The Weekly journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1889-1???, November 07, 1889, Image 1

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VOL. TWO. The iMlcc'lUp Mcmu.iu. C’f.f.icial Organ aif BtrnJts Con -tty k. PUBLISHED THURSDAY -50 Cts:Per Year. jpSsiik* -*?ri hi * av. Lcciulr y Per Aii-ae S'irat .•laser” tioc. E'tchi Additional 5 Gents- Entered as Second C-'t-s Matter at the Homer. (jrH.. l‘ost Office duo. Barton) - Proprietor. nwanwmzrt ..ygipv regnncTre’y.'?. y 1 I cjwht■ l .*y** t> T l ?i! , y:'! 'M 1 NOTICE! stpteiabef 1383. .After Hite month no notices ot any •rind will he inserted in this paper without, the lublication fees in advance p. M- EE WARDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lIOMEK, GEORGIA. Will practice in all the Courts of the Western Circuit. OSCAR BROWN. L A W Y E 11. Homer. Georgia. Will jr’ve special attention to ad ministration*, etc., and do a general practice in Banks and pujoiriintr 1 oun ties. Will loan MONEY at C 6 per rent, p r oiiDiin), G. W. BROVVN, C vU .-GYYAJ.. 0* y MH.vevi3ie, (*eorsri. Wiii ee a general practice. Collect ing a specialty. V. U. LOCKUA.KT. PHYSICIA N, <fp*:r*s:i** • J. I. BITCH. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jefrer.-i i', - Georgia. Will practice in Jackiion, Clarte, Jiall, Banks, Franklin, Madison, ami ail the court* in the western cirenit. ~ L. J. 8 HAUL, PHYSICIAN & DRUGGIST, Harmony Grove, Ga. Dk. -E F. ADAlli, DENTIST. Harmony (Hove, Georgia. j >IL A. B, STAPLER, IBoMiev, ttcorgia, Special attention given 10 surgery, cbstetiies and chton’c diseases of long landing. Ox-dirtarj’s Court, First MoccUvo iu each mmuh. T. F. Ilill, ordinary. Snpairiov Cani't, Third liouiiayb iu iUaich and Sep ten; her. Churches* Presbyterian Unuien, services 2ad undoy iu eaci.r luouth, . b. it. Cartledge, 'pastor. Methodist Chmcb,services Ist Sunday io each month, and Saturday betore, lie vs. J. D Gunnels and Jno. I. Pen (!'.-r &. s , [/a Btorn.8torn. Baptist Crmreh, 4th Sunday in each tnoutb and Saturday before, Re* - . J.L. 1; uncaD pastor. X.cdr”es- Homer Lodge, ay. 82.. I. O. O. F., meets Ist Tuesday in each mouth. W. C, Pool, noble grand, It. J. JJyar, tec if ary. Pbi Luba Lodge no. 148, F. A. >?., loco's Ist Friday r.igbt in each rumb, x,. a. van on, w. h.,p. ,;j. Edwards, f ; . w... J. w, bUis.p'er, J w , w. s. uong, t- o’tv,, w. c. j. Gsrrisou, treasurer., v. ,|f.y Tretchili, s. i> . c. ii- uwet., J n., \ ouer: fc. S-, a. J. c~tfc,J. s. / ; " V st'Yf t3yc s ¥% '~i n /VT r l j ; |t g& MIM If 4%% Hi and% 1 •ti4iC wKliilwi C^i R empnper jLriwri* Ist. subsoiLer* who do net give ex p,!ens notire to the con:r try are coot-id eted as wishing lo eoctmue their sub set ip: ion. Hod, if subscribers order the and iscon tinuarice ol their periodicals, the publisher may continue to seed them until ail arrearages is paid. 3’d, if subnetiht-.ri! neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the office to which they Imre been dj'etved, they aie held tespoi,sidle tail they have a 1 :, tied their toils end or.ieied their paper diocciitinueo. 4:h. it ‘•ubscribetH move to o'Per places without informing '.he puidii-tu r, and Hie pap/ra are sent to t.e loaner dtieciieu, they ate be id re sponsible, 5 u, the courts ot the u. s. and foreign, have decided, that teins Agio take periodi.-ajs Jiom the of! we. or muoyitig and them uucali ed fa, In pr.tua laci;* v-vidvliCnOt inn H tioual (ran t, aiidecbj -o' to pionecuttou CBleers Blanks for Safe At trill- v.nlne A i kiooh HVicElree’3 Wins of Card'd arid THSDP-aup’s BLftCK-PRaucMT arc for sale by the following merchants in Baiiivn iiu asjotuiug Ooumicn: .1, E Stephens, Horner. W. T. Dotiuati, Jeneiir-ville. Geo:ge Wilev, .igwidisytlie. Oh sides Sweet, Alto. J. Lee Legrand, Cramer. A. hi. Beiiarov, Walnut Ilill. * Hatchcoek ard Cos., Harmony Grove power ard Wit ford, Hatru<uiy Grove B-.ugh and Biot her. Maysvillo. .1 0 Sims. Aj pl A ality. J. B McWhofer, Lamar. Qcorgia, Banks Conuty. —William Holland has applied tor *X"mpUo>> to personalty and setting apart and valu ation ol homestead, and 1 will pass np on the samo a: 1:2 o’clock tu. on the 11th day of Nov* tuber 188‘J, at my office. Oct. 23, 1889. 25 2v T. F. Hrnr., Ordinary. aarvrr: amwarmigc *rcg.T3^ Rev, Mr. Gunnells was in luwn Tuesday. Judgo liiii went over to the Gainesville fair Wednesday. Col, JeiXer&ou lloed and wife were iu town Tuesday, Mr. M. L. Chandler was in town Tuesday, mixing with his triends. Mr. R. J. JDyar visited Athens on Wednesday, on business. The season is still splendid for picking cotton. Weather cool and pleasant, with slight indications of rain. Several corn sliuckings look placQ in the county last week. The mosl gl lomiest ©fall homes ii when death enfers the door. At present the health ofthisj sec tion is exceedingly good. fiUJ-WSNE OF CAROUI, a Tonic for Women. Only a short while era the liolli days and Christmas. Now that tiie busy season is ov er, why can’t the enterprising send in the news of 1 heir neighborhoods? Hr. 0. 