The Georgia crusader. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1861-1861, November 07, 1861, Image 4

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,: ’ r '' ’ ~^ : '" r '' * "C'ie^e’ 1 |p||||i A in; «.f GEORGE S. TUNNEL. JPlffimorojHept. 2nd, 1801. EXECUTORS SALK. bo sold before the Court House door in Ureenes ▼ ▼ boro. Greene county, Ga.. on the First Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours or Bale, a tract of |it rid situated in said county on the head waters of the Ogecrhue River, about 6 miles from Ureenesboro, contain ing about 790% acres more or less, adjoining the lands of L. D. Carlton, Mrs. XVognon and others, it being the plant ation whereon the late Mrs. Atm 11. Houghton lived at the tune of her death. On the premises Isa dwelling house and all necessary Improvements. Those wifthiug to pur chase are invited to call and examine the premises before the day of sale. .Sold for the benefit of the heirs of Josh ua Houghton, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. JAMES M. H JUGIIToN, Ex. of JOSHUA HOUGIITOX, deed. Oct. 3, til Ist Tues. in Dec. lIM.K TO PERFECT SERVICE. Kmilv Evans, 1 I ibel for Divorce in Fulton Supe vs. 5- XJrior Court, April Term, 1801. Thomas M. Evans. J It appearing to the Court from the return of the Sheriff that the defendant does not reside in the County «f Fulton, and it further appearing to said Court that said Defendant does not reside in this state—on motion ordered by the Court thatsahl Defendant appear and answer Hlid libel on or before the first day of the next term of this t’ourt. and upon failure thereof said cause be considered in default, Mild that a copy of this order be published in one of the Atlanta papers once a month for the r-pace of four mouths previous t<» the next term of said Court. KZZAIID A COLLIER, Atty’s for Libellant. A tine extract from the minutes of Fulton Superior Court June 15th 18(11. DANIEL riTTMAN. Dep. Clork. Juno -o—w4m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D. H. WALKS It. H. I». M’DANIKL. WALKER A McDANIEL, Attorneys at Law, Monroe, Walton county, Ga. Fob 11, 1868 Jll. JAMES, Exchange and Collecting . OH'u r, ATLANTA, Ga., in lUwel’b Dry Goods Store. Drafts. Gold, Silver and Uncnrrcnt Money Bought and Sold, Notes Discounted, Fills Orders for line Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry, at only 10 per cent, on cost. REFERENCES: Park New Vork. C. 11. SlielumJHHr. * traveled for 8 ROBERT X-«. CRAWLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PRODUCEAND PROVISIONS> AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, (In I'mnklin Building, Alabama Si.) Atlanta, - tleorgia. m’ch 21—wly. GENERAL REPAIRING SHOP. rplIE tiiucrtdgmd Is prepared to repair 1 Guns, Pistols, L arks, Keys, and everything pertaining to that Hue, upon reasonable terms and short notice. Ho also makes KEYS of any kind and size. Give us a call. Shop directly opposite Woodruff's Car riage Repository, Whitehall St. April 25—w if. J. C. CHISOLM. m. IV. W. DURHAM \ J. li. BRI6HTWELL, HAVE associated themselves together in the practice of Medicine, and hereby inform the public that they have permanently located in the city oi Atlanta. They otter their professional services to the public generally, and will devote themselves specially to the treatment ol Chronic diseases. In connection with the regular Allo pathic treatment, they will combine that of the late Dr. L. Durham, of Clarke county, Ga. They propose to visit per sons at a distance for the purposo of performing Surgical operations. Prompt attention given to all communications and calls. Ofllco on Whitehall street. July 19. JOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! ! WHY ONE HUN- Jdred persons have been cured of Dyspepsia, seven ty of Rheumatism, sixty-threo of Ileudncho, forty-nine of Spinal and Nervous Diseases, thirty-two of a Cough, nine teen of Neuralgia, sixteen of Gravel Symptoms, fourteen o Sore Eyes, five of Fits, and many others of various chroni diseases have been cured by applying to Dr. M. S. James, who treats Chronic Diseases only. Can send Medicines