Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, June 12, 1914, Image 1

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COURIER Devoted to the Agricultural, Commercial ahd Industrial Interests of White County VQL. xv, No. 233.1 In response to a call of a few of Cleveland in The Couri¬ last week a number of people in the court-hous# Satur¬ The purpose of the meeting stated, viz. v tUat lion. Charles President of the Farmers of America, had purchased farm (the Judge Houston place) White county, and that because man standing so highly in esti¬ of the fanners of the United had selected, after searching* country from side to side and end to end for a place to permanently, had found in climate, topography, scenery, etc., in White county that which he hud sought for years the citizens of White county select a place and fix a date give a barbecue to demonstrate appreciation of his coming us. Mr. F. A. Stafford, of Atlanta, Mr. 1 !. S. Barker, vice-presi and general manager of the A Northwestern Rail¬ and Col. J. \\ . II. I nder wood, made impressive addresses the meeting, showing the of taking interest in the of all prominent men, and men with national repu¬ because that they cannot here and locate with us with¬ helping some or all of us. Col. C. II. Edwards was selected and Alex. Davidson, sec¬ and committees were ap to fix the time and place, to solicit the patronage of the in having a big tiVie, with to eat, that none might away hungry. Arrangements Vviii be tnrftfC to some of the best speakers in state attend this meeting and the people on subjects of to therff, particularly along line of agriculture and fruit¬ Mr. Stafford voluntarily $25.00 to the barbecue, Mr. J. T. R. McDonald* $5.00. Atlanta recently spent hundreds thousands of dollars to give the ; “the time off,their lives they did it, and did it well.! US ALL give just a little—a j chickens, potatoes, pork beef, j vegetables, or anything j good to eat—that we may show j immense crowd that will he in j county site on that day that j live at home and board at tlie j place, and that there are no j contented and happier peo- | on earth, and all simply because j have the water, the climate,and j soil. The meeting will be held some; in July when everybody is at leisure so that every man, j and child in the county can | out and be present at one.ot thej gatherings that White has ever seen. CENTERS! DE. A good rain fell in this part last | and Saturday, which was a to farmers having a bad of cotton. The little child of Mr. and Mrs.! is better at this writing, j Mr. If. L. Dorsey has moved to' where he will he more to his work. Mrs, \V. J. Presley was taken ; ill last week but is j at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. E. \V. Brownlow to Gainesville Saturday. Mr. G. W. Autry is sick at this ; Two new comers at Rev. C. II. j A boy and a girl. Mr. Charlie Skelton is all smiles. 1 a girl. A man by the name of Jones was shot through the abdomen Sunday in the lumber camps north of Helen by a man named Cole at the house of one of the employees of the Byrd-Matthews Lumber Company named Hooper. Mr. Hooper was held for trial which was given him Tuesday*, and was dismissed. It appears that Cole walked up to Cooper's house and stepped inside, and asked Cooper to look at his gun, which was a rifle, and while looking at turned about saying he wanted to shoot a dog, and fired through the window, immediately running toward the woods, and has not yet been apprehended. Cooper claims that he had never spoken to Cole and that he did not know him, neither did he know Jones, the man who was shot, Jones was taken by special tsain to Gaines¬ ville Sunday afternoon and placed in an hospital for treatment. Last news we have of him he is still alive. Woman’s Suffrage Column. The president of the National Housewives’ League is Mrs. Julian Ileath, She has lately become a Suffragist stating as her reason, that in order to get