The Harmony Grove echo. (Harmony Grove, Ga. [Commerce, Ga.]) 1893-1897, July 20, 1894, Image 3

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jjQcal News To id About Per sons *And Th infra. m* ° * ftEWS ABOUT TOWN Wi Find to Write Aiiont- -Go?sjp Con earning Persons nnd Things. Various Cferoniclinge. Bita of Currant Hews. The annual meeting of- the M. E. pli'ircli closed lasi Monday night, conducted by the pastor Rev Jno. 1), Milton. The meeting has been Well attended ami the church has been greatly reyived. Mrs. D. C. Nichols returned from (.he Gate City last Friday, after spend ing three pi easent weeks in the Me tropolis of the South. W. r f. Bowden has moved to Turnerville, Ga , and will engage in : pardmg wool. . Miss Nez/ic Wood is spending the.] yveek with Miss Lizzie Wood pud Homer St. -1 ,1 ; Rev. G. L. King and D. C ehaw, t\yo proinhu {, farjners'mf R>d Hill, Franklin (Sountv, were in the j pity Monday. Mr. Willie Djxion,'- .ot ,|effer-sim'; i as in the city Wednesvr^ii^. 1 The SarejVa J i school convention has been well 'at. (.ended by tlie different schools awl j phurches of the convention. Sheriff Ben Collier, of Jefferson, jvas in town Wednesday. Mr. 11. 0. Williford isonpofthei finest combination men in town Put him in the store and thorn is; (to man that can soil more goods, j but he don’t like that much and ; ponsoquentlv he hoe had charge of; £ho farming interest of Power & j Williford, and he shows excellent! management by the manner ini which he has cultivated hja crops. And when it comes to raising lino hogs and playing baseball lie is (airly out of gight, Hon. T. E. Key has commenced (o rebuild a handsome residence on lot where his dwelling was burn ,ed last fq.ll. Prof. W. 11. Cobb was re-elected ! 1 1 s>rincipal of the Harmony Grove j ligh School by a majority of the trustees laSt week. 1/n.der the man-; pgement of him the last scholastic \ (erm made an average ot thirty -seven : more pupils t han any school that had I fver been taught here. This speaks j well for him, Rain, beautiful rain. The farmerb are finishing laying by. Protracted meetings are being (•arriod .on all pier the country. j Camp meetings will follow soon, j Watermelons have begun to: make their appearance in townj from the country. Crops are beginning to look green and fresh, yet they arc very small for tho time of year. Mr. W. B. Shannon; the popular .clerk of Anderson <& Mann, is off of duty for a month or so. ”*He will join Messrs. C. M. Wopd and It. U. Carson in their business. Dr. J. K. Sewell, a prominent J physician and farmer Jjof Krasins, Franklin county, visited the fami ly of Mr. G- W. D. Harber, on South Elm street Sunday. Messrs. Claud Montgomery and Willie Harbor spent Saturday ""night and Sunday at camp Quilr jlian. Mr. Claud Little returned home to Westminster, S. to resume his work after a month of well parned rest at liome with relatives and friends. Dr. Lon Crow, of Athena, visit ed Air. J. H. Crow last Friday. ■ Prof. Carl Thompson, one of the many bright young men that haye gone out of Jackson county to make his mark high in lifo was in the,city Saturday shak ing hands with his many friends. ,Carl is located at F.lolvilie where he has a flourish ing school. Rev. H. S. Allyn pleached a most excellent j-er.mon to well filled house ft the Presbyterian .church Supday. The Primatiy© Baptist hold a union meeting last Thursday. Fri