by Mail to those who wil write out their symptoms and send Five dollars. His office is overGunby A Cos., Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. JanlM —wly. School Wanted! I .lor a few months or until the close of the* year, a coin ; mon school, by a young man with requisite acquire ments, references, Ac. Address immediately, if at all. D. C. M., Oct. 3, w2t. Decatur, Ga. ’-jEfeTfoy tire W usfe Ade.lrable Farm In one of (lie Northwes tern BAttlSllliS of Loufciaoa will be sold cheap tor cusli, nr will be oxchanged for Confederate bonds, or for nr groes, or a town or City residence. Said farm contains Dot) nci os, 350 cleared and improved, good out buildings, resi dence containing? rooms, flue orchard, splendid well, hand some shrubbery, and all the appurtenances necessary to comfort *■ . It is a rare opportunity fora family wishing to move, as it is within walking distance of a thriving and increas ing village with fine schools. There is an office on the pla.e, making it especially convenient for the practice of a pro fession. ♦%-Apply to the Editor of this paper. Kept. 19, ts. T% M RS. Jilt AUMU LL E ft, IvJL Atlanta, Ga. Artiste in HAIR, JEWELRY, DIVISK WORK, WIG and CURL making, established in Atlanta, Ga. in 1854, contin ues the same Business, only with Larger and Better facili ties than heretofore; and solicits the continuance of the same liberal patronage. Orders may bo sent by Mail or Express. An endless variety of specimens may be seen at Krauni nller’s Music Store, Whitehall St.or MRS. BRAUMULLR’S, Private Residence, Forsyth St, Jaul7-tf. XT HUNTINGTON, M. D., DENTIST, Jl* ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Office in Rawson’s new building, corner of Whitehall and Hunter streets. Residence first house to the left < f Col. Yancey s. REFERENCF3: Messrs. Rawaon. Gilbert A Burr, Atlanta. Hon. R. F. Lyon. Beach A Root, McNaught, Ormond A Cos. Dr. Logan. lU*v. Mr. Rogers. - C. M. Irvin, Albany. D. A. Vason. Esq., Col. Nelson Tift, “ W. J. Lawton, Henry Tarver, Janl7 ly. i'*’ ip |ipr tppp^ ~i- j * ESpr L Wip'' |§& V | ||| §|lS|l . ‘| •1 1 !.• 1.-iv- ...: i 1 « ."lid h'lmaiii*. *n;t Jinn. ’literates from fifteen to eighteen hundred inhabitants, which is un surpassed in natural advantages, and is blessed with an in telligent, refined and Christian community. It is easy of access, being only seven miles from Geneva, a depot on the Muscogee Railroad, to which place coaches run twice every day,connecting with the cars going both ways. Board iu good families, convenient to the College, or in the Steward’s Department, under the supervision of the Principal, at from sl2 to sl4 per month, everything included. A few small girls can find good accommodations in a nice family at from $8 to $lO per month. For further information send for a Catalogue. With these commendatory facts, this School is confidently offered to the public as eminently worthy of patronage. Spring Term begins second Monday in January, 1801. oct 18-t2sd XV. B. SEALS, Propriet CASSVILLK FEMALE COLLEGE belongs to the Georgia Conference. One half its Trustees, Ministers. One half Daymen. Chartered with full Colle giate powers, l/rated in the centre of Cherokee, Georgia, in (.’ass co. Said to be the wealthiest in the State. Situa ted on the spurs of the Blue Ridge. Ele-ated and health ful. Fine spring and well water in the vicinity. Atmos phere pure ami invigorating. College Building on the elevated hill near town. A campus of Ten acres, ornamcnied with Trees aval Flowers, the vieea of liealthjul exercises for the young ladies. Board at the low rate of $lO important consideration in hard times. Teachers all of Southern birth and education, thoroughly qualified for the work as signed them. " Drawing, Oil-painting, Needle Work, Music, Modern Languages, all (aught Ly competent tenders. {Standard of scliolarsliip equal to that of any of the Georgia Confdrence schools. By a provision in the Char ter, no retail grocery allowed in rho town, community moral and religious. Terms: First Term begins third Monday iu August; closes last Friday in Novcmla»r. Second Term