Cleveland courier. (Cleveland, White County, Ga.) 1896-1975, October 19, 1962, Image 1

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i /7 f 'P l/i < THE COURIER COVERS THE MOUNTAINS LIKE MOONSHINE Devoted to the Agricultural» Commercial amd Industrial Interests of White County VOL LXV 51 THE CLEVELAND COURIER. PLATFORM For White County and Cleveland: • A Cleaner and More Beautifu City All Highways Graded and Paved To Make White County the Mecca for Tourists Development of Winter Sports in Mountain Area ARA Gives $23,900 For Determining Establishment Of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Center in White White County For Northeast Georgia Lecman Anderson, administra¬ tive assistant Senator Richard B, Russell, telephoned The Cou¬ rier Wedmsday that the AreaRe Developme nt Administration had approgiiatid $23,500 for a grant for technical assistance in deter miniiur the establishment of out¬ door recreation and tourism train ing as a demonstration center in White County for ^Northeast Georgia. This should mean much toward the genii of establishment of win¬ ter spoits in the Raven Cliffs area. Nil aid Allen Get 15 to 20 Years For Robbery of Fred Gonter Mistrial Fol Coker Ernest Nix and and Marvin Allen were sentenced to 15 to 20 years imprisonment by Judge Kelley for the robbery by force of Fred t'u ter’s Store July 2 and brutally p< unded Gunter on the head with soft drink bottles l hey lot k Gunter’s wollet after he fell to the floor, which con¬ tained $m 0 in cash and $900 in checks “The third man held in conuec tion with the robbeiy, Russel) Cokei, piel ed Nix and Allen up jp his car sonic distance away from the store, had a mistrial. Coker was arrested at the home of Kenneth Taylor and Nix and Allen fled out the back door. Newt fluke? Gets $7,600 For Horse Injuries Newt Hulsey was awarded $7, 000 by a \\ bite Cppnty Superior Gpprt jury last week fpr injuries sustained when he was Iramphd by a hori-e during 'V. O. W July 4* IC01 festivities, which required several days hospitalization. Hart¬ 'I he suit w »8 against the ford Accident and Indemnity Co., and wus represented by Bob Andrews of Gainesville. Hulsey was represented by Sidney O. Smith, the recent elected Judge. Hulsey asked for $10,80y. Grand Jury Asks For New Court House The Grand Jury recommended that the County Commissioners give serious consideration to the construction of 11 new court house and jail* The Federal Government has a fund available for at least 50 per pent «>f the total cost—possibiy R )ore, r» 4 X> N • J * r *l» Local New* Send us the NEWS so that it appear in The Courier. We will precite your cooperation. Telephone or write The the NEWS. The postage increase goes effect Jan, 7, 1963 Pfc. J. B, Freeman is on a 3 days leave from the Army Germany. Mrs. Ed Head was last week. Mrs. Mae Head returned week after a month’s visit to brother, Frank Carpenter, Pontiac, Mich. ; and other relati ves in Detroit. She also visited in Canada, She visited Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Head at their country estate outside Detroit. Peto Barrett moved last Friday into Charles White’s home. The midget football team de Clayton here Oct. 11 , 7-6. Mr and Mrs, Singleton of were visiting here afternoon. Mrs. Single brought Mrs. Jas. P. David¬ a nice bouquet of flowers Mr, is linotype operator for Tri-Covnty Advertise.! John Kimsey, 62 , died in San of a heart attack last He owned a drug store He served iu both World He was a retired Colonel. Arnold London and Robert caught 36 lbs. of crap* in Lake Lanier one night last Those fellows always bring lome big catches. Miss Sarah Ma’his, who has at the Toll Gate for tfaesum has returned to Albany. I 11 this issue of TheCourier you now sit down and read the 5 Amendments that are asked to vote on Nov. 6 ’hey will also run Oct 26 and 2 The Georgia Baptist Student will be,held m Griffin 26 - 28 . It won’t be long until Christ¬ The Courier hopes to gel on our Christmas Greeting in a few weeks, which should welcomed our customers. A number of Cleveland and White County people rode the Stone Mountain Scenic Railroad this summer. 