day and Saturday at .Gravelly ,crck five miles above town. l>r. F. M. Hubbard has moved his stock of drugs juto his pretty new office in tho l/pod building, Dr. Hubbard can certainly be galled an up town doctor now. Ed, IRfcygopd retail ued this week (ram Farmington after spending several weeks with relatives and Working for Jesus 15TH ANNUAL MEETING Of the tiarcjtta jSutukiy- Conveittion in ticstsi&n .at }Ja 1 atony (j / ojc. The loth annual meeting of the- Saropta Sunday .school Convention met in session at the Baptist clmreli at this place Tuesday morning at J-0 ; o’clock. The meeting was called (o i order by Rev. John G. Gibson after : an address'of welcome by Rev. 11, ; E. Hardman and several songs by the ehou:. * Rev. J. F. Ed’fen and Dr. Jno. G. Gibson addressed (lie audience. I At 11 -o’clock Rev. If. -W. mu 1 hams pi cached to a large congrega | tioii from Jd ohapler and Id verse of dst Covmthians: KForas thi* -body la •'jk-, an Tha I h many ibCtukers,. and of (bat erne body, are oile bod\ : so-also it; Hlmst. . . I ■ , I Whffilh ru- .lidTuil i justkor fiy tg||, broad wide iiieau • i mg of tlui text to which ho oa 1 !o<l the attention of the v?pst audience, and hW sernipn \V;ps an one At the.cpnvhisio:) of his sermon the i visa ting ftfetegtrtps and friends were ’sninnjbhed. syaue to ilk homes of the ' hospital citirkiTH of Harmony Gr<m while a hu-ge- number of them bmi brouglit baskets''to church -aiid ' thel sumptuous, meals were spread in the hallway of the College, where all v.hp would partake were come and partake of the feast oi those who had prej>arod to care- for the . messengers from (lilTcrcpt clmivdies and schools and theiK friends. At no time in thfitpast his tory of Jlannony Grove'/ihas she shown to the people a inpve hearty welcome than she did ip pntertainipg tho member# of the Sarepta Baptist Sunday-school Convention. In the afternoQii the Convention re-elected Dr. Jnp. G. Gihspn, of Atlanta, President; J. J. C. AlcMahan, of Athens, Secretary; Rev, JllO, F. Cheney, ot Crawford, Vice- Presi dent, of Oglethorpe district; Roy. R -1). Hawkins, of Maysvilie, \ ice- President, of Jackson district, Tl>e following churches ami schools were represented. Dove’s Greek.--Messrs: J'. P.' and John G. P. Deadv/vler. Elbcrton.—Mrs. M. P. Deadwy ler, A'fiss Ada Almond, Rev. (11. W. Willianu;. Mr. Z. B. Rogers. Maysville.—Rev. R, 1). Hawkins, Air. 11, A. Adkins, Miss Helen Cow ell, Miss Fauniy Lee Adkins, Mr. L, D. .Yeargin. 2nd Athens.-—Ales,srs. J. D, AVil liams, T. C. Aloorc, AI. Loving, Rev. \V. F. Stark, Airs. J. W. Joiner, Mrs. L. E. Adams, Airs, lb C. Moore. Ist Athens.—Capt. J. J. C, Ale- Malian. Prof. 11. 11. Hale, Air. I. A. Brad her 1 y. Coiner. —Air. W. IvL Yeargin, Rev. P> F. Elliott. Crooked Creek. —Mr. R. 11. El rod . Millstone.—Air. T. U- Martin, Aliss Essie Martin. Walton llill.—ll. J. Martin, y'i ss Vira Marlin, T. X. Yauglwy Airs. G. A. Vauglin, Miss Ida Harris. Oconee,—B. C. Jackson, T. J, Barber, Alisses I. V. Henry, Lucy Wilhite. Carlton. —Miss Etna Cheney, A. | L. Dyad wyler. I (plinth.—J. A. Kcnnadv, R. L. : Tiible. Aliss Alaud Rvlie. ... . - J lea verdain. —A. \V. AVilbanks, Miss Killie Brfryk. Aliss Sallie Brock, J. W. Fitohens, T. J. Harber. J. W. Ray. Apple V,a|ley.—Aliss Zaddi© Jack son, Aliss Eula Shirley, D AI Kix, It a Nix. l>erea,—Rev J I Barrett, J L - Smith, Miss li p Barrett, Aliss F C ! O’Kelly. M.oon’s Grov.e.