begins sec ond Monday in January, closes la*t Ehursday in June. RATES OF TUITION : Payable each Term :n advance. Tuition per Cnllcgi ue year, regular course. ->»o U) •* P’par't’iy •* “ 25 00 •• Primary ‘ “ 15 00 Music, Collegia t year. 50 00 Modern Languages, each 2<» 00 Oil Painting, 3d O' Drawing, Grecian. Orentnl. Pretillc, Braymi. Needle Work, Ac. each 20 o Young ladies entering upon any o:sc of these depart ments, pay for the remainder of the Term, unless ickuess or death occasion withdrawal. F-.r infoßiuatiun apply t- Mar It 28. vvtl. B. AK BOG AST, Prin. Al. TIi.YNTA Female Institute. Tin- exercises of this Institution will re-open on the second .Monday in January, 1801, and embrace a term of six schola-tic mouths, under the following Board of In struction : J. R. MAYSON, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Ac. WILLIAM CUN YUS, (Professor of Belles Lotties. A <i THOMAS. A. M. M. I», fessoi of Ancient Languages. Physiology, Ilygiono, Cheiuistrv, Ac. XV. P. HOWARD, Professor of X'ocal and Instrumental Music. 31 US. P. G. BKSSKNT, Instructress in French and English Brandies. Mrs. GEORGE ROBINSON, iDstructnss in Primary Department. Miss STB ARNES, Instructress in Ornamental Department. Hales of Tuition in Literary Department, including Latin and French. Primary Department, for the term of six months,....slß I*o Preparatory, 24 00 Collegiate, 30 00 Tuition in Music, Drawing and Painting, in all their brandies, at the usual rates. !*• '..i, iu private families near the Institute, at $1250 per mouth, exclusive of wash ing. Payment—one-half in advance, the balance at the close of the session Pupils charged from the time of en trance to the dose of the term. Au incidental of fifty cents per term. J. R. MAYSON,) n . . , Jan 17-1; \VM. CU.NYUS, J 1 1 1 5 AWHON MALE v\rs l> FE. .MALE INSTITUTE.—The next session of this school will begin on MoJilay, the 14th Jan. 1801. Those having children to educate will find this ns eligi ble a place for tlu> purpose as any in Georgia. The society is good, ami the temptations to immorality are very few. This school lias boon in successful operation for a numb of years, enjoying the confidence and liberal patronage the community; and tho present proprietor begs that rim, confidence and patronage be still extended to the Institu tion under his administration. The terms of Tuition remain as heretofore, and board may be obtained cheap in goml families. For further par ticulars, Address A. HuWKLL, Principal , janlO—ly. XVhite Plains, Ga. WOUTJrI Fl-tJV LITERARY INSTITUTE. — Select Hoarding and Day School for Young Ladies. —Under tho charge of Mrs. GEORGIE A. lIULSK McLKOD, Southwest corner of Sharp and Camden streets, Baltimore, Maryland. This is a first-class Institute. Tho Course of Study is extensive aud thorough. The object of tho Principal is to combine a high literary education with the comforta'of h well-regulated Home. Tho situation is airy and healthful; attached is a large, well-shaded play-ground; whilst the internal accommodations iu*o ample and calculated to af ford every satisfaction. French is spoken in the fainili Circulars, containing Terms, can be had on application. References.—Hon. Judge Sharkey, Jackson, Mississip pi; Major Win. H. Chose, Pensacola, Florida ; CaptainXV. 11. Shu brick, U. S. N.; Dr. A. Dold and Bishop Glosbrei or, Augusta Cos., X irginia. SOUTH I UN TKXT-ROOKS A NEW SERIES FoR SCHOOLS & COLLEGES By PROF. W. S. B.XRTON, A. M. Ala. -JIA SV LESjOA-S IN KNG f.f GKAM MA K FOR YdU-VQ. BEGINNERS. —! 2mo. half morocco, price 69 ceuts. “It is just what its title purports, aud better adapted to the wants of‘young beginners’ than any that has come un der my notice.”— UOX. W. F. PERRY) Supt. Educati Ala. “It contains a r.ew and better system of teaching than any hitherto in use.” —Montgomery Advertiser. “In simplicity of plan and clearness of il lust rati , it cannot be excelled.”—Missouri Educator. THE INTERMEDIATE GRAMMAK.—I2mo. half mo rocco, price 75 cents. “Prof. Barton’s is the best Grammar ever published.”