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DEVOTE!) to the mining agricultural and business interests op white county.
Vol. Vly No, 12]
- M *- ; -. :
Local Happenings.
Mrs. W. A. Jackson spent
Wednesday' with Mis. A. 11.
Quite a crowd attended the
dance given at J. M. Morris, one
night Iasi week.
Mr. A. G. Quinn made a busi¬
ness trip to Gainesville. Monday.
Mr. Luther Cooley after spen¬
ding some time at his home at
Leo, is huek in town again.
Mr. .1. II. Brackett spent a few
da vs this week in Cornelia.
Miss Katie Harrison is visiting
Mi's. R.R. Asbury of Pleasant
Retreat this week.
Mr. A. H. Hendersoh has beep
very sick for a few days this week
A large crowd attended the
public saloiheie Tuesday.
Prof. Crowder, who was elec
ted.teacher of our school at a re¬
cent meeting of the trustees, fail¬
ed to appear Wednesday morning
when he, promised to be here and
sointment v, 1 iffo-h Viiiisedl/'iin-l.
amonst the stu
r 4efi’ts and parents.
Running iike mad down the
street dumping occupants, or a
hundred other accidents, are ev¬
ery day occurence. It behooves
everybody to have a reliable Salve
Burns, Cuts, Sores, Exzema and
Piles, disappears quicklv under
its soothing effect 25c. A.II.
TO J3K - Good
as new—a Blickensdcrfer Type¬
writer, No. 5, price $20.[original
price $30.] Our reason for selling
is that we have another,and have
no use for two. Address: P.
Davidson, Loudsville, White
County, Ga.
It is my desire to sell my home
place in Cleveland Ga. There is
on this place a splendid dwelling
house and out buildings, there is
about one aud one half acres of
land goes with the house etc.
Call on me for price and terms.
Mrs, E. B. Craven,
Cleveland Ga.
Mr. J. C. Cooley, left for Men¬
lo, Ga. this week where ho will
enter the banking business. Mr.
Cooley is a bright young man
and no doubt will make a promi¬
nent business man.
Rev. R. P. Jackson, of Clarks¬
ville paid us a short visit Tuesday
and still enjoy’s reading the
Cleveland, Georgia, Jan. <>, 1904.
With this issue we commence
the publication.of our paper at
50 cents per year. If you want
it during 1905 write us a postal
and pay for it any time during
the year.
Mrs. O. M. Lothridge, of New
Holland is visiting her father Mr.
B. W. Allison, who is,still .in a
serious condition.
Miss Fannie Lou Courtenay left
Wednesday for Bishop whore she
will visit her sister Mrs. Kenuner
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bracket,
Spent Saturday night with,). II.
Brackett and family. ‘
Mr. Peter Davidson Jr. was in
town one day last week.
Mr. Will Asbury of Clarksville
visited his mother at Pheasant
Retreat one day this' 1 week.
Mis. J. W. H. Underwood has
been very sick for several days
but is better now.
Miss Martha Palmer has spent
several days of this week in
town. f
Sautee Clippings
Rev. .Standridge had the
fortune to loose his horse a short
time ago.
Miss Matninie Bristol who has
been in Colorado, for several
years returned home one day last
We learn that Mr, C. L. Frank¬
lin will move to the Asbestos in
a short time.
Mr, W. I. Stovall has the sym¬
pathy of this the
loose of his renter Mr. Thos, Car
roll, who departed these coasts
for parts unknown one uigth last
Christmas has been unusualy
quite this year, some of the good
old Baptist Bretheru took on a
little too much moon shine.—
(Wonder if some of the Metho¬
dist didn’t take on a little too?)
Mr. Win Sosebee backed out
of that land trade with Messrs.
Trotter, Cathy, and Berrong
wheh he come to sign the deed.
Mr. Williams and family re¬
turned to their City home last
Tuesday after spending Christmas
at their Summer home in Nacoo¬
The Oyster supper and exercise
held here,was well attended and
much appreciated, and the Prof-
was enabled to make two month¬
ly paymentson the piano bought
on the Installment plan.
Sdhool at Naeoochee Institute
opened up Inst Monday with a
good attendance, we are expect¬
ing students from quite a distance
in shortly.
After spending Christ mass
holidays with home folks Mr.
Clinch Williams returned to his
business in Atlanta.
Messrs \\ . M. Crumley, Lute
.......».d Mr. Smith
,t,st iv,ok ", Nacooch,, ,,,,
hunting trip.
... ... •
W <* will le ,, of wedding
you T a “
. here week. ,
up next
The little son of Mr. T.
Winkler, who got three of
fingers cut , oft one dav , - last week
1 with U it h 4) a shingle ehm . ,, saw, . ., * . is ■ ......14... getting on
fairly well.
Mr. John ’Cannon of Lumkin
county Mt. PieTt&anx*Cemetcrv. was hnried last FC't , o
Mrs. Sarah Ferguson of L inks
county is visiting her son here at
Mr. Roe Jarrard and family of
Texas was here last week.
Mr. George Smith and
of Texas are visiting Mrs. Smiths
parents Uncle John Winkler.
Messrs. Frank and Charlie Hull'
of Halfway visited their brother
H. H. Huff last week.
Rainy weather and muddy
roads seem to lie the order of the
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo=Quitaine Tablets,
the remedy that cures a col,! in one -lay
Write ua stating what kind of
Machinery you use or win
Install, and we will mail you
Free op all cost
Pocket Diary and atlas
Commercial calendar
Gibbes Machinery Company,
A stock: of horse power hay
[Price 50c.
Town Creek Topics.
The little child of Mr. ,1. l>.
Cleveland, has been very sick for
;:s * *f*
a few days
Mr. John Nickelson of l’nion
[county j here for is oil a days. visit to relatives
a few
Mr. Judge Ktris is visiting i*l
over ihe mountain, this
Mrs. Sarah Ash, has returned , ,
home from a visit to Florida.
s| , ...... Ntx h „ s ........
U l.itec:,,,.,!, .
Mr. Tom Clark of Gainesville
this . section . bundav. ,
was in
Mr. Jim Robertson will move
to Lun.k.n county.
It would be a good thing if
people would give the facts about
price of cotton instead of
telling . 1 that cotton . is ]() 1(1 emts
when it has been only 7 cents.
Leo 'Locals
We are having some very
cdYssngenbh* weather here at pres¬
Mr. M- Q- Keith and son visi
ted relatives at Dip last Sunday.
S( . h(H)1 A,none up afc,h Headship
Monday win; a g< od- attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. E T. • Ivey VISl
ted G. F, Ivey and tuu. - i. I v
Sunday. tf rtti
rhe ,,
Another year has eojffS' to
gone and can you >how what you
have done?^
Your coirespontent visited W.
J. Ivey Saturday night.
Mr. Will and Alex Whitlock
visited your correspondent Sun¬
Messrs Ernest, Wiley and Peurr
Keith went to llit' school at Shoal
Creek last Monday.
Wo understand that Mr. Ches¬
ter Cooley is going to leave us we
are sorry for him to leave but
wish him all success in his work,
Success to the Courier and its
many readers for another year.
■ '
pi[sv '• j CSC v7-:'s, ■ fees,
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A: El.Y CYB2L*.
23 and 50 CENT3A BOX.
j Scld by a'l ! Fuiiiiiy i r. --iris! s. 2~ V .'■■■ no other.
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