The Weekly journal. (Homer, Ga.) 1889-1???, April 03, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. TWO. The i-olccliliT gjourrutl. Offloiftl Organ County. PPBIWHBP THURSDAY. 75Cts.PerYear Snli.criiMion in A<lintf. Eonals 8 Coats Py Lino First In sertion. Each Additional ft Cents ituieie'l ss Htcond Cla*s Matter at the Homer, Go., Po-t Office. Jno. Barton. - Proprietor. NOTICE! S* ptember SU, 18S8, A fter this month do notices of auy kir:d will be inserted in ibis paper without the publication fets in advance. pT M. EDWA3DS, ATTOR.NLY AT LAW, 110 MER, GEORGIA. Will practice in all the (lourts of the Western C rctiit. G. W. BLOWN, qX Maystilte, GeortrlM. Will do a general prac:icc. Col lect ing a specialty. DR. A. li, STAPLER, Homer, CSeorjiiii, Special attention given to surg ery, obstetrics and chronic diseases of long standing. Dr. IS F. ADAIR. DENTIST. Hsrtnory Grove, Ga. ~L. J. SHARP, PHYSICIAN & DR’GGIST, Hat many Grove. Ga. V. D. LOCKIIART. I'HYSICIA N, y 7timer, Georgia. Oi'din&i'j's Courti First Monday ii> each month. I’. F. Hill, Ordinary. Superior Court, Third Mondays in Match and S<p tember. M. L. Hu obins, Judge. Churches- Methodist. T. <>. Jdorie, Pastor. Services Ist. Sunday ineach month and Saturday hefora Piesbyieiian, G. H. Oartledge, Pas idr Services 2o<i. Sunday iu eaeh month. Baptist, J. F. Goode, Pastor. Serv jcasjtb. Sunday in each mouth and Saturday before. Lodges- Homer Lodge, .No. 82, I. O. O. F. meets Ist. Tuesday in each month, "W. 0. Pool, noble giand, R. J. Dyary, secretary. Phi Delta Lod?e, No. 148, F. A. M. meets Ist. Friday night iu each month: tv. a. watson, tv. m., p. m Edwards, s. w., w. sumpter, J w. t w. s. Long, tec’ty., w. o. J oar risen, treasurer, wiiey Ti-e’dkill, s. and, c h. oven, j. and., Henry entene, i , s. J D Cash, j s. jobTfinting Neatly done at this Office at low ( rices. Come and examine work. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Cards, Post ere, Dodgers, Tags, Circulars, Mortgage note, Justice Court Subpoenas, Fi Fas, Sum mons. Titlfe Deeds, Etc. P items. Caveats and Trademarks obtained, afld all Patent busi Lt s- conducted for model ate fees. Our office is oppotite united s>ate patent office, and tve ran se n-re P.trut in less time thaD those i. mote from Washington. Bud model, drawing or photo with do set ip - ions. We advise patentable i,r free of charge; our Ire r.ot uue until patent secured. A ram I let, “How to obtain Patents, ’• v. i - h r.cmes of actual clients in yr ur M ’e and county, or town sent free. Address C A- SNOW &, CO;- r pp.patent, Washington, D G v-M'- Li, .4 1 -a -A o'- f '*,l Hi A itf% i im ii 4a wb w \4m .sHa s* id rig nm* iu i $* jy;s 4 } 1 1 .-v f t-fIJ PiJ V C#^ MCELREfc’S WINE <*P ( ) A Rf) 111 sn-1 T hep* i-Mhu’s Li lack Draught motor sab hy ih“ following mere! ants in Hanks and adjoiuirgCounties: J. D HP. Ilonmr. VV. T. Dan can, Jewelhvllle. George Wilev, Jctvelisy;l e. Charles Sweet, Aito. J. Lee Legrand, Cramer. A. N. Bellamy, Walnut Hill. Hatch' ocfe iSi Cos., 11 irmony Drove. Power & Wiiford, Harmony Grove Baugh and Biother. Msysvills. J C Sims. Apple 'alley. J. B. McWhorter. Foit Lamar. TIEMOVEs/ ' Vsfi-e DiW? CORNo, ( v •• PUN IONS *r and WARTS, YfflHaSfir pA’Fi Those me H i sight Papers, aad Meet Carry Conviction. The value of a recommendation 1 dep nds v!