The Weekly journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1889-1???, October 10, 1889, Image 3

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Georgia’s Latest Duel. Homer, Gn., Oct. I.—Will Go- Ler and Maj, liill, two stalwart ri vals belonging to the colored --.ocie t}’, becamo enraged at each of her in the heat of debate ou Saturday night. A measure of great importance was being considered, and Gober dropped his thick underlie, and in a threatening and insolent manner began colling iiill names, among die rest the vile epithet of a thiev ing, undermining scoundrel, was used, whereupon Hill demanded a retraction. Gober held bis posi tion, re-asserting the charge, and soon sides were taken and the so ciefcy broke up in a ro n\ Leading darkies intei fered, and succeeded in ge ding Hill off home. Sunday morning, before sunrise Hill had cho sen his best man and sent a challenge to Gober in the following polite language: “High Shoals, Ga., Sept. 30. Will Gobor; Last niteyou insult ed me, des like no nigga’ eber done be!o\ In dis mutter my hon ah is at stake, Bah, and I demand do satislaxtion oh a gem’an. Meet ine lit de oyster rock on de Hudson riba’in do mo'nin’ at G o’clock sharp. Bring ail de weapons yera gwiao ter, an’ I’ll bo da’, an’ ef yer don’t keep ver eye open dis nigga’gvvine ter git yer. Dis will be handed yer hona’ by Hen ry Streety, an’ yer kin forwa’d yer ’ply at yer ’venience. Maj. Hill.” As Major gave the note to Henry he turned and murmured to him self in low tones, “I sorter feard ft a i fooi nigga’ iz gvvine ter ’cept de challenge. ’’ As Henry Started Major looked after him wi,h a for lorn look and hollered after him to come back. Ik nry came. Where upon Major srid, “Henry, see of yer kin line any mistakes in dat e-pistol; my hona’ is at stake.” Hen ry read the preamble closely and said, “Dis note is korrect. Ise gvvine.” Off he went. Gober had fallen into a Sunday morning snooze, and was still asleep when S reoty arrived with the blood-thirsty note. He sent six miles up the river for Jake An derson, his best friend, no was not anxious tosee Anderson come, but lie came and Gober took him aside and said, “Look heah, Jake, what's yer gvvine ter do ’bout dis?”—hand ing him the nofo- Jake read it with much dignity and said, “Go ber, vers got ter’cept if, yer hona’ is at stake.” To which Gober ro plied, “Hona’ nothin’—my life 33 staked. Dat nigga’fool wid me I’ll ’sassinate him on sight!” An derson s/.id, “Gober, dat won’t do; yer knows how yer stands wid ’si ety, yer knows ali de ’sponsible places ob trust yer Irens’ have give ' u‘ in the prst, yer knows hew yer been put at tho head in de legisla tive halls to represent justice, ’tec non an’ hona'; yers got ter ’cept tad nigga's challenge, or ebermore be ’spelled from yer friens an’ 'si c y.” Gober scratched his head and said, “Jake, 1 'cept dat nigga l s < slienge.“ Whereupon they re* } . red to the house and Anderson ioie and sent back the following u.vssage to Iliii; . “I hd Creek, t y. 30 dill, —7or ietta 1 vis handed mo by and:.? good-for-uotiiin* loafer Hen ry St reoty, dis morniu*. tub Ml des s.\v dal dis nigga’ don't swallow de dings what his tongue lops out, an 1 HI be da* at dat oyster rock. I dun Ale Jake Anderson to say to yog Id! do jest ice to do ‘casion, hona or no hona! I'll be da* lime yer ready. Wid hona 1 , Will Gober. Tho news Hew on the wings of the wind. A party of whites caught on to the wings of the duel and at tempted to disperse the rebels,but the darkies skipped out and arrang ed to meet on an island five miles up the river. Twelve paces were measured off, and the combatants faced each other with “swamp an gels“ in hand. The arraagernent was to fire after counting one, two, three. About twenty darkies sur rounded them, including pbysi clans, reporters and sporting men, and r-ome of them tried io effect a settlement, but the combatants were bent on having g>re. Tin seconds were also ai iied to the teeth and anxious for the fight. Henry Streety gave tbc word—one, two. Then Major tpoke, “iiold on du!