The Weekly journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1889-1???, October 10, 1889, Image 4

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Garroting a Cuban. Juan VjctorianoMachin, a while native of Cuba, thirty-four venrs eld, a famous bandit, was publicly parroted, a Havana correspondent writes, in front of the city prison, lie was married the previous night in the condemned cell. On the way to the scaffold the criminal al fernately faltered and struggled desperately, shrieking for mercy for the sake of his three infant children. T*>e soldiers attempted to drown the frantic appeals by constant bugle blowing. The con demned mau was superhumanly violent, though heavily manacled. Forced at last into banquillo by a dozen soldiers, he.was, when fixed, ossily despatched, hut his limbs were contorted frightfully. The executioner was a herculean color ed man. The priest on the scaf fold was hurt in the scuffle, and the military were u ruble to restrain their tears. The mounted police subsequently charged 1113 mob; many persons were hurl in the crush. Machin’s body was, after several hours’ exposure, removed by the fraternity of “Hazy Carid ad,” according to the ancient Span ish custom. The case of Machin is specially remarkable; the culprit having escaped several months back with his brother Louis, also under sentence of death, from the condemned cell in the Castillo del Principe, a strong fortress outside fhe city. He promptly reorganiz ed anew gang and resumed ma rauding, frequently encountering the Civil Guard, The dead man is said to have been innocent man blood, but was executed un der fhe kidnapping laws as a par ticipant. The VVicked Bible. The Wicked Bible, printed in London in 10*31, was so called be cause (he negation was omitted in ihe seventh commandment, so plac jug an awful injunction upon the faithful. This is much sought af ter, because it was promptly sup pressed, the printer being lined 300 sterlings by Archbishop Land. The money, it is said, was devoted to the purchase ot a supply of Greek type tor the University of Oxford. Tiii v inegar Bible was printed in 1717 aftheClendou Press, and is so known because the parable of the vineyard in the title to the twentieth chapter of St. Luke is printed “Parable of the Vinegar/’ The Whig or Piaeemaker’s .Bible obtained its name from an error oc curring in St. Mat Lew v. 9, where ••Blessed are the placemakers” is t-übsliiufed for “peacemakers.” T he Treacle Bible has the passage in Jeremiah, “Is there no balm in Gilead?” rendered, “Is there no pre side in Gilead?” and the Deuay (Roman Catholic) version lias been described as the Rosin Bible, be cause the same passage has the word ro fin instead oftreacle. Many years ago there existed in the, Stowe library the Book of Gospels! on which the English kings down to Edward VI, took the coronation oath, with the hugebrazon crucifix! which the nionarchs kissed on its! cover. The binding was ofpon-j Load N.ticf.— Bunks (J i. To all whom it may concern. All far sons interested ar hereby Uo iht liar if no good cense bo shown to the con trary, mi order wdl b“ grained >'v the tideri{rrQ<J on the Ist. .Monday in Nov ISSSt, o?rabli>hirur u chat's.'? in the public tuuii ns (naked out !