The Harmony Grove echo. (Harmony Grove, Ga. [Commerce, Ga.]) 1893-1897, April 23, 1896, Image 1

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THE HARMONY GROVE ECHO. — VOL. IV. ' :;,- ' ,y "-. GOODFOREVERYBODY and everyone needs it at all times of the year. Malaria is always about, and only prevents and relief is to keep the -LiVer active. You must help the Liver a bit, and tie best helper is the Old Friend, SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR, the RED Z. Mr. C. Himrod, of Lancaster, Ohio, says: “SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR broke a case of Malarial Fever of three years’ standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. I shall use it when in need, and recommend it.” Be sure that-you get it. Always look for the RED Zon the package. And don’t forget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR, and there is only one, and every one who takes it is sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE REMEDY. Take it also for Riliousness and Sick Headache; both an caused by a sluggish Liver. a H. Zeilin & Cos., Philadelphia. In poor : Health f means so much more than' fyou imagine—serious and' r fatal diseases result from' f trifling ailments neglected.' r Don’t play with Nature's 1 r greatest gift—health. 1 If you are feeling ' out of sorts, weak , II . anrl generally cx * I 7TYC hausted, nervous,, 1/lUuilj ha \ e "°, appetite and can t work, , begin at oneetak r. fT ing the most relia- J B t>lc st rcngthcnitlg ~ * B gf 11 I medicine,\vl ,i ~ > M3 , A1 Vi* Brown's ho it , ters. A few ~ot- 1 . ties cure—benefit ■ j§—£ ,< f v-. comes front the . ill * 1 very first dose-,? * t Jg-g g. t hj 1 toottT stain your g teeth , and its' l,, I I‘leasant to take. ; It Cures ; f Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver F Neuralgia, Troubles, f Constipation, Bad Blood 1 ' Malaria, Nervous ailments < , Women’s complaints. < . Get only the genuine—it has crossed red ■ lines on the wrapper. All others are sub- * i dilutes. On receipt of two 2c. stamps we r wiP send set of Ten Beautiful World’s L Fair Views and book—free. r BROWN CHEMICAL. CO. BALTIMORE, MD. ‘ -/k- -A- -A. rv. SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $ 150. oocvery month given away to any one who appliet through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure the best patents for our client?, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, Such as the “car-window" which can be easily slid up and down without breaking the passenger’s back, “sauce, pan,” “collar-button,” “nut-lock," “bottle-stopper," and a thousand ether little things that most any one can find a way of improving; and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive social notice in the “National Recorder,” published at Washington, D. C., which is the best newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year’s subscrip tion to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $l5O prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the “National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the Linked States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their atten tion the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N. W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. BT Reference-e<T a per. Writs for our * Z ‘EEE. ™ man ill oofd+lj <LT t)ild\ your jynjpsdhU Who qot take, iptereji * t’o • " leaji) -ft) /y/}o\\\ D r lichenors Antiseptic Alvtay* s\/r<i& Cramp*°r Jt|> Kteprtio ij/, druggi>4- <fo it t/taK e 9° gpra The Spring is Here Gentle Annie With an ray on her so are we by a large majority or jfi ' 'A.'' f, ••• > ' ' rather a large stock of | CLOTHING SHOES AND HATS. AVe don t want our tables and shelves to break dow r n with! our stock and we don’t want to break ourselves. We didn t buy the biggest stock of Spring and Summer \ clothing ever seen in this market to keep, we bought it to sell. It will sell itself if yoii see it. "t Yon eoiue arm look, we do the rest. WE ARE SPECIALISTS. ‘ ' ~, - , WE ARE IN THE CLOTHING BUSINESS. We don’t sell guano. We sell clothes —all kinds of clothes. We sell children’s suits for 50c. Children’s pants for 25c. I * ,", | Can you buy the cloth and make them for that price. If so we want a few pair. WHO IS WE? • ■ — ~ I t is the~ t - HARDMAN-SHANKLE MDSE. C 0.,. HARnONY GROVE, . GEORGIA.' I . j In the new block. Your Face Will bo wreathed with a most engaging crollo, after you Invest In a MeSeiiilclii - EQUIPPED WITH ITO NEW PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOR —AND— AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, The most complete and useful devices ever added to