Newspaper Page Text
Week of Nov. 24 To 29th
Fun and amusements of/ all kinds.
Come and see the Free Styow on the
grounds every night. Something going
on all the time. If you want to amuse
yourself visit The Sherwood Shows
while they are in Blue Ridge.
Nearly Every Child Wormy
Paleness at' times a flushed face,
unnatural hunger, picking the nose,
great thirst are indications of worms.
Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable
thorough medicine for the removal of
all worms from children and adults.
Kickapoo worm Killer in pleasant
candy form, aids cftopsiion, tones the
system, overcoming constipation and
increasing the nciioii of the liver. Is
perfectly-an I r even the most deli¬
cate children. Kickapoo Worm Kill¬
er makes children healthy and happy
25c. Guanmml. Try it. Drugstores
or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Medi¬
cine Co,. Philadelphia or St. Louis.
The practical question of this
day is not as to whether good
roads should be built but as to
how to build them. Here there
is infinite diversity of opinion;
but one fact might just as well
be admitted by al[ to begin with;
good roads cost money and no
community can get them without
paying for them. They pay for
themselves, to be sure but they
do it on the installment plan and
they must be built and put to
work before they begin to pay,
The cheapest way to get good
roads is to go ahead and build
them in a business like manner,
Piddling measures and patch
work will in the end be far less
profitable than an outright ex¬
penditure of the money needed to
make the roads good at the out¬
set- —Progressi ve Farmer.
Union Meeting.
Program of Union Meeting to
be held at Sugar Creek church
Nov. 28th. Saturday and Sunday
at 1:30,
What is missions? Where does
it begin, and is the mission work
at present Bible methods?
Is foot washing an ordinance
or an example, should we pcad ice
it in connection with the Lord’s
Is the eternal security of the
regenerated soul taught in the
W. J. Ballew, Fastor.
The many friemls of Mr. Zeb
Deweese, here and elsewhere,
were shocked last deat\ l’Viday to
learn of his sudden in At-
1 lauta, where he had beet%taken
| the day before for an op»ation
for appendicitis. Ilis rahains
were brought to Lis honM at
Sweet Gum, Saturday nigh»nd
Alonday they were filtered a
church near Culberson,
Masonic rites. Mr. Deweesk
was about 40 years of age
( leaves a wife a»d|one child,and a
hose of relatives and friends to
mourn his loss. He was post
master at his place and a rner
chant at the time of his death.
His friends insisted on his nomi¬
nation for ordinary, by the re¬
publicans to succeed Col. Hall,
and it was apparent that he
would have been nominated but
for his protest.
Declare War on Colds.
A c u- ide of education v 1 1 u-h
,: lhat coimmin voids u> iy become on
cotnuniu w ithin the <iex< uoner.ii ion;
has been oi ;un by Xevv Y-nt plns'
cians. Were is a 1st nf <l>i"t\ ’ which
tbedocioi's < iy will p. vent the v'»>R.i
tion of cobt:
“Don't s'l in a draughty car.’’
“Don’t sleep in hot rooms.’’
• Don't avo'd the I Ash air.
“Dont stuff yourselYat meal time.
Ovpie»i'nobreduces ytYr power of re
sistenca^ \
Tttjffbich we would adt^-when you
la cold get rid of it Quickly as
sible. To accomplish at you
Fnd Chamberlain’s Cough TKinedy
most excellent. Sold by all ddV® 1 *
Judges Awarded the Cash
The Summit’s corn club closed
Tuesday and the $100 in cash
was awarded by the judges as
For the best acre of corn, $25
toj. O. Addington. He was also
awarded $15 for the second most
profitable acre—total $40.
J. E. Cochran was awarded
$15 for the second best acre and
$10 for the third most profitable
acre—total $25.
VV. L. Conley was awarded $10
for the third best acre and $25
for the first most profitable acre
—total $05.
Prof. J. \V. Hughes, J. M.
