Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, April 17, 1914, Image 1

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c ’erk S U pc r i Court or CLEVELAND COURIER Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Interests of White County veg. xy, Nor 25.1‘ | Grand Jury Landing Many True Bills. The April term of the Superior court of White county convened at the court-house in Cleveland Mon d|v morning at 10 o’clock. Judge presiding. After deliver¬ ing the charge to the grand jury, and that body had retired to the room assigned them, the court pro¬ ceeded to dispose of some divorce cases before it. The criminal docket was not a very large one, and the business thereon was soon disposed of, some pleading guilty while others stood trial. The case of Jos. M. Miller ver¬ sus the Gainesville & Northwestern Railroad Co, was continued. 1 his is a suit brought by Mr. Miller against the railroad company tor alleged damages sustained in the removal of his residence off tire right-of-way at the time the road -was being constructed. Tbs case of Luther C. Smith against the Gainesville & North¬ western Railroad Co., for injuries •sustained while in their employ in a motor car accident, was compro¬ mised upon the payment of $ Mr. Smith .and all costs and attor¬ ney fees. For some reason the test case be¬ tween the G. & N. W. K, B ■ in conjunction with the Guarantee Committee against TV. R. Power, which was appealed from a Justice Court to the Superior court, was ■not turned jo by the Justice to ihe-Clerk of the Court, thus pre¬ senting the case from taking the i it was intened i| shouid/fhis <j| um ^e r j lof the subscribers to the X N.W. 'R. refuse to pay their subscrip¬ tions on a contention the railroad company failed to comply with their part of die contract by not operating a passenger train by the time they bad agreed to do, claim¬ ing that the train then being oper¬ ated was a mixed train. At the time the subscriptions were made fifteen citizens ofWhite coun¬ ty were required to guarantee the payment of these subscriptions by a given time, and upon whose shoulders fell the responsibility of complying with the subscribers con¬ tract, and the necessity of borrow¬ ing $10,000.00 last December to meet the unpaid obligation. The grand jury has been very busy attending to their usual duties and the thorough investigation of some charges of a very serious nature, and, up to the time we go to press, we learn that body has found between forty and fifty true bills. Possibly the most outrageous case coming before that body at this session of the court, will be presented by a family by the name of Martin from Towns county. They walked all the way through the rain and mud (with the excep¬ tion of seven miles out ofCleveland ) from their humble home. They came by the way of Tesnatee Gap, carring babies in their arms, for fear their mission hpre might be pome known, hence their lives en¬ dangered, if they attempted to prpss Urpeoy (Jap, About six months ago this family lived in the extreme northern por¬ tion of White county, and their home invaded by four young men. I who, they allege, shamefully and, criminally abused them, and that a very old lady, said to 9 § years | old is supposed to have died from the effects of injuries sustained. J adjourned Wed- : The upper court nesday but the grand jury is still in session as we go to press, j INSURANCE. For Life, Health, Accident, Fire, or Tornado Insurance, write, phone ! or see Herbert Tabor, Cashier, Clermont Banking Co. Railway Contracts For New Equipment. Following his statement of Feb rurary 20th in regard to Southern Railway financing. President Fair¬ fax Harrison announces that with the proceeds of five million dollars of equipment trust notes, Southern Railway has just contracted for 75 locomotives, 54 all steel passenger train cars, and 4075 freight train cars, largely of all steel construc¬ tion. Of the locomotives, 45 will he of the heavy Mikado freight type, 15 of the Pacific passenger tvpe, 13 six-wheel switchers, and 2 eight wheel switchers. They will be built in accordance with the latest and most improved disigns and will be similar to motive power of the same types now in service on the lines of the Southern Railway where traffic is heaviest. The all steel passenger equip¬ ment includes 35 couches of the largest and latest type, electrically lighted, 4 dining cars, 5 combina¬ tion passenger and baggage cars, 5 mail and baggage cars, and 5 baggage and express cars. The 4073 freight train cars will include 3230 thirty-ton steel under¬ frame ventilator box cars, 500 fifty ton all steel cars, *oo cabooses, 100 steel underframe stock cars, and 25 steel underframe poultry cars. This large equipment order shows the belief of Southern Rail¬ way Company in the continued prosperity and growth of the terri¬ tory it serves and its purpose to enlarge its facilities to keep pace with that growth. As soon as it can be delivered by the builders this equipment will be placed in