The Carrollton advocate. (Carrollton, Carroll County, Ga.) 1860-1861, October 05, 1860, Image 3

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MS<*optaMe to Lincoln ami Donglaf, ns to l’el! or 15 reck in ridge. Nobody pretends that it announces any opinons, forc-luul bws an} - policy, or gives any guarantee whatever of future action. The Cincinnntti Platform had two meanings, ono for the North, another for the South, this platform “lias not fcven one,’’ and wd must regard the par tv as having most signally failed to plainly and distinctly adopt onr princi ples or indeed ary principles. 1)0 the lives and public nets anil de clared opinions of the candidates render an explicit delaration of principle unnec essary { In mv judgement they do not. 1 will say nothing of Everett. However eminent ns a statesman, distinguished as a scholar or estimable as a citizen, ho hns nover been remarkable for the de fence of slavery, nor lias he ever been suspected of holding to the exposition of the Constitution pronounced ly Taney. Neither will 1 examine at length “Air Hell’s K ecord.” The newspapers are full of it. Fiiends and opponents appear to deiive equal satisfaction from its con templation. I will content myself with a low negative propositions. Mr. Hull itas never declared that Congress has no Constitutional power to prohibit slavery in the Territories, lie has never declar ed that Congress cannot confer his pow er on the Territorial Legislature, nor that they cannot constitutionally exercise it. lie may have voted against the Wilniot Proviso and declared that the people of Tonnesssee contended in IS4S that the only time for a territory to determine; the question of slavery was when they their State Constitution ; but at no time has lie placed these votes or this declar claratiou on the only safe ground where the supreme Court places it, constitution ality. Mr. Pell has never pledged himself by speech or vote of the luanitninnucc of tho principles of the Di ed .Scott decis ion nor is it known to-day that ho ap proved of it. Mr. Hell has never denied, but on the contrary asserts the constitu tional jiowor of 1 1 on gross to üboli.-h sla very in the districted Columbia. If Mr. Pell has ever denied the constitutional jiower of Congress to do anything w hich has been proposed since ho has been in tho public service it has eseapsd my ob servation. There is then the absence in Mr. Pell’s history of that clearly doliued position on the side ot right, which the condition of the country imperiously do tnands. Put 1 would bo unwilling to support him with even a better record without a declaration of principles, in plain Eng lish words, which would bind his party The evil of this omission is shown in the action of the Opposition convention which inetto nominate an oloctminl tick ot. For the first time thepnity failed to inscribe its time-honored principles upon its banner. And whore is the Pell raiTTH . 1U!WI*1 lajWl'aMi til CR| gia who it* now contending lor the an cient fnitli ‘{ Who reads in 801 l organs the clear ringing arguments against Squatter Sovereignty to which we have been so long accustomed ? Who listens to the scathing dcunciations of Douglas and his hensios with which our cars were last year so familiar ? Where is there one newspaper or one single man in all the North supporting Mr. Dell, who stands up boldly for theadjudieatc rights of the South? There is not one. Men may tepcat the inanity—“ The Consiii.ii trail, the Union, and the Enforcement of the Laws, until doomsday without re sults. Wo ought to demand a platform which would compcll the candidate and all who support him at the North to toll tho truth to the people there. To tell them that we demand only the rights which the Constitution gives us, which the court awards U3, and which equity and good neighborhood would willingly yield us. Only when we become true to ourselves can we hope to create a just and wholesome public sentiment at the North. That this is possible wo have the clearest evidence. Since the nomi nation of Mr. Breckinridge on a proud platform, every newspaper north of Ma son and Dixon’s line which supports his election sustains, without abatement, and with zeal and energy, the principles lie represents. Every stump speaker from “ The old public functionary,” the I‘ics ident of the United States, down to the humblest of them, when they stand under