• v tlie ro.d eotornissioners appointed t' r 'hu fii'iuise. ••framercirg where the May* ville and S Ive; Shoals’ road ernsms the n E. H r f . stul running in the ititeciori ot Mtvnvlllh iiv ihe red leuct* of J. 15 Uiii to ihe first crossing below the nonbeset railroad, said change a distance ot two hundred yard*, i tre mile above Mayovillw. Sept. Jlltli, 1880 I'. F. Hill, o (I nary Agreeable to an ord-r of rhecomt of ordiuaiy ot Banks county, will le sold at auction at the court house do r of said county, on the Dt. Tuesday in No T ember ulxt within the legal horns of sale, 'he f,d'owing proper y to rviq 96 and acres ot land lying in Banks county, with the fillowiig meats ib.l hounds; Beginning at a pine knot cm Dnr on Ttvs. Cailan’s line, thence n 59 e. 26.65 to a rock corner, tlonue u. 18. w. 31 90 to a rock corner, thence e. 01 anil 1-2, w. 32 25 o a pine cor iier, thence s. 30 and 1-2, e. 33 to the neguiriag to rner. Solo a* the prop city of C P. Chatham, lam ot sul • ouniy, dtceased. Tenatcash. This 7 hn*y of Oe.r. ISB9. W (J Chatham, Adri.’r. derous oak boards an inch or so in thickness, fastened by huge leath er thongs. The Printers’ Bible ma kes David pathetically complain that printers in pla?e ol princes have “persecuted him without a cause.” The author of this transla tion may have been indulging in a sly hi;at intelligent compositors, which many'authors ot.'the present would gladly re-echo. The Great JJesert. A desert caravan may travel tor weeks without seeing a single per son, a net yet there is scarcely a square mile of the Sahara between the Atlantic and the region of the Nile ill it is not at some time pass ed over by some of the wandering tribes that make the desert their home. The regular caravan routes that traverse it lead from Morocco to Timbucloo, from Algiers to the Niger at Timbucloo, from Tridoli to Ihe same region, or to the cities of the Soudan farther eastward. The population of the towns of the oases in the northern edge of the desert is the same as the native population of the of Algiers—Arabs and Jews, Moabite and merchnits, negroes, etc. About Ihe outlying .oases are the wandering tribes call ed Chambaas, who are nominally subject to the French, and live in good understanding with them. I he great desert un watered region, nearly a thousand miles wide, that stretches its nandy water southward nearly to the edge of the Soudan, is over run—for it can not be call ed inhabited—by the several trib es of the Tonaregs, who da not number but two or three thousand warriors, yei are the terrior of all peaceful traders who endeavor to pass through their country to the cities o r the Soudan. The Cham bass entertain friendly relations with Algier Tonaregs, but are bit terly hostile to file Poggars, who are their nearest neighbors,—[ San Francisco Chronicle. A man engaged in selling “Elix ir of Life” in Boston was arrested tor wife beating recently. She says ’Elixir within an inch of her life.—[ Exc han ge. “ Perfect Satisfaction,” I* the verdict of every one using Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral for Colds, Coughs, lironidiitis, Pneumonia, and ail Lung troubles. Unlike cod-liver oil, and many other specifics, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is agreeable to the taste and leaves no ill effects. •• I cannot say too much in praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,” writes Mr. Hubert P. Mi Keen, of New Gretna, Is'. J. “I have used it in my family, many years, and always with perfect satisfaction.” “Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is truly tlio Most Popular Remedy of the age, rendering full satisfaction in every instance.” Thornton Edwards, Lonely Lhile, Ind. F. L. Morris, M. P., Brooklyn, N. V., says : “ Your medicines have been satis factory to me throughout my practice ; especially Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, which has been used in great quantities by my patients, one of whom says lie knows it saved his