Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County
XV, No. 2 i.l
R. D. Pruitt Sought Relief
Atlanta Hospital.
Mr. R. D. Pruitt, of Helen,
spent a few hours in town Friday
eti route home from Atlanta where
he hadjbeen to a'specialist for sur¬
gical treatment.
About eight weeks ago Mr.
Pruitt fell and dislocated his shoul¬
der, as well as fracturing his collar
bone. He called in a local doctor
who set'fhe shoulder and adjusted
the collar bone, and he says he was
doing nicely until one night he
turned while asleep and dislocated
the broken part of the collar bone.
He was carrying an accident
policy with an insurence company
to whom he had made application
for benefits. The company sent one
of their representatives to investi¬
gate the case, and he was thus per¬
suaded to go to Atlanta where he
could l>e properly! treated. The in¬
juries were examined and the bones
adjusted as best as could be. w ith¬
out cutting through the flesh an
attaching them'with wire, and he
w as placed in’ piaster of Paris to
prevent any movement of the af¬
fected part of the body. This he
will have to wear for'thirty days
when it will be taken off, after
which time Mr. Pruitt” 1 hopes to
grow stronger and soon be himself
March is a trying month for the
very yonug and forVlderlv people.
Croup bronchial colds,
and pneumonia are to’be feard and
avoided. Foley’s Honey and Tar is
a quickly great |fainilyffie#Mnetbat slip will
a ’k the
; progress cpngestwr|jj|Ppff*?sageR, of a co|g^B>*tt^reli'ev-e in¬ It
Is safe, .pure and always reliable.
^Norton & Ash
We have been’ having "some
.rough and snowy weather for the
past week.
Mr. Frank Tatum and Miss Liza
Oakes dined with Mr. J.II.Stoval!
Sunday. /
The last we heard of Dock his
horse was still Jdead. (And why
do we not announce his appoint¬
ments to preach ?)
Mr. Turmon Alien, of Tesnutee,
spent Sunday and Sunday night
with his brother, C. A. Allen.
The child of Mr. W. B.
man, who has been very ill, is now
Mr. P, C. Humphries has moved
into the house which he recently
Mr. Edgar Smith, of Habersham
spent Sunday evening with Mr.
Ira Mayfield.
Mr. Thos. Tatum, of Cornelia,
spent from Wednesday until Fri¬
day with his father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tatum.
Mr. J. D. Tatum and fly
spent Sunday with Mr Ben May
The boy with the finger-ring, of
which you read in last week’s
Courier, is no doubt much embar¬
rassed while wearing it. He must
have ordered it from “Cicero Rare
Back A Company.
For Sore Feet, Chiidlains, Frost
Bite, Sore Nibbles, Chafing, Cuts,
Galls, Burns, Sores or Scalds,
FLUID is a marvelcus remedy.
It relieves inflamed conditions heals
the flesh and eases pain. Taken in¬
ternally for Cramps or Dysentery it
corrects the disorder at once. Price
cts. per bottle. Sold by Norton
I Missionary Committees
To Keet in
Zion Appointment In April Changed.
I am now writing to call a
ing of all .of my Missionary
mittees. It will he held on Tues¬
day night, March 17, at the Metho¬
dist Church in Cleveland. ] will
preach a sermon on Missions at
that time. I hope none will be
absent from this meeting. Any¬
one who wishes to come is invited.
We want to make this a’great time;
let enclFone pj'ay for the meeting.
I have just^received a letter from
Dr.’John S. Jenkins, ,oui Mission¬
ary Secretary of the bo rd of Mis¬
sions, stating that lie will be with
me at Mossy .Creek Church from
April 4 to 10. That will compel
me to change the meeting day at
Zion, and give the first to Mossy
Creek and the second to Zion, as
we want to make this a great Insti¬
tute for tile Cleveland Charge.
Pro. Jenkins is no little man. I
want members from every Church
to be present and hear him preach.
1 am going to ask the good mem¬
bers of Mossy Creek to have dinner
on the ground the qth and 5th, so
that we can have two sermons each
day. V our humble, servant,
1). S. Pattkrson.
Leaf Leaflets.
The Board of Education
County Superintendent met with
the citizens of this community
Friday at Macedonia Church,
“ to consolidate White Creek arid
111 S( 100 s ’ and tract a
new school building. Aft Vtcr con¬
stilting for some ilme, ail i st
the question pro and con it
decided that an election be held
April 4th to determine whether a
majority of the voters of the sub¬
school districts favored the'move¬
Mr. Wiley Barrett: and family,
Nicholson. Ga.. were v isiting
D. L. Payne Sunday.
Mr. N. J. Allison and wife,
Cleveland, were visiting
here last week.
Mr. Noah Allison,of Shoal
visited his son, Mr. Cbas.
here last week.
