The Harmony Grove echo. (Harmony Grove, Ga. [Commerce, Ga.]) 1893-1897, July 06, 1894, Image 3

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_f E ws' 1 TO\\ Ni Tking* Vo Fiud to About-Gopsip Coa oenuag Persons end Things. Various | Chronicling*. Bits of Cnrront News- r- | Prof. W J. Gunnells and Ids bon- j ni biide. of Jefferson, spent several j day* toils week the guest of relatives in this place. With this the Echo is one year old. Prof. Lee (-ionnoils has been elect ed principal of Marlin institute at Jefferson. It was a wise selection of the trustees. While Lee is young in year*, he is old in the art of teach ing. He has spared no pa ; ts or mon ey to equip him self for the place be h*s licen elected to fill. The Martin Institute is to be congratulated on securing his services. f Most of the wheat crop has been j thradied in this section and the) yield is very • di couragiijg to the ' farmers. Wesley Ohri-ler, cob, and Ins wife had the misfortune of losing one of their children last Monday. One of his larger children was nursing his small child about eighteen mouths old and dropped it in the lire. It's cloths caught on fire an i burned it almost to a crisp. Dr. L. J. Sharp did all that medical si ill could for it, hut, it died in about ail hour and a half after it was burned. Mr. N. F, Jackson representing the North Western Life Insurance CO., is in the city t liking life insu rance. Kev. J no. I). Milton will begin his , annual meeting a 1 the M. E. church next Monday night. Col. J. A. B. Mallaffv, passed through town last Monday on route to Oarnesville, where he sp ke Tues day. We have heard that he was pilled for speeches in seveial } daces I in Franklin county. Messrs, G. W . I>. Harbor, D. F. Carson, O. W. Wood, J. D. Hudson, Hons. 'l'. E. Key and W. T. Thurmond went down on the Hudson liver Tuesday and returned Wednesday on a fish ing expedition. Go >d luck, of course. Misses May Bird and Emma .Mil ler visited Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Bates, on High street the first of this week. Messrs. George l ay lor and George Headwyler, Jr., of Maysvdle, was in the city Sunday afternoon. They left for the Lone Star Ftale on Mon day in the interest, of a patent churn. Mr. K. C. Vaudi ver, a prominent farmer of Franklin county, \isiied the family of Mr. Ross Hix, on llo jner street Monday. Now that watermelon time has come we will give one year’s sub scription to the Echo to the party (hat brings us the largest melon through the season. Don’t, all come the same day. Dr. Wilhite, a prominent physician of Anderson, S. (’., visited Mr. Fos ter Daniel out in the eo nitty a few miles from Harmony'Grove the past week. The many friends of Miss ( laud (’arson, of llarin uty (drove, who graduated with first honor in the bright, class of 1892, at the Semina ry, will be glad to know that she is in the city for a few days. Bhe is tlie guest of Miss Worfie Montgom ery, on ’\t*ksirT jfri ; n street, and will be given glad welcome by the circle of fi tend* made by her lining her school days, when she was noted as one of the prettiest and most popu lar girls who ever went out from the Seminary shades .--Ceorgia Cracker. Amazing improvements in tlm appearance of all crops since the ruin. A .little grass would not be ob jectionable, especially in the dry etreake. When grass grows sj do the crops. Hut. few fourth of July water melons this year. This year will not prove as prof itable to hay farmers as have the Jatf yoar or so- We have got both eyes open for the first watermelon. What has become of all the chickens? Not so many brought to town as usual. Grass making its appearance in superabundance since the ruin Tuesday. From the prospects now crops will bo laid by with but little complaint of gr a*§. ItrWVilf Nal, of Heflin, Ala., passed through the city en route to his father’s at Banksville Ttfe#*> day. BASEBALL. ii Harmony Grove vs. Madisoa. The serine of games of ball play- ; ed by our team in Madison last! week were highly interesting and resulted na follows: June 27, Harmony Grove 9, Mad ison 1. June 28, Harmony Grove 4, Mad ison 7. June 