Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, January 06, 1904, Image 2

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Schednle of Arrival aid Departure of Hails To aid From Cleveland, Ga. Arrive. Depart. Cleveland to Lula, daily except Sunday---- 6 p.m. ...7 “ to Cornelia,daily except Sunday 12 in..... 1 p.m “ to Walnut, “ “ “ “ to Robertstown,daily exeoptSun. 12 m.....12:30a,m “ to Halfway, Tues„Thurs. & Sat. 5:15 p.m.....6:45 a.ra “ to Oculus,Tues. Thuv. and Sat. 5:20 p.m,....I p.m In effect from July 1 st, 1904. to June 30th, 1908, inclusive. ssKos are preferred by teach¬ ers on account of won¬ derful tone quality, and remarkable durability. WE HAVE AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION TO MAKE YOU If you intend to purchase a piano at any time in the near future. Tt will cost 30 U nothing to learn what we have to offer. THE HARVARD PIANO CO., Manufacturers, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Have you In Dyspepsia, Stomach, Liver, Nerve Troubles or Constipation ? (rm at*, oyspuw cum] CHYLO WILL CURE YOU It is not a ready relief bat a permanent oure. It Im thm Real Dyepepafa COM. Chylo rlo is not a patented medicine, nutria a prescription^which has made famous one of the world’s ands from greatest these stomachspecrniiste, whohos as^itin Ms practice for 18 yeOTS^cnriig thoua .... jj .... ..... .m, ....... ion means good, ...--- ------------strong, well nourish'---------- .... resisting disease. Chylo ma are, fresh,.red blood, strengthens the nerves and cures all disorders arisinf '------ and strong. is the cause of appendicitis 1 31 ruse it causes the intestines to retain many matter irr varang he retained luaiwro which when not removed, ] n luce this dreadful malady. No such can when Chylo is used. There.of s Chylo is a sure cents. preventive Of appendicitis. Chylo can be had at yon c -uggist, price®) Made only by the f * YLO CO., 2448 Calumet Ave., Chicago, III. WIRE SFJTEEai FOR YARDS & CEMETE! 08 $. STRONG AND DURA LE. WILL NOT ROT AND FALL DODYjg LIKE THOSE MADE OF WOl WIRE fVND IR0N tree boxes 'IvV ADJUSTED AND A SURE pTFOR YOUNG TREES. rFLOWER POT STANDS. STROUD AND NICELY CONSTRUCTED. MOUNTED ON CASTORS. HANDSOMELY FINISHED IN GREEN AND GOLD BRONZE. WEATHER VANES rOH CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE RESIDENCE. A COMPLETE LINE ON HAND. ALSO, WIRE AND IRON FENCES AND POULTRY NETTING. «* DOW WIRE WORKS CO. Louisville, Ky. A supplementary budget of $2P,d00, 000 for the expenses of the army in German Southwest Africa fts a result of the insurrection will be presented to the Reichstag, says the New YorK Tribune. Even this sum embarrasses t’he Imperial Finance Ministry, which is striving to reduce the annual de¬ ficits and at the same time provide additional funds for various public works and for the army and navy. The progress in suppressing the na¬ tive risings appears to be going c.n measurably well. About fourteen hundred recruits are going to South¬ west Africa, largely to rep’ace the losses' of the commands iri the field from sickness. /FLUFFY DOWN Is Royal concentrated Elastio Fait downy Mattress. effect me of six layers of felted cotton of selected quality. In the concen¬ tration there is no hardness. They are soft at first, and remain so through years free of constant use. Write for booklet, “The Royal Way to Comfort.” If your dealer hasn't it, write us. PRICE We prepay PRICE SI5.00 the Freight. $15.00 ONE MONTH’S TRIAL FREE. ROYAL ELASTIC MATTRESS CO, There ha*, always been a lower per centage of divorces among men en¬ gaged in agricultural pursuits than in any other calling, not excepting the clergy, says the Baltimore American. Soldiers, sailors and marines, on the other extreme, show the highest aver¬ age of marriage infelicity. Next among the high averages come the hostlers, the actors, agricultural lab¬ orers, bartenders, servants and wait¬ ers, musicians and teachers of music, photographers, paper-hangers, barbers, lumbermen, and so on, diminishing in ratio until the lowest average is reach¬ ed, ' as before stated among the far¬ mers. No Lawyers In China. To prove the laws of China in re¬ gard to marriage was found by Mrs. Low Shee’s attorneys to be a more difficult task than they at first sup¬ posed, but they finally succeeded yes¬ terday, when they put Chung Pao Shi, the acting consul-general, on the wit¬ ness stand in Judge Coffey’s court. Low Shee, who resides in China, is claiming the estate left by Chew Bing Quoia, a merchant of Chinatown, and the opposing claimant is Lum Quoia, a woman who lived with Chew Bing Quoia for yearshere. It is alleged that Low Shee was legally married to Chew Bing Quoia in China and that Lum Quoia for years here. It is alleged that bine. Vice-Consul Ouyan King inter¬ preted the Consul’s testimony. No regular Chinese Interpreter in the city spoke the Consul’s dialect, it was stated, and so the vice-consul was called. Judge Coffey smiled when informed by the consul that there were no at¬ torneys at law practisng in China, and that lawyers were not wanted in the courts there, the judges doing all the questioning to ascertain the facts. The consul stated that he was ac¬ quainted with the laws of the Chinese empire and had read the Chinese law relative to marriage. He identified Chinese books which were produced in court as copies of the laws of the em¬ pire. . He said that an essential fea¬ ture of every marriage in China was the sending of a card giving the bride’s ancestry for at least three genera rions.