Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, May 18, 1900, Image 2

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The Cleveland Courier. Official Organ of “White County. Ci.kyei.ano, Oa . MAY 18, 1900. Published weekly at Cleveland* Georgia. CltAS. \V. Curry, - - - Editor. Entered at tlie PoKtoffifp at Cleveland fia., as Second Class mail inciter. RATES OF SURSCRI i TION One Year. - $0.75. Six Months, - - .40. 'three Months ■ .20. Su’ • eviption payable in Advance. Ad¬ vertising' rfttes made known on applica¬ tion. Correspondence solicited. IIa\ ing sold niy interest in the Cleveland Courier, Press, good will, etc., to Mr. Alex. Davidson, ReV. C. W. Curry having leased Mr. John Martin’s interest, it is with pleasure that I turn over to these gentlemen the responsi¬ bility of furnishing White County with a Newspaper, Fearing that I might follow my predecessors in t he newspaper business, that is as some have said, “break,” I thought best to sell my interest in tlie same to those who were more experienced in the paper business, and who were more able to stand it, should tlie people of White see fit to let them break. Thanking my friends for their support while and during tlie time I have been connected with the paper, and assuring them that the l at per will now be better than, it has been for some time previous, 1 trust that the people of White County will give the paper their loyal support, and that all the public officers of the county will, when opportunity presents for ad¬ vertising, not forget that we have a county newspaper, and that the gentlemen who are running it, like the balance of us, have to live. Again thanking the previous sup¬ porters of the Cleveland Courier for their kindnesses, I am, Yours Very Respectfully, G. S. Kyti.k. SALUTATORY, This being our maiden effort as the Editor of the Courier, we can but ask your indulgence for a time. It shall be our purpose to give a clear, clean sheet each week, with all the current news of the County. Among the most interesting feat¬ ures of our columns will be our “Religious Column” edited by Rev. A. F. Nunn. At present the Subscription of the Courier is not verv large, but it is growing daily and soon we .hope to have at least 500 Subscrib¬ ers, on our Mailing list. Thanking 1 lie many friends of the Courier for their valued favors in the past, and soliciting a' continuation of them in the future, we remain, Yours faithfully, Editor. Don’t Borrow a Neighbor’s Pa par but Subscribe for it Yourself- Reports from all over the state ; show that the vote cast in pri¬ mary Tuesday was vary light. 1 However small it was, in Oct. you may expect old Georgia to roll up a good majority for the Democrats. Atlantic is now thinking of calling a convention to see as to why Uncle Lon Livingston did not have her in the line of j the great eclipse. No doubt our Uncle Lou would have used his influence for the Gate City had j he known her people were anx¬ ious to he in the path of the eclipse. This convention would very well follow the recent ca¬ nine show. A Miners Convention. One of the most inter¬ esting conventions of the year will he held in Milwaukee, Wis. June, 1$. when the men who dig the many metals from Moth¬ er Earth assemble to exchange ideas and perfect plans by which the mineral interests of the coun¬ try will he more fully developed. ANNOUNCEMENTS. * I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of White county. I pledge myself if elected to fulfil the duties of the office to ihe best,of my ability and to the best interests of all the peo¬ ple of the county. I ask the sup¬ port of all my friends and will appreciate to the fullest extent anything they can do or say in my behalf. Price Jackson. At the solicitation of my numer¬ ous friends I have decided to make the race for Clerk of the Super¬ ior Court, subject to the Demo¬ cratic primary—should otto be held. If elected I promise faithful¬ ness in