29, Harmony Grove 5, Mad ison 15. While the results of the games wore not entirely satisfactory, our boys are to be congratulated on the splendid showing they made Madison’s home team cannot dc- : feat I farm on y Grove which ij plainly shown in the outooino of the first game, as in this game they played principally homo tnl ;ent. Madison seeing they could j stand no show of winning with | their team, imported four profes j siouals from Mucoh and Atlanta, j some of them standing at tie top j-in the Southern League record. Besides playing against these odds, our principal catcher, Scott Jackson, was disabled in the first game, which prevented his playing in the two remaining games, and* considerably weakened Harmony Grove. Our boVs played magni ficient ball, and was quite a sur prise to ) hose who had never wit nessed our boys handle the sphere especially those lodge players and to use their expression, ‘'.Those kids plgy ball out of eight. ’’ Mad-, ieon expected a wajk over but in order to win were compelled to Strengthen their team till the very j last- Harmony Grove lias never; been beaten by anv team com posed entirely of a mat tiers and has the best amnluor team in Georgia. "Our boys stand ready I to prove this assertion. The hoys say t boy wy re r<>y ally on ter tain ed ■ and received the best of treatment at the hands of tho Madison boys.; NV e hope to try conclusions with ; them again soon. (’apt. E. I'. Eiterhart is visiting his brother at Carlton this week. Mr, John I. Pittman opened his school at Ridgeway academy last Monday morning with u flourish ing school. .Miss Octie Pittman lias been chosen as first assistant of Hoscli ton High School. Prof. Bowman has a flourishing school at that place and Miss Octie had had sev eral years experience as a teacher. It goes wif hout saying it will be one among the best schools in the county. Miss Blanche (‘handler rtpened her school at Mt. Bethel last Mon day with flattering prospects. Messrs, flip Stark, Obe Hawks and (’apt. Bob Little represented Harmony Grove at the Gomer ball Wednesday nigh t. July 4th. Avery good shower foil here Tuesday which was very much needed. The crops had suffered a great deal and especially the corn crop. Mr. Jim Story, of Athens, was visiting ti iends in town Wednes day. We call your attention to the beautiful line of clothing of all kinds. Latest styles just received from New York at prices to suit the people. Call and see them at. The Great Now York Bargain Store. Far Harmony Grove Slurtiiig or Sheeting go to Sheppard Bros. Sheppard Bros. Sells ihe Sheet ing and Shirting manufactured a the Harmony Grove Cotlm Mills, and its the finest on the market. Young man ! you can save from 25 to 50 per cent, by going to Athens and buying a suit of clothes from Chats. Morris. For bargains go to The Groat N Jce cold lemonades at Morris & Evans. The great st rike has reached the bot tom prices at Christian vt Cos. Don’t fail to take advantage of it. We have got. to move by the first of September, and for the cash will sell you furniture at. prices that will make you happy for year* to com*. Sheppard Bro*. Clias. Morris the reliabls clothier of Athens, is Belling out at actual cost. The Great New York Bargain Store has jiist received anew line of pants and are selling them at a low price. !)-. Mills' t*iUn Pills. UNDER THE TENT. ' . } A Crowd at Quilliau’s Springs, I Ptrhaps many of our readers have heard of Quilliaifs Springs, • and ! many have not. We have of ten heard of them, but [ h.uino idea of wlu-ro they i were located, or of the beautiful and picturesque spot, amt of one of the boldest and finest springs in Geor. gia. Whj{e in Homer Wednesday wo‘were invited down there l<> sj end tjn* night witti the Harmony Grove party who have erected their tents; to spend a month there. I started out from Homer with the expectation of finding the camp one mile from H< mer, but found it to tie three. We found a big sign “Quitlian’s Springs" and had no proceeded far before I overtook Messrs. Bud Little and Tom Quiliian blazing out a forty foot road ami ! from appearances it looked like they ; were