any sewing machine. The WHITE is Durably and Handsomely Built, Of Fine Finish and Perfect Adjustment, Sews ALL Sewable Articles, And will serve and please you up to the full limit of your expectations. Active Dealers Wanted in unoccu pied territory. Liberal terms. Address, WHITE SEWING MACHINE GO., CLEVELAND, O. R. A. ECKLES, Bugrgry AWl>—— Carriage Maker. the best grade of bug- Hos to be found on the market. and repairing done cheaply. £#fcK)NY GKOVE HaMTinony ° r <>ve and MTorth-Bast Oeorgln Flral. HARMONY GROVE. GA.. THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1896. MISSOURIANS MEET. STATE CONVENTION DECLARES. FOR FREE COINAGE. Bland Indorsed for President—Tlt% Financial Plank. The silver cause received a big boost by the Missouri democracy at Sedlia Wednesday, the 535 delegates being almost unanimously in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of sil ver at 16 to 1. “Silver Dick” Bland’s name was cheered at every mention and he was invariably spoken of as the next presi dent of the United States. The convention was called to order by Sedalia’s eight-year-old boy bugler, who sounded the “assembly” with & silver cornet amidst great applause. “Dixie,” which the band played just, before the convention was called to order, was also loudly cheered and. happily received. The action of the convention was a. strong expression in favor of free coinage and of the “Big Four”— Richard P. Bland, Governor Stone, Senator Cockrell and Senator Vest— whom Missouri had decided to send as delegates r 4 large to the Chicago convention. The sentiment of the convention was shown in a vote upon a resolution to instruct delegates to the Chicago con vention to refuse to vote for any per son for temporary chairman of the uhicago convention who is not a pro nounced advocate of free coinage of silver at 16 to 1. The resolution was carried by a vote of 530 to 5. Bland for President. Governor Stone offered a resolution indorsing Bland for the democratic nomination for president, and the con vention adopted it. Bland addressed the convention, withdrawing his name as a candidate for delegate to the Chicago conven tion and permitted it to be used as a presidential candidate. In doing so he said the great prin ciple involved should be first consid ered. He said he had heretofore re sisted all appeals to become a candi date for the presidency, but now j yielded to the wishes of the people. The financial plank of the platform 1 is as follows: “We further believe the paramount issue before the people of the United States relates to the monetary system to be adopted by this country, and upon that issue we deolare that the federal constitution names silver and gold together as the money metals of the United States. Duty to the people requires that the party of the people ' continue the battle for bimetallism until its efforts are crowned with suc cess. Therefore, be it | . “Resolved, That we demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold into primary or redemption money at the ratio of 16 to 1 without waiting for the action or approval of any other government, j. “Resolved, That we are irrevocably , opposed to the substitution for metal lic money of a panic-breeding corpora tion, credit currency based on a single metal, the supply of which is so limited that it can be cornered at any time by a few banking institutions in Europe and America. |- “Resolved, That we are opposed to the policy anti practice of surrender ing to the holders of the obligations of the United States the option re reserved by law to the government of redeeming suoh obligations in either silver coin or gold coin. I “Resolved, That we are opposed to the issuing of interest-bearing bonds of the United States in time pf peace, and especially are we opposed to plac ing the treasury of the government under the control of any syndicate of bankers and issuance of bonds to be sold by them at an enormous profit for the purpose of supplying the federal treasury with gold to maintain the policy of gold monometallism. “Resolved, That the delegates elect ed by this convention to represent the democracy of Missouri in the national democratic convention are hereby in structed to cast their votes and use their influence ia favor of the adop tion of the sentiments hereinabove ex pressed, and such delegates are here by further instructed to vote as a unit on all questions ooming be fore snch national convention. Al so to cast their votes and use their influence to secure the nom ination .of candidates for president and vice-president who are personally in accord with the monetary system hereinbefore advocated. We approve the action of our