tfc® disposal of, the business business interests interests of of the Ssjoifflfeast ern territory. Loudsville Lines. Several from this section went on the T’onah mountain Sunday. Your correspondent visited over on Town Creek Sunday afternoon. Mr. F. M. Glover paid Robters town a visit Saturday. The family of Mr. L. F, Savage has the measles. Rev, John Underwood preached Loudsville Sunday. One of the trustees of Loudsville thombolted the doors last week. The house will be used for public worship, so we are Mr, J. F, Williams, of Lumpkin passed through this section day last week. Miss Grace McAfee was visiting one day last week. There will be an effort made to a school house at Loudsville. W. M. Golden, Bremen, Ga., :—“Foley Kidney Pills are the remedy I ever used for kidney bladder troubles, also for rheu¬ I can never say too much them, and any person having trouble, backache or should be very glad to such a wonderful remedy/ 1 Sold by Nokton & Asjt Ministers To Oast Members Who Belongs To Locker Clubs. “ ^ reaffirm,ng th^r loyalty to portion of the Method,st d,s winch deals with the atU of the church toward intoxi and by assert,ng them defer, to enforce the law m their churches, the members; f tbe Atlanta Methodist Ministers pti Monday morning pledged to eliminate from tbeir j all members of clubs operated in violation of ; refuse to resign from such CLEVELAND, GEORGIA, APRIL IT, 19U. Helen Granted A Pub ic School. The Board of Education has vestigated the petition of of Helen for a public school have granted that town a school. Heretofore Helen had school that she could call her the school site of that district ing been at Robertstown, one one-half miles distant. Since consolidation of New Bridge White Creek schools and the lishment of a new site at the county will have the same ber of public schools as LEAF Rev. Felix Allen preached excellent sermon at New Sunday. Rev. Luther Smith will preach New Bridgp np?ft Sunday at 3 P. XL, when the people of the munity will meet for the purpose organizing a Sunday School. Mr. Andrew Totrtbjin says the rats are so bad at Ids house they have been gnawing the of his mules. Wlmt about a killing day for Andrew? Mr. and Mrs. Ossie House, Habersham, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glaze. LEAF jl. F. D J J^EWS. There was a large crowd Sunday on the T onal, mountain. Mr. Lester Stovall spent at the childrens’ day at Bethlehem, near Clurkesvitie. Mr. C. A. Allen spent Saturday and Sunday with his father-in-law, Mr. A. 13 . Freeman. Prof, * E, C. Heftier attfinfUd singing at Cluff tahoopffee Sunday evening, Your correspondent spent Satur¬ day night with Edgar and Lester Stovall. Mr. T. P. Tatum spent from Saturday until Monday with his father, who has been sick for some time and is now very feeble. Mr. MarvinOakes sppntSaturday night with Mr. E. C. Hefner. Rev. I), S. Patterson preached an excellent sermon at the chapel Sunday evening. REPENTANCE Editor, Cleveland Courier ; Will you please alow me space in your paper to speak a few words I thank God that we as people can repent of our sins, I am thankful and glad that I have repented of that mistake I made in White coun¬ ty, and I know that 1 will never drink another drop of strong drink. God knows that I am sorry 1 did the way I did. I am glad to say that my heart is right with God. I haven’t got anything against any¬ body, and noyy yyffuff [ want to do is get right with the church. I want to %uy again that I am done with drink, and what I want to do is to get up again. Brethren, J sufe feel a deep call to preach the gospel. J have a sweet mother gone to heaven, and I want to meet her in the home in glory, and in order to do this I must do what the Lord wants me to do. Numbers 10 and 13. Brothers jLMk please re¬ member me in your prayers, 1 would sure be glad for the church at Blue Creek to give me anolhef chance, I knqw (lys'd called to preach, and J will never drink any more. But I am going to live better from now on than I ever did So I will close, asking the people to bear with me, and I will never give them any more trouble. I am just aa sorry as I can be for the way 1 have done, but I know I have repented, D. F, MORRIS. Consolidation of Schools Wins. 1 he election held Saturday, April utli, to determine whether a majority of the patrons of White Creek an® new Bridge schools de¬ sired a consolidation of these schools, “resulted in a majority of live votes favoring consolidation. There were eighty votes cast in the election which was one of much interest, and', in fact, more than interest, was taken. So determined were some in their views that a fight was narrowly averted. Officers Get Fifteen Gallons Whiskey. Saturday night, within the cor¬ porate limits of (lie town of Rob¬ ertstown, officers A. W. Aber¬ nathy, Will Holms and Ed, 1 homas raided a party of men sel¬ ling liquor. At the time the officers arrived bottles were sitting all around upon the ground ready to be filled, and when one of the party asked one of the officers how much he wanted, and was told that he believed he would just take it all, two of the party consisting of four made a dash for liberity. One got away and the other one was caught and brought back, being Corbin Ash, who along with the qther two, Jim and Raleigh Helton,were placed in custody. A very poor horse and an almost worthless one horse wagon, and 15 gallons of whiskey was taken in charge by the officers. It appears that cases arp being made before the grand jury now in session against the ac¬ cused, TAX RECEIVER'S NOTICE. Tftfrvl And Last Round, J will be at the places on the dates mentioned below for tlisj pur¬ pose of Receiving State and Coun¬ ty Tax Returns for the year 1914. Monday, April 20, 1914. Nacoochee Post office...... 