The Harmony Grove echo. (Harmony Grove, Ga. [Commerce, Ga.]) 1893-1897, July 06, 1894, Image 2

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HARMON \ GItOVKEOHO J- V. CAIBOK Editor and £a*im*ts ■auag** #. U. CARSON, Imm PaMiihad ***rj Thursday by \?i* VXHC CO, Subscript (ns Prr e* On* Debar per year tn *d uancs, AdvertSfinj late* mads known upon SPUlF'***” l ' AtMfian* *H eaiomH)jepj wh (© ICHO, Harnreu* (Jrot*. Oa . * ■ 4KHONT UHOVft Gi.. JULY 8, 1994. LIE. IpO .Ut|is BEBifteSM ' ! Pg f j areiji the iast tiitrh amj it untihhe Ist We lutsfhv in Oe t 1 t*r next toGiwf thfrt they will have a Hard afrnggJe to rise when Gabriel fi'ows liis hern. For •tTeef tliey are circulating thu report that some of the citizens, or a great, many have changed a-d wifi vote with Lite } par ty. I his, hfce most of (lie other gusli aad rot they are talking is untrue and circulated for the purpose of try ing to influence people to join them. There in iot hut iir populists in Ilrrmnny Grove and they were populist In 180‘2 <u puncipfe it no in vote. Whenev er the people of this place go off af ter demsrg gin** and -w 1 1 ? foolish gods von can make arrangements for the mUleimimn. They are men who have made what they nave got hv hard earned licks and-economical living; men who believe that vv hat he works for i ightfully liHloivgf'Tb him and his, amlNriili never he found with a party who.te w hole ambit ion is t.<> pull down fomc one else to upbuild himself. The paper that claims jto. I.e democratic in principle and opera its colums for anyopo who sees ff t* denounce me ft who advocate the principles oi domocracy are no litt.or than a populist paper. Hon. Milton A. Candler, of De- Kalb county, has-entered the race against Leonid** LivfngfitoD for f’ongr'essmau in the sth Cougres iional district- Candler is a straight democrat, while Lou is a free silver - or an A ilia nco democrat or anythhrg lee that he thinks j will catch- vqitos, ff Candler don’t i heat Rim "he’ll most-” - ——.—_ Hon. Henry G-. Turners speech delivered under the aifspicis of C'lmmbe*B-of Commerce, of Atlanta, was a democratic Hpppo-h rn every sense of the word, regardless of wlust soft such democrats might think. He preached democratic dfwti ine pwt and simple. He fully rxoulnjrporevF the democratfc House and Sttiate tpom Hie infamous eliargcs male agisinst them hv policy neswspapvrs and an'i'adiuinjstra tt'Jiiists. 'l'irrner will he next U. S. Senator from Georgia. Aii overwhelming may rffy of the democratic voters of Georgia sav At kinson is the man-to lead the fight i*r democracy. Other democrats will have to tight tor him or fight for Judgs Iljnes, tire populist candi date. f'he October election will show whether they were tigiifi ig for Evans or the democratic party. W ivy vomhftue third party prefer lion, W , \ .>on- for governor pi preference to Get). Kvan.s, when A tkiosow hard tough* them and shipped them in 1892 l*v sevem.\%oue fh yusaml majority. It is said that an affk Atkinson club nas heen organised hi tire < i v of Atlanta to s ipjvort .fudge 1 fines in preferene* to tire demov.a'tie rvornhiee tlon. W. Atkinson-. Any man who wifi support Hares hr preference tw*the i* j*o democrat and should not have been allowed to vote ’ til the primary. Ihe populist say the govei nnteni i.M bankrupt, and yet Slrev rdf advo- ! cate tin* financial jmliev of saddling ! the debt upon tire jreople <>f Inning! Up all the railroads, telegraph: and telephone lines. The next thing yon hear from fire yopu istClrey wi*i nut a pliutk-hi (heir I platform So- bay ttp all