week 1 will start to tin !vi-tern MiU'kets to hit in tin* lar¬ gest -ii rk of good.- of i verv de-erietioii tiint has ever been bn.ui lit to (i •‘iu-.-villc and in order to make r«in my store for these goods, 1 propi - > now to begin r, CU i l’IiirK SA-Llv. Neat ';, - cvctvlhmg will b.* will vi!i ti. be. put down I to f.ic\ < o-f the am, co-i a - ,>l --ii mr y a.t , •• r- j -old at les.- it! ;•<■-!. i a g. isnmt Ihingswit! liave adihing to ;!<• with t he sciibi”'. 1 hey .oust oaf ai some price ts> make man for my spring slock. CLOTH i-.S (T I’ A U. T<) i’i KCKin. For mstaace. :t ml <>) i !,’<»{ ■ i-*.o se!;s eve; v;v.!)-:*re -eli.*, |(•:,ty cost nv ill o solo for e. An utcr -mi. the Ir's! ( l.u'viiU suits that sold for •*.<, will be cl. - •;! out in tbA > ;k- ioitg as ; hi", Iasi at r{-!)!>. Tl.*c - I >u»ts will sold at Si ‘b . and the S3 salts -.-a v2 ;j;j, i !c lie ,-1 Coats and Yo.-: that said at you can get now »• •f! and ti.e pi ice ;viH be ran down to si id, N'n- ( 'a - -!iio r PsnD worth from *1 to f 1 will !> ■ closed at 75 cents to K>. Jeans Pants worth C.3<’, will go at 48c, and the i‘i !<ia 1 at r-0 •, Ovie'cn its at less than cost.' fsiKaf !HKr THE CUE tPEST AN.; PEE SHOES. GamesviH** * 1 »ESA‘ I will .-©i, a man’s whole stock, Bn gnu Shoes, nine tlm kind th » sells at -f 1 to *1.25 1 will sell now for tide, W ouren’ who!: ,f; ,4 . iaiaesville make, the kin I Unit sclis for »i. will gi how i , ■, Jlc-ots at U*!»s than tir-t cost. BEST HA’i'S—LOWEST PEL ’ES. Will ; ;>11 flu'best Hats eve: 'oiii m G lincsvilli* fur the numev. [ 1; 1 1a worth 81.5*2 will be clo« il cut in tin.-; niU* s;t 88>, and on on all .hrouglt tin' lint stool-;. . Aafd £i'NDERW A L E—LAI»! ES’ ,\N D (i EN TS. ZZ .Yen’s iiiid Lndiebci wnro Mild Men's O’, ( ishii t;-, \vi«: !,p ! ! :■ t les; than liie ii.-tvf cot. Hcfl BhuiUrl v. ui t ii ffn- v, i!i ('!(„.•■() on! at 5 ic; the ii itnfl *'.25 kin;i ::l »ctc. Wii! sell it gaX smooth •• ard wi<b* .Sh!*eti«*r, I In* •>«■ kin.I for !<• (*;' V:!r !. blhrick, :;l 3 1 -2c j)'.’)' yard, l)i-t>.-.s Goods will b*t minced in print! all nioiljp 1 ii i liui*. l’LOl'U SUGAR AND COFFEE. The 5 1-2 j.oti'.d fjrccn ('offee ' will mi oo.v 8 pout ids to J.,!1 ut —as good anybody'.- 5 pound (..’< IL ■. Brown Sui>- ir H lo th«* d ii sir, ; ii i Ut ->5 per bhl Fbutr .mi; a,* so d at i. SO. BIG LOT A 1 TOE A t Oi;“ ol fin* brat thing in ii h''Use is a let of .JOc 1 b.w en that hire ju-l elosia] i ll 1 , v'lth , or! h f roii ;;i facierv i lo-ed lot ; i get !< ut a lmrj*!, v.'ill sell il im ..v tts p*i; 30c per pound. F TLI > ’ CL . West Side Public. S 411 G>i!ti!-s\ Ga. BOTA3HC 1 L 00 G BALM A Remedy # FOR S»8 ALL DISEASES, 1 SLQBD -at 1 This r«««4y ku Um lrf*4 sad koI f«k»d ytmtirng. f *■ (»rjg r *•*•».