— Prof. Lee, La. “In iny opinion, it will supplant every other work of tho kind ” —President Talbiid Howard College. “It is tee best (ir.unnicr ever published.”—Prof. Pier son, N. J. THE HIGH SCHOOL GRAMMAR; or, an Exposition of the Grammatical Structure of the English Language,— 12mo. half morocco, price sl. “The definitions are clear, philosophical and precise, and tho work is an able and comprehensive treatise on English Philology.”—Boston Congrcga’iist. “The simplest and most philosophical Grammar wc have ever examined.”—XVatclnmin and Reflector. works are mooting with an extensive patron age, and are pronounced by uivro than one thousand dis tinguished eachers and professors far ill advance of any that have come under their notice. The only ground on which they nro brought to yonr at tention, is that of merit. If on a thorough examination, they are found wanting in this respect, judicious teachers will reject them; but if they stand the test of criticism, and are “superior to all other?;,” as has been asserted by numerous Superintendents of Education# Professors and Teachers, their own interest, and the interest of their pu pils, will lead to their immediate adoption. 830^“Teachers or School Officers, desirous of introducing either of these works into the school under their charge, can obtain them on favorable terms, bv addressing tho publisher. IV. S. BARTON. T EACUKRS' EXCHANGE, Xlontgomery, Ala. Hr V- » -. K> 1 ' v "-' •’ H : ' '' Enclosures. LEO FALL DESCRIPTION the best Italian and Ain.-ncan M-rMe on hand, a variety of Monuments, l-Mli plain and carved, of sizes and prices to suit customers. Krereoin« and Yard opposite Ga. Lt- H- Depot, Atlanta*, GFa. Y June 28 ts P. P. PEASE. L - n * DAVI ®. PEA S E & DAVIS, WHOLESALE ASI> RETAIL DEALERS IN PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, JYJ9 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, XV I «»li l p’s 1 PEACH-TREE STREET, ATLANTA, - - GEORGIA. Sept. 6, ly. FOR SALE. r PWO good second band 111- GGIE3 for sale by PEASE & DAI IS. Sept. 12, Ira. Ttfl'o NEGRO MEN to hire by PEASE A DAVIS Sept. 12, lm. , SACKS SALT for sale by ,)< H ) PEASE & DAVIS. Sept. 5, ts. (1 RUSHED SUGAIf for sale by j PEASE 4 DAVIS. Sept G, ts. 4 SUGARS fir sale by PEASE & DAV IS. Sept. 5, ts. (1 OF FEE for sale by J PEASES DAVIS. Bept. 5, ts. \ « ' HITE LEAD for sale by VV PEASE & DAVIS. 8«l't S, »*• -a KEGS REST NAILS for sale by 50 PEASES DAVIS. Sept. 5, ts. LOUR for sale, low, by * PEASE A DAVIS. Sept. 5, ts. JOHN F. HUGHES & CO. Dealers in FLOUB FANCY GROCERIES, TOBACCO, &C. 1 >KG LKAVE TO RETURN THEIR VS- D feigned thanks for tho liberal patronage them by the citizens of At’uuta and vicinity. Daily expected. 2(0 » llushelH WHITE COU N- Just received, 15t* Bids. FLO !• Choice Br a SALMON, SUGAR-CUR.XI IIS MAS 5 II VXII*KBS of BOTTLE 4; CIGARS, of all brands; MACKEREL, in }4 and Bids, and Kits, suporior art! cle; LARD, by the bhL oi ldd a very white aud nine artl- M: ; f COFFKE, SUGAR, 011KKSF; PORTER, ALK; BUCK XVIIEAT FLOUR, in small sacks; FULTON MARKET BEEF; BUFFALO TONGUES, pickled and .smoked a desirable ar tide; BACON SIDE3, IIAMS, MIDDLINGS; FLOUR, In sacks; VINEGAR; RECTIFIED WHISKEY; SOAPS, variety; CKAMLaARIES; GOSHEN BUTTER; MACARONI; SALT; RED and WHITE ONIONS: PICKLES, by the Jar; and many other articles, scloctcd with taste and discre sion and suitable for this market. For salo by the wholesalo or retail on accommodating terms for a low figure in cash. Atlanta, Goo. Norcrosa Buildin tl Marietta St. M’ch 21—worn. mlo '-if. eh, ) C—Dealers ingjjp \gjgITMEDICiN ES,^. r Y"" —‘ —g IfSSTRUMEWftf | mws, 1 J PAINTS.OILS \ 4 AC \ ■r An cu s t a June 3,1859. DROPSY CURED!—The Undersigned proposes to cure Dropsy of every description. Ho can bo seen personally five miles South of Union Point, or addressed by letter at Union Point, Greene county, Ga. Tho medicine can he sent anywhere, with directions for giving it, or 1 w ill attend personally, if requested and paid for my trouble. I will buy negroes afflicted with Dropsy, or cure them, as the owner may prefer. Satisfactory references given, if desirod. MILES G. BROOME. State of Georgia , Greene. County: This is to certify that my father had a negro man af 'iiK 1 !?ed XvfiTi'uropEy -ilj 7003 ;ho lmd l*|A«K»veral physicians without any cure, when ho applied to M. G. Broome for his remedy, which cured him. He is still living and in'good health. Jan 21, 1868. 