Mr. W. IF Alexander and
ily of Jackson county, are
T. J. Alexander this week.
Mr. G, V Hefner is in the race
for sheriff. He was a candidate
two years ago, and ran a good
Vass is a good fellow and has many
j friends all over the county
are sure to make many votes for
j Hefner in the primary. With
I Trotter, Dorsey and Hefner ia the
field, the race will be a lively
Executive Committee To Meet.
The Democratic Executive Com¬
j mittee of White county are
quested to meet in the
at Cleveland March 2ist at
o’clock, A. M. Let us have a full
inee tj n g^ Business of
commands your attention,.
| Respectfully,
J. W. II. Under wood,
j Foley Kidney Pills are so thor
I oughly effective for backache,
rheumatism, swollen, aching joints,
kidney and bladder ailments that
j are recommended everywhere. A.
A. Jeffords. McCrew, Neb., says:
”My druggist recommended Foley
Kidney Pills for pains in my back,
and before I finished one bottle,
my old trouble entirely disapeard.
Norton & Ash
Who Got The Potatoes?
Last year being a bad season for
i Irish potatoes, the paesumption of
many was that seeb for this year’s
crop would be awftlly scarce, and a
■citizen of Cleveland being very
fond of this almost indispensable
necessity, put away in his barn
nearly a bushel for the purpose of
planting About two weeks ago he
examined them and found them
to be keeping nicely, but when the
time again came round for an ex¬
amination to note their condition
they were nowhere to be found.
Whether some one had gotten hun¬
gry and used tnem to appease their
hunger, or whether someone got
them to plant, we know not, but
one thing we do know, and that is
that the man is minus his potatoes.
He was very much vexed, and even
heard to ”think”in terms about
like this, “If he who stole mv po¬
tatoes ate them, may they choke
the breath from his body as he
swallows them until he gaps for
breath like a fish-out’of water, and
when he has eaten them, may they
raise such a row within him that
lie believes himself possessed of a
thousand devils biting and scrap¬
ing their forked tails within him.
If he plants them, may they grow
to be as large as wash-pots and
produce millions of bushels, and
just before it is time to eat them
they tu.rn to stones, that all may
know who the the wretehed^.y.nd;
unscrupulous scoundrel’ was vfho
stole my potatoes,” W* ySL
A great mauj people from this,
neij|bborhopd vyent up to. Cleve¬
land Saturday. There must have
been something of. importance
there that day.
Mr. George Morris visited in the
upper part Saturday.
Rev. Dillard deliversd an excel¬
lent. sermon at Smith’s Chapel
Sunday to a large congregation.
It would be better for some of
our people to go to churcd m.ore
instead of the law ground, both for
the purse and the soul.
Mr. IT. W. Lackey and N. E.
Ferguson were visiting in the up
perparl of the district Sunday.
M. VV. J. Whitelock, of Mossy
| Creek, was visiting in this section
I Saturday.
Oh, no, Mr. Guesser, Shoal
Creek is not in an uproar with all;
I it is just a few.
The hobble skirts are matched
this year by the peg top pants.
The editor of the courier has
received the dollar to nay the sub¬
scription to the correct guesser,
and says he is sending the paper
to the lucky one.
There are three more wonders
in Shoal Creek and the one who
guesses this correctly will also re¬
ceive a year’s subscription to the
Big Preparations For State
Sunday School Convention.
The various railroads of the State
j have granted a special ronnd trip
I rate from practically all points in
j the State to Milledgeville where
I the State Sunday School Conven
! tion will be held on April 14th,
| 15th and 16th.
The Local Committee on Ar¬
rangements, of which Mr. L. C.
Hall a prominent Banker of Mil¬
ledgeville, is Chairman, is sparing
J no? pain or effort in arranging for
the entertainment of the Conven
tion. All delegates will be enter
j tainment of the Convention. All
i delegates will be entertained with
jout cost while attending the Con-
1 vention.
Help Make Tbe Household Happy.
Douit shut up your house, lest
the sun fade your carpets : nor.
hearts, lest a merry laugh
shake down some of the
old cobwebs there. It you
to ruin your sons, let them
that all dgjth and social en¬
must be left on the thres¬
when they come home at
When once a home is re¬
only a place to eat drink
sleep in, the work is begun
ends in endless degradation,
oung people must have fun and
relaxation somewhere ;if thev don’t
it at their own hearthstones,
will "seek , it at other and per¬
less perhaps less profitable
places. Therefore, let the fire burn
at night, and make the
delightful with all those
arts tint parents so perfect I \
Don’t repress the bouyant spirits
your {children. Half
around the lamp and
of a- home blots out many
care and annoyance of the day,
the best safeguard they' can
with them into the world is
unseen influence of a bright
domestic circle. Put home
and foremost for the time will
when the liotn circle will be
you' will ’’long for
a vanished'hand, the
ice that: is still”.
x jpmrti’s KOTICE.
the places on t ho
joned below for the pur
eiving State and County
Rfenlrns f<jr the year iqt | •
Asbestos mints- .......... 11 a m
Nacoochee Postoffice...... 1 p m
Santee Post office.......... 2 p rn
Hood Bros, store.......... 1 p 111
Tuesday, March 17.