—San Francisco Chronicle. The Early Dog Gets the Drink. “The little copper drinking foun¬ tains for dogs, put on the street cor¬ ners at the bottom of lampposts,” said the man who stands all day at Fifty ninth street and Lexington avenue handing out transfer tickets, “would be a fine thing if the dogs got a chance at them. They are attractive in ap pearacne, and are all right until freez¬ ing time. They are too shallow for winter weather. The dog fountains are filled Aumaud^rociet? every morning by men from xne y ami it is the early dog that gets the drink. As soon as the car rush begins, goodby doggie. ‘This fountain has been here just o re week. In that time I have seen a man waiting for a crosstown car Epoil tile dog’s chance with a mouthful of tobacco juice; then kids and young men fill ’em up with cigarettes; seen women and girls throw orange peel and apple cores into them; matches are thrown into them by the dozen. Before noon that dog fountain looks like a small swill-pail. Dogs prefer the leakings of a fire hydrant on the op¬ posite corner. “In summer the dog fountains will be a blessing, but the people will have to be taught that they are for the use of dogs, not hogs.”—Nfew York Press. A Great Engineer. ! No engineering work of. modern times has' progressed in the face of such great difficulties as tnat of boring a railroad tunnel under the great Sim¬ plon Mountain. The work itself was a gigantic undertaking, but all sorts of unanticipated troubles have bobbed up from time to time, but all seem to have been surmounted. The boring from the Swiss side is now submerged and ^vork seriously hampered, while from the Italian side hot springs are constantly bursting forth and driving the workmen away. The two headings are about to meet, and it is anticipated that there will be trouble when this occurs, so that the work is progressing very slowly at this time. That the work has continued in the face of the many and great difficulties is due in a large degree to the chief engineer, Herr Hugo Von Kager, who seems to be staggered at nothing. The contract for the work has been taken by a Hamburg firm, but the en¬ gineers and other skilled assistance is generally from Germany, while the members of the army of laborers are as a rule from Italy.—Philadelphia Record. be (SYPHILIS) ennd ioda of treat can rarer meat Bath* at the dormant la allot tranmlttea for awhile, l to to but of 1 tweak out again. It ) joi jour V SALUS STEW’S ROYAL REMEDY forever. No dangerous yourself drags or mineral poisons are In It. You can treat with in the privacy of jour home. We GUARANTEE TO CURE any ondary case, ortertla no / fail i any c&ae we THE JOHN STERLING ROYAL REMEDY CO. Dept. S, KANSAS CITY, M0.. U. S. A. BUY THE N E SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad¬ vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines Sewing Machines. the strength The or weakness of DonMe Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Home the best Sewing Machine to buy. Write for CIRCULARS showing the dif manufacture and prices before s.VEi-a.2 purchasing we TRR 4W HOME SEilNg ORANGE, MASS. , 28 Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, 111.’, ’Atla? , St. Louis,Mo., Pallas,Tex., San Francisco, FOR SALE BY ELIJAH LACKEY, He aden, Ga., Says : “I suffered from Rheumatism, bc I rag unable to walk. After taking your ' medicine for about six months I was re¬ stored to health. I recommend Bliss Native Herbs to all sufferers of Rheumatism.” HEALTH IS EASY TO ATTAIN, EASY TO RETAIN, IF YOU USE BLISS NATIVE HERBS. Nature has provided a pleasant, effec-1 five specific and preventative for every | disorder and disease of the Blood, Stom¬ ach, Liver and Kidneys, in the Roots, j [ Herbs and Barks contained in Bliss Native Herhs. PREPARED IN BOTH TABLET AND POWDER FORM. A CURE GUARANTEED j IN EVERY CASE OR VOURMONEY BACK, | 200 Days’ Treatment $ 1.00. FOR SALE BY W, J. OAKES, Agent, CLEVELAND, 6A. Medicine mailed promptly UPON RECEIPT OF PRICE. THE ALONZO O. BLISS CO. WASHINGTON, D. C. KILLthe COUCH and oure the LUNCS WITH L__ FOR I /Consumption Price ISOLDS OUGHSand 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LTJNG TROUB¬ LES, or MONEY BACK.