Fannin County gazette. (Mineral Bluff, GA) 188?-1???, April 30, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. IV. -fGOODS t AT* GREATLY 4 REDUCED « PRICES --AT Thomas Dickey's o- I have now opened up a full line of General Merchandise which 'propose to sell only for cash or barter, and at prices far below’ houses who sell on time. All who want to buy the most goods for h ast money, will find it to their interest to call and examine goods prices. NOTE SOME OF MY PRICES ON SHOES. Mens fine shoes at $2.00 that other houses ask $2.50. Brtigans $1.25 that sells elsewhere for $1.40. Ladies fine shoes for $1.15 that elsewhere for $1.1)0 and all other goods in proportion. Don’t take my vord for it but come and see for yourself, it cost nothing to see I can, and will, save you money. I take all kinds of country produce highest prices. I have a beautiful line of NEW HATS JUST RECEIVED very cheap, don’t fail to see them before yon buy. My line of jeans, ■ •alicoes and dress goods of alll kinds are unsurpassed and cheaper than the cheapest. I always keep on hand Best Grade of Coffees and Sugars and everything in family groceries at bottom prices. Don’t fail to come and see me when you come to Mineral Bluff. I havn’t space to give you prices on everything, but if you would save yourself money, don’t buy until you see my prices. They are lower than ever before. $ ONE DOLLAR $ H ILL BUY MORE GOODS AMD SECURE GREATER VALUE AT OUR J STORE ill AN ELSEWHERE, WHETHER EXPENDED FOR DRY GOODS BOOT SHOES HATS or NOTIONS. $ Yours for trade $ W. A. WILSON, Mineral Bluff, Ga. MONEY made easy Manufacturing Rubber Stamps. Send for Price List ol Outfits, to J. K. W. Uormau, No. ‘217 East German Street, Ilal- timore, Maryland, U. S. A. J. B. DICKEY & SON Cap Town, Ga. Near Culberson, N.C. ■0- Wish to say to all in the surrounding section; that they need not think we can’t sell goods as cheap as any in the country ; WE GAN, AND DO—and keep a 8PLENDI0 STOCK, OF THE BEST G00D8 ALL THE' WHILE-and if you don’t think we will SELL THEM RIGHT COME AND 8EE. WE CHARGE NOTHING FOR SHOWING and very little if WE SELL. Tip-top of the market paid for all kinds of | marketable produce. Kindly and j Respectfully Yours. i FANNIN COUNTY “LKT THE PRESS TBS PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MATRTAIW; UNAWBD ST mFLUSSCR, UFBRIBED ST GAIN.'" MORGANTON, GA., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1891. MONEY own c#n rapidly either Be lot s earned ex, aJitien,wherever do and tomig ibe honorably, at work. one or NEW old, Kii*v they line bv and live. those to of in learn. work, their Any of We furnish everything. Wo start you. No risk. You cun devote your .spare moments, or all your time to »*e work. Tbits is nn entirely Beginners uetv lend,and earning brings from wonderful success t<> every worker. an- #25 to 850 per week and upwards, anti more after a little* experience. We can furnish you the em¬ ployment and tench you FREE. No space to explain here. Full information Fit EE, TRIJ£ <& CO. t AlGi-STA, MAl.NL, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. GEORGIA— Fannin County. Whereas John H. Witzell, administra¬ tor of S. D. Callihan, represents to the court in his petition duly filed and en¬ tered on record that lie has fully admin¬ istered S. I). Callihau’s estate this is therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not, be discharged from his administra¬ tion and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in May 1891 James Withrow, pf. *4.80 Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA—Fannin County W hereas I). W. Garrett, administrator of IF. J. Brown deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed and en¬ tered on record that lie has fully admin¬ istered IF. J. Brown’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons Concerned, heirs and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not lav discharged front'his adinirnstra- thm and receive fet ters of dismission on )im ln Jnnc neit ,rhis James IFithhow, pf. ro.