—F M <sT.{yjn, Mrs F M Glenn. • WinjU’t'ville.— J. B. llsui.cs. Mirys L Thurmond, Miss E Miss Mat iic Eberhari, Mrs W 1 Tuck, Mrs J li Ha tes, Mrs II A Ilanes, H T Pittard, W H Jones, M;ss Fannie Jones. GiaJv. —II II Witcher. Union. Wiliie J Glenn, O G Chandler, Miss Susie O'KeiJy. Five Forks.— Miss m £ Gnife.Ui, M O Thompson, H J Iljjohcoek. Moorv’s Grove.—Key W m Coile, J I* Aynlerson, y.iss yarv Anderson. Academy.— \V H \Vliite Pendergrass —W. J. Jackson. Harmony H Daygood, WJP Thurjuond, W T Umber. Dr 111 F Adair, W i> Power, Key 11. 11l Hardman, A II Deadvvyler, \V B J 1) Barnett, W W Stark., Salem.-—J T Smjth, P V L 'mp- I kin, Jno Sharp. Clouds Creek.—A C Stevens. Collier’s Academy.—J D Power, G Al Crowly, L AV Collier, miss Es sie Power. —' Adsitofa.- Rev J F Eden, repre senting the Christian Index; IleV' J I), judneipa! of the Gibson* 1 nsmote, Bpwman: Rev R II Smith,! Gainesville; Rev ,Rio F Goode, Car ncKvilie. - Wednesday nun uing the t ime yi a §peut in discussing the best methods | of building up the Suuday-scl 1 ools. \ and at li o’clock Dr. AV. H, Young, | pastor of the Ist Baptist church of Athens, uileM.!n.- \\\ ' it and delivei an able and eloquent sennon. The convention adjourned at J oVUKVto^ • for their hqspbajity in entcr (.tirung them durisig their Stay among ">• God blyys of ; .iiid.-nake .for the. ot > * • ; / 1 ~ & 1. Christ an (I his kingdom. ?. A : m\y Firm, in anew Line | In another eolumn will be found I 'the charter of" liardfian, B'uifikie, 1 Mc"<j.ahdis4.iJo- Ihe men ! ao■-Dr. \V. !>. j %|i.iiiro and'.Mr. .\ v ,*AE Shamkle. In- \V\ ]B 1f... no in- j t n kin ci it to' th e readers of-the Echo, aflis business eapueity has long demon- J straf and by his it of J.. G. H rdmaii *fc Pro’s Drug- rstoro, which | lift has had in charge of the sale de- IfHirtmeutrcvp;* spice he completed 'al ecliK-atiop a}id the busi• been comhictcd in first-class first-class goods. Aff. A. M. Shankie for the past. yc-?r lias been connected with the Nui i hcastern Banking (\>. as bock keeper and assistant cashier and is striekly a first-elass business man, although still quite young in years. He w ill have charge of the Hard man, Shankle, Merchandise Cos. as business manager. The new firm evil! commence first |of September at the store room now occupied by B. B. Hawks & Bro. They will handle a first '-lass line of Gents burnishing goods of (‘very description; something tliat is real nice, 111 > with the \,t\ 1 in addition by tUc Gents Furnishing (•’ ; thev will put in a good stock of Books “of all description that are go'od and wholesome to use and readwith a full hue of stationery aml everything found in a first-clask book .store. The linn will start out under the most favorable ausojehms and no one doubts the succes-, of the orig inatra of tins -itw a:it] npeded enter prise. BACON AT GAINESVILLE. If you want to hoar the distin guished Gwoigia-statesman, Alajor A, O. Bacon, oiscuss the issues of tho day in li is masterly way and champion nobly tlm principles of Democracy, go to Gainesville on Tuesday, July 24. Op that date he will address the Democracy of Hall and adjoining counties at the court-house in Gainesville, Arrange your matters so as to go and hear Jiim. It will boa day well spent. # Remember the date, Tuesday, July J Uh! Tell ail your friends about it:, and let's go to Gainesville and; have a glorious day for Democra cy! , ’ v ■ ' ' I • - Two Lives Savjd. Air;-. Phoebe Thomas, of June- i t.ion City, lib, was told by her j doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her,! but. two bottles Dr. King’s New I Discovery completely cured her and the sav§ it saved ievr life. Air Thos. Eggor-., 11)9 Khndda St- San Francisco, suffered fn>m a, dioad- fuj cold, v ;>})roachiug consuiuption tried without result eveyything else, then boi.