The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 15, 1906, Image 4

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Death from Lockjaw. •never follows an injury dressf-d with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Its antiseptic and healing properti* s prevent blood poisoning. Chas Oiwald, merchant, of Rensselaers ville, N. Y., writes : “It cured Seth Burch, of this place, of the ugliest Bore on his neck I ever saw.” Cures Cuts, Wounds, Burns and Sores. 25c at Dr John Hockenhull’s drug store, THE NORTH. GEORGIAN Brief and Breezy. Now is the time to vegetate. This ought to he the harvest sea son tor the cereal food men. Mr Hears! is willing to run for governor. It had been suspected. Senator Stone has decided that President Roosevelt is a weakling, but he will have to produce proofs to convince the packers who have had their clothes torn off in the struggle. The three Mrs Smoots will soon have the Senator at home to help wash the dishes. Some piratical paragrapher of the Washington Post had John 1) Rockefeller sailing away on the high seize. After it was all over Alfonso cried. Wo would have thought he would have sw re. A Chicago scientist says that the recent earthquake was really a trivial affair. That ought to be some consolation to San ( Francisco. Curious, but no influenced rail road agents have been found with “stuudard oil stock.” on their per son. „ —--*■>? 7 The present meat inspection laws are entirely satisfactory— Armour says so. Mr Rockefeller inay decide to travel ‘‘around the earth” and make a thorough inspection of his property before returning. Miss Krupp has money enough to support one or two international peace societies, but she may not take a notion to do so. Spain will never pull itself up abreast of other nations, until it gets over its habit of having royal bull fights on state occasions. From the published descriptions of Castro's fortunes, running a South American republic must be more lucrative than operating a get-rich-quick game. Those who admire Capt Anson s baseball record must be pained with the showing he makes in fielding the questions put at him by the civil service commission. Mr and Mrs Longvvorth have started for Europe, and the kings have called up the hired girl and told her to see that the spare room is set to rights for an emergency. If Kansas has any more at home like Burton, will it please keep them away from \\ ashington? Every time the committee meets to take action on the Smoot case, some member causes a postpone ment by being sick. By the end of the sessiou the public will Mao rbe complaining. Miss Krupp, daughter of the gun manufacturer, draws an annual in come of over $5,000,000, all of which goes to show that the uni versal disarmament idea is not making much material headway. A GUAKANTKED CUKE FOK FILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles. Druggists refund money it Puzo Ointment fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6to 14 days First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If your druggist hasn’t it :n stamps and it will be forwarded post-paid by Paiis Medicine Cos., St. Louis, Mo. The Deleware legislature is in session again, going through the usual performance of chasing Mr Addtcks away from the senatorial trough. Gustav von Bohlern und Ilalbach, a poor man, is to wed Miss Bertha Krupp, the richest girl in the world. Great guns! After awhile the bomb-throwers will come to the conclusion that Alfonso XIII isn’t such an unlucky boy after all. Russell Sage could now go Car negie one quarter better by giving lit out that if ho were a poor man he would gladly work for 7 =5 cents, a day, There are some people just mean enough to hope that John D Rock efeller will be so terribly seasick on the way to Europe that he will never care to make the return trip. Carter Harrison is talking of running for mayor of Chicago again next spring. If the city hall can stand that, there *is no immediate danger of its falling down. If it takes two weeks for a king to get married, a lot of us would pass up the king busiuess on sight At any rate Michael Davitt lived to see the beginning of the reforms in Ireland for which he labored fifty years, and spent three terms in jail. The haberdashery people are not yet in the field with “Ena” goods, but give them time. The Ena this, and Ena that, will arrive in due time. Congressman Towne might square himself with his admirers by explaining that just when he had the President in a tight place, his face slipped. As the court* construe’it, appar ently, Mi Perkins not only did not use that money, but has returned most of it. Chicago’s chief of police an nounces that he intends to enforce each and every one of the Ten Commandments, The eleventh never was taken seriously in that town. The Vermont Democrats have decided to nominate a blacksmith for governor. Now for the anvil chorus. And when you recollect that they had 4,000 saloons in Sau Francisco, before f he earthquake, you can imagine the suffering caused by the long dry spell since then. We may as well make up our minds that as long as Senator Mor- Mother’s Eer a word in mother's ear: when NURSING .IN INFANT, AND IN THE MONTHS THAT COME BEFORE THAT TIME, SCOTT'S EMULSION SUFPLIES THE EXTRA STRENGTH AND NOURISHMENT SO NECESSARY FOR THE HEALTH OF BOTH MOTHER AND CHILD. Scud for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. and si.oo ; all druggists. gan has anything to say about it, it will not be a lockjaw canal. The Neill report has