The Blue Ridge post. (Blue Ridge, Fannin County, Ga.) 18??-1???, November 20, 1913, Image 2

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•Stale of Ohio, city of Toledo, I Lucas County, Frank J. Cheney makes 'Oath that he U senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the oity of Toledo, County and State af iresaid, arm that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every ca<e of CattarHi that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cu re. Frank J. Chenev. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my presence this Gtii day of Decem¬ ber A. D. 188G. A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. Hall's Oatrrrli Cure is taken inter r.atly and acts directly upon ttie blood -and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. ■ F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O, Sold by all Druggists, 73c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for, con¬ stipation. -v AATwV — BLUE RIDGE TOST PUBLISHED WEEKLY .I. M. HACK KEY I Editors. ELIZ A BE I’ll HACKNEY \ Entered as second class matter at the \mst office at Blue Ridge. Ga , under the Act of Congress of March ii, 18711 Our great trouble with the people of this country is that they know how to manage the busi¬ ness of their feliows. The old maid proffers her sister advice upon the business of,her husband and any old bachelor can give a father advice upon the rearing of his boys. The man who would starve but for the honesty and frugality of his wife, feels com¬ petent to manage the finances of the country, and people who can¬ not be trusted to drive their ducks to, water, and we can tell y6u of several, will tell good wise people how to get to heaven, The man who cannot, run a hand organ if it was tied to him can tell you how to run your business yes, and a man who can run any thing else on earth general knows how to run a newspaper—run it in the ground, When a man dies we notice that so many people have so many good words to say for him and perform in an ostentatious manner many kind acts. His former competitors in business attend the funeral and perform many kindly offices for the dead when he is fairly out of the way. Now if these kind words were spoken when he was alive and was pulling hard against the stream he would have appreciated it more, But we have noticed ft funerals men, wno a lew days or weeks before co tld not find words mean enough to use against the poor man in the coffin. Tou might as well slav away. Ihe kindly o - flees after death-are not appreci a ted by the man in the box at d Lie fo',KS at the funeral t mil in their sleeves and size yo t u’p. Give your food were8 \v er t.h iv are neet ed. Do your good works when they do goou. Do n<>t throw on the thin gauze of svmpathv at the funeral, every body can see ttuough it. ’1 hey Make V a Feel ( ooil. '1 be ;>)r-:-snnt purgative effect jure d.ji.f.i t,( Gimnincrlaiu’s Tablets and the healthy ci-iidition of body and i’ imi v. •• they create make one fuel ; fu! Fi ,--i by all Oeale.S. .-tjioirent 3 WANTED Two Hundred Bushels Corn on One Acre. I want to raise 200 bushels of corn next year and want to start now, I have hill land that made a heavy growth of peavines and 23 bushels of corn this year, Tell mo what kind oi fertilizers, whut kind of winter cov¬ er crops, how to break and when plant. ” We cannot, tell our young friend how to raise 200 bushels of corn on an acre of ground that only produced 23 bushels this year, It not only tiKes favorable weather conditions, good' fertilization and good preparation and cultivation of the land to make 200 bushels per acre but it alsa takes very rich land and very rich lacd cannot be made at tny reasontbie cost, if at all in a f> w months. If this boy coulcTbreak this land 10 or 12 inches deep at once appl’v sever¬ al tons of ground limestone and 25 or HO tons of stabhi manure sow a crop of crimson clover and plow that under next spring tied if he gat ideal weath er and moisture conditions and