11. CHAMPION. Union Poiut, Greene co. May 14, 1867 This is to certify that 1 had a negro woman badly atfiic ted with Dropsy for a considerable time. She was attended by several physicians; they failed to make a cure. I heard of M. G. Broome and put her under his treatment, and in less than a year she was thoroughly cured of Dropsy. JAMES DAVANT, Penfield, Ga. This is to certify that I had a negro woman ia 1868 af flicted with dropsy. I put her under tho treatment of M. 6. Broome, who soon made a permanent cure of her. Union Point, Ga. TRAVIS C. CARLTON. \vr HOLES ALE DRUGGISTS llavilasd, I I Chichester & Cos. 268 Broad str. 2 doors from " Globe Hotel. Augusta, Ga., J. C. HAVILAND, U AX’I LAND. STEVENSON. &C. XV- STEVENSON, T. XV CHICHESTER, No. 23, Hayne Street, G. B. OLMSTEAD, 11. S. SIIKLTON, Charleston, S. ts, Importers and Jobbers of Choice Drugs, Selected Medi cines, Pure Chemicals, Essential Oils, Medicinal Extracts, Fine Perfumery and Fancy Soaps, Patent Medicines, Sur gical Instruments, Trusses, Druggists’Glassware. Dye-stuffs together with every article comprising the stock of a Dimg] giht or Physician. Druggists, Physicians, Country Mer chants and dealers generally, who pride themselves ou dealing In Medicines of the First Quality , may rely upon being suited. Orders solicited and promptly 'attended to. Agents for the celebrated Columbia Bitters. Jan 7ly ■Turk ent. by KobcV. L. . y. ’ $ yard 24 23 ■oPK-imictmte...*l > 1“ <2> 20 Sh<m,d ’ ra S 5 £ t so Hog round v © W CANDLES—Sperm. g J > © Adamantine V ® s k COFFEE—Java —g J> “ Rio V 5 ( •*’> ® CllEESE—Northern g B> ® English Dairy g w ) PC OUR—superfine g hbl 600 & Extra..;. 9 bb» 650 © Family bbl » 7 Co © GRAlN—corn akd g bush, >o 80 Oats g bush' 60 Peas g _ LARD—in barrels gS> 24 © In Kegs and Cane. 1b *-4 © «.o llAY—astern £ evt & 2 10 I.EAD— J J ¥ LIMK-Stono V hl'd J _ HYDRAULIC CKJII’T...7I bbl . 325 ©4 00 MOI.ASSKS—Cuba 6 gall J « & 50 MuscvM’o and PR« gall 1 35 © 37 NewOrleana « gall ( 55 © 00 | NAll.S—Assorted, .....S keg ; 7 POWDER—keg rids Jp B> ; 80 100 lllasting (8 keg ; © POTATOES—Sweet -W btixli 75 © 80 Irish Northern bbl { 100 ©1 25 RICE— V lb 4 6 SUGAR—New Orleans slb 8 © 11 Clarified A $ lb @l7 '• li MB) i 14 © 15 “ c vlb I 10« © n Leaf $ » < 25 @ SOAP—Turiteutiue, lb l'» © Family, pale $ lb 11 15 STARCH—No. 1, pearl «B> , © SAl,T—LtverpoOl snrk , .1 50 ffb 600 SHOT—Drop v lb Buck ¥ » © SPlCES—Pepper » lb 30 Si Ginger $ lb WHEAT—Red bnsb : 00 @ 1 0.» White fl bush ' 95 © l 10 IRON—Swodo ¥*b ' 8 Ktowah b , 0 Band «B) < 8 English b* ® s 0 Hollow ware $ lb 12 14 Axles $1 O , 0 SHOVELS & SPADES?) doz 5 18 00 Siirings y lb WHITE DEAD lb ! 10 © It OH.—Liusccd * gal > 2 60 Lard V g»* : 2 W Kerosine gal 2 60 Sperm ¥ gai \ © Traiu « gal . 1 00 @ GLASS—BXIO, Am V box > B.X 10, For Sb box ] 8 50 PUTTY # B) 15 CRACKERS *»■ 10 © 9 CANDY $ » 2) © 18 MACKEREL. No 3 bbl 15 00 (g; No 2... » bbl 17 00 @ No 1 V bbl ; 20 00 © EGGS « do* ; 20 25 CHICKENS V pi’ce 20 © 25 SOLE LEATHER 00 @75 Hemlock $) tti 7.i © Oak Tan (fi lb 75 CALF SKlNS—French.....« do* 35 4 i AiOrricHU 'b’Z 28 00 to3o OO Not?.. —These are and tliose buying at ,etftil iiave to jiay a small advance on above prices. Church Directory. CHcncnss. pastors. Nesloy Cltapel, (M. H.) Rev. W. .1. Scott. xliuity, (U. K.) Rev. J. C. Simmons. ®' 4l - I /j, \ Kev. J. B. I’ayne. Payne Clmpel, f ' Fiist Baptist, Rev. 11. C. Ilornaily, Second Baptist Rev. J. T. Clarke. First Presbyterian, liev. J. S. Wilson, D. D. Central Presbyterian, Rev. J. L. Rogers. St. Phillips, (Episcopal.) Rev. And. F. Freeman. Congregational Metledist Rev. T. 11. Lanier. ’lndie, Rev. J. Ilassan. Christian Rev. F. P. Perdue. Methodic •'n.l.estanl Rev. T. Uutchlngs O-AJLIEnsriDj^IR,. j 1861. 1861. j) a v 9. D a fa. - 7“fTr 1 »i . .. y y.,1 i .i- g J| * *§!! e £ I 1 c : | S £ £ u SjS.S 1 Sin Bi« •Tan. j 1 2 3 4. 