** 0 emiB«as nhysidaji. wh* has mi h benefit. !.,«=!!( Which It fro*a troK 18 tli. *r,t 4 “ ■*pVfS5 f to ualiy dritr , | ttiwri. s, hat 1 — ta ?«5*st ------ = i *6ade &n4 4 u u tharaa^h tat kfh It feac k&c e». vi¬ *• ’ stiai bl«*c4 i fe‘t^a*? the snftcT&r. rival. A ?“ficy!u”gWiV^»ro!«TU' ; it rd witlia na 3 * it Wyaci cawjMtriaoa n *jh li* any “ pA.aaac., alley ,.aa all >U9 re stilticg iasjf'.ro lild ani.kij bk-ed — tkfe current <*i Mssen i car** &rc«T«3lc. riKirs. 'sh&Z <36JK>j aM Aptian?: lAvos\ Ptt*a»iirr W*s*H*jr ti~z>a6a, SSsSiSk-JV *:sra»jn. l*MMisls W «ak. aee», ?»*rvcoi ®S;.«ttWs etc. IHVKSTJSA7E FOr* YOUSSCLF. wi< V w* 44 *' 1 '® sf sr«£,iS< »( r»»>»rk»l,i* cnrM. oc-c .l. I,*.. all Kb* , siwr etifi witk. * f«rtift«i i M. SuJ'-o is * verier ir*fa>tujr *e^ Care ■e for (f-r »il all kiaiie kiufis #f »cr»s, » »*r«e, ©rap tie.i?. ate. Prifc*. c*i-?*-r feex. Si. Et. Ef. StmnS; exMltemt f*r c% irrh. etc. f rise eta. Fvf box. Jhuu my v - MllSKEI n<-t be iU*eef7fh* ’s^iiBor^ ud fcSOST POFUI.&X JSEWIKQ f-ACH5XS t r fcntrpc S*y?r** wrtwiirilWfJtm 4 hoi h .%k fe t zpn&iii**--. i,y hp*a*t ammur v C • 1 WMK Ir vine ws>r)4 «>aA cncb <*>1 in 1 mnc-ficmb-Gt mne- .nss i, Aar 0 ( **r*.*% pftrtd.UnntiPris of J dii i tQhDV LOJCiy {Ol SatBrorcRiH»tf WRJTE FOS The 0CU>-ftC.MAL3. *ew Mg:* UC<*TO3t,M4a*- a Sflrfig S£ VKIQ0SW7A9K, Swiias id, V T. GKJoiOO, San Irak. Cht, loCt-JS, t?4*. Kto. PAUDgws <*a. :• aufoipoo, An.iMi, Foa fz&LC 14V ti. i. . .. .. ...... o lOh. D» Ja i&is a ’• 1 ‘ £T 2 ‘ £ f.' m T& & ; •. 7 »,-v ; **: : ■ •, d’ J « s’ MSfcUh’lru 5 ’A • '.1 v 5.* Vasily uioiiern , G.i -sii»v V y\l i .. u .,'.*? ~T'rn i CffLS! !L*A ;st v iumlta 1 ’rit-i’N vfip'’ c '-'..‘isoiiaiiifi* OWttin ttifid ixoax Air Un'xl d Mfr and comwatSscns. | mmt swOTwaca. BELVFOERE, ILL. ^e«s«*r"S)iETZ OIL S will cooh anything- in any way at well as the best coal or wood stove. On it you crur Bail Broil* Bake, Roast, Fry, L-iddn it all wiihout heating up yogr hou>e, c 1 vrrb T-f V H’/ke or cms.ll. !):.v.i; r hi, cf air do r.oi- afiec”. t> i..... ? : *r.a’:e ii s-iaoke. f ■ _ - S* <’ a V - ; jFFE; 1" - the pc.rpr f i itro’uciry ' 1 ■ ie : ’ -I :U ! • i i ft wi; i 511.. tir •r.;y > cf . ::i r = L. £ DISEASES OP THE r SP. The iutensn iliking' at. I f:nsfk>c ind dent to eczema, it *«. sslt-rhenuicad other dkr - fjS of ths fa ia**a»£y alAved by applying Cksfsfaazfaht’c Kys !*tn uw Skin Oin*ai?c.t Ms; wry bad cv« beta pert3ac€!itly C378.-1 by «J. H fa equally etScstot for itri.-tis pila» *md tiipEt*rem¬ edy Wcit for fr.wt sore niprda*; biiae and chr.njw! ek 'ttjN chil For r.Ktas, : re¬ : ' eyea. rode by drag?:if: ts at 2-> < - ox. Try Dr. Ckdy- Casdllif-- thev irejast what a lv.rsr: nee-d , ? ondi tioa. Tonic, bltxx! puriliat Trhant.Clev S