ler-1 ti.ized liberally with commercial fer¬ tilizers he might get 200 bushels ol j corn, but even if he did all this tiie chances are very much - against his getting even 100 husbrls of corn onto, this acre, but it is not possible to be certain that the moisture and oilier conditions will be just right tri enable the crop to use the plant foods in its growth - The whole'Idea is wrong I t requires years to hoi Id up a soil and as stated it takes a very ric^v rich soil to produce 20? bushels corn per acre and then all other ion ditions must be extn-mly luvorttide Plant the corn at a time which ttip best farmers in your section conshbg rhJfl for corn but as ii eraI .secttone urnliuJ crinisorTq ihe land enough for y planting of corn. V If tlie corif'-taUs <>r psuvines arl plowed under and then con.mcrcinf fertilizers are used liberally, especial, ly acid phosphate, a good crop will hi produced ii conditions are not unfa at ora tile but. it ir not at ail likely tl laud that produced 23 bushels of corn this year will produce 2 <0 bushels next —Progressive Farmer. Kind of weather that puts a tune in the heart. It must be observed that Col. Roosevelt has been in South Amer¬ ica a long time without shooting anything. A safe ami sane halffween role brntion may bu regarded a i another mark of advance in civiliz ition. The closely calculating citizen is likely to feel that the labor in¬ volved in solving income tax pro blems is entitled to some consi.ier tion. Q ne way to settle the .Mexican q m , Kl j on probably would be to let ^ l0t l , trousers g impse of the new . tJrea tina U ^ht Texts. m'f.Tr-'-kjr. v - •miMr^vaa^ar^zc-^i.rvin^vrjtia i hi it _ ftiUSB WpT,, A 52353 tjKw.’irt') nx ,tc! [A V -CA (^ bee - AH Growing Children ■ are dependent on nourishment f or growth, y q estahlislxed Their health it childhood. e a men and woriiek-i is largely a If your child is lanpctd. Woodless, t’rcd when r's'-'r, with 9 ambition, or ro-, r cb- v s, Scnit's Emuision is a Woridmul " Ktsu.dcat 1 iJy-huildin; fats B' '4,V k,^ a* eip. it potsegftes u-furc*3 str;:ac'‘-h ao delicatdy predigested the ulood absorbs its snd criTirs it to every ortyan ana it- ei.lrie (issue flortx— acd ster-ngihena fibre. \\ Jji '* f First I - Gcraarcs thejp apr.-' i’tc. fh™n t >e oonM-mKks. them oeiKiy. au i»c -cm .ic. 1 ’^ *. iliol tMr.aBTcotic in Scoft’s Enmltion, i parity ana strength. B ... ■. ic :va -di e. K : .:.-r...L'ja-i. i -V-H : jj y I SBP» erssijSfis 4U r S': if* ia.U BASINS iiiS 1 gw, ; JLuffa mm ittH iff n of? HOTEL ANSLEY ATLANTA, CA. Open June 30 , (913 The South’s finest and most modern hotel. Fireproof. 306 rooms, JRooms with running water and pnvate Rooms -toilet with $1.00 connecting per day. bath $1.50 Rooms per with day. private bath y day and $2.00 per Finest Rathskellar, up. Cafe and 'Private Dining Rooms in the South. J. B. POUND, Pres. J. F. LETTON, Mgr. CHAS G. DAY, Ass’t Mgr. — 1 T jj i©€tri© r? c? ss i/J&a h O rJ F3 j- ; * U feiaxfe? ®l i § ■' Succeed when everything else fails. B i< in nervous prostration and female B i‘- /caknesses tliey are the supreme § jjj remedy, as thousands have testified, FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AMD t STOMACH TROUBLE L < it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. A Consumptive Cough. A cough that bothers you continu¬ ally is one of the danger signals which warns of consumption. l>r. King’s Hktlie Discovery stops the coughAfios chest Aanisl^jM|^or ■t pecks the sympton^nrfl^W^rompt relief. Mrs. A, F. Mettz, of Glen Hfn, Imvii, writes: “’Dr King’s New DiSeovelfy cured a stubborn cough alter six weeks doctoring had failed.” Try it will dn the same for you. Best medicine lor coughs, colds throat and lucg troubles. Money back if it fails Price 50c and $L. All druggists, by it all, II F, Bucklen it Co , Philadelphia, or St. Louis. (Advert i-ptnent.j Tax Collectors Last Round. 