0. Forbes, while attend ing the funeral services Tuesday, had qui,e a severe nervous spall. Dr, McNortou and wife are on a short visit to their home in Oconee counly, k *l>ev lo iitv Inicresi of KSaitlc* d'otjairj-.” HOMER, BANKS COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, NOV. 7, ISB9. Thu wheat crop, as yet, has not been sown down, but many farm erff are making prt paralious for the grain. This may prove a yield. It is thought by iho-e who are well posted, that ihe corn crop will bring abont 50 cents per bushel next summer. As yet no arrangements are bo ing made to open school in the academy hero next year. Some preparations should be made. McElrec’s W!MX OF CARDU! for female diseases. Now that the court house is be ing repaired, it would help the looks of things lo straighten up the public park. Mr. W. T. Harbor of Harmony Grove, was in town last Tuesday looking after som® land that was advertised for sale. Several tracks of land were sold at a ilministrators’ sale Tuesday. Some of it brought very good prices and others not so gfnd. Mrs. J. J. Stricki.uni of Athens, visited Iter parents. I.)r. and Mrs. ■file Norton and her sister, Mrs. Os car Brown, last week. Trade is rewviug m Homer. If someone tvill come here and do a furnishing business, he will see that there can be lots G goods sold in Homer, WcELREFS WINS OF.CABDUjI_tor Weak Nerves. Quite a number will go to the Athens fair next Thursday to wit ness the Banks county alliance mprriage. Mr. Daniel and Miss Dai lain are t hecontracting parlies. Seveml bids were made on the pauper’s home Tuesday. W. J. Pritchett made the lowest—t? 2 00 per head per month. Mr. Pritchett should remember there are no ‘•gophers” in Banks. In making out (ho taxable prop erty of Banks for the present year, a mistake was made in the figures. In adding up He total $l2O too much was given in and the books were corrected by the stale auditor in Atlanta. Messrs. McDonald and Williams of Maysviile, have commenced work on the covering of the court house, and ere long the new roof will be oh and new guttering put up. This will add much to the looks of the temple of justice. The remains of Mr. (Brad.) Mor ris from Campbell, lex., arrived Monday evening and were interred Tuesday morning. Rev. Mr. Ko rie preached the funeral sermon. Quite a large gathering were pres ent. Mr. Morris belong to Banks. Ko, The Journal is not a ‘-bed ijuiiF' in size, but it furnishes mors solid, good reading matter, for the pries than any other paper in the state. i'vvo-thirds of the papers twice its size at $1 per ye Mg do not contain the amount of reading mat ter ot Ihe Journal. "srBLACK-DEAUGHT tea cures Constipation. Several droves ©f cable hav passed through here 1 his fall for the Macon markets. This is a god section of country to raise *atfle, sheep, hogs, stock, elc. Ills a won der farmers donf take more inter est in this than they do; It pays better than Hie no-fence cotton crop. This is one of the principal developments of a country. Sufferers from the effects of qui nine, use-d as a remedy for chills anil fever, should try Ayer’s Ague Cure. This preparation is a power ful tonic, wholly vegetable, and without a particle ot any noxious drug. War-anted a sine cure. That railrofd speaking, as yet, has not :ome oil’. The parlies from Belton & Lula and Carnesville, in terested in this move, will find that they are sleeping river their lights, when they think Banks county is notable to go her share in stock in this enterprising move. There is a power of wealth and rich section of country in Banks and Franklin counties. Try C LACDKAL* G HT tea let Dyspepsia* \V till due respect to Horner, the writer lias witnessed more burials within her bounds than any other towns ten times her size, (hat In was over in. What a sad speefre to Homer, that might otherwise be pleasant! Then, isit a wonder ilia; she looks Iroopy, deso'ate and for lorn? Her borders present a city of the dead! Other towns have their cemeteries a mile or two out*. It is not pleasant to he always looking on the dead—it is not due respect to them to rest in the pubiic gaze ef strangers and everybody else. “I have taken, within the past year, several hot ties of Ayer’s Sar saparilla, and find it. admirably adapted to the needs of an impov erished system. I am convinced that this preparation, as a blood purifier, is unequaled.’’