“ Jake Anderson drew his pistol and cocked it. “Hill says “See here, dis nigga l alius been a peaceable darkey, an 1 Jubs de law. I hates ter do a thing like*dis, but Will Gober, ef you don't fake back what ver said Sad dv nite, den dis nigga l gwiao ter stick ter dis thing through thick ac‘ ihi*, an 1 l;ab his honah back, or die i:i do‘‘tempt. l * 6(sbet’ cried out, “Genven, Jie‘s broke de ruio, an‘ Ise gwine tc j r.“ But just then Street/ sprang out with revolver presented, and cried, “De first man what moves I-11 shoot*- him.’ 4 The positions wera resumed and they commenced; one, two, and at number two nil 1 backed and whirl ed, hollowing at the top of his voice “doufi shoot,“ and was soon about and splashing in the river, and on the other side, leaping at break neck-speed down the river, leaving the modun sporting men and the victorious duelists in their glory. One shot was fired by Goberjust over Hiil‘s hoad—cutting some ot the leaves olf the frees. Hill was seen last near the Curry - hee last night, still hurrying along and Gober is oa the lookout for the she riff. All enjoyed the last Georgia duel hugely. There is a marked difference in nigger and human nature, said one of the party. Another said, “Didn t dat nigger run dough, when he turned round.” Pua'ck Ball. ♦ The Most Ancient ot Cities, 1 Damascus is perhaps the most an cient city on the earth. Nineveh anu the other cities mentioned be fore it in Genesis are destroyed. Abraham, whe 3© steward was hi tz ar ot Damascus, may have stopped there on lire way to Canaan, though the Bible is silent about it. The Koran speaks of such a visit. The population of 150,000 makes it still the head of Syria, as it was in Isai ah’s tune. It :a cue of the picdoeri | rated capita I.*, 1 .*, as Ia ea. ti j< j nays, and lias snr v v and as nnry con (jQcsts and pillages as any ether city of history, The pr sent 2 el of the sTfcOts is in some places sixty f-*>t' above tno original noil, one city inxviucr been built upon the rains and debrit "f its prodeeesaoi-s. This can be easi !y understood by .no who has visited •bo Hast and se how all the dirt and rubbish are tir own into the streets r.ud left there, and boiiiiii gs when they are burned or fail down a;o Jett and be t-cmc the four dr.tio:i ’or new stni- ture®. An a-qoaiutanco with the imericr of Damascus is greatly disenchanting. We are aojustoiued to associate splen dor with i's palaces and cotdnmntt, to thick- of Arabian I\ yhts’ Entertain tneots, ot silks and gold and g m.s, when we think of it, But i*i glory is in tho descriptions,' and fades away 'kb the view from tho bills I saw no hnild'nga that looked like pal aces. Tall and ugly walls of large blocks of dried mad confine the gard ens and buildings, which, ?,t best, j nave 'he appearanc ol faded ehganco. | fh woodwork is unpaid ted and tbs plastering is falling off. The people took poor and none oo c ireful of clean iiDess. There is no system of sewer- age, and the dogs, as iu Oonstausti uople, arc the only scavengers, and maze tho night sleepless by their wil t oiciiestration. The streets, which, wth ore exception, me nairow and crooked, ate tho r, eoptaclee for rill the refuse and garbage. The M-'-bamme daca ate noted lor l-tritiK oveiytlring go to decay and u< y. r nu.kirgrepaiis. Modern civilization );.vs had Utile in flaence except in the introduction t a few wob.’gote ti.aeks which look as it they had beta battered about in < verv city of Europe before finding their way to DaxoeS'‘n.s, ami lespiectable ho teio. Ti eie-ate about forty Enropiean resident!, eugaged in niis.-ioLtary or tni reantile enterprises* If DamassiH be Uri-nral >p!endor, what must Bag dad be, and Mecca, where Mohannno c'auism has lull sway without tho few rays of ligtit that come from the West eru world to the Syrian metropolis'? A Modern Death Dealer. I uever was more forcibly reminciel ot ttiis process ia tha domain of the horrific, writes a Washmgt m corres potideut or the Pittsbmg Dispatch, thau yes e-day, when on an enand to the Navy Depaitmenr, I was shown tha model and plans of a gua which will bo tested aeon at the proving grounds at Anr.ppolis, and undoubted ly adop’ed, with ino provision that a plant