life.” * Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by T>r. .T. C. Ayer 5: Cos., T.owcll, Maw. bold by aii L>ruggiats. i’rice §1; t>ix bottle*-, SO, Gergia, nautsß :—io at! whom it nay concern:—The appraiser* ap pod ted to so' apart a yt-sr’fl support to it h S. A. Brown, widow of .fatties W. Brown, late of said Oon y, dec';) , and her six minor children, Lnla J. Altna, Cora, Kflie, Lizzie and Da.y, have made their returns to tee, and el persons concerned are btieby notified to show cause why said applic ition hr twelve mouths’ support should no* b< granted on the 22nd day of Oct be> 18S9. This Sept. 9, 1889, T F. Bill, ordina-y. sheriff SUtr. Georgia, Banks Co.— Will bo solo' on the Ut Tuesday in N v. ucx'. n' the court house in said county, wifhii l,e 1 gal hours of sa’e to tk higLes' bidder tor each, the following proper ty, to wit: One tract or pared of land, said io contain about 350 acreii, more or b’ss. Said tract adjoining lands of K.rl Motes, Jas. Wilson, E iZi Muiry and A L Griffin, the p!a”e i. here n defendant n<>w resides; said place is well improved. Slid laud 1 v'ed oi- as the property of S. C. Mvs set- to satis y a mortgage fi fa issued Irom die superior court of said couo ty in lavi r ot Cos an r and Carr agatcsl said S. 0. Mcs-or. Written notice given in trims of the law. Al o at the same time and place, 1 pmk bay hoise male about 11 years’ old; levied on as the property ed D. M Griffin to sattsds a ni T gags ti la is ned trim t)je superior court, of said voutity in favor of Comer and Cair agti'tist jJ 11 (it ff n. Also at 'fie same time and place or.e bay urue 7 or 8 ye irs o!u, 1 single seated buggy (imwer’s make) and or.e -it of single buggy harness, lovied ou as the ptopeity ol n J. iianipton to sat •sfv nu exeemioa issued from the su perior court of said c< uiity in favor of u. it uale against said it. i Hampton. This the 3l)th, Sept. J889.’ W. A. Scopgins, sheriff. sale. Agreeably 10 an order of the court ot ordinary of Banks county, will be sold at auction at the c< tm house dom of said county on the 1.-t. Tuesday in Nov next, within the legal hours ot sale, the following property, to-wi;; i lot or tract of land in s- id county, as ho. 1, containing 121) acres, on which is the dwelling, late residence of said deceased, adjoining lands of A. L ariffin and D. h. Mester. Lot no. two con aining GO acres adjoining lands o! J. S. Chambers and A. L. Giiffin, kuojvn as the Brown house and lot. not No. 3 containing 113 acres adjoin ing lands of \Vm. Bowling and JJ F. Stales. Lot no. 4 containing 114 acres adjoining lands of 7. E. Rich nod Wra Bowling; sol i as the property of F. F. A. It.toh, late of eaid county, deceased. Terms cash. This Oct. 1,1839. J. H. Brooks, ndtn’r# Georgia, Banks county —To oli whom it may cmcera. Jas. 0 Wood, guardian ot Oicero tl. Bertha A. K ri ot y A, Ida L. Ramsey, tia-i iu due to ru apj lied to tire undersigned for leave to reil tie lands belonging to the es tate o slid m rtors and said applica tion wil be heard on the Ist. Monday iu : oy. next. This 7th Oct. 1889. T. F. Hill, ordinary. A Weeli' KeinlinO Free! FOR SIX GOOD FAMILIES- Send your name and the name and ad dress ot five of your neighbors or friends on a postal card and yet tr>c for y< niselt and each of them a specimen copy of the Grcut stonthern Weekly, The Atlrtt) tit FouMiituiion! our tloee humor us writers. Uncle Remus v i rd. famo us sketches ot the plantation darkey. Bill A'p’a humor c u lette'H tor the hi me and hearth sune. 11 trv Hamilton’* adventures rold in cracker dialect. War stories, sketches ef travel, news, poems, tun ad ventures, the