-gUt one bottle- of Dr. King's New Discovery and in .two weeks was cured. Up ig naturally thankful. It is such wliic'h these ave samples, p' the efficacy of this medicine in coughs and .voids- Free-trial bottie at L. J Biiaip & Bro.’s drug store. o The Harmony Grove hawd>all team crossed bats with Toccoa here 1a, *.1 Friday. It wap evident, from the beginning JJiajtyhe Toc coa t#gm were light and too young \vi.ii 101.1 t ,ex]x r-ence <0 play our team. Th.e main features of the game were nn’ota and the result was 43 to 8 iii favor of ffr**- mony Grove. While tj:e Toccoa hoys could pot plfty bait then* d jyirtment was good and th' v took thejv defeat good jumiorodlv/ , ; FOB. REST. Th’-eo |toro rooms on South Broad strwd from Ipt Jdopi.,- 18Q4, to Ist Sept-, 1895. Cocy.oniont to [ post office and depot. For further payiteulars call on !or address - T The Echo, * Harinony Grove, Gn. Big gfcsiko in H?moay Grove. Wa la avo a lot of Ginghams, jCalieofeß. Lacos arid Millinery ; goods which- we aiv offering at bargains; for the ir-xt few days- Just think of lace at I petit per yard, former price 19 cents; Ging hams at 5 to 10 ,cents, former prices 10 to 15 cep t 4 i Come and buy while we are offering pargaink This is an opportunity of a lify Uuic to get 1 bargains. Gome n Vifg .at bno ami bdng'thc'good mdv and the ' PoWKI. u V ’iTLTFORI). July 12, 1894 r. AV- • ' Prof. Josh CL itribe; late of liar . ** mottv Grove,bid now tye principal of Homer High St-:. yj "in the city ;-u;:Uav MW kibe eb witlf bis many friends. Col. Frank Hughey of Atlanta,; .spent Sunday night th - guest of his j brother Air. Ben Hughes in the city. The many friends cf Aliss A<ja Alnablid, of Elbcrton writ be glad to know that she is in the city stopping ''with Mrs. Harriet Deadwvler, on ‘Am th Elm St. She Inis a host of h-i ends hero who are always glad to' welcome her i;i our mMstf . - Rev. Jno. F. Goode and soft j Alas- 1 tor George, of Carndsvrlle, spent; .ii'sl of the week with relatives in the oily. , y \ Tax Receiver AV. P. Boggs was in town Monday. Maysville and Jefferson will cross bats here next Saturday evening to play a tie off, having' ylayeri twice and each team won hi its home ground. Come out and see them play. The Quiihan party r turned yes i lercray from tJiUilhui’s springs after - spending three weeks over there, i Before leaving Messrs. Tom Quit- S liao, Bud Jduie and John Mpntgoin ' ery swhjipml horses to keep as a ! m omen to of tiie* three 1 ippy weeks { they had spent rf 1 camp life together. | Rev. 11. 8. Ajiyn is earning on j his aim ml meeting at 'J'hyatira j church- We have been informed j that the meeting is re most iutere-sL ' ; ino- one arid that much good is being ; a -complished for the cause of Ciirist. j The annual protracted meeting be- 1 ! gan Wednesday night at the Baptist j | chureii and will continue until Btin-; day night if not longer. Dr. D. D. Guiliian, of Athens, i -.pen! Monday with his brother, sir J. T. Quilhan. A jarofct.y lot of love ciiains cheap its dirt for sale at C. 8. j Bat-Ci?, tho jowo’er. The Great Now -York Bargain • Store has-just rec-eivod anew lino j | of pants anti are selling them at a-j • low pl’ice. VVhatstoesNc valsia? Ir. Milvs’ Cain Pilis. ; Solid Brazilian tcaspoomtAat. one dollar per set at C. 8- Bates the jeweler. . ; For the nicest tres!