Newspaper Page Text
Davatei la lha Agricultural, Commercial au4 luiuctrlal Interim «/ White County
For White County and
A Cleaner and More Beautiful
All Highways Graded and
To Make White County the
Mecca for Tourists
Development of Winter
Sports in Mountain Area
Fall Festival!
The Fall Festival was a won¬
derful success. MosU;everv thing
was sold Sunday A. M.
A steady stream of automobiles
were bumper to bumper at least
a mile north of the, festival site,
wasrsometh ng foi those who
want to tear down the old court
Mrs j*Hoy Clark and Mrs Mer
vin Caudell made band made
C cramics
Big Democatlc Rail; Id
G ainesvileOcl. 30
A mamouth Democratic rally
will be held at the City Auditor¬
ium in Gainesville Oct. 80 at 4
p. m.
Everybody inyited
Children and young people from the
Seventh—Day Adverlisl Cuurch wilt he
around to|hoinee ip town Holloe’en ni bt
ashing for cann.d good* 10 to into
fhanhegiviug bankete iui the needy, in
elead ot ' Trick oi-Trealiu, * l'bty very
much appreciate how everyoue has helped
in years gone by
The voice o{ thy ibundet was 111 the
beavou : The lightnings lightened the
world: The earth trembled and ebooe.
— Psalms 77.18
Why cau’t ihe White County Cotumis
■{Oners lake a him and determined slani
lor or against Beert Make auowu now
about tearing down the old court bouee
o that,- af29 can luu straight through the
Public Square.
We think we know of a Certain tnan
Who will hgve a Wild lark y to present
t Sen. Russell when he comes to Wait
County later Ibis (all
Remove Courthouse,
Add Beauty
Citizen Says
Mr. Jim Davidson, Editor
Cleveland Courier
Cleveland, Georgia
Dear Editor:
May I have my say in your let¬
ters to the editor section of your
paper as to what should be done
about the old court house?
In my opinion the voters of
White County would not have voted
“yes” to the bond issue if they
had been planning to renovate the
old building. I aim confident that
the men who planned the new
building gave careful consideration
to the amount of space ithat was
needed to carry out all the court
house activities in the new build
, [
I ing without having to use any
space in the old one.
I am confident that these same
people who oppose the removal of
the building now would, after its
removal, agree that it helped the
appearance and beauty of the town.
The space now taken by the court
house can after its removal be used
for a small park or have the high¬
way run straight through town,
something similar to ClarkesviUe.
I think the people, and the Com¬
missioners, should give careful con¬
sideration as to the expense of
keeping this old delapidated build¬
ing up even after its restoration,
not to mention how much this
would cost. In my opinion we have
better ways of spending the tax¬
payers’ money than restoring some¬
thing we don’t need.
I 1 Yours truly,
Local Nev vs
Send os the NEWS so that it will
appear in The Courier. We will sp
pjrecite your cooperation.
Telephone or write The Courier
the NEWS.
See judge Roy Satterfield at
once about HOW to Aote on the
Constitutional Amendments
Old Farmer’s Almanuc pre¬
dicts Nov. 1—8 Sept, weather
Prepare for the worstere storm
bursts. Then, get ready for win¬
Ask Richard Davidson for
orders on Job Printing at The
Cornier office
A roof has been placed on the
new Cort House last week Now
the work can move light ahead if
rains don't start.
Shiela Presley, daughter of Mr.
and jiVJrs. Clois Presley, under¬
went surgery at Hall Co. Hosp
Oct. 33 .
Dr. and Mrs, Lowell Franks
and children aie vacationing in
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ellis and
children were here Sunday
Geoige Johnson and others run
a check Sunday from 1 -.40 to 8:40
and found bumper stickers as fol¬
lows: Goldwater 55 : Johnson
24: Prince 5 and Landrum 8
F. R, Singleton, ClarkesviUe,
linotype operator for the Tri
County Advertiser, gave us our
first pumpkin when be visitedThe
Courier last Friday. Thanks
Recreation administrators from
tue Southeast will tour part of
the Chattahoochee J National
Forest Oct. 27—80 Weather per¬
mitting the group will visitDukes
Creek Falls ou the Sen. Richard
B. Russell Scenic Highway
Billy Helton of the Army, Ft.
Bragg, N. C., spent the weekend
with parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Abernathy
and Mr. and Mrs- Jimmy Aber
nathy of Marietta spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs GarlitudLovell
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Burkbard,
who sgent the summer at their
cottage in Blue Ridge district,re¬
turned to their home in Smyrna
Beach, Fla , Wednesday
Frank Miller tells he’s a Union
County Democrat and expects to
vote a straight Democratic ticket
Nov 3
W, E. Hoyd, 58 , Gainesville,
died Monday of a heart attock He
was boru in White County. P. L,
Hood of Nacoochee is his father
Bill Smith is in Hull County Hospital
Mrs Howard , liomas U m Hall County
Allen Jackson is in Ga. Bap jst Hosp.