fixing it for an a jdialt road. A j few minutes ride down the new cut ; road found me in sight, of two large | tents and a cookery or kitchen built J after camp-meeting style. We found .Mrs. \V. A. Quiliian and her accom plished daughter, Miss Cura, holding forih with Gland Little watching the chic-kcu coop to keep the hawks and minks from devouring them, , ml if •here is anything that Ciftud had rather do more than another it’s cer tainly watching chickens, and more especially after they are prepared for t!.e camp-meeting dining room of camp Quiliian. Mis. .Quiliian feels perfectly at home at the camp. Anyone who his ever visited her hospital home in Harmo ny Grove could toll at a glance from the tidine-s and taste everything was arranged that slie presided over camp Qviliian. l oin Quiliian is the iiuuro l of the party, and not a single Bub White has opened his wheat, eating mouth since camped there he did not pick his bones for the next meal. And squirrels, the woods are full of them, but they have already learned not to c ■ mmenee ba: king around that camp, for nimrod. Quiliian has a reg ular mania for squirrels. Camp tires light the camp and everyone would think for a moment tie was again at a good old tame camp meet ing. When the sun had gone down beneath the weste n horizon we were summoned to the dining room and the biil of fare could not tie surpassed anywhere. Fried chicken, quail on toast, stewed sqniirel, jellies of all descriptions were there t > have a kind of “cease that pining” effect, After we had doi.e full justice to the sumptuous meal spread before us and we was no! by our self either in any respect in that line oi any other way. 1 was treated to some tine music by Miss Cora's arii -tic touch and well trained voice on the guittar. 1 then laved down and slept with a quilt, on me ail night and was not any to warm There lias been only one lit lie dif ference in the party since they camped. They can't agree on what kind of a rooster they want to buy to row for day. Mrs Oiullian wants one that will use no deception and crow when day comes and the ba!- ain e of the party wants one that, will crow for day two hours by sun. Ito k si peep at the chicken coop the hist thing we did, and promised them I would return again Sunday. There were eighteen line fat friers left and this together with the game the ntmrod kills will feed a multitude quite a while. I*. S.—'Pile only thing that scefn ed to bother Bud I.ittle was that his hands might strike at the cider works while lie was away. Bucfclen’i Arnica Salva, Tijn Bks'|" iSai.vk in the world for (hits, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped l lauds, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skill Eruptions, and positively cures I’ilea, or it < pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded, lh iee 25 cents per Irix. Fur Sale in I). 1,. J. sharp & KI^PAIIiH 1 —- When you want any repairing |of your Guns, Pistols and in fact, any thing in this line give me a call, I will do work as well and cheaper than you can got it done • elsewhere. J. C. BRISCOE, Ahns, Ga. 32 f and £23 East Broad St. \F.URAT.GIA cured by Dr. Miles' Pais Pm.i e. ‘‘OiiH cent a done.’’ Afc all drtijfgl.M.*. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. | _ July 2d, 1894. Council met in regular monthly session. Present Mayor Hardman and Coutieilmen Barnett, liuygoou and Thurmond. Minutes ot la-t meeting were read and adopted. On motion the Marshal be em powered to hi c a baud by tin month lo act as scavanger and dc other necessary work for the town. The officers report as to’do ,vs. mayor's report. No ea es docketed If “ “ found guilty.- If. ‘ 4 u dismissed 2 “ ordered to leave town 1 Imprisoned for lines 2 Cojlec'.cd from tines . . *30.00 marshal's report. N.j cases made • 16 No arrest 14 Amount fines collected .. , .*2B 0( “ u uncollected.... 2Ob “ t “ paid to 'J'reasurer 25 00 “ “ on band....... 3 00 treasurer’s REPORT. Balance of hafud as last re ported .. ' .slllß ..55. i Received from Marshal as fines 25 00 Total <, $llBB 55 paid out. j General expense*, luodwaae, lumber, livery bdl, and stationery $ 38 00 ' Marshal salary, public com fort hoii-e and cleaning council room 39 08 Three bonds 800 00 Forty coupons ... . . 