the horses •nd plows ami ptow them hi the in terest of the people, lire re would he jjust as HMich propriety ib such a ivliem* nir-shasi w in condemning railroads, etel Doiat he fooled by the populist telling you* that Cf®y have- got the world by the tail and noth nig to do Kutto-shake it. They tokfc von* the same t-long in fs of Jackson- < om*f.y ■will have a graflitf rally at Apple Vsf - 4ev Saturday July 7th. Some ©f our exchange# seem to j think that the 3rd party wanted At kinson for goyci-iior. They have got-a good eve on them for govern or. They appreciate a man who has. worked for the principle he believes' to be right, and uoii’t believe in Hon ©ring men that have never done an v thiirg for his pnrty until he wants . them to triv him an oiiiea. _ __ It May Do a* Much for You- Mr. Fed Miller, of Irving. Ilf. write- tb u he had a Severe Kidney trouble for many with severe pains in his hack and also that his nlaudei was clioctdU. He tried many he began u-e of Electric Bitters an 1 found relief at once. Electric Bitter-: especially adapted in cure of tili Kid ey and Liver troubles and often gives almost in-taut relief. One trial: will prove our st •lenient. Price on- ! ly otic, for large bottles At, Dr. L. f. Sha: p & Hro’s Drug Store. There will be a picnic at Homer Saturday. Hon.’ \V. A’. Atkinson’s sound democracy and his record in the past elected him as the next nominee of the Democratic party in Georgia for governor. j SOURCE OF INSPIRATION ii on. W. V. Atkinson's great vie t try should bean insjiiration to every de owing young m?n, who is trying to i ake something out of himself— to lea nong men. A few years ago Mr. Aikinson set out with no bettetr advantage and under no better auspicious circtun -stanecs than do most boys, to go u> the top round of the ladder, and he G making most excellent progress. The storv of hi 5 having been a wagon hoy i* not a campaign mvlli, lie it said to his credit, but hi I h<- been content with that he would never have risen higher. He had an honahle amhitition to be foremost amodg the priminent men of this reel ion. and soon there will be conferred upon him the high est gityin theqpower of the sovergin people of the Empire State of the Soul 1). When he began the race for gov ernor, it seemed that he was enter ing into almost unsufmouniable o Ids. A citizen of the capital of the State, apparently hacked in his eamlidaney by two.ot the most powerful pohth eal agencies in the State, and with four large daily papers championing his cause, had already been a candi date for sometime, and it whs con fidently asserted that, there was a popular uprising in hi-s favor and demand for ho candidacy. But the brilliant young candi date from Cowetn was not u stran ger to t.lf** people. They had seen him. while Ino was chairman of the Democratic executive committee, do ihe work he had fn hand faithfully and earnestly: they had seen him car ry the standard of Dtqpooracy in to every town and every hamlet, and light, the watch-fires of Dem ocracy into every hill-ton in Geor gia ; they were convinced of hi* : ability when after his' brilliant leadership, thJ>aU!o was fought, and at the close of that memora ble day in IB9d, the flag of Dem ocracy kept watch over the field ; they had heard his name upon nl : most every lip when Democracy sent up a eli! ut of victory from Nie-a-jaek to Tybee Light; they know his merit- And it. was the recognition of , his merit that won the victory for him over almost insurmountable | obstacles. ♦ The people love and honor Gen. Evans and feel that Hie recogni i tion accorded his abilities and [merit, as a soldier and a minister ! has been just and right. To every aspiring young man. Mr. Atkinson’s victory should -he an inspiration.