Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, October 07, 1910, Image 1

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r _, » ■ orfQEjt Vol, xi. No. 52.J AGAIN ?sm THE LOUD GIVES UP HER GOLD ■m Another rich find wa«. made at the Loud Tuesday when J. L. Turner, Who' was employed by the lessees G.„ A. Ferguson and W. G. Campbell, oh earthed a pocket eotitainiug about one thousand dollars worth of gold. ~ T ~ he r e rhaa been several smaller pockets found during the past few mouths, but this’ is the best one that has been found for some time This mine has been iu operation almost regularly since its discov¬ ery* iffiany-^ears before the war, and millions have been taken out oft#;'and doupHess iniIIions yet remain,; A' ' uV Ar l LOUDSVILLE LINES. g.'f . Miss Cora Pardue is on the sick Kst at present*, she has hcsn un¬ well all the summer. The Sunday School will be held at Ldut3Sv £ iHe Satur¬ day; •. i.. '" • v ~" J; H. Stribbling was in this section Sunday: ' Tom and Henry Turner went over in Union county last week and caught a fox. «T. E. Townsend preacher at Loudsville Sundy night. T. V. Cantrell will leave in a few days for Athens. Jbhn Clark and W. L, Pardue paid Gainesville a visit last week. .'It i ' -• John Led , / . the or d was on sick list last week. it’s the world’s Best, No one has ever made a salve, ointment or balm to compare with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It’s the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, CLEVJ 5 , GEORGIA, OCT. Dairying In The South. Dairying is? growing in popu¬ larity among the farmers of the southern states. They are learn¬ ing that the dairy cow can do for the cotton grower of the south what she has done for the wheat gvowei in the tpwtlH i.e., incveuse the fertility or tfi| soii in addition. to making i ;'tory m re •> ■ turns for la money ex pended for Certain politicians, tu order to create retairPtiffice, an .issue by .which they rnight have greatl y retarded the development of the dairy industry in the cotton growing states by creating the | impression that the interests of the eottop grower are opposed to ehose of the dairyman. It has bhen bought about in this way: Cottonseed oil is used, it ufucture l of . Umo- mis some Cr . ho, -o, ..yd to-| ^ against any .and all kinds of leg¬ islation which in any. way regu¬ lates or restricts the sale of oleo¬ margarine. A careful estimate compiled from government reports shows that through the saleHof cotton¬ seed oil which washed Prtd^i in tpe manufacture of ol^®a‘rgi o'l^TOaigine g^^Y* last yeai, the cotton of the south actually received one and one-half cents for every ncie j planted to cotton! * For every dollar’s worth (f cottonseed oil. used last year in making oleoniargariue, one pfed and seve^ dollars worth butter was OTodtioed in those same cotton growing states. These are fall tybieh every cotton producer consider before lending hisj an t to any movement wjllch Tuended to retard the grtnvtn'^ develop nion, [Price 50 Cents ETKIS NEWS. Several of the people from here attended the Singing Convention at Cleveland Saturday and Sun¬ day, among which were Misses Ola and Pearl Etris and Cora and Birtie Stmisel. Ask Jinks Burden who it was that proposed to pav him agali »n aififriniliiiVitip-tiri-f ~~ i uTo w sfrttS 'pi^acheiN excellent sermon at-’ ?e church Sunday night. The writer listened to some excel¬ lent music at the hbme of H, A. Jarrard last week. A. C. Bowen is smiling again. It’s a boy. FORCE TO LEAVE HOME Every year a large numbe.1 cf poo&svfferers whose lungs are ,.<A « racked with coughs are another ' ; .0 go to late, llu . Dr. Ring’s New ! .'.see you at troubleTjfwi^^jyriV. honie^dt^flj^HTme of 1 lung CalamSjJB^Ark., R. Nelson, of ,,when all else failed :iVicJ X gained 47 pounds in weight, Ubi surely the King of all eough^ lung*. cures.” Thousam nji*lives and health t< p» >s i tivai y guaranteed guaranteed fC<ws, jp—all LaGrippe?*' La Grippe^ an^[jH Thipat Throat -jlo.Trial^fS and. i ' Bro. w . ReducffTl rates iMBaasteiai hit its are now in effete viaCentfal ship of Georgia lines Railway through ^Jp^tearn- ’'h.vanuah. If you intend making a that tri^tiii* summer, we suggest ^vo write to the undersigned for in¬ formation as to rates, routes, ’dules, ect. No trouble t answer question. -mj/fw0r . Haile. General Pa'VsaRjroi AgeJ 'L Sawnhah. Gi