the Dreckinridge Hag, avow and defend the sentiments inscribed upon it. I regard it as a public calamity, that ot this juncture, when so large a portion of the Democracy ate vigorously sustain ing correct principles, our old party as sociates would have ignored or abandon ed them. If they had stood firmly in their position wo might not (though wo ought to) have supported the same can didate, yet we must have been coadjutors and allies in the strife ; the only emula tion between us, to determine who should inflict tho hardest blows upon a common enemy. As it is, the spit it of antagonism is daily separating us more and more widely. Tho friends o? Mr. Breckin ridge are everywhere stigmatised as dis unionists, for maintaining with fidelity the only principles which make the Un ion valuable; and the editors and orators who for the last live years have employed every honorable resource, and exhausted the same argument in support of tho samo great truths. After years ot oppo sition to tho dangerous doatrines of Mr. Douglas and of personal denunciation of himself, the old American party of tleor gin aro found in strange and unnatural accord with his friends, and singularly oblivious of the lion\rs of squatter ism. 1 liavo written more than I intended ; my object was only to state my position, this \vus due to myself since it had been nr-represented. Put I could n t om’t the opportunity to say a few words in justification of my refusal to abandon principles w hich at no little sacrifice of personal convicnencc 1 have advocated with whatever zeal ability 1 pos sessed. With the irrepressible contlict of Lincoln upon us —the more dangerous and insidious “shoit cut to all tho ends of 151aek Republicanism.’’ finding advo cates and 6ympathizcis among us—con stitutional rights ahd equality boldly and impudently denied us, and both ser vile insurrections and fudoial coercion threatening us, it is no time to think of the poor giatiiieatiou of a party tii tuupii. Personal honor, individual safely, the lienee and prosperity of a mighty empire, the recollections of tho past, the hopes of the luture, the happiness ol un born millions call upon us to forget sel fishness and prodjudieo, to bury past feuds and present jealousies, and unite in one solid phalanx to oppose the wrong. our Fellow Citizen, 11. V. M. MILLER. Messrs. McDowell and Plounts. Zebu I on. LATEST NEWS. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OP TDK GLASGOW. Cape Race, Sept. ill). The steamship Glasgow has touched off Ih is point. She brings dates to Sept. If). Gtiiivrnl New*. The most important news brought by this arrival is the defeat by tho Sardinian army of the Pupal troops under General Lainereiero. The weather has been unfavorable for crops. The steamships Nova Scotian and Van derbilt had at rived at Liverpool. The foimcr had been aground in the Mersey. The Sardinian tinny were at. Spolittn. The Great Eastern was gridnoued at Milford. It was reported that the Emperor Na poleon had been filed at, by an insane man, at Toulon. The man’s aim was ar rested by a bystander. The Sardinians have taken several pla ces in tho Roman Terrlimy, besides Pe rugia and Spolitta. Garibaldi was raising an army of one hundred and fifty thousand men, and a fleet of five hundred ships. It is proba ble tliat he intends to attack Veniita. New Orleans, Sept. 27. A British steamer has just at lived at this port bringing the remnut ol Walk er’s party. General Walker was shot on the 12th of September. Ten bullets were shot into liis body, > Col. Rudler has boon sentenced to four years’ imprison- Washington, Oct. 1. The Bell National Committee mot hero to day. Their business was of a secret character. New Orleans, Sept. 2 . The Captain of iho English War Stea mer, Gladiator, was assaulted and knock ed down in tho St. Charles Hotel bar room. The Gladiator is the steamship which brought the nows to New Orleans that Gen. Walker had been shot by order ot the Honduras Government. Capture ami Itxccntiou ot Cieucrai Walker. The British steam sloop of war Glad iator, which left Honduras on the 14th of September, arrived at New Orleans on Friday, the 2Sili, biinging fifty seven of Walker's men, all in good health. The l'icnyuno says : Tho detailed reports of tho party on board tho Gladiator add hut little to the information wo already have. General Walker was shot at eight o’clock on the morning