— Columbus Ledger. The populist nominated Mr. Tims', jS. Johnson for Senator of the 33d Senatorial Dist. and Messrs. George Bennett and Frank Sell for Repres entatives in a mass- meeting a Jeffer i -*oir July 4th. We returiro 1 fgliife form Ho mer Wednesday to give any notice of the meeting of the colored people of Banks- J rely 4th, Wtfi give a 1 sketch nex-t week, | For the- nicest selec-tad fresh fancy candy in town try Walter W i 11 iarnsoir. Solid Dnizilian teaspoon* at one doflar per set at ('. >4. Biftes i he je* eiei:.. IMS! lit. ■ i-'rooi our rtigular s>rrespondent< Wasuim.eon, june 2bth. 1894. Chairman Wit on, ff liic House Ways and Means coininiuee, is on hand, apparently c unuie ely restor cti to luath, read / to take charge o 1 ; the tariff hiU a-s s on a it gets t a.-k !o the Hothte. I/ke tii • skdlful coni nnnder lie has sli \ n hin self to be Mr. \Vil on dc lines l<> ‘pi Idiclv ox pica- his own op nioir if the Scnan amcmhic'ii'is'lo the 1.411 or to sa\ he think- nili be the result <>t the conference on thvsc aincndiiiPii 1 -. Whatever po-il o.iTßvcn by the c, n f rces on the part of the lb use. who Virk,-hb headed by Chair man Wilson, will he the re nil oi mature ion d<lei ation on the part *>t Speaker Cnap and the Dadicg demo crats of the House, wifii wh m Mr. Wilma has been in aJmo.-t constant commltation since liis return t<. Wa-iiingt n. i'iie one pr- mitumt detnocrat who has been entirely it-fi out of these consuitat'mn is Fie-ideii (Teveland, and he has been left ut in accordance with bis own wish a- He. does nut. wi ll t have it sud that he took sides with either the II .use or Senate >n what mv be a quickly settled friend!v cobtroversv or tnay develop into a bitter wran g!e However, ii > one who is at ail familiar with President Cleveland’s public utterance, not to mention his private conve sa ions, on the tariff question, can have any doubt as t which of the two—the original Wh son bill or the amended .Senate bill —lie prefers. There are good iea sons. for the belief that the democrats of ihe House will stan lup for the o.iginal Wilson bill, and it ean be set down as certa n that the pr tec tion amenduieiits of the Senate wi 1 nevor be accepted in their present -hape There is t o longer any talk of even an attempt being made to hive the House agio !o all <T tlie Sen ite amendmenls in bulk. There never was a’ Y foundation for su- h talk.’beyond the imagma’i ns of some people who would like, to see the mutter dispos and of in that u ay. 'Lhe Georgians ?:i Congress me beginning to get somewhat worked up over the election of a Senator to si.cored Mr. Walsh. Wlum Speaker (Vi p declined the proffered app< itit ment to iill the tmexpirtul term of the late senator C.lqui't, it- was generally supposed that he thereby s-cuied wiiat the buys call “a lead pipe cinch” on the full to. m, al though it was then known that. Rep resentative Turner would probably be a candidate. Several days, ago, however. Senator Walsh made a manly aunnuiu e nent of his candi dacy. Speaker Crisp has hot indi cated whether he \v li be a candidate or not, and one of his closest person al-friends has just assured me that Mr. Ctisp has not yet decided the mat >cr. Two New York bankers of prom inence had aa evperk-nhe in Wash ington several years ago that will probably make them m u-e careful in the future ab mt believing every statement they see in