> fancy candy in town try Walter Williamson- y Alortgagc noJLcs for s*ale at the Echo office. Aligns.rate’s fi. fas. ;;nd 'subpmnas for sale at the Echo office. Fsr Harmony Grove Morting or hh-vetiug go to Sheppard Bros. Wo have got to move bv the first of ’September, and for the cash will you fun iti-ro at •:i. • • ; prices that will you happy for years to come. Sheppard ■ ros. The great strike lias reached the bottom prices at: Christian & Cos. Don’t fail to take advantage of it. For bargains go to The Groat N Y. Bargain Store. NEURALGIA cured by Dr. Miles’ P%in Pills. “Oois .( a .dose,” At aii druggists, GhasdMof ris the reliable clothier of Athens, Is selling out at actual cost. Dr. Miles' JJrßva curs RHEUMA TISM, WUAK'UAOES.. At fcroeaui’s, only 35c W. E.. Jackson, the tailor, ,is jirxj pared to do first class tailoring,’ re pairing and cleaning clothes. Over L. J. Sharp Bro.’a-drug store. Blank warrantee deeds on the best of paper for sale at the Echo office 25c. per do/.en. Use Dr. Miles' Jt*'va3 for SPTNAI. WEAKNEdS. Aii druggists soli ’t aa forpsc. W, E. Jackson solicits thy patron age of the people -and guarantees ' tifsi ..‘h*s work jn style and u or! • &p,ambip ; Oft of Town W/ Ly 1 1 X \J v-V li\ i Coitbc pondence From Posits ill fackaon and Adjoining < Tunlkts OIJR SCRIBES WRITE, leaflets Froai Tiwir Ifbtabcqks. F-’eshlJew andOo3ip. 4&at Ilia People' are Doing- i a J-ckson aad Adjoining Counties. Pill LOB. i tijent ad cotton are looking tine m o^^eigliborhood. some fine rains. Messrs. *im aiul Jack M< Giums pus.sed through'pur burg" fXt Mon iUy - Miss Lizzie Rice, from Elbert coin v, is visiting Miss Ida Cc,li>ert s >n. Quite a crow 1 from our burg nt .ended the picnic at Pine drove last Saturday. . - Mr and Mrs. Z. T. Butler were visiting in Madison county last Sat urday and Sunday. ■- ■ y _ ,r; u r: - ; y' : "- '”j Mrs. w. 11, Rone and three chil dren had the inutrips last week. Prof. Whitehead has a. fh'unstitng school at this place. Mr. and i?£rs.s. B. Culbertson at tended the union meeting at Gravel ly Creek hist Friday and Saturday. Walton Hill. .The*Sunday-school at tips pLyc is still on a boom Miss Ida C ulbertson and Miss Liz zie Rice visited our school last Fri day evening. Mr. Taylor Lord gave a musical entertainment last 'Saturday night. It was highly on joyed. Mr. Oscar Smi. h entered school at this place last-M-rnday: Mrs. Fannie Nunn is quite sick this week* We hope she will recov er soon. Mr. Tom Xu nr; vLi Led Liiburn Sunday evening. The people in this sectiot; are about done laying Id , Miss Emma Chandler, of near Gillsville, is Mr. Day and family this week. SASiO CREEK. We feel revive.] this' morning, Monday, had a good rain last Light. Wo have been to GijlsviUe and nothing crops along the road we saw none looking as well ns corn and cotton looks here on our part of Sandy Creek. We attended the union meeting at Gravelly Creek. Believe the gospel was preached in.its purity to large and attentive audiences, Mrs. hieph Ingram is convalescing. Miss