5 .July i 1 2i 3 4| 6i 0 0! 7 s; 91011 J 2 7 8 9101112 13 II ic I‘* 14*J6;1h'1V ,10,10 90 20 21 22,211 24 26 V- 21 22 23124; 26 26 27 27 28 i 29! 30 j3l , 28129:30 31 Fob. | 12 Aug. li 2j 3 3: 4, 6| 6 7 8 9 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 16 10 II 12,13 14 15 16 17 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 26.26 27 2S 25 20 27 28 29 30,31 M’cli 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sept. 1 2 3 4 5! 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20; 21; 22 23 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 24 26 20 27!28 29 30 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .311 : 29 30 1 j I j Ap’l. ; 1 2 3 4 f> 6, Oct. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 910 11 12 13 i 678 9101112 14 15 TO 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 11 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 27 28 20 30 31; i May. ! 12 3 4 Nov ! 1 2 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 0 7 8; 9 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21*22 23 2*. 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 J’ue I I 2 8 4 5 0 7 8 Dec. I 1 2 3 4 6 6, 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 10 17 IS 19 20 21 22 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25'20 27 28 29 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 i3O [ j] | I j ,1 : 29 30 31 | | : TEMPERANCE RECORD. Grand Officers, Knights of Jericho, STATE OF GEORGIA. Term expires 26th July, 1861. J. S. Peterson, Atlanta, Grand Chief. J. K. Loyless, Dawson, Grand Vice Chief. William G. Forsyth, Atlanta, Grand Recorder. Kev. C. XV. Stevens, Sparta, Grand Chaplain. J. A. Wimpy, Dahloncgo, Grand Marshal. Edward Jackson, Perry, Grand Guard. Temperance *»« Git AN I) LODGE '?> of Stric|o, STATE OF GEORGIA. Principles.—To God we owe Obedience, Love aud Wor uhip; to tho worlu Justice; to our Brethren, Forgiveness and Fraternity; to ourselves, sustenance and protection. Pledge.—We will not make, buy, sell or use as a beverage, any intoxicating drinks whatever, and will use all honor able means to prevent tho manufacture, use and tho traf fic therein for tho use and purposes of a beverage. Government.—lst. Subordinate Lodges, to which any free-born white male person, possessing a good moral char acter, of sound health and of the ago of fifteen years and upwards, who acknowledge aud believe in the existence of an Almighty God, Tho Father, Son and Holy Spirit, The Creator and Preserver of nil things, to whom they arc ac countable for every thought, word and deed, may bo admit ted to membership; and any lady conforming to the forego ing requirements, to honorary membership 2d. Grand Lodges, composed of the Chief Officers ami rep resentatives from the Subordinate Lodges. Form of Application for a Subordinate Lodge Charter. 2b the Grand Lo>Jge Knights of Jericho , State of Georgia: The undersigned free-born white citizens of sound health and past the age of fifteen years, each uud all of whom ac knowledge aud believe iu the existence of an Almighty God, the Father, Son and Iloly Spirit, the Creator and Pre server of all things, to whom we are all accountable for eve ry thought, word and deed, Lelieving the Order of Knights of Jericho to be in harmony with those groat principles and well calculated to advance the cause of Humanity, Temperance and Charity, most respectfully petition your honorable body to grant them a Charter to open a Lodge of the Order, to be located in , post office, county of > State of , to be known and hailed as Lodgo Knights of Jericho, of tho State of . If grant ed, wo pledge our sacred honors, as gentlemen, individually and collectively, to bo governed by the Constitution, laws, rules and usages of the Grand Lodgo and the Order at large. Enclosed is the fee lor Charter, Constitutions and Odea—Ten Dollars. Tho Grand Lodgo of Georgia reserves U itself the exclu sive right to constitute Subordinate Lodges of the Knights of Jericho within its own jurisdiction, and also an equal right with other Grand Lodges of the Order to constitute Lodges in any other State, Territory or