Farm. the household cor respondenc", a word of instruction aud eutertaiDment. Twelve pages. The brightest an! best Weekly Please ev erv memt*er of tfie family. iS-nd r uostal lor a specimen copy, tree. Addicos The Constitution, Atlanta Ga. Pitch's, Caveats, and Tiade-maiks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for moderate fees. On or See is opposite United States Patent office, and we can secure pa'enl in loss time than those remote tiom Wash ington. Send model, drawing or pho in , wiih description. We advise it paten!aide or not, free ot chart'd. Out fee not due till patent secured. A pun phlet, “How to obtain Patetrs,” with name- of actual clients in yonr etat county, or town, sent free. Address C A- SNOW & CO-. opp patent off ce, Washington, JL). C, JOB PRINTING Neatly ilorio at thin Office at uni j rices. Come and examine woik Letter Heads, Bill Hende, Cards, Post ers. Dodgers, Tags, C'fcolars, Moit japp nots, Justice Court Subpoenas, prj p..„. Sutrinons. Title Deeds, Etc. (gj WOODWORK^tg)© 9 AftAe-i-tMEjifgfgiJ „~,ACO. 28 UNION SQUARE,NY. sft Nr ßflM - k—. cal T^hcisco ST.LOUIS,MO. OALLAS.TEX. G.dP- Booaui f’aiaiiuv* Ct-i Qaiaes villa- GooitSia.* hfcx If you are aman If you ore a 4? of business,weak- KwSSf man of let?- \ [ ened by the strain of teretoiling over mid your dutios avoid vEtir night work, to res- G stimulants anduse tore brain nerveand f Hop Bitters. Elwaate. US9 Hop B. j If you are yornirr nnd fj suffering from any in- i discretion or dissipu y) tion ; if you are mar- I ried or single, old or g] young, Buffering from I poorbealtli or languish King on a bed of actf 8 ness, rely on Ho p BgE3i tiers Whoever you are, £ Thousands die oh | •whenever yon reel J l ‘£ , n i ' that your system UjgLJ toim of Kid ne\ , needs' ‘cleansing, ton- <*3B$ disease that might iivg or stimulating, |3113 have been piwentcd without intoxicating , by a timely use oi' [ tuko Hop £; ggA HcpEiltters 1 Blttors ‘ E8332E2531 Have vonay&- _ _ | pepsin, kidney 0 In Cj ' of tho etomach, ||j 0015 Rjblecnr'o for j i££or££tJ tIU I | “Tpium J | You will bo •y [lt- obiic co , or i cured if you use qgf !J| | [ L ill 1 {j narcotics. j Hop Slitters Jf' Ki til jijcj Ityonftresim- 1 U ‘°i BoldbydTWf; j low spirited, try 11 NEVER jfj Circular. I |it i H . may W • ■ ■ ft hop bitters KriiSiilFAlLl I caved hun- wij g Boehester, N. 7. ! and red 6< ~ "J A Toronto, Ont. Georgia, b inks county. —-Ag "Bible t< sti order from the court of ordinary o' Banka county, will le Hold at auction it the court house door of said county •on the Ist. Tmcsday in hov. next, within the legal hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to-w:t: Lit no. 1 containing 93 1-2 acres, ibe home place of William Murrv, dec’ 1., adj uring he lamis of Bnj. Whitfield, Asa Gaud eb, J. E Owen 3rs 1 other-:. Lit no 2 0 / 92 1-2 acres aujomir g th (T.nds of J. M. Cochran, Jas. Acre and others. Lot no. 1 tias in cuitita ten i) eraeewith 3 acres of good branch hot tot), balance in original forest am old field p ; B<?. Lot ho. 2 has iii cslti va'ion 10 acres with 5 acres in hrsucl bottom. Remainder original forest ‘Sold as thcgproperty of Wiliiatr, Mur >y, late of said county, deceased Terror cash. , w. J. Mutry, admiuUtra’rix. HOME AND FARM, LOUISVILLE, KY. The Leading Agtlc-dturs! Journal of tho South and West. Made by Farmors for Farmarj. Asa recent of -nc'-essfc! agriculture, Tli :*r? asp Farm iias no oqil;;l. Kverv topic reliit t to ngrlciillitre is open 1•/ discussed in u.s e-jlun • by tile fiinners llieiii.'.i lves. No expense is .