proper food for their families at reasonable rates, and to enforce pure food legislation women must possess the ballott as the essential remedial agent. Senator Stafford of Louisiana is the author of a bill designed to remove some of the present discriminations against married women in his State. The Bill reads as follows; ‘•AN ACT. To autlwiae a married to contract, site and be sued with¬ out, the consent of her husband,and giving her acts the same effect as those of if a single woman. Sec. 1, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana that a married woman may contract, sue and be sued with¬ out the consent of her husband,and all contracts made by her shall bind her to the same extent as through made by a single woman. Sec. 2. Be it futher inacted, etc., That whenever a married woman mortgages, sells, ox other¬ wise contracts, the declaration and recitals of the act, shall bind her to the same extent as though she were a single woman. Sec. 3. Be it father engaged etc.. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed,” This is a very slight measure of justice and should prevail in every Southern State. To handicap marriage is never wise since the home is the direct point of indefen¬ sible attack. LEAF R. F. D. 1 NEWS. Crops are looking # well in this; part considering the dry weather. j Mr. Leonard Pilgrim and wife spent Saturday night with his fath¬ Mr. J. G. Johnson. Several of the BlueCreekfolks at¬ tended childrens day at Zion Sun¬ day, and report a nice time. Miss Cora Stovall spent Friday night with Miss Eliza Oakes. After a hard chase Mrs. Mary | Davidson’s cow was captured on the Alley farm Sunday afternoon, i She had gone wild anda party with I ddgs and shotguns chased her from j ; about 2 o’clock until late in the evening upon horseback. After I having been shot at with rifle and j shotgun several times, she was cornered and one of the party dis¬ mounted and got within ten or fifteen steps of her and shot her in the head with a rifle, which killed her, CLEVELAND, GEORGIA, JUNE 12, 1914. Large Committee Appointed To Solicit For Barbecue/ Bv order of the citizens of White County in mass meeting assembled in the court-house in the town of Cleveland, Ga., on the 6th day of June, 1914, the following named persons are appointed to solicit contributions tojhe public barbecue to be held in the town of Cleveland on a day to be selected by a com¬ mittee to be appointed for that pur¬ pose, (raid date to be between the, 15t and 20th of July, 1914). This barbecue is to be held for the pur¬ pose of advertising the resources of White eounty to the general public throughout the United States. Mt. Yonah District—II. B. Un¬ derwood, L G Ash, J B Skelton, J P Evans, W R Power, B M Cox, J B Vickery, J S Allen, C A Gar¬ mon. Trm Hunt. White Creek District—J K Ken imer. W I Humphries, Ben Smith, E T Barrett, \V K Dean, T J Alexander, James Nelms, Chas II Freeman, Walrer Robertson, Wiley Warwick. • TesnateeDistrict—John A Ledford Sain’l Howard, F O Thurmond, R L Allison, Wiley Freeman, A E Ledford, II N Abernathy, Silas Cox, J C Dodd, Wm Hunter. Bluecreek District—-G N Colley, W J Oakes, Garnet McCollum, J II Stovall, Jim Shelnut, Claud Hefner, Floyd Shelnut, J A Ixiyd, J R Palmer, Janies Forester. Blue Ridge—A. Richardson, Joe Reid, M. C. Allen, J. L. Jarrard, T J Winkler, II II Huff, B J Beach Frank White, W D Harkins, A H Roper. Mossy Creek—J F Cantrell, A llwisey R^tfehnson, W II Dorsey, Jasper \\ j PsesUy, C H AutrV, Tiet; rCytle,'T Cbf isidpW. , v ‘j r t 3 ' (Alev. sBown Creek—G L McAfee, W J Evrts, A C Bowen Jack Stansel, Rev. J M Nix, Rev W N Turner, G A Ferguson, J M Glover, J E Pardue, Jesse Wright. Shoal Creek District— W A Stover, J \V Brown, James Martin Ben Smith, E Roberts, W G Spen¬ cer, T W Tate, Marion Jackson, J A O’Kelley, GH Turner. Nacoochee District—W S Allen W I, Hood, G B Elder, R A Wil¬ liams, Sr., J LGlen.J R Lumsden, Dave Westmoreland, Sam Thur¬ mond, R J Davidson, J N Bonner. Chattahoochee District—W II Clark, J W Johnson A W Aber¬ nathy, S R Vandiver, Harve Adams, J W Slaton,. R O Byars, G W Vandiver, J B Sims, G B Allison. In addition to the above-named persons each and every citizen of the count)* is hereby appointed as a committeeman to assist in raising means for this barbecue. These committees are appointed not only to solicit money, but to solicit well filled baskets, pigs, beef cattle, sheep, chickens, tur keys, etc., to be turned over to the committee appointed to supervise the barbecuing of the same, Each and every family in the county is earnestly requested to bring a well filled basket, or baskets, of deli¬ cious food, well cooked. The committee is expected to re¬ port to the chairman the number of baskets that may be expected, and and the number of fowls and ani mals that we may expect for the barbecue, not later than the 4th I 9 I 4 - This is expected to be the biggest !jar b ecu e ever enjoyed in Northeast Georgia, and second to none that ^ as ever been elsewhere, C. H. Edwards, Chairman Alex. Davidson*, Secy. “School books printed by the State acd sold at cost” is the platform of Prof. H. 8. Bowden candidate for State Super ntendent schools. (Advt) Plain Talk. Ip the words of James, iii, 6, “And tjje tjpgue is a fire, a world of in ’ so ' s the tongue among our Jiodjl ®er%ers, that it defileth the whole and setteth on fire the whole of nature ; and it is set on ijre’of hell.” Never was there read ffojn the holy writ a greater truth The tongue of a vindictii minded person is the vilest instru mem, the devil can controll to fur¬ ther* his kingdom in in the world. Strange to say the tongue of that class of persons is never turned against a guilty person ; it is never turned against that which is evil witJt the purpose of trying to remedy the evil, but to bring about a greater evil, to magnify the evil alreiu-ly hfrijiling done. It is always found that which is good. Of aJrJhe vilifying, evils in the world, that of back-biting, and slander¬ ing ones neighbors is the greatest. Stop a minute, my friends, if you have been guilty of evil speaking ami think of yourself. Remove the beam from thine own eye. Look more unto the w'alksof self. Keep youfself employed in looking at your own walk, and you wont have time to see the faults of thy broth¬ er. , Mt. S. B. Cantrell and John Hood went down to South Bend first of the week to do some ce ment work on the graves of his wives. I Mr. R. L. Kytle and wife spent the day with his wife’s mother, and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Evans, Sunday. Mr. John F. Cantrell and sister, Miss Enid, spent the day with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. II., n, Underwood one day last was the young man who resolved to gather peaches Sunday, and when the time arrived lost his nerf/e? lie who hesitates is lost. Get a hustle on yourself, citizen of White. Get right down to busi¬ ness, put your shoulder to the wheel, and let us prove to the world that the little county of White knows how to do things to perfection. That when she goes after a thing, she brings that thing back with her. Let us make our barbecue the greatest event in the history of the State. We are it with a capital “I” Let’s live up to our reputation, Blue Ridge Dots. We got a heavy rain here Sun which revived both man and after a drout h of about six weeks. Several from here attended at Town Creek Sunday. Cotton in this section came up well considering the Mrs. D. F. White was taken ill last Friday. Mr. IT. II. Huff and family at¬ childrens day at Helen Sat¬ Mr. Ilerschal Huff, of Bishop, here on a visit Saturday night. Mr. John Roberrson, who recen¬ moved from Helen to the West, crops fine. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mu¬ cous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be t3ken out and this tube restored to Its normal condi¬ tion, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of tetf^are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh i that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. r. J. CHENEY A CO„ Toledo, Ohio, Sold by Druggists, 75c Taka Hall's Fan Family Ellis for Constipation. fPRICE *1.00 A YEAR GAINESVILLE & NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY DOUBLE DAILY PASSENGER SERVICE. NORTH BOUND SOUTH BOUND READ DOWN READ LTP Train Train STATIONS Train Train 2 4 1 3 A. M. P.M. A.M. P. M. 9 45 5 15 Leave Gainesville Depot Arrive 9 20 4 20 9 50 5 20 Main Street. 9 15 4 15 9 57 5 27 U New Hoi land Jet. “ 9 12 4 13 10 08 5 38 Clark “ 8 55 3 55 10 15 5 45 4* Autry “ 8 47 3 47 10 23 5 52 U Dewberry “ 8 40 3 40 10 34 6 O4 44 Brookton “ 8 29 3 29 10 41 6 11 44 Clermont “ 8 22 3 22 10 49 6 19 4* County Line “ 8 15 3 15 10 53 6 23 4 4 Camp Ground “ 8 09 3 09 11 03 6 83 Meldean “ 7 57 2 57 11 17 6 47 44 Cleveland “ 7 44 2 44 11 29 6 59 44 Asbestos “ 7 31 2 31 11 37 7 07 44 Yonah “ 7 24 2 24 11 45 7 15 4« Nacoochee “ 7 18 2 18 11 52 7 22 ** Helen “ 7 10 2 10 12 00 7 30 Arrive North Helen Leave 7 05 2 05 J. C. D U ILL I AN & BEOS. HAVE NOW AT BELLTON and BROOKTON Our Piedmont one and two-horse wagons. These wagons vve offer for sale with an assurance, after years of using and selling, that they will give satisfaction to the purchaser. These wagons we sell at one price to all. We have and will keep a supply of our J. C. QUILLIAN & BROS. FERTILIZERS for Wheat and Oats at Bellton and Brookton. This guano has been used by the farmers of this section of country man y.years with universal satisfaction. We offer it at one price to all. Wejcxpect to open up a store with GenerSl Merchandise at an early date at Brookton. We will keep mules for sale at our mule barns at Brookton and Gainesville after Nov. 1st, 1913. Will buy your cotton and seed and pay top prices for same. Come to see us at Bellton or Brookton. We will try to make it to your interest to trade with us. J. C. QUILLIAN & BROS. CLOSING SALE Bargains Bargains Bargains I am closing out my entire line of General Mer¬ chandise at Cost. New Line of Dry Goods New Line of Shoes from $1.65 to $2.95. Ladies Shoes $1. to $2.25. 20 Pounds of Sugar For $1.00 Seven Boxes of Washing Powder 25 Cents $2.00 Mens’ Hats For $1.00 Nice Wool Serge 35 Cents per Yard We Must Close Out By June 1st COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE, Don’t Forget To Call S. M aloof O Bros. Condensed Statement oF the Condition oF WHITE COUNTY BANK Located at Cleveland, Ga, at the close of business June 2 , 1914. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Demand Loans___________ ___$ 549,55 Capital Stock Paid in.........$15,000.00 Time loans___________________ 65,001.69 Undivided profits,less current Overdrafts, unsecured________ 29.60 expenses.interest and tax¬ Banking- House .............. 2,020.05 es paid-................ 4,841.92 Furniture and Fixtures_______ 1,400.85 Due to Banks and Bankers in Due from Banks and Bankers this State................. 1,000.00 in this State______________ 4,534.35 Due to Banks and Bankers in Due from Banks and Bankers other States............ 6,000.00 in other States____________ 4,417.58 Individual Deposits subject to Currency____________________ 1,388.00 Check------------ 20,914.33 Gold......................... 327.50 Time Certificates_____________ 32,880.20 Silver, Nickels, etc.__________ 132.23 Cashier’s Checks............. 209.83 Cash Items___________________ 918.88 Fire Insurance Fund_________ 120.00 Total............$80,846.28 j Total............$80,816,28 STATE OF GEORGIA, County of White. Before me came J. II. Telford, Cashier of White County Bank, who Being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a time condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. H. TELFORD, Cashier. Sfrorn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day June, 1914. A. H. HENDERSNN, JR,, Notary Public.