15 Scouts from the Cleveland Troup spent the weekend at Camp Ramey Mountain, They weie accompanied b y George Howell and James Turner, The.Grand Jury returned 149 true bills aud 2 no hills E. (J. Hefner has sold his home here to E. W. Vickiry of Tucker His father was a formerMethodist minister in Cleveland. Moore’s Garage was buglariz ed Saturday night. An electric welder aud other valuable items taken. The Grand Jury Presentments for the October Term will appeal in onr Oct. 26 issue, Mr. and Mrs. Pledger Dodd ol Sarah’s Flower & Gifts, attended a pre-Christmas design school iu Charlotte, N. C., last week Clifford Campbell is spending this week in Montgomery, Ala, 011 business. Jacksonville, Fla »* (FHl’NC)—Marine William K. Foster, son oi Mr, and Mir. John A, Foster, HI, Cleveland, U»., was graduated Sept, 21 from the Aviation Mechanical Fundamentals School at the Naval Ait Technical Trainiu Unit, Jack sonville, Fla. No town ever grows and poshes for¬ ward without a live, wide-awake news¬ paper. What would happen to Cleve¬ land if The Courier decided to ify us in advance. SUBSCRIBE FOB THB CUUfflHti CLEVELAND, GAu, OCF. 19 Lei ob near the conclusion of the mattei; Fear God, and keep Hie Com mandments; for this ie the whole doty man. For God shall bring every work in* to judgment, with every eetret thine, whether it I •good, or whether it be evil. -Eccb*. 1*1*14. A eifc»3( pet ehop window: •The only T cfU money can buy—poppies for eaie.f A# extravance ie anything a man buja that is of no earthly value to hie wife, thinke Erneot Loyd, If women really wanted to please men. they’d do it a lot faster, proclaims Jack Smith If it weren’t for marriage, husbands and wives would have to fight with strangers, declaaes, Judge Hoy Satterfield S rm people use language to express thoughts, some to conceal thought and others instead of thought, opines lease Jackson W, L. All’son avers, that chivalry is a man’s desire to protect s woman attaintt all men but himself I L. Nix tells that Herbert Hoov-r started it. When he wae President b. gave all bis salary backto the govern¬ ment. Now they’ie making all of os do ‘be same thing. When money is found growiug on trees there’s usually some grafti tg going on, muses Clarence Stanley. . A woman should enjoy her first 20 birthdays. After that, she won’t have any, proclaims W, C, Henderson Ever notice how small boys hit savb other goodbye? proclaims Virgil Hunt A bachelor is a man who can pull bis socks on from either end, opines Clifford Campbell Don Henderson tells that gals are mor^ modest than they need to be. Nowadays, be notes, when a girl sits down, sbe i* careful to grab the bottom of her skir t and pull it halfway down to her knees. Harvard doeB not enter every student who wishes to. eDter Neither does the President call out the Army when thr applicant ie refused admission. Yet, we wager yon a penny that James Meredith would not be turned down for admission •o Harvard under any circumstances. The business people of Cleveland who give their Job Printing to cul-of-tiwn printers should ask the salesmen jusi wbat are they doing for Cleveland, ex¬ cept take that much money away from Cleveland. Whether you like it or no but. county lines are fast fading away and people wil become to thinking along regional o* area-wide interests. In the proper development of tourum we must think along sensible area lines 8 o ae to push this wonderful aud promis¬ ing industry fast ahead. Cleveland ie going to move forward re¬ gardless ot a few stiff necks, who neve have done anything for Progress, exeep 1 to help themselves. W here wonld Cleve¬ land be today if Cleveland had depended on them? C'ties are made by man, So the grow¬ and progress of a town depends upon unselfish citizens. The Courier seeks needs the full cooperation of ALL citizens. The election now of a State Senator by ALL the voters in the 8 counties will be¬ gin to make the the Senate take on s new look and responsibility just under that of a Congressman It wilt tend to unify the voters in the 8 counties, aud wiU in