tlie newspa pea sof ili ' class which make prac tice of printing the sensation first and ascertaining its truthfulness af terwards. A newspaper of this class had a -t ry to the clTect tint the President would glad! , i-s e another sbo,C.ou,('tui, of bonds if he were ceitain they could be placed without trouble. Titcse two bankers tilled with patriotism and a desire t<> prof itably invest tlie nnmy of their cus tomers came at once to Washington an 1 went to the White House, where tin y prom e led to surprise President Cleveland by offering to take that entire bond issue. Mr. Cleveland assured them that time was not the slightest foundation for the bond issue story; that the administration had not cont cinp ed a"y furl her issue of bonds and that there was no re a son in anything ii \v known to ex pect that there wotil 1 be :mv n >ce * sitv for the question to lie considered at, any time iq the fiifme. Surely that ought to lie sulheient to settle the matter, but all tin* same that bond issue story will .• >; t ime to be printed in one frm or anot'ier, as it lias been fr,on time to time, by tho.-e w ho know it fals’t -. Sena’or Ilariis’s programme has so often been upset and changed in cn cumstanccs over which he no cm - (to! that he deserves great credit for not ha ing b>st li ‘art entirely before now. It is liis present inleriti.m if the final vote on the la iff bill be not reached cfn Tuesd ly to c.-mpel the Senate to hold a ses-ion of life Sen ate on the Fourth of July, but, of course, it ail de pemD on the vote of the Senate as to whether bp intention can be ear ned out. In the absence of a unani mous agreement as to when the final vote shall be taked there is nothing iti the rules of the Senate to prevent a Senator getting the floor and speak ing the rest of the week, if so dispos •:. Senator Aldrich; who has been the leader of the republicans j u il )e tariff said ibis morning that so far as lie knew no republican Sena tors would make another set, speech on the bill and that he saw no reason why a vote could not, be reached s nne time Tuesday No good rea on existed that prevented a vote being reached long ago. but we afl know that it hasn’t been reached. ll ' ■ A pretty lot of love chains cheap as dirt for sale at G. 8. Bates, fhe jeweler r^r M wr rure beuma ‘S-t. 'vtAhAiAi Kh. At flrugjjisi?, ntUy A STRANGE CASE. How an Enemy was Foiled. The follow ill" graphin'statement will bt: ; read with intense into tost: - I <-:ninot,dvseribe the numb, creepy sensation i ha t existed in my arms, hands anti legy. I had to rub ami bent those parts until they wei-o sore, to overcome in :t tnen ure the (ieiul feelitig tiiat liud takeii pos-K-ssion of ihern. In addition, I had a strange wea knt"-s in my back and around my ; wji Ist. logetlier with an inde-t-ribnble ‘gone* . fueling in lay stomach. Thysictana said it ! was cFci-pin ; paralysis, from which, accord- : inr totlu-ir uriivc-rsal conclusion, there is na ; relief Uncd it fastens upon a person, they , sav. ii eontium-.s its insidious progress until I is reaches a \ ittil point and the suite re r dies, buch was my prosjH'i’t. I had been doctoring a year :iml a half steadily, but with no par ticular benefit. when 1 saw an advertisement of !>r Miles’ Restorative Nervine, procured a bottle and began using it. Marvelous as it may scorn, but a few days had passed before i every bil of iha.t ci-yepy" feeling had left mo, and there hits not Vavn evea tin; slightest iiiftie.ation of ks return. . I now feel as well as I ever did n;id June gained ten pounds in weight, though 1 bad run down from lTu t ) 137. Foot* TANARUS, hers lmvo used J)r. Miles' Restorative Nervineoa my recomoa dation. and it haslteen ass.