“Deer season opens October 31.
r -
Warriors Win 20-6
Richard Davidson, Reporter
The WCHS played theirSeveotta
game of the year against Franklin
County last Friday evening and
won by a score of 20-6
The Warriors play Commerce
here tonight. Everyone come out
and support the Warrior
Charlia Tomer Passes
Charlie Turner, 8 ®* died Mon¬
day morning following a heart
a lluck.
Charlie bad been under the care
of a doctor for several years.
Charlie was boru in White Co.
under (the most trying circum¬
stances. In middle 30’s he had to
endure TB hospitalization forsev
oral years.
He established Turner’s corner
at the junotiot of 129 and the
Dahlonega highway ’and made an
amazing success.
Funeral services were held from
Cleveland vlethodist Church with
ttevs. Frank Barfield and Dickins
Hunt officiating Buriul was in
ot View Memorial Gardens.
George Dyer Passes
Funeral services for 'Surge, 78, we*
belli Oct, 20, at Cnoesloa Baptist Church
He died iu Hull Count} Hospital Mon.
He was a natve ot Uni n County, H*
lived in White C°uaty forjruany ye&raand
a member of the Masonic Lodge 46 years
Ha is suivivsd by bis wife; four daufb
aisl'tour sons, and tWo half brothers:
I w> hair sisters
O. H- Uarrett Passes
Funeral eegviues for Obe Homer Bar.
ret.75, Helen, wsa held from the Preaby
i rian Church, lulei ment was in Helen
H» is eurvivsv by bis wile; one
bristlier two a latere
G. C. Dixon
CLARKESVILLE — Funeral ser¬
vices for Garlin Conway Dixon, 54,
ClarkesviUe, were held Friday, Oct.
23 at 11 a. m. from Fairfield Bap¬
tist Church.
The Reverends Charles Masters
and Perry Bailey officiated with
interment in the church cemetery,
Born in Habersham County, Mr.
Dixon was a son of the late William
and Lou Vada Pruitt Dixon. He was
a member of Habersham Baptist
Church and of Woodmen of the
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Mary Dixon, ClarkesviUe; a daugh¬
ter, Mrs. William H. Parker Jr.,
Decatur; a son, Jerry Dixon, Clark
esville; five sisters, Mrs. H. C.
Burke and Mrs. Tobe Berry, both
of ClarkesviUe; Mrs. Robert Siose
bee, Seneca, S. C.; Miss Pearl Dix¬
on, Cleveland; Mrs, Jay Hill, Hab¬
ersham; four brothers, Lasco Dix¬
on, Carl Dixon, both of ClarkesviUe;
Ellis Dixon, Avil Dixon, both of
Church & Son Funeral Home of
ClarkesviUe had charge of arrange¬
Oh.Ohl 'S Wrong Way!
COAX In CustomersWth
Sacked by Good. Service I
• l»M NwHmmI WlWHf* - ‘ “n
TSIvEaS D.GA* oCT. 30 1964
For Marking
Prior to the opening of the polls, poll officers
shall post one card of instructions for marking
ballots in each voting compartment,
1. To vote a straight party ticket, mark a cross
(X) or check (?) mark in the square in the
party column, opposite the name of the party
of your choice.
2. If you do not desire to vote a straight party
ticket, then place a cross (X) or check (/) mark
in the square opposite the name of each can¬
didate you choose to vote for.
3. To vote for the entire group of Presidential
Electors nominated by a party, mark a cross
(X) or check (/) mark in the square opposite
the names of the party's candidates for Presi¬
dent and Vice President.
L To vote for a person whose name is not on the
Ballot, manually write his name, accompanied
by the title of the office involved, in the write
in column.
If you spoil your ballot, do not erase, but ask
for a new ballot. Use only pen or pencil.
Regardless of your politics
You for Senate Candidate l
can vote I
AND your President and Congressman
by placing only THREE X's on your ballot!
DO NOT put an X in either of the party blocks ot the
top of the ballot.
Simply put an X in the block beside the name of the
Presidential and Congressional candidate for whom you
wish to vote; then put an X in the block beside the name
of W. E. HAMPTON which appears in the third column.
DO NOT scratch out any names.
All the remaining candidates are unopposed and no
other marking is necessary.
By doing this you can be SURE that your ballot is
properly marked and will be counted.
(See W. E. Hampton's ads elsewhere in this paper)
Candidate 50th District of Ga.
(Paid Political Advertisement) /
- ■ —----- •
Established 1891
$3.61 M