100 Of Total §497 08 Bal. on band July 2d. . . .SO4O 87 Tire following accounts were or dered paid \Y. T. Thurmond $ 8 18 ( Oil (.‘o 13 20 J. li. ('row . . 4 46 E. E. Adair OR J. 1). Barnett ’b 25 R. H- Hawks 33 83 A. 11. Thurmond 12 50 D. 17. ( arson 12 50 Echo Printing Go .... 200 R. Quiliian 1 50 V. M. 11 a ley 90 Mrs. Panic 20 YV. B. Hardman 18 7H On motion c, uincil adjutuod. VV. B.Hardman, Mayor. A. If. Thurmond, Clerk. THH - DEATH ROLL. After an ill nos.- of several weeks with typhoid fever, death entered the home of M•.T. J. Nunn, living three miles above this place, and claimed his son, Charlie (.' Nunn, aged twenty-four yens. He was a consistent member of the Baptist church of Maysville. He was a young man of sterling worth and none knew him but t > like "bun. The death of ;i young nan <>r men, just, blooming into manhood seems j suder than the dea'h of older ones. , lie had just finished a business course at. Crighton A Sullivan’s bus iness coliege, of Atlanta, and bad a ; , bright future it! store for him, but \ God ii hi i wisd >nt sa v fit to take this ! cherished son from the home of his ! devote 1 fattier and mother. The grief stricken parents, brothers and j sisters have thy sympathy of the en , tire community. The 'loath angel visited the home of Mrs. Harriet Dead wyler last Wcd newlaynigh! and plucked from the fond mother’s heart her baby boy, Clyde, aged sixteen. He was taken with typhoid fever 'be 4th of June complicated with heart failure. All that a loving mother, b others, sis ters, and friends, with tho best medi cal skill. death was ine\ jtabie. an 1 on last Welnesduy night at 12:15 o’clock, his sov.l took its flight to a fairer region. Clyde was quite a fa vorite of the Echo office, lie was ever reaily to lend a limping hand and many times lias he aided us in some way. He was aj ways jolt v* and cheerful. And together with his grief stricken relatives an 1 friends w offer our heartfelt sympathy and hope hbsoul is forever free from this world's toil and strife. Ilis remains will he laid to red at Gray Hill cemeta* v Friday moiiti ig at U o’clock. Rev. 11. S. Allvn will conduct the funeral services. A Quater Century Test. For a quarter of a century Dr. -King’s New Discovery has been .test ed, and the millions who have recei - ed benei'tfiom its use t. slify to its wonderful curative power in all dis etees of Throat, Chest aid Lungs. A remedy that has stood the test, so . long and that lias given so universal satisfaction is no experiment. Each bottle is positively guaranteed to give relief, or the money will he tef ended, ft is admitecl to be the most reliable for Coughs and Colds. Trial bottle? Free at L. J. Sharp & Bny’s. Drug Store. Large size hot fie.- oUc *.f<f > \ On;. vy cj .1 w i x. v/ v y xN Correspondence r roin Feints in faeksonand Adjoining Counties OUR SCRIBES WRITE. r.eaflat3 From Thsir Notebooks. F'-osh New aud Gossip. What The People uxe Doing in Joksou and Adjoining Counties. BHII.OH. RevTiL M. Smith preached a very interesting aeruum at this place last'Sunday. Eouter ftttrhruugh has been jui te sick bvC is able to be up again we are clad io aCr*4o. • C minima turned huiiiu from CartersviUo | l tst week where she lias bean vis- i iting iier daughter, Mrs. Ellen j loagwel), for several Weeks. . Prof. 0. J. Whitehead opened his school last Monday with twen ty-seven pupils. ; Mr. Perry Bone was visiting in Madison Springs last Saturday am] Sunday. A good crowd attended preach- j ing at WhF a, \rings last Satur day and Sunday’. Kev. W. M. I). Boiul preachbd a very good sei- i nton. He had a good shower Tuesday I evening which was much needed ! and crops are looking eunsniera-! h!v bettsr si nee it came. • The thrashers have about fin ished up their work in this neigh borhood. The yield of wheat was very poor. Wai.ton Hill. i v Our school opened last Monday vith twenty-ine pupils. Mr. Jeptha Smitii, of Berea, passed through our burg last Sun day. Mr. Tom Nunn has the finest crop in this seci