-Misfaetorv inilioir cases as in mine.''—.lames Kane, La Rue, O. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is sold by all drnggisls on a, guarantee, or sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Cos.. Elkhart, lnd., oti receipt of price, ?1 per bottle, six Pot t les for S5. express prepaid. It is free from opiates or divugorous drugs. Sold bv L. G. Hardman & Bro. JOB WORK. \Ye are prepared to do all kinds of Job Work in good style and at the lowest prices. Live us an ord. r wJhmi you wish any thing in this line. It will pay you to get the Emo to do your Job Work. A UNIQUE REFERENCE WORK. A work that is really new, nml unlike any | other, is th, Nptsuem, Cyclopedia. It is not intended to take the pTaceof *ny other general ; cyclopedia, but to supplement every other, r.d whatever other you have you will probably | want the N*cthhkf!., and if you iiave no other ; you will surely want it. It treats only 11 va sub i j -ct., the fads concerning which are constant ly changing, and the latest information con c rni tg which is important. Probably three ; fourths of its contents wii! he found oilier ! cyclopedia, because the occurrences, anti the i facts.described are of later date than the pub ' lication of any other cyclopedia. T tough the i entire work will comprise probably *2.500 pages it is sold at a price so low that anyone can af ford (o take it, ranging from sl.7§ for the com plete work in Monthly Tarts, to $8,20 for the same in four volumes, half morocco binding The issue before us covers such important sub jects as Coinage. Colorado, Columbian Celebra tions and Expositions, Commerce and Crops, bringing statistics down to 1394 (mostly a year later than can be found in any of the annuals) ; Congress, with list of members. Connecticut ! and so on. For sample Monthly Part send four I cents postage to John 1). Aldkn'. Publisher, 57 i St. Hose New York. I RAILWAY (PIEDMENT AIR LINE.) Route of tlio Great Veetib uled .j Limited. ATLANTA A CHAtt LOTTE AJK-I.INK DIVISION. CONDENSED SCHEDULE OF PASSENGER TRAINS. In Effect .Juiv Ist. |Bt) t. ve>. Liu Fat Mail’ Northbound. No. US No. 38 No. I*J | Daily DrT.v Daily ■ Lv Atlanta (time 12 0' N rt 9.00 ;m 8.00 am , " At nut a e time l.tDrm tu.oo pm it oo am j “ Norcross 10 37 pm 9.4-1 am I “ Itufor.l •... 11 .('25 ptn I 31 ant “ Gh|i"o,vil)e.. j 2.!5 urn 11.31 pm XU.54 am 1 ** Lula j ; 1153 pm 11.19 urn “ Corner a i 1 4"> am ; “ Mt Airy j* pm *■ To coa, ... f 12 45 urn 1 49 pm “ Wasvnaistcr 1,21 an 1 4 pm I *• Srne.H MU am 1 1.35 j,m j “ < • n .. 4 45 nap 2.10 am 2.05 pin i- Cp •ouvi'Ja —| u 3. puil 3.00 am .1/5 pm : So r’uni *irg.. i 8 22 pm, 4 01 an) tJhm ( Oi.lTn-;, s I .... 4 42 um 4 53 ; in *’ Mu -1.-sbrrg ... 7.11 pm: 5.00 am , in *• Ii :a r'sMduaf’i i 5 23 am 5.35 j m " COs.O'liiU 549 RIB 5.5s m Ar. C lariet it . . . 8.2 > pm G. 30 ain ti. 4 > jm Ala Daniil 8 12.27 airv 11.4-5 an 12.10 rut Ac it it- in III! 6.2 > air. | 4.5 b pur i; 20 r, m Ar. iV; s :lt g.’on . 7.>3 m| 8. b pm 1 *• Kaliim'ei’.n.n, 82' ami 11/T> pni: “ I’;i!auelpiiia ~ 10.49 r.tnj r.O) am .... ** NowYov'i 1.23 pit I 0.23 am es.J .imd st Mail Southward. No. 37. | No 3<. No. tl _ Daily : Daily Daiy : Lv now vork' I m pm 1 M3 n't i • PuiJndeipiiia. 0.33 pm 7.At inu I “ Baltimore— 9.20 pm' !• 42 tu' j MV;i i liurton... 10.43 pm *,l 01 and ; Kieu-nobi..• ■ Piftou.m i2 4>nn lTstirni ‘ T-atniJo, 5.4 1 <uu 5 55 pm ",.00 im “ CoarlotVe . 