Hickory nut schoolhouse .... 9 a in
Robertstown P. O........ 12 m
Asbestos station .......... 3 p m
Wednesday, March 18
f M Glover’s store........ 9 u ■"
Town Creek Lawgrouiul. . . 10 a
Blue Ridge Lawground. . . . 12
Kytle’s mill............... 2 p
Sutton’s store ............ ■1 P
Thursday, March 19
Asburo mill .............. 8 a
Shoal Creek Lawground. . . 9 a
J W Brown’s store......... 1 o'a
Meldean station........... 12
J I) & W II Hulsey’r store. 2 p m
S N & J M Black’s store. . . 4 P m
Friday, March 20
Mossy Creek Lawground. . . S a m
Skelton & Sons store...... 9 a ,n
A F Keninier Bros store.. .. 11 a m
Barrett mill...... 1 ........ 1 p m
B Irvin & Freeman’s store 3 P
Saturday, March 21, 1914, at
Helen, Ga.
J am now offering for sale my
Mill Outfit, consisting of one 8 II.
International Gasoline Engine,
20-inch French Burr Corn
Mill, and one Woodruff Shingle
equipped with belts. This
is one of the best in the U.
It will do the work. The corn
will grind from 5 to 6 bushel
good meal per hour, and I have
from 4 to 5 thousand shing¬
per day with one hand.
This outfit will make money for
who will run it. If you
thinking abput] buying a mill
me at once. I will sell for ciysh,
part cash and goodnote.
■ J. W. Brown,
Cleveland, Ga., K. 2,
“School hooks printed by the State
sold at cost" is the platform of l’rof.
S. Bowden candidate for State Super
Blue Ridge Dots.
\\ e are having -one- vety severe 1
weather at the foot ot the horse-j j
nln fi <J .
Mi Geer Do k died last !
-, >■ cry
Suturd i v and was burn d at Pi-ga !
Monday, leaving a husband and j
three little children. Mr. Dockery
has the syttipiii i.v <•! a.; who know j
him lii hi-, -ad heron vena. tit. Three j
weeks ago iu: paid the last sad res
pacts to f<ue his ■ ...o-i child. earth a has boy settled! and j
now he mother
areiinu the grave .4 gb; little son,: son,
he places the remains of his dear
wife beneath the sod.
Mr. Geoi ge Allen, accompanied
by his sister, made a business trip
to Helen last Saturday.
I Mr. mo Mr-. J. L Jarrard gave
'the yum me; a working and
] quoting Fat aiT.ay. ;
Mr. J. C. kl: n is prepa ; i.,}• ) (l !
j ma ke - .am additions i«S his dvvell-;
Several of our young men are at I
work on the tram road at Helen
the weather is sltch that they ett
not do much on the farm now.
Mr, A Richardson is quit, feeble
at present.
We will grind corn or rye meal,
crush short corn or feed of any kind
on Tuesday, and Saturday of each
Corn or rye meal for sale or ex¬
change at all times in any quantity'.
j At E. [J. Crave,n’s Cannery'. *.
S'h HJPOt* sey & Blackwell
Cleveland, Ga.
u s is1 st 1 ECOUNTY
1 B
i IS#
ft J |||| 51
| 1
On Time Deposits
Desosits Abso’utely Insured Against Loss
j Organized 1909 Capital Stock $25,000.00 Undivided Profits $5,000.00
J We Want
Cleveland, Ga.
Helen Publishes Newspaper.
We have before us the first issue
Q f t 1 , e Helen Herald, an eight page
weekly published at Helen in the.
'Merest of Helen and White county
1 l ,c editor, Mr. R. J. Davidson
‘-ailed at the Courier office Wedhes
da >’' ancl we .found him a pleasant
gentlemSo, couteous and kind in
'mm tier. He is editor of the
Advertiser and has
purchased a splendid plant for his
Be-len office, which includes an in
tertype machine. The plant will
installed in a few days and the
Herald printed at home, and the
news matter for the Advertiser will
be composed on the machine at
Helen. Mr Davidson has our best
wishes in his present undertaking,
and that while he relishes the many
good, things of Helen, and basks
in the sunshine of prosperity on
the head waters of the Chattahoo
chee, the Herald may live forever.
This season I will stand my
stallion one, and one-half miles from
Cleveland on the Nacoochee road.
He is coming five years old and
weighs 1050 pounds, and has any
all gates. Call and see him
yourself. Living colt guaran¬
teed. Fee $5.00.
II. s. NIX.
I N S U R A N C E.
For Life, Health, Accident, Fire,
or Tornado Insurance, write, phone
or see Herbert Tabor, Cashier,
Clermont Banking Co.