1 wiil be at the following places, for tbc purpose of collecting times, for 10115, on tbc days na med : Xiioiitootla, Novitulie. - 17th. s k" nab 20tli. Moi'giUiton 21st. Hemp (( t2nd. Mineral Bluff (( 24tb. Fiiirplay 2otb. I lotbouse 2Gtli. Fliutliili (( 27th. Molrilc 28th. Oal'hvcll «( 20th. liiuc ll'idg", December l;t, 2nd and 3rd Sugar i '[■•■■■k lith 'buil t fail to register when you p. y your taxes. .1. Y. Cl in is. Tax Collector. Melancholy Women Women who suffer the miseries caused by disorders in the ovarian function, are periodically ailing. They endure pains which extend their exhausting influence to every part of the body, producing melancholy, nervousness, and weaknesses which make life one long, dreary existence. There is relief and renewed hope for these suffering women in DR. SIMMONS Vine Squaw Wine The Woiuam’s Medicine ft Is just the thing to overcome the diseases which, cause this suffering. It is composed of pure vegetable ingredients which are known to act beneficially on the female body. Painful irregularities. Ovarian inflammation, Headaches, Palpi¬ tation of the Heart, all disappear before the power and efficacy of this marvelous medicine, it brings back the strength, vigor and cheerfulness of earlier years and makes life worth living. Sold by Druggists and Dealers. Price $1.00 Per Bottle. C. F. SIMMONS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 'For sale by Blue Ridge 'Pharn«a< y, THE FRIERSON KIVtIWTIDIU | DOWN-DRAFT IRON DRAW COVE* rO» DOWN A. I _DOW1 SHAFT TUi)£ HEATER ©RAFT TUBE jijf '♦)' f -ifc Ml liif $ The " 1! Pi only heater made l t J burning soft coal and pro¬ 1 8URNIK3 HOILOWGAS GRAra ducing the same sesults as feilil-iiliH'-lliil I, a base burner. It is the *»ICA OOOB m most economical—Saving raj y AFTER Sj.rr AOMBlISTlO* TO* air from /i J l the fuel. The to /z UPD&AFTrtbS^f cleanest, safest and most SCREW mss comfortable—the heating DAMPER. ft eaw cast t»ow surface extending down to the bottom where wanted, ti... sss and as comfortable to sit St by as an open grate. Wa¬ ter kept boiling on top, not¬ withstanding it is a down-draft device. Keeps fire all night without # attention. Write for illustrated circular, giving full description of this heater. Cur line of Stoves and Ranges includes the - FtmtKis.National, Regal and 1 X L Steel Ranges, the Isabel and Grand Enterprise Cast Ranges, the Enterprise Family of Cock Stoves, besides scores of others, of every design and price. Heaters for every place a heater can be used, from the small bath room to the largest hall or public building. Write for complete catalog, also showing Ilollowware, Grates, Mantels, Fire Place Goods, Etc. Also write for our household catalogs, containing essentials for Nursery, Dining Room, Kitchen, Laundry, Dairy. Phillips & Buttgrff Mfg.Go. NASHVILLE, TENN. miEURMrtG SUFFERERS SHOULD USE m 2 : ■ II ii Rneumatssm WW MM Ifrrf KVMf ;• -2 ISs? LUMOAGO. i" la b •a ^ ra “K £2> Si FASH THS 1 2 rtVEsA ; Mg|« as it Ss - a §» C< »- *» »6«-ZC8 st.. a-.-ki cutexoo V-’. N, mw W mm ¥ CUASANTEEB ’SO CUSTOMERS im W23S& SHE ©ESSSJAl CAESJAGS FI fJSS eSOWESS * ...... \ ff.t’jbBJdOrpwa. £h; 6 SS5 VAifotf,' «°KS J aiLwliert. «LaaSucttOSBloJU i;r a L-aVnlChi'hsce, .... ^ ^ TpA'CU .-.MAI xK COr | > YRlGHTP r > < £&tabBished 1363 - Paid §nCapitaEStock$ 30 ,QOO.OC!! We Krevr the first FROST PROOF in 13G8. Now ItnVe over twenty fho’.mnr? ^nfis fled customers. Wo have fj'tnrihatlfl srld wore ctlliij# pluots othevpc --ns lutbe Pioulhern States com hind. WllT? Because our plants must please or we Bond your money bade. Order now. It sell Is foe fmo the to set these plants tn your SOW seel ion to TONS oNtru OlF early CABDAae cabbrge.'ord SC 1.0 tinware Eft aE£<*Pf4. the cues that most money- IP Sent Your for a SfSgfit Service—Ask Qe Hour ««"-By !,bb ^S ILYtTge Paid 80 eenU pur loo r'° r »ts» iir«”? res*, layer paying express ©’writes, which under specl tiioui-and; il rate 10,006 is very tind low, J.or %IM fSl.fiv\ .’U»otx£f. 1,OC*0 .0CO $1,50 per thousand; R udJ to Jt0C‘, i*-Sr» per 6 uver . . L WM. . CO», i oj; 133 Y«r»s«s Island, S. <C. J ✓