■ ■: s u the giver of it; las spnrku. and alleged testimoni | rls are as plentiful as the leaves in V I amlitoea or lLa S'W.ds on the 33 bea(d). When a gen tie in an ft t-uoh prominence however, as the soil. w. If Wilderct Albany, Ga. iijC-iKf, Lis words carry ’weight with them. lie says ‘ I eufi. red fir tin years with rheumatism and in tha time tried all the so called rpeoifiJ'f 1 couhl boar ot. One ot them cost nrn tliree dol’ars prr to' tie tor nine bottles and yielded no teliet. My gran Ison who rims on the B. ar.d W. Railroad nr.allyg-it me a bottle ct p. p. p (prickly ash poke root and pos'.asmtm) and in unced me to try it. The tint bottle showed its lemnikalle 'fleets r.nd atter using it tor a short tirue the rlieuniati tn disappeated and I teel like anew man. I take great pleas tire in reconirneuding it lo the lfceu made eoflerers. Albany, o*. iV 11 Wilder, Abbott’s East Indian Corn Paint removes all Corns, Bunions and Warts, Georgia, Banks County—To ah whom it may concern—W. J. Mtirrv, adrnr , has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for letter* of dismission from said estate, ana I will pass upon the same on the Ist. Monday in June nr xt. March 3,'1890. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. his Dec. 4 ISB9. 3 m Georgia, Banks County—J W. Pruitt, administrator of W. A Borders, dec’d., has in due form ap plied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said estate. And 1 will pass upon the same on the Ist. Monday in April next; given under my band and official signi* lute, Dec. 30 1889. 3m. T. F. Hill, Ordinary. Georgia, Banks Couaty—W. C Chatham, administrator of C. P. Chatham, dec’d., has in due form applied to the undersigned for let ’lets of dismission from said estate. And I will pass upon tie same on the Ist. Monday in April next; giv eu under my hand and official sig nature, Dec 30, 1889 3tn. T F. Hill, Ordinary. Georgia, Banks County—Wic. Boling, guaruiaa of W. C B ‘ling, has iu due form applied to the un dersigned for letters of dismission from said guaidianship. And 1 will pats upon the same entire Ist Monday in April mx f ; given tinder mv hand and oific at signature, De cernber 30, ISB9. 3or. T. F. H'l'' ordinary. Georgia, Banks County.—-S L. Bowden, guardian of John A. Johnston, has ia due form applied to the undersigned for letters of dismission from said guardianship arid I will pasv upon the same ou tho first Monday in May next. Given EnJt-r my hand and offi e::il sigmiura this Feb. 3. 1890. T. F. Fill. Ordinary . i-tCTrtS. _g - BLACK DRAUGHT TEA Cures Constipation, eUcvoteil 4i> llie lnl-s-*tf of tlnnk* I'onnt}. HOMER, BANKS COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1880. BjUaS County Po- ; polled Stretin Ba'e. Q.-tgia, Banks Conn' yWill bo *.>!d on lire lat Ttieiday in M-j it. xf. at the unirt house door ir Homer, within the legal hours ol '.vie. tie following property to wit, odo trnet of land lying in e : <l c ,uii ty, a j titling lands ot J-ts I, Luo Janies W. Dodl, J. C Sm< lly. w! ereon th'-y n'’* resi le and o hers -ontainirg fifty a ros more or le.s unimp'Oveß h- v 'ccl tin hk the prop erty of L K. Morris and brother to satiety y f t fy issito'f ’rocn the jus •tCe’e court o £ tie 285 h district, g. tn., in favor ol Snittn Lomb ilal e aud Cos., puaiHit L F. ft orti s aid brother. Lvv made and te ntnrd hy J E fjenhers. Lawtnl Consta ble, Match 31,189d. VV. A. Bcoggios, Sheriff, Cfilecrs Blanks For Sale At this Office. Ail kimPjover 5 OilO mortgage end prr misoiy no-es. Atl otiiers in proportion. lie sure and read the article on “a bad temper-in this issue. Somelltiug ought to begone to our school house. Kh? Wnlk up gentlemen, and take your county paper. MeELKEF. S WINE of CARBIfI f p Femalo Diseases* Mrs. Cox will run a farm this year. J. K. Thompson is one of cur best farmers. McELREE’S WINE of CARDUI far Weak Nerves. Rev. Sam Jones is in Texas preaching to 14,000 at once. If you wish lo buy lots in Homer call at this office. l’ry BLACK-DRAUGHT tea lor Dyspepsia. A regular brass band may soon be organized in our town. There is no better place to spend the Summer than right here. Let the new railroad come We will be satisfied with noth ing less. fIdS'WINE OF CARD’JI. a Tonic lor Vomer How much do you want the railroad? a hundred dollars worth? Plank it down then. I have received subscribers for this paper lately