Province in which there is no Grand Lodge of the Order, when proper appli cation is made, and will hold Lodges thus organized under its jurisdiction, givihg them the same rights aud privilegeb aa are allowed to subordinate Lodges in its own jurisdic tion until such time as any three or more Lodges thus con stituted, located in any one State, Territory or Province shall have formed and organized a Grand Lodge for them selves, having a Grand Constitution, laws,rules and usages conforming to those of this Grand Lodge, when its Juris diction over said lodges shall cease. All petitions to the Grand Lodgo, Knights ot Jericho, State of Georgia, for Charters to open new Subordinate Lodges of tho Order, or communications seeking informa tion in relation to the Order, should be addressed to XVM. G. FORSYTH, G. R. K. oi J. Atlanta. Ga. Wee Crusader*. THE (IIUIU BOOK AND JOS PRINTING DEPARTMENT. THE MOST COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY. We are prepared lo execute upon t lie most REASONABLE TERMS Every species of Printing! Ant] as to (lie character and style of our work WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION. Wc print Os all kindß in the most superior manner, and upon terms as reasonable as any Northern House, and while there is such an establish ment iu Georgia, no one can have any excuse for going out of the State to have Books or anything else printed. We print PAMPHLETS, (Os all kinds and sizes,) CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, CHECKS, NOTES, CARDS, DRAFTS, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NEWSPAPERS, RAILROAD BLANKS. JLJSHD POSTERS, Os any" size anil iu any and ALL COLORS. We turn off work with Great Dispatch, And all orders from abroad will receive prompt Attention. THE CASH Will be required in all cases when we deliver the work. OUR R. R. SCHEDULE. GEORGIA RAILROAD.»> Ati.ot.i7tt Ftii., t'.—vittNut:. Mg' MORNING PASSENGER TRAIN Leaves Atlanta Daily, at 7 00 a m Arrives at Augusta .5 55 p y Leaves Augusta dailey, at ; 8 30 a m Arrives at Atlanta 7 15 ? m NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta daily, at 7 40 r n Arrives at Augmfta 5 48i Leaves Augusta at 4 Arrives at Atlanta 2 05 \ This road runs in connection with the trains of the South Carolina and Savannah and Augusta Kail roods, at August t ATLANTA & W. POINT It. It. t. Pnlnt, 87 mile.; Faro, S3 #O—ORO. o llliu. Superintendent. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta daily, at 2 15 a m Arrives at West Point 7 5 a m Leaves West. Point Daily, at 1 30 p w Arrives at Atlanta 6 18 p m VV. & ATLANTIC (STATK) IL It. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 miles, fare $5 —John W. Lew is Superintendent. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta at 10 20 an Arrives at Chattanooga 7 00 i* y Leavers Chattanooga at 1 45 a m Arrives at Atlanta at 10 00 a. m NIGIIT PASSENGER TRAIN. leaves Atlanta 6 00 pm Arrives at Chattanooga 5 35 a y Leaves Chattanooga at 4 00 y y Arrives Atlanta at 4 10 a m DAY PASSENGER—DOWN. Leaves Chattanooga at l 45 a si Arrives at Dalton 4 (5 a w Arrives at Atlanta 10 0) a m NIGHT PASSENGER—DOWN. Leaves Chattanooga 0 8 i p m Arrives at Dalton 9 20 p m Arrives at Atlanta 4 00 am Connects with the great New-Orleanu & New-York Mai! Route 4 times a day through the ton valleys (Italy of Anior ca.) Splendid scenery aud bounteous fare. MACON & WESTERN R. li. Macon to Atlanta 102 miles, faro $4 60—Alfred L. Tyur SuDerintoudont. Macon & Wesnern K. K. Cos. Macon, Ga. July 30, 1801 On and aftsr Sunday, August uill nm :ih Arrive at Atlanta 4 v u Leave Atlanta, at n an Arrive at Macon 5 00 p m The 11 00 am train from Atlanta connects at Macon with Central R. R. 10 00 p m for Savannah, and S. W. R. K. at 11 46 p m for Columbus. CENTRAL RAIL ROAD. Geo. W. Adams, General Superintendent. On and after Sunday Feb. 26th, the trains wjll rqn a follows: Leave Savannah 10 05 arn 130 pin and 1110 p m Arrive in Macon 8 65 a w aud 11 05 p m Arrive in Augusta 030 a m and 635 p m Arrive at Milledgeville 12 30 p m Leave Macon 10 00 a m aud 10 00 p m Arrive at Savannah 729 am... 