Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, October 31, 1913, Image 1

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THE CLEVELAND COURIER Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County VOL. XV, No. S.] ' ~.......’■ Grand Jury Presentments % October Term, 1913 Continued from last issue. Treasurer’s Report. Georgia, White County. To the Grand Jury of said county, October term, 1913: 1 , John Satterfield,CountyTreas urer of said county, by my deputy J. 15 . Skelton, beg leave to make this my report to your honorable body as the law directs. There was in the treasury April 7, 1913, *1,541.71, and'since that date and up to this date T have re¬ ceived the following: From the Tax Collector on count}’ taxes for 1912 *106.53; from S. L. Brown, Clerk of the Board of CountyCom missioners, amount overpaid to him as road funds $26.70. Total re¬ ceipts, *1,674.94. 1 have paid out .on proper vouchers the following: Wood for court-house.....* 3 75 County Com’r’s salary . . . xo oo Non-resident witness fees. M 8= Paid Jurors per diem..... 339 oo F. Carroll dieting jurors. . 16 86 Superior Court Bailiffs... 81 oo Sheriff, superior court and summoning jury....... 40 00 Poor of the county........ 357 75 Telephone rents.......... 1026 Record books A stationery 50 00 County bridges........... 296 08 Congressional election...... 21 00 Clerk for recording county matters and attending Apr. term Sup. Court.. . 32 28 Postage ................. 6 Finance Com. Spring 1913 9 00 Cleaning public out-house. 5 00 Holding inquest.......... 1600 Lunacy cases and carrying lunatics to sanitarium. . . 48 (X) Dieting prisoners......... 67 80 To arrests (paid sheriff) and expenses............... 54 29 Quarantine (Epp Russell). 1 5° Tax Collector making and entering list of old soldiers 5 35 Court reporter........... 3000 Supplies for court-house and to be used at court.. 46 73 Court-house repairs....... 9 75 County Attorney......... 1667 Medical services rendered prisoners (A.S. Cantrell) 7 00 Treasurer’s commissions for Receiving *133.23 @24% 3 34 Paying out.*i,556.91 “ 4* 42 Report to Grand Jury April term, 1913........ 1 00 Total expenditures......*1,701.67 Total receipts.........* 1,67494 Due Treasurer overpaid . . . 26 73 Total ...........* 1,70167 Personally came before me the undersigned officer J. B. Skelton, D. C. T., and on oath says the above statement is true. J. P>. Skelton, D.C.T. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 1st day of October,1913 G. X. Colley, Clerk S. C. County Commissioner*' Report. Georgia, \\ Lite County. To the Grand Jury of said coun¬ ty at the October term, 1913. We, the Board of County Com¬ missioners, do hereby make this re¬ port to your honorable body as the law directs. There was in the hands of the County Commissioners April 11th, 1913. $1,270 08 ; received as com¬ mutation tax *5850; making a total of *1.328 58. The above amount paid out as follows : CLEVELAND, GEORGIA. OCT. « 1 , i«ji8. W. S. Allen, overseer, per diem...................*19 57 W. S. Allen,borsehire,teams 2 WL S. Allen’s hired labor. . . 3 65 J. II. Brown, overseer, his per diem................ 2365 J. II. Brown, borsehire .... 2698 J. II. Brown,hired labor. ... 65 38 J. II. Brown, repairs...... 1 05 C. T. Allison, overseer, per diem................... 22 62 C. T. Allison, borsehire.... 2015 “ “ hired labor... 2211 “ “ repairs....... 1122 F. A. Allison, overseer, bis per diem............... 4287 F. A. Allison, borsehire.... 21 38 “ “ hired labor . . 14 1 1 “ “ repairs,lumber 8 42 W. J. Presley, overseer, his per diem................ 26 22 W. J. Presley, borsehire. ... 5 69 “ “ hired labor... 361 “ “ repairs, etc... 25 Win. Palmer, overseer, his per diem............... 1225 Wm. Palmer, horse hire .... 7 50 “ “ hired labor.... 1911 “ “ repairs........ 1 25 Ed Carpenter, overseer, bis per diem................ 38 25 Ed Carpenter, horse hire. .. 20 00 “ “ hired labor... 19 95 “ “ repairs...... 2 59 W. D. Harkins, overseer, his per diem................ 41 24 W. D. Harkins, borsehire.. 26 25 “ “ hired labor. 1836 “ “ repairs..... 1 75 J. II. Shell.ut, overseer, bis per diem................ >7 55 J. II. Sbelnut, horse hire.. . 960 • “ “ hired labor. . - 13.41 P “ repairs....... Boyd Denton, overseer, his per diem................ 10 00 Boyd Denton, horse hire. .. . 3 00 “ “ hired labor. . . 