of the 12th inst.. and buried the same day in the public burying ground. None of his friends were present at the execution, or even allowed to com municate with him after his eaptuic. An American, however, who was in the town of Tmxillo, witnessed the exe cution, and afterwards assisted at his bu rial- -1 lie American, who is on board the Gladiator, brings with him a port’on of Walker’s clothing, and other memorials left by him, which wo presume will bo handed over to his family, It is also stated that Gon. Walker, be fore his execution, wrote several letters to friends in the United States, which were taken by Gon Alvarez, and by him handed over, scaled, to the English com mander to bo forwarded to their destina tions. Letter front Oauiel S. liek inson. Tlio Kentucky Slalesrrmii contains the fol lowing pithy letter, which was addressed io tho committee of arrangements of the great meeting at Lexington, Kentucky, on the sth of September : Binghnmpton, Aug. 31, 18f>0. Gentlemen —It would give me inexpressible satisfaction to attend the meeting of the con stitutional Democracy near Lexington, on the sth September, to which you invited me in such generous and liattering terms, but cir cnmstances will not permit, and 1 can only re turn you my thankful acknowledgements for remembrance, and my cordial greetings upon i ho proposed occasion. Tho struggle in which we are engaged is one of no everyday interest. The Demecrm y arc contending against, not only allied armies hut against guerrilla and scouting parties and land privateering. The black banner of Republicanism is un furl, il, in an undisguised effort, to elect sce candidates, upon a sectional platform ; while individual ambition comes to its aid, in an vltoit to run down and capture die Presi dency on private account, for individual ad VUllUljrp. li is Hot Only a struggle between tho con siiiulion and the “ higher Jaw,” hut Uitwvcu die whole Union and a section— between j op lar sentiment and noisy pretension, and be tween the dignity of statesmanship and the success us a one-side steeple chase. The Constiutionnl Democracy, v ith the equality of the States for their motto, and Breckinridge and Lane for their standard bearers, may well defy the foes of the con stitution, the machinations of management, and the assaults ol faction, and march for ward to that s a cess which is belter sought by adherence to the principles of the constitution, ; than b\ the treasonable ivs,,rts of the seetion ahst, or the shifting expedients of the tieeessi tinus politienn. 1 am, gentlemen, Siticcrely yon-s, D* S DICKINSON. Mesrs Jas. 15 Peek, and others, Commit tee. Kt-iiKru|>liy Acquired iu l'iltct-ii At in Aliy person desirous of learning shorthand !n an incredibly short space of time, can do so by procuring Cany’s Stenographic Chart. His system is un abbreviation of loss than ouo-eiglit of common w riting, and is practiced by more reports than any other system now in use. After acquiring it, all that is neces sary to re|Hirt a speech or sermon is practice. • ‘rice chart, with full instructions, one dollar; toil copies for five dollars. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed or money refunded. James I*.. Qttinati, agent, Mouticello, Sullivan conn tv, New York. “ Any newspaper giving the above (with this paragraph) one insertion, will tic entitled to a copy,” We’ll tnko a copy, Mr. kj. JNow Advertisemcnls. Administrator’s Notice. TWO mouths after date I will apply to tho Court ot Ordioa.y of Carroll county for leavo to mil the Inn.l ami negroes belmrg’eg j| 10 0 f A iuiaud, la.c of said ennui v, dtv’d. 07 I JOSKf’H 1,. MORRIS, A.lm’r, •/Vo ticc. Two months nftcr Huto application will ho ninito tlw Onl'mnry ■ f Carroll count, for have to noil „ Ut . n. irl buloiiguijr to lira o irt of Nancy Thur inoird, <WcM. UK'll'll K TIIUUMON I>, fro ‘27 2moß fee I (0 Atlintr. (itonjta, Carroll County. TO ull whom it may concern i T S Garrison liav ing rn proper form applied lo me for permanent let ters of intminiMration on Ilia estate ..f .lames K Gar rison, laic of sard count,, deo’d, this is to cite all amt singular, lire creditors and next of kin of lire said ,1 h. Garrison, der and, to he and appear at ntv oltiee within tile lirno allowed by law, and show can so, if any the, can. why permanent adininistralioa should not be geamed to T 8 Garrison on said estate. Wit- Horn Pr lows! -wed-trUroml signature, Oct a, |MHO. 27 Ain fco2.. r .O J M I!LA LOCK, o. c. c. Chitoll Slicriir’s Sales. ILL Ikj bold, on tint first Tuesday in November next, within tho legal hour* of sale, bo ft m o tho court bouse door, in tho town of Carrollton, the following property, to wit : l/'tof land no. 214 in 11th dirt, of Carroll county, levied on uh tho property of Thomas Dye lo satisfy one fifa issued from the jw!k*c\s court of the 713t1i •list G M. >n favor of John Presley vs Thomas Dye. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and returned hy a constable. Also, one town lot in tho town of Buwdon, with dwelling and outhouses, lying on tbs stri ct lending south from the square, nnd opioeite the livery stable, it being the house and lot now occupied by Dr West brook, containin'? a half acre more or Uss, it being a | :, rt of lot no. 110 in 9th dist Carroll county Levied on as the property of S A Blakely, to satisfy two fifiu isisssd faun the court of the 11 I Ith dist. G. M in favor of Colior & Ile’lon vs said Blakely. Levy made nnd returned by a constable. Also south half of lot of laud no. 17 in flh di.-t. of Carroll county, levied on the property of Win. Philips, to satisfy three litas issued from tho justice court of die 727th dist, G. M. in favor of W J Head vs said Philips. Levy made and returned ly u con stable. Also tho interest of John Warron in lot ofland no 1 10 in the original 10d now 9th dist Carroll county, levied on as hin pro|Nrty, to satisfy one fifa issued from the justice court of tho 1006 dist. O. M. of said county in favor of J (J Benson & Cos vh John War ren. Levy made nnd returned by a constnble. 27 ids \v.i Hembree, Dep. sb’tr. Postponed Sheriff’s Sale. Will be sold at the sains time and place lot ofland no 224, in 3d dist. of Carroll county, levied on as tht property of Isaac N Buyers, to satisfy three fifa* is sned from tho justice court of the 714th dist. G. M. in favor of Uedwino nnd Long vs said Buyers and G T Connell security on stay of execution. Property pointed out by said Buyers, levy made and relumed by a cons’nhle. 27 ids W J HEMBREE, Dep. Sh’ff. POSTPONED A DAPics SALE. RY virtue of nn order of the Coet of Ordinp.y of Carroll county, w.ll bo sold before .ho Court- House tloor iti Canolltun, on Iho Tue-day in Novcnilx-r next, within tho legal hours f sale, the fotnwing tnml, to-wit: 120 acres of In it No 21), in nri-innl fell .tint of Cut roll county, it being the south half *f said lot. Sold as ihe p.o|.oriv of James 11. Kskcw, Into of said county, deceased. Sold lor the benefit of Ihe heirs. Terms made known on the duv of sale. LOUISIANA ESKKW, Adm’r, n027 6 in lee £5 Executor’s Sale. By viituo of an order of the Court of Ordinary 1 of Cartoll county, will lie sold before the Uou*t House door in G’a nollion, on the firat Tuesday iti November noxt, within the legal hons of sale, the following /pimls to wit : 152 1 2 acres of Lot No 11 (50 acres having been taken from tho norih east co*ner of laid 10/) in the 6th district of h:i id county. Half of lot of land no’ 176 in the s>th diatiict of said county. Half of lot j No. 208 in the 6th district of said county. Almutl 147 acres of Lot No. 177 n /he sth dislric/ of said coun/y. Sold as Him properly of Janie* B McAllis ter, late of said county, deceased. Sold for /he benefit of the heirs. Terms mado known oil titty of A A Mc.\LLISTER, Kx or, no 24 Gi ii 5 on. 13/ 1 1 jrou w. iiL Pocket and Table < atlery call at J.T. iN,J. MEADOR’S An aperient anil Stomachic prop:\rat"*i*n of IliON purified ol Oxygen and ('drboti lv com bus-* lion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by oo highest Medical Authorities, l*o h in Furono and tho Uni ti *t S/nte-*,writ! prescribed in their •nxictico. Thooxotrioncoof ilumisiiixlh daily prove* that no preparation ot /i*n can l*o coniparco with it. 1m purities ol tho blood, depression of vital eneri.v, pale aetl oJiciwisc sickly complexion indicalo its liecos'i,y m almost every coiiCcivnhlo cm so Innoxious in all maladies i.i which it bus been i tried, ii has proved u liMiluh'ly curative iu each t*l the foil )Wing complaints, v ; h. tleliihiv, Ntivous Affection*. Emaciation, Dyspepsia, ransiipa.ioo. Diairluea, Dysentery. |.