ion. Ask Homm* Strickland and Dorsey Harris where they went last Sunday night and stayed till ten o'clock in the night. We would like to know what has become of Oscar Smiili and John Bice. They both has not been seen in this burg in some time. Mr. Toni Nunn lays one of the finest Jersy hogs in this county. All who want meat tins full can call on Tom. We are su-ry to hear of the death of Mr. Charlie Mann, of Bold s p:ing. Kev. W B. .1 I lard in an gave our Sunday-school a good talk last Sun day evening. Mr. J. S. lvv, of near Bethany church, visited at this place last Sun day. The Dixie Interstate h air, which ►pens in Macon, lia , Oct. 2.‘hi, 189!, p qmises to be one of the bef ami most extensive K.xpositi ns evei at tempted in tlie State. Tlie manage ment is in the hands of the Mac n Exposition Company, with a capita! stock of & 100,000. The purse-; of fered for ilie races \yiil Ini g the best horses in the Sout tli, as the pro gram eails f"r &10,Q0fi disti lbutcd over a se.ven days meeting, and ill feature is ii competent hands, j'ht Agriculttirial department' are in the hands of the State Agi icultnrial So ciete* and will be eonnectu 1 on a! i liberal settle, calculated to draw at- : tention to the resources of the Soiph. j 'l'lit. city <>f Macon will enlarge and improve the splendid buildiigs at Central City Park. In tliecs build ings alone 85,000 square feet of space will be available; till the exhiiiits be- ing under one roof. Arrangements aio being made to secure the very best attractions, which will be an nounced late?. The indtisMiial tea / lures will be an iveltv. A 100 fee building ts reserves *foi manufactur ing of southern product, tin ! large premium will be offered for the lies' article made on the ground*. The Dixie Inter State Fair will he open for cightteeu days. All information can be scored by add res ing the Sec rotary J. I*. Kennedy, at Macon, Da ' — ' ' '' '' ' ' [caveats, ahd Trade-Mark* obtained #wf alt Pat-j tent business conducted fr moderate Fees. < Our Office ia Opposite U. 6. Patent Office ] laud we cun securo pallet m lew time than tnosej {remote from Washington. . 1 i Send model, drawing or photo., With desenp-j fticn. We advise, if patentable cr not, free of ( {charge. Our fee riot due till patent ta secured. < I A pamphlet “ How to Obt-dn Patents, with] [cost of same ia* the U. 8.- and foreign cu untT i e * ( {scat free. Address, < C.A.SNQW&CO.: { opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. c - 1 r *se Or. Mile-' 'i?.vrs IWsrrns tor SPTIN* \ L Wp.AKNK;*'. <}; vjjtstase': 'ttii Cot ty. intern Mgjb jits!} SU2. ■' A rUL- k /AM. tip ' *• . .i; .j l- \{i • ; M . \ The best Steel Webb Pieet fence (lit the market at lowest price. Can furnish either with iron post and rail or without/ The posts are of the best iron made and will not rust. Steel Scroll Gate of ste* J hand iron, and fitted tor perfecth>in pof prices on this fence or Cable Hog or field fencing Address D. L. NICHOL.V Harmony Grove, G£ STILL IN THE LEAD!! The Great X. V. Bargain Store. Our stock is now complete in every Department ju-f aniVcd U full tin ! of CLOTHING OF THE LATEST AND Most Approved Styles, And anybody cm find anything they need in this line. / Prices Lower than the Lowest. N\ e arc adding something new almo t every day to uvrr already full line SAUL BROS. HARM ON Y GRO VE, GA. §Dwelry mid silver plated specialty. Agent for all jading makes of bicycled at bottom prices, Can C. 5 BATES, Harmony Grove. SVe ftr* receiving anew and well selected stock of Dress Goods,- SV ti'ons,- Clothing, Sfcfoest jsnd a good stock of Groceries/ Alillinery I >t‘j>ai*t nieti t Airs-. Jordan wilt have eh trge of our Milliinuy department amt wit-'* ire her utmost endeavor *o pieto* everyone.- Dress Goods Dsparfrai Mrs-. Key vrtil have <hdrge of fie Dreks- Goods debtfi Intent a#l yilf talker ple'ur* in telling you how ter make and rrrtir ymrr dresseA. W bougot a‘ largA stick of tie lied Klephant Tobacco from* ?‘e - eejvCr at greatly reduced prices of wlfreir we pi-rums* to give oifr cfcsteir eV tl-f# benefit,- Dome to see us,- We wjH irt be under}*ildr T. B KEY & CO,