1161 Comer Allen, overseer, bis per diem................ 11 87 Comer Allen, horse hire. ... 4 74 “ “ hired labor... 961 “ “ repairs....... 10 S. A. Hamilton,overseer, his per diem . . . . ........... 27 55 S. A. Hamilton, horse |}ire.. 8 15 “ “ hired labor. 661 “ ’* repairs..... 75 A. J. Stausel, overseer, his per diem................ 1800 A. J. Stansel, horse hire ... 8 <>o “ “ hired labor.. 14 61 “ “ repairs...... 7° J. II. Cannon, overseer, bis per diem................ 3 3 5° J. II. Cannon, horse hire.. . 1900 “ “ hired labor... 1006 “ “ repairs....... 1 30 J. G. Young, overseer, bis per diem................ 7 12 J. G. Young, horse hire. ... 4 50 “ hired-labor. . . 7 72 “ “ repairs....... 70 }. C. Ledford, overseer, bis per diem................ 1500 J. C. Ledford, horse hire. . . 10 15 “ “ hired labor. . . 9 50 G. W. McCollum, overseer, . his per diem ............ 14 12 G. W. McCollum, horse hire it 31 “ “ hired labor 4 51 “ repairs... 25 Horse hire other than over¬ seers ................... 8 42 Material, supplies and tools 26 46 A. B. Allen, et al, for work not under overseers...... 397 Repairs to others/ than over¬ seers ................... 5 0 N. J. Autry, blasting...... 3 75 Edlaw Adams, bridge work not under overseers...... 215 J. P. Evans, County Com’r 5 50 Paid out on accounts before last finance Committee ex¬ amined records but checks not in........ V ........$110 59 Total paid out..........*1,054 49 In hands ofCommissioners 274 09 Total............*1,3-28.38 For the remainder of our report see Treasurer’s report, county mat¬ er. R. T. Kkntmek, Ch’m J. A. O’Kelley J. C. lloon. County Commissioners, S. L. Brown, Clerk. This tin? 1st day of October, 1913 Ordinary’s Report. Georgia White County : To the grand jury Oct. term 1913 of White Superior Court, 1 , S. L. Brown, agreeable to law make to your honorable body my semiannual report. As Ordinary of said county or otherwise I have received no funds belonging to the county and there¬ fore have paid out none and have none on band at this date. S. L. Brown. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 13th, day of Oct. 1913. C. 11 . Low Anns C. X. P. W. C. Report of Clerk Superior Co rt. Georgia, White County : l'o the grand jury of said county at the Oct. term 1913 of White Superior Court. 1 , G. X, Colley, Clerk of said court beg leave to make to your honorable body this my semiannual report as the law directs. Since last court Thave received no funds bel^ngfijSftsftPTa^rt^utv and therefore have 3 *iid out none and have none in mjf hands at this date Oct. 13th, 1913. G. N:*Collkv Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 13th, day of Oct. 1913 C. 11 . Edwards C. X. P. w. c. Tax Receiver's Report. Georgia White Count v. To the honorable Grand |ury of said county at the Oct. Term of White Superior Court : In accordance with the Statute made and provided, 1 Wm. Palmer Receiver of Tax Returns for said county, beg leave to submit the following report to wit : I have received no money be¬ longing to said county therefore I have paid out none. Wm. Palm eh. Sworn to and Subscribed to be¬ fore me, this Oct. 13th, 1913. S. L. Brown, < )rd. Tax Collector's Report. To the II011. Grand Jury of White County Oct. Term Superior Court. In accordance with the law re¬ quiring me to make report to your honorable body I beg to submit the following report. I have collected since assuming the dutieg„of the office of Tax Col¬ lector *10.00 as special taxes and have paid the same over to theState Treasurer as required by law, less my commission of 10% allowed me for such collection. Georgia White County. Personally appeared before me, P. C. Humphries, who on oath says the above report is true and correct and embraces all special taxes col¬ lected by him to date. P. C. Humphries Tax Collector White Co. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Oct. 13th. 1613. A. II. Henderson,J if. Notary Public White Co. (»a. '1; . Order of the Court. White Superior Court, Oct. Term, T 9 1 3 - Ordered that these' presentments be spread upon the minutes and published as recommended. J. 15. Jones, J. S. C. Rout, McMillan Sol . G’ ALBERT DORSEY BADLY HURT. Thursday morning in starting the engine of the gin of Jarrard & Walker Albert Dorsey got caught in one. of the fly wheels. He sus¬ tained a broken arm and severe bruises on bis bead. Drs. Norton and Pidgin dressed his wounds and he was taken to Gainesville and placed under the supervision of specialists. LOUDSVILLE LINES. Quite a lot of people from this section attended Quarterly Meeting at Chattahoochee Saturday. Mr. Tom Turner has moved back to his farm. Mr. C. C. Abernathy will do some work for Mr, J. E. Pardue and ). M. Glover this week in the rock business. Mr. J. M. Glover jumped on all day singings with both feet Sun¬ day. Mr. Glover does not think much of singing “Oh, How I Long l'o Be There,” unless the singer first gets right, then cuts to the mark by standing to the church. Let the chinch be first, ami then work to save the people around you. Yes, we agree with him. We be¬ lieve he is just right in what he said Let us go a little farther and say that the church ought to be made up with good and true members who have respect for everyone with whom they come in contact. Yes, we will admit that an all-day sing¬ ing all racts t he atention of I he large majority of people. We don’t know what for, but we have known of close communion on the public highway attracting the attention of more than one, so we suppose it is communion with each other. Mr. Frank Smith and Mr. Cur¬ tis, of Shoal Creek, spent last Fri¬ das- night in ibis section. Mr. R. R. Pardue says- that lie thinks that he has a variety of cot¬ ton that will stand the winter very well as it is still green yet. Mr. II. A. Harper has been put¬ ting in good time at work for the Asbestos Co. for some time. Milk Cow For Sale Cheap. Cleveland Mercantile Co. 1 N S D»R ANC E. For Life, Health, Accident, Fire, or Tornado Insurance, write, phone or see Herbert Tabor, Cashier, Clermont Banking Co. DOGS WANTED Will pay liberal prices for hounds and bird dogs, trained or untrained. See or write me at once. R. A. SMITH, HELEN, GA. DR. E. C. WELLBORN DENTIST Cleveland, - Georgia Permanently located and will appre¬ ciate your patronage. j fPRICE *1.00 A YEAR Local Happenings. _ L !__________________________________________— —: Calvin Cleveland, colored, died Saturday morning from pre : and bis remains were in'er in tlie cemetery at the colored church Saturday afternoon. was one of the best negroes Cleveland, and lias always be¬ liimsell well, and was always with his race, as well as agreeable and attentive laborer. life was one worthy of the of all the colored people the county, and if the race live as Cal lived a far high¬ respect for them would be enter¬ for them by the other races tbe earth. Mr. Frank Carroll made a hur¬ trip to Jefferson Sunday on a to relatives, some of which been sick, but who are now proving. Wc had a very pleasant though call Tuesday from Mr. and jM, J. Williams, of Helen. Mr. Pierce Cooper, of Murphy, C., swapped horses with some the Taylor boys of Blue Creek Saturday which came near in a law suit. Mr. Tay¬ swore out a warrant for Mr. but Mr. Cooper upon be¬ arrested preferred to let Mr. have his mule back and pay costs than stand trial. Thus case was settled. Rcy. W. R . Power and Mr. G. Colley are attending the meet of the Grand Lodge of Masons Georgia which convened in Macon this week. It is with sorrow we chronicle death of the child of Mr. and Tom Warwick. It had been for only a short time ati<|^ was to be getting better, when was suddenly taken worse and ft is believed the trouble dyptlieria. The remamTPivere to rest in Cleveland cemetery Our sympathy goes out the bereaved. NOTICE — I will pay you cash your cotton in the seed. S. W. Ash, Cleveland, Gn, Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Wellborn, by Mrs. Wellborn’s from visit to relatives in Towns and counties. The doctor in¬ us that the north side of the were covered by three snow Monday of last Mr. W. A. Jackson and Mr. J. Suggs were the parties directly in a Justice Court trial W. J. Oakes, J. P., Tues¬ It appears they had swapped after which Mr. Jackson down to Mr. Suggs’ and re¬ Mr. Suggs’ horse and took one out of the stable and it home, Mr. Suggs swear¬ out a warrant for him. Mr. claimed tlmt no swap had made, and Justice Oakes dis¬ tlie case 'for the lack of Mr. .Suggs says be will it up to tfie superior court. 'Flie prostrating eff ect of constant and those depressing, down side pains from women suffer so much, are quickly relieved when Dr. SqawYine Wene is used. acts directly on the cause of the restores regularity, aids builds up the body and bank the vigor and cheer¬ of health. Price *.100 per Sold by Norton & Ash.