be established in America and the guns bo manufactured here. And this may serve as a hint to Bittsburj steel makers to look cut for and cap lure the concern for making a weapo i which will go far to destroy the fsture great armi s of the woild. The Maxim auforaatio mitrallense and the Maxim gun with other names is certainly the most ingenious and the wickedest ot all the curious weapons ot watfare lecently invented. The in venter fi st won prominence in con m e tion with an electric light, ad then, among o- her things, turned his atten lion to means of killing people legal ly. Up to this ticao only a small gun —45 caiioro, I believe—has t een mao.; but it is the intenuon to ra arm fact uie them up to the size ot six inch cannon which will fire automatically 640 rounds in a minute. This, ot course, has been exceeded by the Da tltng anu other guns carrying verysuiriil project ilcs; bu these, compared with the Max im, aie cumbersome to operate, require more attendants, aie math heavier ami far less accurate. Ooetnau can opera e ti e Maxell gun—or one woman or one child, for that matter, and alter sei ting it. going the gentleman gniuiei can stroll away an i get & lew meio while his gun is eng ;ged in killing it i-w hundred propie, cr the lady gi u n r can sit behind a ballet prod' tvi-b which the weapon is provided and cob tim:e her crocheting. V. w. flood & bon.. HARMONY GROVE, GA. DEALERS IN \ C\ \ , fy 0 ‘-0 Va\w VV/ vVW v Vfa Vw Qt 1 Jm v vVV VJv WvV cV i\i 0 GO' - , 9 _ i Q, , \ O 0 t: Slo‘ \ VuiQO \iy< QaVw Jv 1 Vw‘v^ (J ; Also flue Line of Hardware, Tinware, Crockery aud (Hasware, I’aruiiy Groceries, Flour, Meats, Etc. /pST*’ Bor stock is Complete and we are fully prepared to eaiisfy our Co-- tomers in respect to styles and Qualities. Ji>ervriling sold for prices tar below *nv ever made in this or any otfcc-* MARKET,IN NORTHEAST GEORGIA. Besure to Call and ho uh before parchasiug elsewhere. The oldest Firm m this section. BJ a XX jECajS WUa j DEALERS IN Fancy Goods, Fine Millinery, Groceries and General Merchandise. Give us i Call when in HARMONY GROVE. HARDWARE And CUTLERY, Line of Stoves, Tinware, Agricnltoral, implements, Etc., can not he found in belter Quality and Dmabiliiy,lE!Bewheie. We also have in stock a fine line of guns and pistols, ant ve are the only house in Bannony Qrove that pay a LicicNSrc to set! Pistols and Cartridges. Call and see ns, mmm. —— agMKMBM———BB— ll■ 1111 W I IIM —ll I !■ —ll l IIBIIMI IIIMI .■ —— rM~f Tl-AH rr*c* A-n te-TStr SuCi bsfi VAV f;X3 W 'Goa KnH W dbs iLfeiia W f?a **J Fjmiliea must have Castor Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Pills, Mustard and Com position Powders. Liniments, Horse and CatJe Powders, Sarsa parilla and other Patent Medicines. Befoie buying such supplies, call on Dr. V. JD. Lockhart at the "feoWvW 'xXvia Harmonv G-rove Academy, Male And Female, HARMONY GROVE GA. J. H. Wa’ker, A. B . Principal, Chas. M. Walker, A. 8., Assistant. Miss Annie Hurst, Second Assistant. Mrs. L A. McSmith, Music Teacher. QQ : 'dl/ y And Contiunci Thirty-Eight Weeks: Two Weeks Vacation Christinas. IiATES OF TUITION: Fim Grade—Writing, Orthography, Beading and Arithmetic $1 50 Second Grade. Embraces same topics as fiiac grade, and Gram mar, Geography and Composition 2 00 Third Grade. Languages, Higher Mathematics, Rhetoric, Chemis try, Physics, Etc. 2 50 Music, 3.00 incidental Fees, Fall Term 20 cents, spring Terra, 30 cents. Ail patrons allowed full benefit ot Common School Fund. Board can be had in the beet iamilos at eight to twelvo dollars per month. Harmony Grove has, by taxation, built a largo and commodious brick building, ibe school w ill be thoionghly eqmpped with patent desks, black hoards, comfortable recitation s- at, maps,, apparatus, aud oyery mod l em improvement for successful teaching. This school, with a fall corps of good teachers, with comfortable building and moiern improvements commend itself to the parents of Harmony cove and surrounding country. Wo most respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens of Banks County. For further information address J. H. WALKER, Harmony Grove, oa.