10 am Santee Post office......... 12 m Hood Bros, store.......... 3 p 1,1 Nacoochee Station ........ 6 p m Tuesday, April 21. Helen.................. . 8 a m Robertstown.............. iq a m Asbestos Station ......... 3 P ln Wednesday, April 22 1 lenderson’s Mill........ 8 a m Town Creek Luwgroutid. iq a m Blue Ridge Lawground . ■ u a m Headen ................. 13 111 Kytle’s mill.............. 3 P ni W. N. Turner Store ...... ..4 pm Sutton Vstore............. 5 P '» Thursday, April 23 Asbury mill .............. 8 a ni Shoal Creek Lawground. . . 10a m J W Brown’s store......... 11 a m Meldean station........... ip m J D & W IJ Hulsey’s store. a p 'i Friday, April 24 Mossy Creek Lawground... 8, a m Skelton A Sons store .... 9 a m A F Kenimer Bros store .. i x a m Barrett Mill ............ j I\ M. G B Irvin A Freeman’s stare 3 P J. II. Stovall’s Mill .... 5 P. M. Cleveland April .......28 and 29 All Tax Returns must be made by the First Day of May. The Board of Equalizers take charge on that date. Be sure, to give in your few Respectfully, WM. PALMER T.R, NOTICE This season I will stand my stallion one and one-half miles from Cleveland on the Nacoochee road. He is coming five years old and weighs 1050 pounds, and has any and all gates. Call and see him for yourself. Living colt guaran¬ teed. Fee $5.00. II. S. NIX. Tor Sore Feet, Childlaitis, Frost Bite, Sore Nibbles, Chafing, Cuts,' Galls, Burns, Sores or Scalds, DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC 1 ‘LLlD is a marvelcus remedy. It relieves inflamed conditions heals the tlesh andeases pain. Taken in¬ ternally for Cramps or Dysentery it the disorder at once. Price per bottle. Sold by Norton S-M-A-S-H-E-l) Prices on Tombstones by the STATES MARBLE COMPANY Tiros. F. Underwood, Agt., Cleveland, - Ga. DR. CLIFTON NEWTON, OPTOMETRIST I conduct an exclusive Optical Office glasses for all forms of eye strain. Lenses of all kinds carried in stock. - GEORGIA. PH 1 NCBT 0 N Bim-DINO, MAIN STREET. J- C. y LILLIAN & BKOS. HAVE NOW AT BELLTON and BROOKTON Piedmont one and two-horse wagons. These wagons we offer sale with an assurance, after years of using and selling, that they give satisfaction to the purchaser. These wagons we sell at one to all, We have and will keep a supply of our J. C. QUILLIAN & FERTILIZERS for Wheat and Oats at Bellton and Brookton. guano has been used by the farmers of this section of country years with universal satisfaction. We offer it at one price to all. We expect to open up a store with General Merchandise at date an at Brookton. We will keep mules for sale at our mule barns at Brookton and after Nov. 1st, 1913. \V ill buy your cotton and seed and pay top prices for Come same. to see us at Bellton or Brookton. We will try to make it your interest to trade with us. J. C QUILLIAN & BROS* * m. CLOSING Bargains Bargains I am closing out my entire line of General Mer¬ at Cost. Nov Line of Dry Goods New Line of Shoes from $1.65 to $2.95. Ladies Shoes $ 1. to $2.25. Green Coffee 15 Cents per Pound. 20 Pounds of Sugar For $1.00 Seven Boxes of Washing Powder 25 Cents $2.00 Mens’ Hats For $1.00 Nice Wool Serge 35 Cents per Yard Must Close Out By May 1st COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. Don’t Forget To Call 8. Maloof G Bros. BANK CLEVELAND, CA. Will Give You 5 Per Cent and SAFETY On Time Deposits Deposits Absolutely Insured Against Loss MONEY TO LOAN 1909 Capital Stock $25,000.00 Undivided Profits $5,000.00 Want YOUR BUSINESS [PRICE $1.00 A YEAR Uegat Advertisements. White County: ill he sold at the court house door in county on the first Tuesday in May within the legal hours of sale to All that certain tract or parcel df which is decribed as folows, Land No. 20 in the 4th, land district of said also 140 acres of tot No 21 in 4th, district and fully described in a from G. H. and Addie Allen, to J. Striplin, and being the Hughs Allen home place in said county. With all thereon, Said land levied as the property of .1. H. Striplin, to an execution issued from the Su¬ court on the 3rd, day of Nov. of White County, in favor of Haber¬ Bank against J. II. Striplin, this day of April 1V)1 4 . FRANK C. BARRETT Veterinary Surgeon and Livery Stable HELEN, GA. services day or night. Call me by ’phone.