time, press tor our ablest people to offer for tnis responsibl ■iffice Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson returned to their home in Detroi 1 after a few days visit wite rela¬ tives. Mr. und Mrs. W. L, Bowen are spending several days in Augusta with their son Dr. Bowen. Miss. Shirley Helton and Vernon Jones of Lumpkin Co. were married Oct 12 by Rev. Emory Brackman. Details pevent the announce, meiit of an nltra - modeii mote| and restaurant for Cleveland. The W. S, C. S. met with Ann Allison Wed. afternoon. Postmaster and Mrs. A. J Jarrard of Chicopee were here Wed. in behalf of the election ol Lee Irvin who is Mrs. Jarrad.s brother. SUBSCRIBE VtHt i’WF COURIER « £ to Order at Oar | PRINT SHOP Let Inin and Zell Miller in Senator RnnoH Oct. 23 Lee Irvin of Coruliu and Miller of Young Harris were two high candidates in the 50th Senatorial District Primary Tues day| that will be in the runoff Oct. |23. Blalock carried iWhite County and Irvin was second. A total of 1675 . votes were cast TWINS BORN TO DAD, 75 WICHITA, — (AP). Forty-seven years after the birth of his first child, 75-year-old Everett Franklin has become the father of twins. The babies, Don and Naomi, were born Aug. 20 to Franklin and his 37-year-old wife. The birth came to public attention Wednesday when a hospital released the infants, who had weighed only 3 pounds, 11 oun¬ ces and 2 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Franklin’s only other child, a daughter, 47, lives in Topeka, Kan. SNAKEBIT OUTFIELDERS THOMASVILLE, Ga.—(AP) -A fight between a deadly coral snake and a king snake disrupted a soft ball game. The snakes were escorted from the park post-haste, but the outfielders were so jittery they al¬ lowed seven unearned runs before retiring the side. Warriors Paw Elberton The Cleveland Warriors de ; eated Elberton here last Friday night 18 to 7. Elberton is in the AA Class. The Warriors have won every game this season, ex¬ cept No, Habersham. Elberton had a very line baud along with them aud the team came iii char¬ tered Greyhound buses. State allege football teams have their eyes on Bud Black and BfllWhite NOTICE Everyone ie urged lo pay past due City Taxes by Oct 26. City of Cleveland AUCTION 1 will sell at my borne on Satu day, Oct, 27, at 1 p. m, the fol¬ lowing : Electric cook stove Refrigerator Table top cabinet 3 metal beds Sofa bed and three chairs Franklin coal heater Electric heater 2 Dressers Buffet Electric Iron 2 Radios Iron Wash Pot House Jack Blacksmifh, Carpenter and tools and many other E. C. Hefner IN BLIZZARD "MELBOURNE, Australia (UPI)— young Malayan student and an geologist were found of exposure Sunday after they trapped by blizzard on the covered slopes of Woods Point, miles east of Melbourne. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COURIER! a >2 5 6* as * \ \ x X GOOD THING For ARAINYDAY 1962 Established 18*1 $3.61 Year 1* -ir.liQi iT'S THE TROUBLE * WITH JQP 1 LoJ If & £ J f £ JS; irn, ; ■ 7* Ml® m m I SH A ♦ Ml W: *»' 1 if 1 v * 1 7 v :■ V A l i 1 m. V J 1 . v - Cartoon by John Chau, 1961-6) Pmidtnl of tht Aaociation of Amttkrn Editorial CartoonitU, and tarfoomil for tht Ntw Orltant Statn ; Itua, Senator Russell On Miss, Sen. Richard B. Russell Monday morning was preparing a statement on the situation. In a WSB radio interview Friday night he had, in effect, praised Mississippi Gov. Barnett, although he said at the time he was “fearful that a great tragedy could impend in this situa¬ tion.” HE ADDED: “Gov. Barnett is a man of great courage and he evidently believes that he’s carrying out his campaign pledges to the people of Mississippi. He’s evidently an old-fashioned lib¬ eral-minded lawyer who believes in the Constitution as its written and does not accept this thesis that the Supreme Court has a right to chan¬ ge the Constitution according to its whim and fancy. “I think he’s right in his constitu¬ tional position but I don’t see how he can possibly win in the long run. Unfortunately we’re living in an era where might makes right, from the streets of Budapest where Soviet troops crushed