senators, Honorablee F. M. Oookrell and George G. Vest, on the financial question, and recom mend the re-election of Hon. George G. Vest to the United States senate.” Gibson Renominated. The republican congressional con vention for the second district of Ten nessee met at Knoxville and renomina ted Henry R. Gibson for congress. The nomination is equiavaleut to an election. No democrat has ever rep resented this district in congress. The republican majority is 13,000. In the house, Wednesday, Mr. Bart lett, democrat, of Georgia, submitted the minority report of elections com mittee No. 1 upon the contested elec tion case of Goodwin vs. Cobb, from the fifth Alabama district. It wat ordered printed. Mr. Bell, democrat., of Texas, called up the unanimous re port of elections committee No. 3 in the case of Moorman vs. Latimer from the third South Carolina district, re commending the adoption of the reso lution declaring Moorman, republican, not elected and Latimer, democrat, elected, and entitled to the seat held by him, The report was agreed tc anu the resolutions adoptea. CONCEDED TO JOHNSTON. The Montgomery Advertiser Says He Will Ba Governor. The Montgomery Advertiser con cedes the election of JohnstoD, the free silver candidate for governor, he having secured at least 304 of the del egates to the Alabama state convention. Editorially the Advertiser says that Mr. Clarke has fought one of the finest battles for sound money in the history of the state, and he has received the support of a large majority of the demo crats of the state. It considers John ston’s nomination due to letting down the bars by the state committee, by which he secured enough opposition votes in close counties to change the result. It considers that Mr. Clarke has achieved a great moral victory, ■which will be far reaching in its effects on the party, though he loses the personal regard of the nomination. The president issued his annual Behring sea proclamation Thursday warning sealers from plying their vocation during the closed season— May Ist to August Ist. The procla mation is similar to the others issued in past years. Mrs. Nobles’ Case. Attorney General Terrell has made a motion before the supreme court to have the Mrs. Nobles appeal case from Georgia advanced on the docket, un less it is advanced the case cannot be heard for three years. The court may decide Mr. Terrell’s motion next Mon day. Unlucky. “Are you supei'sfitious, Major?” “Well, I Wiink fct unlucky, to be run over by an onml'ous.”—^Pick-Me-Up. Southern Railway. PIEDMONT AIR LINE. Condensed Schedule of Passenger Trains. Ves. Fit Mi Northbound. No. 38 No 36 Ej®- 18 Jan. 5, 1896. Daily {Daily I)atl > KSun Lv. Atlanta, C. T. 12 00m 1115 pi 750 a 435 D " “ Atlanta, K.T. 100 p 12 15 a 850 a 63s n “ Norcross 12 56 a 938 a e2B and “ Buford 10 16 a 708 D “ Gainesville .. 225 p 201 a 10 44 a 743 {, “ Lula 223 a 11 04 a 812 and “ Cornelia 11 26 a “ Ml. Airy 2 50a 1130a"""" “ Toccoa 315 a 11 53 a “ AVestminster 350 a I2 27 p .!!!”" “ Seneca 407 a 12 42 p "" “ Central 445 p 4 33a 120 p "" “ Greenville ... 530 p 519 a 216 p .... " ’ “ Spartanburg. 618 p 618 a 32a p ” “ Gaffneys 653 a 410 p “ Blacksburg.. 708 p 709 a 430n King’s Mt...; 7 32a 500 p """’ “ Gastonia 763 a •528 p Ar. Charlotte .... 820 p 883 a 6 20p “ Danville 12 00 a 130 p 11 25 p Ar. Richmond.... 600a 6 49p 6 00a Ar. Washington . 642 a 940 p “ Haltin’e.PUß 805 a 11 25 p "" “ Philadelphia. 10 25 a 300 a “ New York.... 12 63 n 620 a Yes. Fst Ml „ Southbound. No. 37 No. 33 H No. 17 Daily Daily Dail y E Sn Lv. N. Y., P,RR .| 430 p 12 15 n T777T777 ~ “ Philadelphia. 665 p 350a “ Baltimore.... 920 p 622 a ”” “ Washington. 10 43 p 1115 a ... Lv. Richmond... 200a 12 55 p 200a Lv. Danville 550 a 605 p 70C a ~ " “ Charlotte 935 a 10 55 p 12 20 p “ Gastonia 11 30 p 106 p “ ICing’s Mt 132 p II""I. “ Blacksburg.. 10 49a 1210a 2 00p ... . “ Gaffneys 12 23 a 2lßp “ Spartanburg. 1137 a1259 a 305 p """" “ Greenville.... 12 28 p 160 a 4 40p “ Central 115 p 235 a 5 40p “ Seneca 300 a 6 05p “ Westminster 6 22p .... “ Toccoa...— 350 a 658 p ! “ Mt. Airy 740 p "i!. “ Cornelia 745 p “ Lula 441 a 812 p 657 a “ Gainesville .. 331 p 459 a 836 p 7 20a “ Buford 907 p 7 48a “ Norcross 942 p 827 a Ar. Atlanta, K. T. 455 p 620 a 10 30 p 930 a Lv Atlanta, C.T . 