Hackney and Warner Smith were
the judges, and as soon as the
result ’4is declared, a check was
them pro m foi jjjflerj' g % ^ to Jfrh allowed, of
and they went tlL^r, ;ay rejoic¬
Mr. Addington’s total product¬
ion, counting corn $1.00 per
bushel, and fodder $1.50 per hun¬
dred, amounted to $154.75, which
cost him $55.40 leaving $00.35
Mr. Conley’s total production
amounted to $75.75, and it cost
amounted to $86.00, which cost
him $23.50, leaving a profit of
There were 31 persons entered
the club, and of this number
only three went through and
complied with the rules. While
their failure is something of a
disappointment to us, at the
same time we ate proud of the
record made by those who went
through, and the amounts pro¬
duced by them is evidence of
what our farmers may do if they
will only try.
Next week we will print Mr.
Addington’s letter stating
he produced his acre of
The Blue Ridge Summit.
Only a woman can understandable
paralyzing effect of disorders iJbhe
organism—the misery f it
Vid its depressing influence Jh the
n\id. Many women who haversuffer
ed nom these disorders owi their
presenKbealth to Dr. Sitiimojps Squaw
Vino Wine. It exercises a powerful
restorative influence on Jr he female
generative system, builds «p a strong
body, restores healthy regularity and
promotes cheerfulness ai/d a clear rosy
complexion. Price one^lollar per bot¬
tle. Sold by Blue Ridge Pharmacy.
! n JCJ ■
► l 5
Saw Mills, Shingle Hills, Gasoline
Engines, Steam Engines an or*
Grain Threshers.
FACTORY Brnch Office and Sample Room
WINDER, GA. 70 South Forat t!i St,,
CO Semi-Weekly Journal
31 i (ONE) $1
A \ L
i: e we are abje
_ MHHpV^fremely low offer
oJjmePosi and the Semi-Week¬
ly journal. Better send in your
subscription before the rate is
advanced to the old price,
Arriving and departing time at Blue
Ridge, Ga. a, daily; b, Sunday ;
c, Sunday only.
Effective Sunday Nov. 16, 1913.
Knoxville and North a 12 14 p m
Marie/ta and Atlanta a 8 25 p tri
Marietta and Atlanta a 12 19 p m
Courier Hill b 7 42 a m
Copper Hill c 5 35 a m
Murphy Branch a 11 55 a m
Murphy Branch b 4 26 p m
■ urphy Branch c 8 2u p m
Knoxville and North a 12 39 pm
Marietta and Atlanta a 5 40 a m
Marietta and Atlanta a 12 34 p m
Cooper Hill b 4 31pm
Copper Hill c 8 30 p m
Murphy Branch c 5 45 a in
Murphy Branch b 7 47 a in
Murphy Branch a 12 49 p m
Heartburn „ symptom of .... lndiges
is a * 8
tion. lo correct the digestive j. . organs
the i remedy j i Is r. Dr. m M. A.SimmonsLiver » o t
Medic,ne The misery disappears ,. at .
once, I he bowels operate
and you feel strong, vigorous and
cheerful. Price 25c per package at
the Hlue Ridge Pharmacy.
HO. 20
For rheumatic pain or nueralgia,
rub the parts affected with Darby’s
Prophylactic Fluid. It penetrates
the flesh and relieves pain. For sore
throat gargle with ,the fluid diluted
with water. For flesh wounds, burns
scalds or sores apply it direct to the
wound, It Deals quickly. For a
cramp, colic or dysentery take it in¬
ternally in water. It quickly corrects,
the trouble, Price 50c per bottle.
Sold by Blue Ridge Pharmacy.
Mint MarK “D”
Coined at Dahloriega. 1 pav $2 50
to $25 for all other gold dollars mint¬
ed at Dahlonega ; also $15 each for
pi 54 *;{. Also other Gold pieces,
bought. Confederate State Stamps.
wanted. Will pay highest prices
Send postal for information.
Jos. F. Negreen,
8 East 23 st., New York City
Saved His Foot.
H. D. Ely, of Bantam, Ohio, soffer
ed (rom horrible ulcer on his foot for
four years,Doctor advised amputation
but he refused and reluctantly tried
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve as a last re.
!>o r . C He „ then wrote, “1 ... used your
salve and „ my foot , . was soon completely .
cureu. Best . remedy ... for burns, cuts.
brui8eH and eczema . Get , a box U)day
0 nly 25c all druggists or by mail
u ^ ~ r> , ,,
Louis. F