—[o. G. Dame, pastor Congregational Chap el, Andover, Me. 'fvlegrst gtliic*. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 3. —A Key West special to the Times- Fnien says,* Del Pino Brothers’ immense cigar factory, containing over 1,000,000 cigvrs, besides a large quantity of tobacco, was con sumed by tire at I o’clock, this morn ing. Loss not estimated. Albany, Ora Nov. 2. —Sheriff Cox of Worm county, brought ia to-day several prisoners for safe keeping in the. Albaty jail, convicted in tins week’* superior court in that eo-nn'y. Amour them is John Groms, the runr ■ieier of Bailiff Hatubrt, senicncoc io be hanged at Isabella, < u the 20tn inei. Onion* was hiding under a bed. Ham lin eaten and tfca room, looked tinder tt e bed, when Croons shot him in the head, killing him iouandy. Croons esc-pad, but was afierwaids cap tired, alter a rnneing fight, in which. he wcundtd his captor. Denver, Col.. Nflv. 4. —Oaa of the results of the tumble blizzards dint have swept over w-is ru Color ado and northern New Mx:-. a, Vi <!y aat Friday of inut week. r-,.i heie to-day from F <iSom. N M co. Thinsdav nil;tit, Hdt.ry Milter, imge foreman for C >l. R, (■}. Head, with ref -r->l con Lovs, c-nnped S.e-ifd Grande with 1 BJU htof cat tic, tpn.cii they were holdius; for the pnrpofc of loadii:>f isj -huevra. At 4 o’clock that tuoiiiiig y Mizzatd from tie i.ortfc v.eNt 6tiuck tl.a herd, driving the cat tle toward the panhandle, Texas, .r.o cowboys Icing ucable o huidthetn. i. be snow was ..o bliDflinsr that it made it impossible to see fbty fret ahead. Miller failed his nice uvether andthev yattril to follow tne in-riJ, ami nr ado tin atteDifrt to keen them bunched su far as possible. The uier. became sep arated on Friday night: One ol them wanueied iato Head home rsjach, half dead with c.-j’d and hunger. ID told Ins etory, arid the rescuing party was immediately aeutent, tad at norm ■be frozen lorliea of H-rroy Miller, Joe Martin and Charlie Jolly. Were found lying on tne optm plains not far from Folsom. The other men hoc ceedod in finding their way to camp bGore being overectne with coid. Ga., Nov. 4 —Three abi ance weddings at the lair grounds at the cowing lair wiil uoino off, auJ will oe witnessed bv an immense crowd. The directors of the fair hav# been un ceasing in ihtor efforts to get np a good lair, and they wiii no doubt be thor oughly tewanted. The fair opens next l uesdey, and ten thousand feepte v.*iit be here to see the opening exercises 0:1 aiitancs day, which is Thursday. Three marriages will take place on the grounds. Two ecu pies ate front Banks county, arid were in the cit y to- lay re euring their costumes. The givoms were taken in hand by Messrs. Luca* A: M. Dcftie, the popular tailors, aud I be brides were attended to at Jatiua Cohen’s. These costumes will ha men elegant. The nher conpla came u;m Oglethorpe county. The lair will be a success in every respect. Lowell, Mijh., nov. 4 —A. terrible tragedy occurred this morning io ver gtnnes township, Kent couniy. nag* cal Westbtook, a tariuer, took a bam mer and fractured his wife’s skull and then went to a room where his three small girle wero asleep and treated '1 uni auout in the same manner, no then went to another room and at tempted to do the same, but his sou took me hammer from him, and then VV estbrook ran down stairs, procured nte razor arid cut his owu throat. \V estbrook i.s dead, and it is supposed rhe gills cun not recover, bnt slight hope is entertained for ferns. Wes brook Another report, says that the girls were instantly k lied snd that Mrs. Y\ estbrook is mortally wounded. Westbrook was in financial difficulty and had become insane. Lebanon, Pa., n- y 4 l >y fne break i"R cut of molteu irou m the etack of Colebrook .urnae;No, 1, this afternoon five men were killed and three severe ly burned. Dr Benjamin U. Richardson, who a little mote than twenty years ago io trodueed ether spray as a means of pro (hieing local anaesthesia, now crakes a novel suggestion, v !Z ., to use a jet of highly compressed air as a cautery. He points.out its advantages oy-r tho cautery, heated wire or knife, in that it is less aiaiming, and for the moment pain’e-s, a* cold as an auaesthgtie. ua mentions chlorine as a suitable gas for the purpose, but prefers carbonic aahy dtioe as most manageable, cheap, al most inodorous, not unwholesome and no? infiamable, so that it ean be used with artificial light.—[New York Tel gtam. No 27.