355 p 5 20a 930 p 8 30a -A ’a. m. “P” p. in. “M” noon. “N” night. Nos. 37 and 38—Washington and Southwestern Vestibule Limited. Through Pullman sleepers between New York and New Orleans, via Wash ington, Atlanta and Montgomery, and also be tween New York and Memi&is, via Washington, Atlanta arid IJi; roingham. Dining cars. Nos. 36 and 36—United States Fast MalL. Pull man sleeping cars between Atlanta, New "Or leans and New York. Nos. 11 and 12. Pullman sleeping car between Richmond, Danville and Greensboro. W. H. GREEN, J. M. CULP, Gen’l Supt., Traffic M’g’r, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. W. B. RYDER, Superintendent, Charlotte, North Carolina. W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, Gen’l Pass. Ag’t, Ass’t Gen*| Pass. Ag’t. Washington, D. C. Atlanta, Ga. They Stand Guard. TAYLOR’S iNTI-HEADACHE POWDERS, en kept in the house, ad like an armed ard over the ap ach of Headache l Neuralgia. If peo only knew the good s and Bareness of s grand remedy, they lid never be without These powders drive ly pains and aches the head with re rkable quickness, ing the worst cases i few minutes. With their power in stop g pain, they are ab solutely harmless. Taylor’s Anti-Headache Powders have the appearance of ground coffee, and are pleasant to taste and smell. They are different from all other headache medi cines. White and pink powders are dan gerous. Avoid them. TAYLOR DRUG 4 CHEMICAL CO., TRENTON, N. <l. P. P. P. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Wakes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. r. P. purifies the blood, builds up the weak and debilitated. Rives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and las.-itudo first prevailed. For primary, secondary and tertiary syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and In all blood and skin discuses, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema—wo may but, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best blood purifier in the world, and makes positive, speedy and permanent cures in all cases. Ladles whoso systems are poisoned and whoso blood la in an impure condi tion. duo to menstrual irregularities, aro peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonic and blood cleansing prop erties of r. P. P.-Prickly Asb, Polto Root and Potassium. Sphingfiicld, Mo., Aug. 14th. 1893. —I can spoak in the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 35 years, was treated by the vory best physicians ana spent hundrods of dol lars, tried evory known remedy with out finding relief. I have only takon one bottle of your P. P. P. , and can choerfully say It has dono mo more good than anything I have overtaken. 1 can rocommond your medicine to all sufforera of the abovo diseases. MRS. M. M. YE ARY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. Monarch Bicycles A mLmmaammmmmammamm wUm wi mw ■■ in i Light, Strong, Speedy, Handsome. If you can be satisfied with something cheaper, the best lower-priced wheel is DEFIANCE—S7S, S6O, SSO. S4O, (S&tf&K’-) Every machine guaranteed. Send for catalogue. MONARCH CYCLE MFG. CO., CHICAGO, ill. 83 Reade Street, NEW YORK. 3 and 5 Front Street, SAN FRANCISCO. hit MammaToU still \)t \)\\& Should prficknors Antiseptic. ISjkp iTit.-rt,e BEa>~r ROAEPV intfje vYorS i For WOUNDS cr BUl2>t6 PIMPLES, BLOTCHES UNO OLD SORES CATARRH, MALARIA, KIDNEY TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA Are entirely removed toy P.P.P —Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potac ■ium, the greatest blood purifier cb earth. Aberdeen. 0.. July 21, 2501.. Messrs Lippmin Bros. , Savannmi. Ga. : Deak Sms—X bought a bottle or yourP. P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark. .and It has dono no more good than tbroo months’ treatment at the Hot Springs. Send three bottles C. O. D. Respectfully yours, JA3. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Cape. 3. D. JohnstoQi To all whom it may concern: I hero-’ by testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I offered for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on my face. I tried every known rema dy bn, in vain,until P. P. P. wa3 used, and am now entirely cured. (Signed by! J. D. JOHNSTON, Savannah, Ga, Sklzx Cancer Cared, Testimony from ihtMcjyr 0} Sequin,Tex, SEQvnr, Tex. , January 14, 181)3. Messrs. LtrrtiAN nnao.. Savannah, Ga.: Gentlemen—l have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known as skin cancer,of thirty years' standing, and round great relief: it purifies the blood and removes all ir ritation from tho seat of tho disonao and prevents any spreading sores. I have taken flveor oixk>cirri and feol confident that ano' will effect a cure. It mo from indigestion troubles. Yours truiyW^S-ii^ CAPT. . AttOfH®|§tfL?nV. ■: Bod on fliooil Dissoses ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. ■ LfPPNIAN BROS, PROPRIETORS, Lippmau't Block, Sevase ah, Ga Aj it be Antise- Haft HoauJi £d>rth Woigl BURfV>, BfiUijgl mbUoiiUfl C°!£f\A-KSfj6lSW| iTWIIL (u RE Vi NO. 1(5 Finest Material Best Workmanship