the flickering light of freedom, there Ijo the college campus of the Southern states. “I have been amazed in all of the discussion about the illegality of Gov. Barnett’s acts . . . that no one has mentioned the fact the attorney general of the United States has violated the law of the land as written by the Congress in a num¬ ber of instances by intervening in every one of those cases when he is told by Dr. Martin Luther King or the officials of the NAACP. Con¬ gress refuses to give them that aut¬ hority, but he has used it anyhow. “IT’S A VERY, very sad situation and I hope and pray the President will not use troops there and I have told him that in person.” This letter started with the hope of bringing relief and happiness to all tired husbands. Unlike most chain letters, this does not cost mo¬ ney. Simply make copies of this let¬ ter and send them to six married friends who are equally tired. Then bundle up your wife and send her to the man at the top of the list and add your name to the bottom of the list. When your name comes to the top of the list, you will receive 16,487 women; some will be dandies. Have faith in this letter, One broke the chain and got his old lady back. P. S. At the time of this writing, a friend of mine received 365 women. They buried him yesterday. It took seven undertakers 36 hours to get the smile off his face. Again I say, HAVE FAITH1 1 NOTE: (With regards to: HOW TO HAVE TWO (OR MORE) WIVES) THE COURIER of September 21, 1962 Yours, Paul Kimsey “A gentleman Is any man who gives for • bus seat.”—Joseph Gaucher, FRENCHMEN SAY NEVER WED BEAUTY STRASBOURG, France (WNS)— “Always marry a woman uglier than you,” is the advice of French college men here. Results of a bachelors’ poll listed “obsession with beauty’’ as the chief drawback of modern beauty. Other opinions of the young Frenchmen: 1. Beautiful women are likely to be frigid, because their main inter¬ est is their own appearance. 2. They find it difficult to love one man because they expect ad¬ miration from all. 3. They are envied and hated by other women,, so they make friendly relations with neighbors impossible. 4. They are self-centered and do not have selfless love for their hus¬ band and children. 5. They are demanding instead of submissive. 6. They are obsesse with the fear losing their beauty. , 1 BEING LED IN UNHOLY DIRECTION? The Editors: Kindly allow me to my faith in the old fashion¬ Georgia Order of Stupidity. The for my infirmity is that I happened to be born in Southeast Georgia, schooled and nurtured by cantankerous Scotch-Irish Baptists and over-shadowed by the tall timbers. So please pardon my Con¬ federate flag waving. I’m just stuck. “It was determined a century ago .... this desegregation crisis to all but the most stupid of men. ..” You are partly correct the Civil concern- War, ing the outcome of but only partly and a minor part at that. By the courts disregard for the vital spirit of the U. S. Consituation we are being led in an unholy dir¬ ection. The framers of the U. S. Constitution never intended that the federal government be invested with the greater authority. The federal government was given so much po¬ wer and no more. But the balance of power be retained by the people. Was it legally or morally right for Congress in 1867-1868 to send military forces into the state legis¬ latures of the South and compel them at the point of a bayonet to ratify the 14th Amendment on which the present U. S. Supreme Court bases its desegregation decision? Now if you can explain how the U. S. Government can by force run rip-shod over the vast majority oi the people of Mississippi against their consent, uproot their traditions and plan enough seed of resentment to last for generations, then will I denounce my Southern heritage and join the new order. I believe “America, may she al¬ ways be in the right. When right, keep her right. When wrong, put her right.” M MILTON McCOOL, Atlanta —Atlanta Journal "The will of the people Is the onlf without a college course is more vak nnhu than a college course without • gjhl*.—William Lyon Phelps.