office. FRANK LOGAN. I hereby announce myself a Candidate f«r Ordinary for the County of White. For some time many friends in different Districts of this County have talked with me Urging me to become a candidate for Ordinary and have kindly promised their influence and aid in securing my election. Yielding to the pleasant persua¬ sions I have concluded to offer) myself as a candidate for the office so worthily tilled by the different distinguished gentlemen of this county in the past and respectfully ask the support of my friends and fellow-citizens. If the favor of the people shall cause my elevation to this respon¬ sible office of this county, I shall endeavor to discharge its import¬ ant duties with credit to my sell' and fidelity to the interest of my county. I hope to be elec¬ ted and if so shall use my en¬ deavors to give the people a dean, honorable and efficient s tv ice. Yours Respectfully, J aims E. McAfee. COUNTY DIRECTORY. ____ | ■'Superior Court. John B. Estes, Judge, Gainesville, Ga. William A. Charters, Sol. Gcnr’l Dahlonoga, Ga. Court 2nd Monday in April and October. County Officers. J. II. Freeman, Ordinary, and ex-officio Clerk of Board of) Reads and Revenues. B. M. Cox, C. S. C. W. A. Jackson, Sherriff. Z. T. Logan, ) Board of II. A. Allison, y Commissioners A. M. Dean. ; R‘ds & Revenues S. N. Black, Tax Collector. John W. Johnson, Tax Receiver. M. L. Allen, Coroner. JUSTICE COURT DIRECTORY Mt. Yonah, 861st G. M. E. P. West, N. P. & J. P, W. J. Oakes, J. P. Court 3rd Friday. Chattahoochee, 1497Mi G. M. W. T. Crumley, N. P. & J. P. G. A. Vandiver, J. P. Court 2nd Saturday. Naeoochee, 427th G. M. J. R. Lumsden, N. P. & J. P. W. S'. Afc^eu, J. P. CYart 1st Saturday. Tdyyjee, 658th G. M. j. c. Bim. sKJj. p. & j. p. B. v. P. ColBI 4th Saturday. Blue Ridge, 1439th G. M. B. J. Beach, N. P. & J P. II. P. Smith, J. P. Court 2nd Saturday. Town Creek, 836th G. M. J. K. McAfee, N. P. & L P. L. G. Ash, J. P, Court 3rd Saturday. Shoal Creek, 862nd G. M. J. A. O'Kelley, N. P. & J. P, F. M. Hulsey. J. P. Court 1st Saturday. Mossy Creek, 826th G. M. M. B. Moore, N. P. & J. P. E. A. Alexander, J. P. Court 3rd Saturday., White Creek, 1441st G. M. J. B. Skelton, N. P. & J. P. IV. I. Humphries, J, P. Court 1st Saturday in each month Blue Creek, 721st G. M. J. B, Robertson, N. P. £ J P. IV. T. Satterfield, J. P. Court 2nd Saturday. MASONIC DIRECTORY. Yonah Lodge No. 382 F. & A. M. Cleveland, Ga. Lodge Meets 3 P. M. every 4th Saturday from May until October, then a 7 p.m. until May. Z. T. Logan, W. M. W. II Staton, S. W. S. L. Brown, J. W. J. W. II. Underwood, See’y S. B. Logan, Trcas. li. P. Kinsey, Tj lor. PARES STORK. JOHN MARTIN, PROPRIETOR. DEALS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. A full stock of Everything Usually found in a First-class Geiural Store is kept Constantly on Hand and at Prices to suit tlie Times. No need to go to Gainesville when you can do as well at home. We have naAY on hand, in the newest styles, a Specially selected stock of Gent’s Extra Fine Clothing, Wliic we are offering at prices that will suit. We also pay the Highest Price for All kinds of Country Produce. Come and see us. Are You Going to Build? Write us for Prices ou Sash, Doors and Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets, Columns, Stair and Veranda Balusters, turned and sawed; Shingles, Flooring and Ceiling; Paints, Lend dan Oil, I you or your Neighbor are going to build, Write us for Prices. CITY PLANING MILL CO. JOHN A SMITH MFG. CO: PROP’S, tjW INBVII.I.E, All eyes Are Turning to THE SOUTHERN STATES. The Best Section in the South IS Northeast Georgia. Thatportion of the State known ag WHITE County Is pre-eminently rich in Natural resource. THE CLEVELAND CODRIER Is Designed. to help this Forward Movement, and will endeavor in every way to Build up a Lasting Prosperity For this reason we ask a kindly interest and tin uncial support to the ex« tent of a subscription.