*n pieiit Convinn|itiin, Snoitilous Tulteinr los/w, Salt /’heum, Misiueost nation, Whi/es, t'hlo.od*, Livei t omplaiii.s, Clootiic Headaches, Koenti'Skism, In Icrtiiitlenl Ivvei*, Ihiuolus on the Face, etc. /ii cases of General Debility, wheditr tho result f acute disease, or of ,{iu diminution of ne.vous and muscular one egy from chronic complaints, one tiial of liiis VcNiura-t vo hits |><nvcd successful to un extent-vrNrh no de.scri|*li*.i nor uo>k>ii *on uoiihi readui c edible. Invalids so long bed ii idlco as to liavo b *omo so “ottoi in tiieir own I i.ei-bh.ihomls, have suddenly rc-appeared in /in* j busy world as if just reotMied from po ,acu*d tmv |elin ) di*t;*nl la ml. So nc very nal mslatices of this I nd a CPt.csied of female Su IV ers, emaciated | victims of apoioont lin, ciibcal changes, and iliat cc,npliiMion ofner voiin *mJ tlys|ic ( ). ic eve- <i,* to .i• and for which die pitvs'cian Ims no name. 7n Nervous Affections of all hinds. Plid for capons fa.nlie. to medical men, tho ope on of this p•o.'ialitm of iron must ihm* rssa i'y he .lalnla-y, foi imlil.c the old o.vdirs, it is vigi.rouviy ionic, wuhont he ..m and over heatuivj; anti a;>e*ieiil even hi .ho most o'h* Miiinrftwihtt costivene** wi.liuul ever be ing a j>n-iek ve, or n*|bciiiig a diw eeahlc sewalon. It is ih’ h* hi pioe>v moon * o.he is; which makes il ho • em;'kuh*y elieciea’ nod pe.inan ent .* remedy I'o Pile* oiio.i vveuni i, nlo appeals lo exert a tl'vhici ami specific act‘on, by \e,p,- dug the *oca* tendency vvo-ch lot ms ihe*n, /. i Dvspep nia, innniee aide as ••o its causes, a m-*- to box of these Cha'.dwa.c Pil'shas •fien sofltced for /lie moat liutfiti'al cnscs, inHudiuo !>e ai.emhi.u Cosh viveness. In nnchcckod l)i.o .nei oren when ad vaoeed lo Dvsente'V, court ined, cmnciali it nod apparen/'v malignant, die clb’eia have Gocn ctpiaHy decisive jis/ouishia ‘ /n .iio local oain-,, loss ol tlesh ands/ deoilii iiin ; cod ,l anil remiiian/ hec dc, which - ,coo a'ly iudicaio yici|dcnl tfoiisnoipdot), *ii* * r.eci*v lie■ alh-ve** *o ala. in of I. t -nd unit physicians, in sevo al vev •, ads, io ;■ am| ioietcst* mg iosisooe in Heroltihms Telwm-lo'ts.ihi* ,Dedi cated iron lisa •".*• u'ore ih.m the good effect of tho •ooHi.cauiiousl v h. , un<v. pi epjom ions of ioo'.io, iviihniH soy of iheir tvi’H known *• l*1 1 • ies. d'iie attention of female* cmiihu he .uo coefnienll v invi ted lo ibis remedy nnd ie\te>.‘. ve, in i,o c.*>c.n po. culir ly nlh'C'Mig them. In h’lxmnia. •sin, troth chronic tmd otfiainitMt* v -in die Ini .or, however, tno>o deeioedly—ii has been invu.iiibly vve'l eepoi led, hntb es ii'*cv : niing pwm nnd • eOuei.'g die svvtl- I >*jr * illness o'* tho pi tils and •misele'.. In la. tei ‘11111(111 Ft*\ on 11 in net uocessm i’ v bo • gi e:l i cni edy amt eiiei';ot<c restorative, oiJ i.s progress m /lie new sett'eiiieiilH of ihe Wes , \\ d| be onu of hub renown snd iisofelacHs. No ictnedy has ever been d*covc r ed ‘ll Iho whole li*ho. v of inedicino, which *?• in such p.o.npi, hnppv, nnd fully reslota tive effect. (I.roe n-i,M)kito complete digos,ion, npid acqusirion of si rngdi, wilti nil unusual disposition lo? active and cheeifnl exeicKo, tmtnedhiluly fol low *h o*.. up ni flat Di'(i\l Isixesewn ta'iiing .0 piMf. pries 5V CtMtis per- ox; for side by and. uggi *ts ami dealers. Will ho *ent Leo lo snv uci iLess on reee pof lire price. AM loners, o>ders, etc., slionhl lie add tossed to It. lb LOCK E Cos., General Agents, iio27 Jy 20 C’edai street, Now York. Not ice ! TWO months nilor dale applice/ion will he madn to the Ordinary of Curroll conn/y for leave to sell the land belonging to the ostato of ,/as B Woodley deeased. JAS W DORSI V. AdmV. no 21 2m 4 00 with tho Will nmioxed. G UAIID/A .V’S SA/.K AGRI'KABI.B to an order of the Court of Culi nary of Carroll county, vv ill ln sold before the comt house door in lhtchaunti, Haralson county, nil the first Tuesday in November next, within iho legal houis of sale, f,12 of lot ofland no 99 in original 7th dist. of originally Carroll now Haralson conn/y Property belonging to minor lo irs of D. and Nancy Posey, ami sold for their benefit. bin fee 500 A J BUTRAM, Guardian. A DMINISTIi. I TOII'S S. I LE. AG RLE ABLE to nti order of tho court of Ordi nary of Carroll county, will be sold before /ho court house door in Carrollton, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, n town lot in the ‘own of Carrollton, no not known, being tho place whereon M .) Ve/vin now lives, and known as the Livery Stable Lot. Sold as proper ty of Richard Ii James, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs nnd creditors. EL/ BENNON, Adm no 24 Sins fee 5 t)0 £357” /f yon want Wrought iorn Horse Shoe Nail ? J.'l A N. J. ME ADO IC,S'. If you want Wagon boxes, 1 lames, Gordon lines, or Rakes, cell at MKAI)OR,ri. rsjT” /f you want Books and Stationery, call at J. T.