-.j. Ordinary, HOME NEWS. ’Rah! for Morganton. Next Sunday is regular preaching day at Toceoa. Blue Ridge had a young “riot” Sun¬ day night so they say. Dr. D. C. Daves is up on Wilscot spending a few days with relatives. Oliver Bell, representing J. B. Darnel, spent Sunday night in town. A. Dillingham and Adam Daven port, of Hemp was in tcVrn Tuesday. It is said that the “Buzzard” and the “Bear” make a pretty good pair. Rev. W. T. Hunnicuet, of Blue Ridge, spent Wednesday night in town. Judge Withrow’, our efficient Or¬ dinal y, spent last Sunday on Hot House, N. C., Mr. J. A. Jones, the stone ware manufacturer of Young Cane, was in town Tuesday. Morganton can boast of more pretty girls than any other town of its size in Georgia. Rev. J. B. Parham and lady have just returned from an extended visit to relatives in Union county. The “Sons of Rest” will he re¬ organized as soon as the President returns from Ducktown, Tenn., If you want your paper to flourish you must not fail to speak a good word for it at every opportunity. Say, did you know’ Morganton had a printing office? It has and if you don’t believe it come and see. Messrs Boling and Terrell, of Blue Ridge, was in town .S.'liuj v evening looking after their interest in town. There has been already several ap- plications to join the Sons of Rest, this week. Still send in your appli¬ cations. Morganton is going to have a new court house at an earley date*, and why not build it out of Georgia Marble ? Morganton must have a livery stable ere long. Who will put it up? There is big money in it for some one. Sheriff Ross spent Monday night i in town. He discharges his duties ■ i ' 1 a manner t),at is hi S h, v satisfac -' . toriy to all. Subscribe for your county paper, When you come to town call in hand us a dollar and have your name en¬ rolled for a year. Miss Nobe Crawford one of Blue Ridges belles spent Sunday night in town the guest of her cousin Miss Maimnie Chastain. Morganton has had no boom. She is now just what she has been all the time, but she proposes to take a solid groth are long. The Sons of Rest will reorganize. At the gazette office Saturday morn¬ ing at 10 o’clock sharp J. C. P. Pres. W. D. Crawford Esq. was iu town Tuesday and spent the night. The Squire has many warm friends that allways welcome him to Morganton. Mrs. Eliza Legg, an aged and high¬ ly n-sjtecled lady is very ill at this Writing at her residence on Will- scot, of old age and general tie*. • A good advertisement is the doc tpr A»f business. When bgaigess is good .you need it to keep,it and -when it is poor you,must have it to invigorate. ; You may look out for a big line of new advertisements next week. Babe Heaton is happy. A new girl baby has come to his house to stay and why should he not be happy. Moving the printing office h;.s de¬ layed ns so we could not make any change scarcely in the paper. But keep your eye skinned for its a cornin’. Mr. J. E. Rogers of Nashville, Tenn., representing Win Deering *fc Co. of Chicago, Ill., spent several days in our town the guest of Rev. O. F. Chastain. Claud Davenport of Hemptown was arrested Tuesday by Depty U. S. Maislial Standley and carried to Atlanta, on a charge of conspiracy together with others to whip and run off one of the governments witnesses. John Carder and Andrew Seabolt, of Gaddistown Union county was ar¬ rested last Monday by Depty U. S. Marshal’s Dickey and Brock, for making moonshine whisker and was brought before U. S. Commissioner. Boon Crawford and discharged. MBJUE** Weakness, FOM I'ftB Mu tuna, tlt.tPISO, Indigestion nno Biliousness, Dike BKOWN'S IROK BITTERS. It (Mires quickly For sale by aU dealers ip medicine. Out *1 le genuine. NOTICE. All correspondence, exchanges etc. intended for the Fannin County Gazette should hereafter be sent to Morganton, Ga. UltlTUABV. Mrs. Cobb. Green died at her resi¬ dence near Blue Ridge Tuesday morning. 