The Blue Ridge post. (Blue Ridge, Fannin County, Ga.) 18??-1???, November 20, 1913, Image 3

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a jW-VcW-TP Vi: J$k 4 mm It Always Helps L_J & says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in jfjl f v "y tonic. writing She of her experience further: with “Before Cardui, the woman’s Cardui, says I began to use my back and head would hurt so bad, I L_J 1 thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles r- "'a * of Cardui, 1 began to feel like a new vvotnan. I soon fiiK gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, I as well as run a big water mill. 1 wish every suffering woman would give ■m :■ The Woman’s Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good/’ tired, Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, ly trouble. worn-out Signs feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman¬ £rw tonic. You that you need Cardui, the woman’s cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! 164 MM A’v-Tac. - GET YOUR PIANO NOW. Pay For It Under Our Convenient Plan. It is possible for you to have a splendid piano, not a cheap “tin-panny” one, and you may have it now. You may have our beautiful Phillips & Crew Co. Piano placed in your home, by paying a small sum down and the rest in two years’ time, monthly payments, quarterly, or each fall if you depend on crops for your income. Any reasonable terms are acceptable. We put our name on tins piano—Phillips & Crew Co. We put our half century experience into its handsome case, its skilled workmanship, its beautiful lasting tone, its splen¬ did wearing quality. We put our reputation behind it. On account of avoiding middlemen’s profits, you can save at least $100.00 on a Phillips & Crew Co. Piano. .u - Write today for folder showing prices, cut of piano, terms, etc. Get your piano now. Your home needs it. m s I PHILLIPS & CREW CO. ATLANTA, GA. SAVANNAH, GA. I? s rm. fey IS i I & e> S3 ¥t A.TlM ID 9 Mur* : • i a The Sign of Good | ® /? Biscuit—Light and Flaky ' The best flour and lard will produce heavy and soggy biscuit unless your Soda is Fresh and Pure. To bo sure of getting Fresh, p ur e Sc” a insist on Linglc-Thistle Brand, Pall Pound Package. It is packed into sanitary, ©SKI moisture-proof, air-tight packages dVect from the mill. Because* Ksgle-Thisfte is Freeh and Puro, use Quo-fourth Siss than < ' her brands. Eeg!c-Th?*Mo ts nn.niifacluj pack U find sold by us All and gm 110 uildd'l. -rr nan's cae'e-Th-'sHo profit is tu :'cd. Po, ' ..ftaso 1 nparo Substitutes. tin* prim*. & s ... C ar w cook book fret- on j oqnoet. Si K:.r"-su:! alkhu worscs I fLdQvy ~ .t-i OJCgus SALTV 2 L 5 ." V.KCI'HA j. .'.e-Vi - 1 - ,'ietcw. ,'i*| ‘it ■> ,'f . I ■ - I .. VALUE OF A SHORT COURSE II ■Y$ AGRICULTURE FQH THE BUSY FARMER President Andrew M. Souie, State College of Agriculture. Ten days spent at the first, of tho year gaining new information and gut- ! ting new light on farm problems at A1 the State College of Agriculture at j Athens, have proven of benefit to many i farmers. It has been the means of' some getting into new and better pay¬ ing lines of farming than they have been conducting. To all, the course has meant the broadening of their con¬ ception of Che possibilities, as well as their knowledge of the great underly-. ing principles of agriculture. The first of the year is a good time to plan the farm program. It may be that you want to take up some¬ thing new, but you do not have all the information you would like. Why not, get it at tlie short course? Perhaps your soil is losing its fertility each year and you want to know how it can be built up without buying it. Perhaps you are interested in start¬ ing the raising of colts, or beef cat¬ tle, or dairy cattle, or pigs. If you have not had successful experience, you will provably find that learning how costs far less at the Short Course. Perhaps you may he interested in growing alfalfa, silage crop, or other crop suited to Georgia. The College COTTON BOLL ROT 10 SEED SELECTION John R. Fain, Professor of Agronomy. , * \ LS m s c i. / •>: r i Showing Anthracnose on Boll. Go into the cotton field and get your seed. Any other way is hazard¬ ous. Select seed from plants that are free from disease and especially free from cotton anthracnose or boll rot. Georgia lost $ 2 , 000,000 from anthrac nose during 1913 , according to federal reports. The disease is spreading and greater losses may he expected. Select seed from well formed, hardy high-producing plant, that do not hear signs of anthracnose, and you not only have the best assurance of pro tection from boll rot, but an assurance cl' the largest yield. The College has been selecting seed in this way during the past few years and has a variety of cotton that has proven .highly free from the disease., Eczema I chilis’ Cured Tin. smithing, limiting mi'dicat toll in Pr. Hub-oil’s E-zona Olnllll/nt pend rates every tiny skin, eleire it of nil impuritie—“lops telling instantly. Pr, Hobson's z-tm.1 Ointment U guar.ititee,I to sjjt-w). • tly Innil ev/.nnu, rut-lie-, ringworm, 'otter Kin) other unsightly erujn ions. iCez tna ()initn»nti .is a doctors ( re -eription, not an experimtin' 1! ruggist s or liv mail, fit) ,*. 