&l N. J. MEADOR S. If you want to seo goods given away fast, call nt J. T. A N. J. ME A DOR’S A DMrNISrRA TOR'S SA LE. BY virtue of an order of tin* Pom*, of Ordinal/ of CnrroJl county, will be Bold before the Court House door in Carrollton, on tlm first Tuesday in November next, within tho legal hours of sale, tho following valuable lands, t wit: Loss Nuts Nos 60, 69,70 and 91, and f>o acre of ot no. 92, all containing 860 acres, and one of the niokt desirable settlements of land in the county | lying • the 6di (list of Carroll county, and sold as tiie property of Francis M Richards,.deceased, for the u'-nctit of the heirs and creditors, ‘Perms on day of sale. W J liLMBUKK, AduiT JSej*/ 21 no ‘.li 6 ins fee 500 AMBSatOTVBLS. W. M. WELDEN, BEOS leave lo inform the Lad ion nnd Gentlemen of this place and vicinity that he is prepared to take A MBKOTY PES in the luteal aud most np proved style of Iho Ai7. | Rooms in the old Court House. PICTURES neatly set in Breastpins, Lockets, d’C. To I huso who desire these pleasant nnd highly treasured robes, he would ay, COME at once, <nnl procure a good Picture. £3s** Prices moderate, nnd within the reach of all: then, while he may bn found call ye on him. £•& ** Instruction® given in the art. j September 21 no 2?> ts BOOTS AND SHOES. THOSE wishing to buy Boots and g'jp Shoes, clienp, can do • by calling upon the subscriocr, at tin Boot nnd i Shoe sign- I am determined /•* wll, l *r-v j and will sell low for cadi. All / ask of tny fiieiuh is to call and examine ’my stork I Aug. i n*dy Btiio Joseph ii brook I uri vcpairing >fall kiudb done neatly up stair*. \ ALU ABLE GIFTS WITH IIIIUK, A TOKO. G. KVASS’ ORIGINAL tIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, TUK LARUEST J.V THE WORLD! I’l’lDl WbM’l.l LOCATED AT <S9 CH ESNUT STREET, niILADELPfI/A Mx iii \ i:\tc or i it 4 tu! ui'uiNiC CAIID. /faring purchased the spacious fron build mg, Ao. 4dU Chestnut street, and Jilted it up it'ith (very convenience to Jacifitate tun l>u*i n, ss % ,n,t/ particular /// that branch devoted / (OIA 1U) OJiDKRS; and huciny g larger capital than any other ptirfg t< /// the. business, fam note pregand to ojfer greater advantages, #/.-</ bitter gijts than ever to my customers. / willJat nish any hoof (of ek moral charae tcr) j published in the United States, tke reg ular retail price of which is One Dollar or upwards, and giro a present Worth Jronr fifty emts lo *IOO with each book, and guarantee to give perfect satisfaction, as / am dtterni * ined t 0 maintain the reputation alreadtf bes towed upon my establishment. Strangers visit/ng Philadelphia ar invited Vo call to* llumtt>lve*. (J.u, kuV ANri IF YOU WANTANY BOOKS sex/) ro a/:<>/:as a vrixt.v.s’ lIELI ABLE (! IFT POoK K.NTKIU’KISK ISO ( Ik. mill f.lri-1-l, ■'blliKli-l|>tiiu. Wliero all books are -o!,l at tbo I’ublu-liur's low eat pro vs, and you liavo the .mWIJYIJIGE Os receiving A HANDSOME PRESENT WORTH I K*\| . r U CENTS I\> 1(0 POII ARS WITH FACII HOOK. (IFO. G F\ A NS’ Oiinitial Gift Ihmk lhiterpi has la*cii endorsed by (lie Rook ‘l’rado and all the lending city and country uc\vspniers in /ho United Stales. LED (• I.VANB Punctual business transactions have loeeived the npprohalioii of over f.00U.000 ci/i/eiis of / he United Stales, each el whom have received substantial ev ole nee of tho benefits dei iv ed by purchasing hooks at this estahliklmu nt. (.L(J (.< f.\ ANS Ibis dono more thun nny other publisher, r hook eller, in the United Sta’/s, lo waids diHilling knowledge lo the people. By his system, many bonks aro rend ib.U otherwise would not have found their wav imo tho hands of readers. ( Frank A- .%/■' Mnwpnp* ) (•LOG l.\ ANS Keeps eonstan/ly on hand the most extensive stock, th grea/eat assortment of Books, and circulate fieeto all who mav apply the most complete catalogue of Books and Gills in the United State:!. GEG G l.\ ANS Ilai nJ vantages offered him by other poblisliers and lanuufactiirerrt which rtiahlu him to furnish Ins patrons with n finer (jualitv aud a better assortment of gilia than any oilier estab lishment. GEOG E\ ANS Publishes nearly Two Hundred Popular and /meresting Books, therefore, ic a pub lisher. lie is belter able lo oJ’er extra premiums am! commissions. (•k' G i.