-,>, • < i in securing a full account of every notable cess on the farm. It is distinctively the FARMERS* OWN PAPER, A record of thf-ir daily life, presented in a for"i aud language .. hicii make it plain to all. ITS L!3T OF CONTRIBUTORS Contains the names of the most progressive farm - ers of the South and West. They do not tr 't of theoretical farming, but of the actual com ■ tian s which confront us to-day : J?. P. John so-. , Waldo F. Brown ; Henry Stewart : John At. : : t;w! , A. P. Ford ; Jeff. Welboni ; Hugh T. Brooks ; Jol.-i C. Edgar; Steele's Bayou ; T. B Baldwin and a host of others make this journal indispensable. Moreover, it ia equally A HOME MAGAZINE. Every subject of interest to thr home-maker In fully treated. Mary Marsden, I.iusCatcsby Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Daviess, M’ss t.'a'uti!, AI i-; Mosby, Alice Winston and a score of ethers will contrib ute regularly. FAITI-i LATif.IER Is in charge of our Children's Department, and she has fhe peculiar faculty of being both in teresting and instructive. THE ;Y3T£3Y CF THE NATION Is a thrilling story appearing ir. Home avt> Farm, by John !t. Mustek, and is exciting wide attention. Short stories by distinguished writers appear from time to time. BILL ARP'S LF.TTEfiS Appear in each issue, and this hutnerous philoso pher was never more interesting than at this time. IS ITS EDITORIAL DIJPAETMEXT Home and Farm speaks boldly and fearlessly in behalf of “ Farmers’ Rights.” it favors a re vision of the tariff in behalf of the L :uer ; better roads for the fanner ; Free Mail Delivery to the farmer; Co-operation among the farmers, and its aim is to “ Bust Trusts.” Its motto is “ Fair Trade and Farmers’ Kiehts.” BOILER ORG&N lk.' D-'' Ytv '0 A !s operated similnr to tho Quest French •Music Boxes and mf A '*■ 8 BS - j Nb* 1 DA R ,V pA^LO R *^ RC .Ife&iiH* AnniMlffitirP^^ut V O /n tion *.f musical umeutH tho frnu.dcst an! most 0 I marvellous instrmnenrever pre- CAPpCH MIIQIP ''' - '7i- - 1 | gcnied to the public. It plays Orv^ il L.L/ IliUOi H| dmil HSBOHEB,WSLTIES,PIiLSSS,J!BS, REELS, BHkR; |Hm Opera Sclccllons. Vopnlar Church music, as wel - iT-”** - -SygdSfcßg;aapagß9 u any organ. Nothing grander, or combining su mam ft-ritures can be found in French or Swiss Music Boxes, cost ins-SUO. V.’F. WANT A SiC< ! \ t. A < IK ST. viUi^- '*%*#(* it? iOtheilsex, dkvhk v ),wau I '.-“".S “I V l> OFFKIC SITU ( N i.'ITEI! I : .M s T ! <tC ' CJ/A /' J ’ nc >1 4RXKST \\ OItKEKS CANNOT FA 11. T# " MAKBIOT S3OO i’Elt .MONTH. Whc. f Prlsa Only Six Dollars, to £ * 5S ' in UEAIJTIFI IIiIiY CARVE!) CASES will music. Pend for ona It will fill you wilh R'tnnisbment and delight. If you want it tent C.O.D. sond $2.50 y ( ' s WORLD KTB CO. 122 Smsaa Street, M Ycrl Hrb attr-ined a standard of excellenco vrMf@s admits of no superior. It contoino'evory improvement that invent!Ay genius, skill and money con iiroducc. I II at.ampii oxra eves?; oegak; a nsr fJSwtpSv* r‘~'< * ■ *'-v' /t-^ , Misjif3 23 ft, Vp/4 XI.AJ3 T-l-J r, c “ 0K ~ fpiSipii yIVE .. *>:<>••' -‘SSt 1 ■urnr-emm /-#**.*- -.f ■> ;*:>. V< * -I?;* A-:\ These Gradient Organs e.rc celebrated for vol ume, quaiisy of ton:., quick response, variety o? combination, artistic darig.i, beauty in finish, per fect cocKi-not;. a, moiling them Uro most attract ive, ornamental ami dohirablo organs for Loiaes, schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. ' ESTAK3.IGKE EEPCi’A'i'iCll, CHEfci;AI.Ea VACEM'S'KEisi, SIXiMiE© WORKMEN, BEC-T MA’i’EMAli* COSIBINTD, UA:U3 THIS THE POPULAR OEGAH Ir4tructicn Ec©n* .7. FSr.Ro Stools. Catalogues and i 1 - . ,cr spplioation, VUES GHISABO : N : i :r M GO. 82? EiJ:.. u • *iVE., Cl*!Jo. " - *i.