9.3 . aut V‘,Vi pn 12 20 n n ■* Gastonia 1 11 26 p n 1.02 pm *■ Kili’af sMonutTi ... 125 pm Blacksburg — l( tBam. ltO am l W* ptn ■ ** Gaffneys.:. 2.05 pm ■ *• SparUuiburg.. 11317 am; 1157 an it .*4l pro “ Groomille 12.28 ma 4 10 pu “ Central, 1.15 p.n; 2 4>.rr. 5.20 j m '‘ Seneca j 3.01 nip .* 4. pm i '• ‘ Westminister. . : .• 5 pro " .Tootou- I . 1 3.43 r tn j. 6 45 pm ; •• Mount Airy...; t . 7 35 pm i ■' Cornelia j ; 7.38 pip ! *' Lulu... . ; 4.42 ami s.t>s pm ! '* Cainesviiic... 331 pm 4.39 am: 8.3 ) pm j " Dnforti J. . .... 9.03 pin 1 " Noivross 1 | I .3t pm ! Ar Atlanta Ktin e 4.55 pm, 6.2!) ami Ki.iD pin ArAUyutaCtm :6 pm! 6 2c am 'JKtpm * PpIIJHAU c-itr Servi.e: Nos. .15 and ,C H*'J. ; moul and DapvUin Fast Mail. Pullaw.i Sleep'nv j Cars 1 etwcuu Atlanta and New York 4 j N05.37 arid3B Washington and Saurtiwcstern i Yestihnled Lirniied. between No y York and ; New Orleans. TTroug i Sleep< r* be tween New York and New Orleans, via Allan j ta aud Montgomery, and also between \Vflatting ! tori and Memphis, via Allan-,y ant) ! Nos. It and 12 Tollman Sleeping Car between 1 Richmond Danville and Greensboro. : For detailed information as to local and through time tables, rates and Pul>w up Sleep | tug eat* reservation i, cinfer with local jtgents, | or address— | W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK. . j Gen l Pass. Ag't, Ass t General PaAl't WAkuiNorpff. D. C, Atlanta / , OA. .1. A. D3DSON. Supcrinten lent. Atlanta, Gw. W 11. GRFJEN,' J r M.GULP, * Oen'l M'gr.. Traffic Ma in. Waskj vgion, and. <p. Washington I>.*h SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ECHO i I - m. PER YEAR. | I i i I I Note-Heads, Envelopes, Bill-Heads, Statements, Shipping Tags, etc. If you need any thing in the job work line, it will pay you to call and see us. Echo Printing Cos, STATEMENT OF Of North-Eastern Banking Cos., Julie 30t h^jj Loans (>5,910.52 —y Overdrafts . N 08.22 Stocks and bonds .. 4.085.00 Fixtures . ... 1.400.00 I>ne from Htnte lJnuka 107.40 i Due front other banks 1,12908 i Cksh oh li*nd 7,779 59 n Exjwnst'S.. 245,10 jB —581,325.0ffl LIABILITIES. i Capitol .Stock 50.000.0 U Surplus 1,000.00 Uiniividwi pfoliis 318.90 Exchange 378.80 Interest 3,190.98 Dus other bunks 1.052-52 Due depositors 25,378-81 Cashiers checks 4 94 581,325.51 1 Dr. 0. Henley Snider, Physician and Surgeon, 554 Decatur St., - - Atlanta Georgia. [Late Lecturer on Surgery and Demonstra tor of Anatomy, Natural Medical College,] Successfully trents all curable diseases of a chronic nature, as Old Sores, Dropsy, Fits, Catarrh, Asthma. Rheumatism and all diseases of t the Blood, Skin, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Private Diseases a Special;. Everything kept strictly confidential. Patients at a distance suc cessfully treated by mail and express, for actual expense of material until a cure is effected- CANCERS QUICKLY CURED. without pain, knife or caustic, by u secret method, perhaps imkuowfl to any other person in the country. State vour case plainly and a<s| drees as above, enclosing stamp for reply. MODEL GROCERY STORE! Everything kept in a first-class fancy and staple grocery store at the lowest POSSIBLE PRICES. WALTER WILLIAMSON ■■ Those Who Have Tried TJs Know tint we do tine job punting in style and finish equal to the best city ollice. Those Who Have Not Are simply losing money by sending their work away from home. From our office you read the proof a vei ling errors, and ge* your choice of work Lowes Prices G naranleed, ECHO PRINTING CO. \hiwsrmMvC(MParrJlec<rrficToMwGuim Out* Goods ms rats Our Prices the lowest