1 , ^ The young w ife of Robert Callo- way , (nee Miss Mollie Locke) of Fightingtown died last Thursday after an illness of several weeks. The many friends of the deceased will be sorry to learn of her sudden demise. Another good citizen of Fannin county, Mr. B. I’. Chastain, has been called on to render an account l " tLe Father for his stewardship on on this temporal abiding place. He died at his home two miles west of this place on last Friday morning of consumption. His remains were in¬ terred in the cemetery at Toccoa church Sunday at 10 o’clock amid a large concourse of friends and rela- tives. Guess Who Saw J. Harvey, Sunday and got struck. Is going to buy the baby a mawk- ing bird. Got mashed on the all Steel Deer¬ ing Agent. Is going to leave Blue Ridge to see her uncle. Sits on Crawford’s stove porch and cites every day. Guess is going to get married ;tt Toccoa, next Sunday. Said they was going to patch Mor¬ ganton with Mineral Bluff. Was looking for their Sunday and he failed to recognize her. i * Fainted when the preacher. carried his girl to-prayt rinctlingj Wednes- day night. , _ .Was at the'‘Author” headquarters Sunday night playing “Aiulors” u.ilill II o’clock. NO. 44. Union County LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS- GEORGIA —Union County. To all whom it may concern : J. W. Meeks has in due form applied to the undersigned for per¬ manent letters of administration on the estate of W. S. Meeks, late of said county deceased, and 1 will pass upon said application on the first Monday in June 1891. Given under my hand and official signature. This 20th day of April 1891. E. W. Butt, pf. $2.2^ Ordinary Union County. GEORGIA—Union County. To all whom it may concern : James A. Land has in due form applied to the undersigned for per¬ manent letters of administration on the estate of William F. Davis, late of said county deceased, and I will qass upon said application on the first Monday in June 1891. Given under my hand and official signature this 20th day of April 1891. E. W. Butt, pf. $2.19 Ordinary. GE ORGIA—Un 1 on Co un t y. To all whom it may concern: F, M. Duckworth has in due form applied to tin; undersigned for per- manent letters of administration on the estate of Mrs. H. C. Davis, late of said county deceased, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in June 1891. Given under my hand and official signature this 20th day of April 1891. E. W. Butt, pf. $2.25. Ordinary, ADMIN I ST HA TORS SA LE. f [GEORGIA—'Un toirj Count y. \Y ill be sold before the court house door in Blairsville on the first Tuesday in Jnne next by order of the court of Ordinary, of said county, between the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash at public outcry the following lots of land to wit: Nos. 324, 269 and 323 in the 17th dist. and 1st sect., and part of lot No. 54 in the 16th Dist. and 1st section said to contain 50 a cues more or less. Lot No. 323 is sold subject to the widows dower containing 160 acres more or less, all in Union County, Ga. Said lands sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Colvert Nelson, late of said county deceased. This April 25,1891. W. M. D. Nelson, Adtn’r, of Colvert Nelson, deceased. pf. $4.65. MCARTHUR’S Music l House, F. E. McARTHl’R, Proprietor, KNOXVILLE, - - - TENN. The leading Music House in the South. Dealing only in high grade Pianos and Organs direct from the factories, arc able to give the music loving people a t-rul^ good instrument at a moderate cost. Square dealing, ami for high grade instru¬ ments at low prices, lias built us a large business. We refer you to any Bank or business firm in Knoxville. Instriiineiita sold to reliable parties on easy terms. Q Q Q Q SO O K S Sent postpaid bT[ rrceipt of piite: In tht /fwl ef 4/Wca.— Mid iMfstrnctir* work. A cion* thrilling cloth Ji.oo. page*: paper a'culls; Via Mmitnitmn vf {Wrist— By Thus. A K.-iVpta- Paper, unabridged, 1J IML i wrlMii Jfumsrbh— srisciidns from Aricmus Ward. Mark irram etc. i?» pa*'’ ; p-pir ij cents • elott. MutA .W-fropA.’iro*, I’rmu yt(f»Mry, 45 Sums »t., A>a* rtelb hDITtr ILliiL Tfi IU no JA An, uUvi *>ork at t- j.o»li*U«r* the wnfij fur*