\ ANS <!onranteoi( peifect eaiisf.iction to all who may send fr hooks tiLO. t. EVANS New classified rntnlogm* f hooks embraces the writings cf every s/ au thor in ovorj department cf literature, nml gives all the informal ion relative io iho purchasing and fur warding by Mail or LxprcNii of books ordered fram his establishment, together wall fell directions how to remit inouey. ttieo. u. rrnrra craiumgna or uooke will !* sent gratis and froe of expenue to eny addles* in tho Uuited Slates. 11EO (J EVANS’ Inducements to Agenta cannot he Nurnnssed. The rnoet coinuiiHeiotie aro cdfereij, and by soliciting subeeriplions t< books in tho manner piuoosed, twenty books can i*e sold ill tho sanm limit that il would lake to sell one on the old fashioned subscriptKn plan. Send for a classic lied catalogue amt every information will lie given in reference to agencies. Select jour books enclose amount of money required, and one trial will sntm fy you llial'tlio best place in the country lo purchase books in nt THE EXTENSIVE GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT 0K GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 43!M’lac||t 111 Mi ort, fl’li i ladol |>lt In, WHERE YOU CAN GLT HOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Books of fact, books of fiction, boolci of devotion books of amusement, books for /bo old folks, books for /ho young folks, books for husbands, books for wives, books for lovers, books for sweethearts, books for hoys, books for girls, books of humor, books of poetry, books of travel, hooks of history, hooka of biography, hooks of adventure, books about sailors, books about soldiers, books about In dians, books about hunters, books about herons, hooks about patriots, books for farmers, books for mechanics, books for morclmuts, books lor physi cians, hooks for lawyers, books for statesmen, Bi bles. Presentation books, Prayer books, Hymn books, juvenile books, AunuuN, Albums, etc. etc. Cecil n hartley’s /nteresting Biographical Rev j ii inokaham'h Scriptural Romances! smuckkr’h Lives of Patriots and Statesmen! i t LAi'RKN’tyKovoluiionary Storiesl t s Arthur’s Popular Talcs! dr aloott’a Family Doctor I AIRS HKNT//R NoTOIhI mrs south worth’s Novels! oooi'kk’s Novels I diokkn’s Novels! WAVKRI.KY Novels 1 irving’s Works I All tho writings of every standard author in every department of litcruturo, in every stylo of binding, st the publisher’s /owes! prices, and remember you pay no more than you would at any oilier Estab lishment, and have tho advantage of receiving an elegant present, which oftentimes is worth n hun dred fold more than tho amount paid fur the hook. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. Order am/ book that you may want, remit the re • tail price , together with the amount required for post a (ft, ami one trial will assure you that the best place in the country to purchaso looks is at tho Gift Hook S.stabfis/imrnt of GEORGi: 0. EVANB, Originator of the Gift Book Kutorpriso, No. 4>9 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED To whom greater inducements limn ever oTcred. Any person, male or female, who is ileHir ous of engaging in an Ilonurnlilr, nml Profilnhlc Emplnymrit Requiring hut little lime nnd no outlay of money, and by which they can ob/nin gratis A VaSiinble l.lbrnry, A Flair <■ old U ulcli nnd C'lanlii, A llaiidHonie Nervier of l*ln(r f An l NllJk Drt'k* I'niiern* A Mplriidld Ncltof Jcivclrf, Gi many other choice articles enumerated in iho List of Gifts, eau do so by acting as nn Agent for this Establishment. Ain/ person, in any part of the country, can l*o mi Agent, >• imply by forming a club, sending list of Istoks, mid remitting amount of money for the same Sru'l for a ( l alalenjw, which contains all Ihe do. sited inlormutioi) culalivu to ag* noies and Iho form alum us chilis; and to insure prompt and honorable dealings, address all orders to THE HEAD QUARTERS OF UFO. ( r. FFI F.V, rnni'nißTOß ok tiikoi.dkst ani i.arokht toll IBook FnfrrpriMC ill liar Uorld, /'< immu-t/fu f(<e,iteil ot No. 4U9 t in tout rrcet, 27-dmu i’ll ILADELITIIA. STATE GOVERNMENT. .Jo-GTH of 1-hon'koc, (lofcruof. .1 D C tmphell, of Houston, Sec. \lx. Dept. A J t* \\ dlinins <>t l>hll win “ “ II II Waters **f C’hnrokcO ** “ A l Ihitimm of flail Messenger K J’ Watkins of Fulton, Secretary of State I’ IhwoMt of Muscogcf, Comptroller Genera John Jones of Ihihlwm, TreoMircr A.l Hogans 11f (Airroll, Sur?vTvr (Joticruf < .1 \V olljom of l tiion, State Librarian Idi Met oniifll ** f Cherokee, Keep, of Pen. I I. (fiierry of (Juitmau, l'rusilcnt of Scuut# l’ II II ■ -t ot I.eo, Soero/ary of Scna/o. I I hwfn *>f H ilkes, Spf.