745 p ra and 10 40 pn- Arrive at Augusta 630 a in and 635 p m Leave Augusta 12 30 ain and 215 p m Arrive at Savannah 7 29 a m and 10 40 p m Arrive at Macon 8 55 a m and 11 05 p ni Trains that leave Savannah at 10.05 a. m. only ruu to Millen, arriving there at 3.10 p. in. connecting with 10 a. in. Macon train to Augusta. Passengers taking the 2.35 p. m. train at Augusta, will leave Millen 5.50 p. m. and arrive at Savannah at 10.40 p. in. Passengers by 11.10 p. m. from Savannah, will go through direct to Augusta. Passengers by either 1.30 or 11.10 p. m. trains from Savan nah for Macon, or points beyond, will meet with no deten tion at Macon. Passengers for Atlanta, or points beyond, on W. A A. R R. will leave Savannah on the 1.30 p. m. train; for Milledge ville and Eatonton, on 11.10 p. m. train; for S. W. R. U. be low Fort Valley, on 11.10 p. m. traiu; those for Montgomery Columbus, etc. by either train. Passengers from Augusta, for S. >X r . Ga. should take the 12.30 a. m. train, to avoid detention at Macon. Thoae for Columbus, Montgomery, Ac. may take either train. Trains connect at Macon with Macon & Western trains to Griffin and Atlanta and the West; also, with S. West trains to Albany, Cuthbert, Eufaula, Fort Gaines, Americas, Co lumbus, Montgomery, Ac., and at Millen with Augusta and Savannah R. R. to Augusta and the north; at Savannah with the tri-weekly steamships to Now York; also, with steamships to Philadelphia and Baltimore. By this change in schedule, the connection both ways, at Augusta, with the South Carolina Kail Road, is secured, and passengers will have no detention at Augusta or Millen, as heretofore. Feb. 27 DROPSY In all its Forms Can be Cured. THE undersigned, in presenting this CARD to public, leels conscious of his ability to graple success fully with this fearful disease, which lias for ages proved a terror to the medical profession. Having devoted a sierips of years to tho investigation of this particular department, in my professional labors, I have for the last three or four years succeeded in arresting this fearful disease in its fatal progress, and in restoring to health thoso who otherwise would have been born to a primaturo grave. The undersigned is a native Georgian, educated in th« State, graduated in the Medical College of Georgia, and has been a regular practitioner for twenty years; but like all others of my profession, was unable to graple success fully with this disease, until within the last three or foui years. As regards my confidence in my ability to cure Dropsy, I proposo to treat any case that may be brought to me free of professional charge, if I do not relieve the case. And as evidence of my successa will refer tho public to a few of the cases that have been treated successfully— whose certificates I have in xiossession, or who would testi fy to my unparallelled success. Antonio Havana, a Frencli gentleman, ol a peculiar case of general Dropsy, who had availed himself of tho best skill of New Orleans, of Hava na, XVashlngton City and Charleston, S. C., of throe years standing. Charles Todd, of Kingston, Ga., of the most desperate case of General Dropsy—his lower extremities having bursted more than a dozen times, and who was 71 years old. Mrs. D. Montgomery, of general Dropsy, who was ex pected to die for many days before she was put under my treatment. AJrs. If. J. Thompson, of Abdominal Dropsy, who had been three years laboring mujer this disease, and treated by every school of physicians, and her only relief for Gigbtepu months before 1 treated her case, was from tapping, which had to be repeated every two to four weeks. I have comfortable rooms to accommodate as many as may feel disposed to avail themselves of tho benefit of nty treatment. All those who are unable to pay will be treated free » professional charge, and all who are able to pay, subject to contract. Where there is no relief afforded, there will be no pro fessional charge. The undersigned can bo consulted, personally or by let ter, at the City Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. NONE NEKD DESPAIR. T. H. DOZIER, M. D,