from sev eral different s ates. Vanny Hill and 11. C. Mc- Donald are cultivating Mrs. Moore’s plao this year. R. J. Dyar has been in poor health for a month or so, but is much better now. Preaching at Ml. Pleasant next Saturday at 11 a. m., and Sunday at 3 V p. m. The picnic and dance at 8d ver Shoals, Saturday, was large i ly attended. I There will bo preaching at the Methodist church in Homer jnextSunday at 11 a. m. If you like this paper, get your neighbor to subscribe lor it. Be su~e and show your face ii the printing office when you | come to town. Old man Jim Gunn o? Ilab e.sham county, passed through Homer Saturday going east. j If you want this paper and can't spare the money, why, bring us chickens, eggs, any tiling. Dr. Y. D. Lockhart is up again, and dashing to and iro in the earth looking after the sick. Judge Hill and sheriff Scog gins took our convicts to “Big Jim Smith’s” farm in Ogle thorpe county last week. There are as nice girls around Homer as car he found any where. Our hoys are good, better and best. The Man ol Galilee is a little book worth its weight in goal, hut you can get it at the book store in Homer at 80 cents. We wish to run an alliance column in this paper. Lets have short, spicy reports from your meetiugs and your movements, brethren. J. W. Sumpter and W. B. Ma son are the most humane l’el lows in Homer. We saw them begging a beggar to let them teed him the other day. Quite a crowd met at the Baptist church Saturday after noon to clean up the grounds- The church is beginning to pre sent a very nice appearance. The Confederate Veterans Association of Batiks county, will meet at Homer on the 2nd. Monday in April, at 12 m- A large attendance is disired. Mrs. Ilend.'ix, who lived live miles out on the Harmony Grove road, died last Tuesday. She had been sick in bed sev en years. Dr. Hayden brings his big, fat self around through town every day or two. We are al ways glad to see his cheerful face. There are several mineral springs right around Homer. Our hotel men are going to ar range for it and make this a popular resort. After this week we wish to run a railroad column, in which we will print every week the names and amounts of all the subscriptions. A candy-pulling at Mr. J, D. Sanders, Monday night, was the occasion. Messrs. I. E. jilll and J. A. Dyar, Homer's society leaders, were present, and report a nice time. There will soon be enough money subscribed to run the railroad to Ilomer. Big Jim Smith says he can grade it from Belton to Homer in six weeks. Banks County Alliance will meet at Nail’s Creek (near Mr.!) on next Friday. There will- be a good deal of business before Ihe alliance at this meeting. Delegates to the state alliance will be elected. Read the large advertise meat on 4th page of this issue, of I. A. Madden, Mavsville. This firm carries one of t lie larg eri stock of goods in the town When in town besure to call on them. Notice to the Public:- I have taken editorial charge of “1 lie ; Weekly Journal,” published in 'Homer, Ga. My salutatory will appear in its proper place next week. T. O. Rorie. Homer, Ga., April 2,-1890. As will be seen Rev. T. O. Rorie assumes editorial charge of this paper from now on. As heretofore, he will continue to work fertile paper. Any busi ness that he may contract for in advertising, subscrip ion, job printing, etc., will be car ried out. All commuaicati ns can be addressed to “1 lie Weekly Journal,” as in the past. llad a good congregation at preaching at the Methodist church Sunday 10 a. m., and a large crowd attended the funer al service of Pledger Mize who Wis buried at 4p. in. Pledger was a 17 year old son of Mr. Alfred Mize of this county. He went to Alabama some two months ago, and two weeks ago took fever and died. He was a member of the Baptist church and a nice young man. Notice:—An effort