1‘feiirei Olietnicai Co,, Philadelphia u.-.ii .-it. Bonis. (Advertisement) animaotiv-iiiiWtr l l ,iia. t -iP: newt - *s.. -urx m ..n—/. au Toiiighr ; it A-iti ti. I and 11 11s: i p-it 1 1 . \l i Itprlnih'f p-\ has not only the information, but ae tua ) results to pxliibit that have boon '' ro ™ ^ Co " e * e \ on have doubtless been buying , fer UJizer without a Knowledge of the needs of your soil, thus throwing away your hard-earned money. In a ten da.vs’ course you cau learn something about fertilisers that will prove a great saving in the future. Should you he interested in introduc ing new farm machinery, you will find that the short course affords oppor¬ tunities for studying and comparing advantages of various makes, under expert advice. It may save you front throwing away many dollars on ma¬ chinery that is impractical for your -farm. n it is trucking, orcharding, vine¬ yards in which you wish to get infor¬ mation, tlie course in horticulture is goffered. If it is poultry, you will find a good course and a well-equipped plant at your service. The short course is offered, of course, to the farmers of Georgia to help them meet their farm problems. Tlie attitude of the College is to ren¬ der assistance to as many as it can. It stands ready to he used by the people and welcomes demands upon its service. Where seed can not be bought that has been proven free from the dis¬ ease, the farmer must rely on his ov.-n cotton fields. Any one can de¬ velop a variety of cotton into a high state of freedom from the disease by proper seed selection in his own fields, If anthracnose is not present, it pays well to select seed in the field from the best plants. Yields can he built ^EverytSnftlmt conduct to weak ness of plant development lays the plant open to all diseases that may appear, so that the best assurance of freedom from loss is obtained only when there has been right seed selec tion and right' cultivation both before and after the seed is planted. In other words, strong plant's are healthiest. j Stop in All anti 1 -AT- J—| T r , 2 O It "-!*<• Pfi on Pryor Ivencn .■■■ . thrum;. utu Oil up WlB’T . !. ••! •_ Jl) For Women t 0 r»!y g | 11 is Dr. prepared Simmons expressly Squaw for Vina the Wine ail¬ * ments of women. Jt contains ingredients which act directly on the delicate female constitution, , I 1 mildly and pleasantly—yet it ex- | cruises a most beneficial effect j sll through the system. t i DR. SIMMONS i) 3 Wine 9 Overcomes weakness, nervous¬ ness and irritability. Gives prompt relief from the depressing bear¬ ing-down pains, backaches, nau¬ sea and irregularities which cause so much suffering and despond¬ ency. It has a most happy effect, f Restores strength, renewed hope, I cheerfulness and the energy and will to perform the duties of the household which formerly were so trying and distasteful. ! Sc’d by Druggists and Deafer* Price $1 Per Bottle C.F.SII»N3MEBICiriEC0. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI --ar,: :c_~-: Sold by Blue Ridge Pharmacy. Foley Kidney HP (A % *r \ What They Will Bo for You They will cure ycur backai he, strengthen ycur kidneys, cor rect urinary irregularities, bud J up the worn out tissues, and eliminate the excess uric acid that causes rheumatism. Pre¬ vent Bright’s Disease and Dia bates, and restore health and strength. Refuse substitutes. Prevent and Relieve Headache '-Jt gives me great pleasure to» 1 J U j s H ^ ^ e F'\ rtm C * * . . . ^ house F we nave yet had in our for 111c prevention . and cure of headache. My wife who has been a constant sufferer for a number of years with above complaint joins me in the hope that: they may fall into tlie hands, of all sufferers.” JOHN BUSH, Watervleit, Me., Used Them Four Years. “Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are the best 1 ever tried for the relief of headache. I have used them for neatly four years and they never fail to give me relief., I have tried many other rem ct.lies, but have never found any better/’ J >SEPH FRANKOWICK, Sf,: Trombly Av., Detroit, Mich*. There is no remedy that till rnor uni kly relieve any form of . sir el than t & ties' A cl -Pain Fffi*. I j . i ] fuie of ti i, lb lli.i