Mattie Lord, of Winder, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ingigm any! other relatives. Preaching at Black's Creek last Thursday by Elders Smith, McLe roy, Adams and Webb vyas indeed a least to iiumy souls who w ere pres ent. Mr. James Rice and sister, of Fi ber!, are visiting Air. Dr.e Rice -and .other relatives. One of puFS&ndy Creek boys was met yesteyd-iv coming home f ora Banks, being asked whether it win ed mope there than here, replied, “Don’t think it pruned MrsAMarjLba. Gvhpr spent’ a few days at her old Input Irjst week. Mrs. Robert Favor, of Atlanta, is vi si ting her mollier, Mrs. Emma Cul bertson, ot‘ Franklin com tv. • Mrs. Wm. Williams, of *>,l auiso.n county, cannot vralk, rheumatism of the feet lli.e cau a. ■ The preachers will haye to live on fried ehiekeu and chicken pie, if iliey can get that, as there is fto fruit to, make pies, desert, etc. We much; fear there will not bo many chickens | left after the cholera, lias its swaVvj ()n* of ouy neighbors says yh.e, after i trying many other things, stopped the disease among hers by feeding once a day a little kgrosiue oil in the dough. • \ Mr. Pope Hard}nair and several other* went fishing oji Broad river a few days ago and Mr. Wash Davis got drowned. Three others eante near losing their life. Dtd not learn their names. Encklaii’s Arnica Salvo, The Best Salve in the world fy Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Fleers, Sait Rheum, EeverSdres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chijb!Tins Ccrns, and alb ■ Skin Eruptions, and positively cures I hies, or no pay required !f is guar anteed to give p/u'&et or 1 money refunded. Price 25cc00; per iAilv’* For Sale bv D. L. J. Sharp fc , imo. PICKET FENCING. . CC .Aw • • .... . - • - - * -* rs a • W Kfd '•varg - - .'G Mp Sip" PI j " -jlXi fli • *’■ - . a-4- . ••> ■;..• A..‘. p i■ - -. . \ gr<-.Prbtjil. A .srS * ' ; M M iIE ... ' "LF' f ! T ' : • ****”"*' AIL ! - band irdn,- and fitted to porfecHonu - Fop prkbbs on tills fence or ('able Mog or field fencing Address “ ‘ D. I NICHOtdi ■ . ■ .... • Harmony Grove, ost STILL IN THE LEAD!! The Great X. Y. Bargain Store. Onr stock is now complete in every Department just arrived a. full I ins <>f CLOTHING OFTHE LATEST Ars ig • Msot Approved Styles, And. anybody can find anything they need in this line, i -ins'. e v . I Prices cower titan h t .no ad ling something new almost 'every day to our already full Hue • SAUL BROS. HARM ON Y. GRG VE, GA. ‘ : WHEN YOU WANT' FirsUl;is goods in ¥ mmm, glqgks, ,4y Yr¥T¥a>.¥ :^ /';• - ;> v.aiid silvci? platecj ■ ;, Y vaiv ‘ optical gopds ‘ specialty, iVail w%y¥’;;;: ; ..{ Vr .¥::YoT leading makes of bjcyelea pit at bottom prices. Call V c*fcv u' • *~jsL '&^Ssl£tr >*B&2®*r on ( v42oe ■ ?" ■ . £, 5 BATRS, Harmony Urove. ■ManEgMgaßM—Ba . \Yi .ire i:< vC!v-ii!g 2 new ami well f.e'i ilc-1 stuck o i No; lions, ( Suues ami a gopd stock of Groceries. A&f}4 in&i'y I>ej >ft rjLniemt Mrs. doninn vii; listve chargs of our Sliliiyei^ - dp<U’lmir{. and wjj| ii:e her utmost endeavor *.<* [dtase everyone. ' N \ flfiSS llfljs Mrs. |£ov .will have charge j?f the JDrtes Goyl| department ai take pleasure j* telling you how to mako aid tri your dresses. We - bought a'larj * sVck of t ie Hod Mlephpft from i4ieisf ,V3_ . eeiver at greatly reduced £? wUil| we 10 ya o;.jr custpiDgf. dm benefit. Come to see u- ? ; We wH t undersold.