-.kor us /ho Koitso lloorgo y//ll>erut D’alh*n, C:rk of//ouse srruKMK coi*ut judges. J U Lumpk/n of t'lark m Ti<u/*n .SVephciH of //uueock g L I’ Lvoii of Dougherfy (’W HuDoso of //uncock, Clurk U J/ar//iiof Columbus, lCA*p*rfor TIM Ih AM) FLACKS OF HoLDINU \st D/s/r/cf-(\)tnposed of fhn Livsfern, Mt die, and Brunswick Judrecil Circuits at &+ vani.ab, on fho second J/oiidny in Jaiinary and second J/on day tn June n each year. tid I\*mposod ol the .l/aeon, VFwsKriv, Omfftihootbce and Pat aula Judical Circuits, nt J/aeon on /he four/h Jfoiulay *n January mid four/U Afouduy in J-ug iu 0.4G1 year. •M Dis/.-Compoaod of /ho Fln/, Covr^a, I *1 ii*: K/dge, ('herokeo and Tallti|HVxiA Jud/c* *1 Circuits, nt A/latUa on /he four/h Jfoudav u d/arch and second tu Augub/ iu k year. •l/h D/s/. (7ompaged of ths Western Nor/hern •ludieod Circuits nt A/lions #■ |U•• hmrtli d/oiidny in J/ay mid iour/h J/ouday Xovembttr in crteli year. h/h D/s/.• f’oinpcsc*! of /he Oomulgee ud xS’ou/herti J ml/rial ( Vrcui7s, At J/illtdj;?ito on /lie second A/ondaysin j/ay aud Nowiid*i* mi each year. UNITED STATES Cl ROD IT COURT. J us/icc-J anios A/ IFa vi 10. Nor/liern I >#s/nc/ Mai Ze//a, on /hg *ec >m d/-)inlays <ll J/arch niul Srp/ember. v 'ou/hern lJis/r/V/-iSavatinah on /he x*‘com d/ouday in Apr/I ; J/dletlgeville ou i liurdd ti af/cr /ho firs/ J/omhty *ll November. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COD'D C J AGonu-v—(i.-ori.o .s’ Owens.” .l/.irslmll- DitiwVl tl .S'/.wnrf, Clerk <rl Nol'/liuiii iV il -SuiC, W .Vitr/r-7/n. L'lril; of Dittfic! V S //nry, >n .S'avanuali. Nod!.arn | iixlrirt — Mkvivlta on cocoiij JToo ■lava mi ‘fart'li .:nil *S\-| y* r. .S’ou.'liern D/'/rrr /--.S’.uninmli in Kroon l I'lirStltij. iu l'olrru.iry, ii.iV, Angus I ami So vemlior. IIEPREHMNTATION OF CKOROIA IN CONOR ESS. Sct.alo/w. Rabort Twomliaof L’tll.rai ; -rii> •s|nits In 1 UIK. Alford Ivonron of dfusoogi ; /onu ixj ir.s* in lSfil. CONG RKSSIONAL DISTRICTS. First.—F 12 Dorr. • £>'(ioond.~jM J Crawford. Third.-.Tliomns V/ardoiuMU. Fourth.— I, J (iiir/roll. Fifth.—Juhu IF il Undorwooif. Sixtli.-.lnnito Jackson. Ncvcn/li.—Joshun //ill, 3 Eighth.—J J Jones. GEORGIA MILITARY MNSTMU T J/itj.rr F IF Capers, (.’npluiu IF J J/aoill, ComnundaiiL A N ■Simpson, Necretury. V 'J PESIDENTS OF RAILROAD-*. Dr J IF Lewis, Supoiintondeiit.**, ‘iIST Utiorgin, and Host Point and Atlaa Railroad, John I’ King, lVusident. Central, and .South IFcsteru Railroad, R U Cuylor, President. Alhauy and Gulf Railroad, /7Tlobcrts, Act ing President, .Savannah and IFaynosboro Railroad, Fran cis T IFillis, President. jlfuscogce Railroad, John L M •strain, Frrs ident. Jfaeon k IFostera Railroad, Isant NV#tt, President. Rome & Kingston Railroad, W S C*tbrau General A'nperinteudcnt. LUNATIC ASYLUM. T>r T F Green, .Superintendent. I) V Campbell, M Grieve, nnd I>r JS ® IVln'to, Trustee!. ACADEMY FOR TIIE BLIND. [At Macon.] W I) IFilliains, A M, Principal. DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM. [At Cave Spring.] ■- • Dunlap, Principal. RAILROADS IN GEORGIA. IPestcrn <t Atlantic, from Atlanta to Cba/J tanoo'a. Ills miles, fare tivo dollars. Georgia Railroad, from Augusta to Atlanta. Atlanta A IFcst Point,( from Atlanta t H'. st l'oint, Central Railroad, from Savannah to Afacod. .Vouth n'estorn Road, from Jftcto to Eu faula ; with brunch to Fort (Jains, Albany and lintler. Atlantic A Oulf Railroad, from Savanna!! to I lainln iil gc, [when finished.] H aynesboro Railroad, ftoa. Augusta t# JLIIen. Muscogee Rail road,'from Columbus io Data ler. Macon and Western, from Macon to Al lan/a. g Rome A Kingston, from Rome to Kingston. Thomas/oii, from Tbom.iston to Uurnesvilte. Milledgevillo A Gordon, from Millcdgerilla to Gordon. K.iionton Road, from Katonton to Milledge v/I 10. Athena lliancli, fr..m Athons to Union Poiit Washington Brunch, from Washington to /Amble Wells. East 1 1 iinesseo nml Georgia Railroad, from Dalton to Knoxville. Ibtinsw/ek .X I*loritla from Brunt wick to West Point.