will be made to organize a Sunday school at the Methodist church in iiomer next Sunday The Presbyterian and Baptists schools are both held in tho morning, and there is no good reason why a school in the after noon should not be held at the Methodist church. Come to preaching Sunday morning and let’s organize a Sunday school. T. O. Rome, I’. C, The cyclone in Louisville, Ky.. the 28th, inst., did great damage to life and property. The loss of life is estimated at two hundred. The loss of prop erty will reach two million or more. The western end of main street was completely wrecked. People buried in the massive debris of brick and mortar. The scene was an an- I , pealing one. Wives scratching for their husbands, husbands I for tlKir wives, mothers for i their children. *** Cviuiau uivated. Berlin Lems:—The organiz ation of the Sabath school at Berlin was deferred until next Sunday on account of the bur ial at Homer. Messrs. Hitch and Laney wiil soon have the Berlin Academy well seated. If you want any turning done, such as croquet sets, chairs, etc., call on Mr. Newt uill at Quillian’s mill. Ah, Jack, you must come to mill again with your horse. The measels are dying out in this section. More Anon. . Thoughtless Going and Com ing. A great many of our young 'men are moving West every year and the sentence at the ! top of this article expresses the nature of the case in a large num lx t ui i > . -re and i:- and while they In. .-my auOe traits of char r a-- :i 1 uh-, they are in a gr. aU'< /r e leek less, and though'.U-.-s in tbOr ! movements from - old home | stead to the new held. 'Hie change of ciimale, (he hard work and ilie expo-ore, to t-ay nothing of the dis-ipation iliat often follows in Lie train of these moves, very often brines them back dead, and therefore, thoughtless. If the energy Unit is requir ed to succeed in the West was put into some enterprise here, a good living could be made, and money besides. But grant ing that our lands are poor, and that but little can be made, we would better make a little than ruddling. I would rather live here in Banks county where every frugal, hard working man is making enough and to spare and has good health to boot, than to go where I would be in imminent danger of fusing my life. Several young men liava gone from tins county in the last year or two and been brought back a corpse. A gen tleman Iron) Oglethorpe tells me that nearly every boy that leaves Oglethorpe county for the West, is soon brought back in a box He says the boys down there have got to where they are afraid to get beyond Atlanta, and well they maybe. there is a bright future for this country and our boys, too, it they will stay at home, stick to business and be honest. Boys, let’s thank God that we are not dead, but living in Banks county, which is the een ter of the woild, and the garden spot. A Preacher Killed. Rev. John Ltace, a Methodist preacher, was assassinated in Union county last week, 'ihe minister was ou his way home from church when attacker!, and his throat cut from ear to r iu - and his body thrown into a creek nearby. The coroner’s jury that investigated the case came to the conclusion that l;e was murdered by Turn Swam and others, on account, of ins threatening to report the par ties if they sold his boys any | more whiskey, iiis head was almost severed from his body. The work was done with a knife near Lance's residence and his body was found by his little boy, who was on his way down t > tire barn to feed the stock. Lance made a desperate defense, as evinced by the cuts on his hands made in fending off tlso licks of Ids an tagonist. The parties are in jail.— [Dahlcnega Signal. It is about time candidates were showing themselves. They hive about nine months to go on. This is no great while; t! e people want to sec you. Con e ' out, gentlemen. MO. -S>.