already ac comphshed wonders. The pack ers, it is said, have ordered all em ployes to wash their hands a't least once a day. The Missouri Democratic State Convention has declared for Bryan tor President in 1908. The seat*- on the band wagon are beginning to fill. The Railroad Rate bill “agree ment” refuses to stay agreed. Ex-Senator Burton will now go away back and sit down with “Cas sie’ Chadwick, Jimmy Hyde and Carrie Nation in the hfs-been res ervat on. In the wave of reform, has an\ law been adopted to prohibit tin insurance companies from the free coinage of blotters and calendars? It is reported from Washington that Senator Beveridge is troubleu with ndigestion. Been reading the Beef Commissioners’ report, eh ? The President’s demand of in spection “from hoof to can” is echoed by the American people. Ilit ’em hard Ted—they deserve it. The doctors are in sessoin in Boston this week ; the Christian Scientists, next. This is as it should be, call the doctors first. Two Kentucky counties are claiming to have been Lincoln’s birthplace. Abraham was a great enough man to have been born in half dozen counties. Pink Lips, L'ke Velvet, Rough, Chapped or Cracked Lips, can be made as soft as velvet by applying at bad time, a light coating of Dr ShoJjj s Green Salve. The effect on the lips or skin of this most ex cellent ointment is always immedi ate and certain. Dr Shoop’s Green Salve takes out completely the soreness of cuts, burns, bruises and all skin abrasions. It is surely a wonderful and most highly satis factory healing ointment. In glass jars at 25c, Sold by all deal ers. Route 3. Some of our leading newspapers seem to me to be very inconsistent, especially in one respect. That is, tney will do large advertising for the whiskey houses and at the same time advoca e reform and print sermons and Sunday-school lessons etc., when every thinking man knows that we can never have re form, religiously, or politically, while there is whiksey afloat all over the country. I think it would be a good idea for all good citizens to let those editors know that if they persist in advertising for the men that sell the cursed stuff that they 1 will drop their papers and take papers that have some regard for wives of drunken husbands and tneir children. The new daily in Atlanta will not advertise for a whiskey house and all papers that will pass that resolution should have the patronage of all the good people of our country. Whenever people see that they can help their fellowinan or do any good ill any respect they should take bold of it with all their might and main. R. To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. ™ Seven Million boxes sold in pest 12 months. This Signature, ©OX. *SC. Baptist - jL. Periodicals 111 Bright, Shining Helps for the Sunday School \ 111 /// MONTHLIES Baptist Superintendent 7 cents Baptist Teacher 10 ‘ 1 - - per copy! per quarter l v %7 QUARTERLIES Senior * cents Advanced • | ( j Quarterly 154 “ per copy / per quarter j LESSON LEAFLETS ILLUSTRATED PAPERS Bible ) per guar. I per year I Tnnlor ! . \percopy ! per quar. I 1 Cent each I Tonne People (weekly) . . .13 Ct*. SOcts. Primary.] i Bovs and Girls (weekly . . S!4 22 Picture Lessons, per sell perquar.l 2& cents 1 Our Little Ones (weekly) .. 4}4 18 Bible Lesson Pictures .per quarter 1 75 cents I Toung Reaper (seipi-montbly) 3 12 Toung Reaper (monthly) . . 2 6 HOME DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES (TAr above prices are all for clubs of five or more.) Senior H. D. Quarterly 4 cents Advanced H. D. Quarterly ... 2 “ Good Work (monthly) . . . per year ! IS cents per copy I per quar. ! In clubs of ten or more . . per year. 10 CClltS NEW QUARTERLIES Lesson Pictures for Older Scholars. 10 cents for each quarterly set; 40 cents for one year. First Studies in the Bible. Teachers' Edition. Single copy, 25 cents a year. In packages of 5 or more. 4 cents each for one quarter : 16 cents each for one year. First Studies in the Bible. Scholars' Edition. Single copy, 10 cents a year. In packages of 5 or more, 2 cents each for one quarter ; 8 cents each for one year. Biblical Studies, r.ow complete, is printed in three parts: I. Preparation for Christ, 30 lessons in the Old Testament. 11. Personal Presence of Christ, 40 lessons in the Gospels. 111. CHRIST in His People, 30 lessons in the Acts and the Epistles. Pflces, in papercover: Parts I. and 111., 15 cents each ; Part 11., 20 cents. The complete work, 40 cents. American Baptist Publication Society SOUTHEASTERN HOUSE, 37 South Pryor Street, Atlanta, Ga. TRY THE COLUMBIA MR LOCK TYPEWRITER. The Newest, The Most Dui able. The Simplest, and Best Typewriter on the Market. VISIBLE WRITING, With the Columbia, you have jour work in sight all the time, without laising carriage, and this point is gained without the sacrifice of any other valuable feature. Once Used: Always Used. A Patron Once, a Patron Forever. Either Single or Double Keyboard These machines are used all over Georgia and throughout the entire country, by leading and professional men, and are meeting with a high degree of satisfaction. To an interested responsible party, either a single or double key-board machine will be sent on trial. Write to-day for catalogue, to ROBT. O. mJIB, General Agent, Georgia, Alabama, Florida and|Tennessee,~ ATLANTA. GEORGIA. —v An Alarming Situation frequently results from neglect of clogged bowels and torpid liver, until constipation becomes chron ic. This condition is unknown to those who use Dr King’s New Life Pills ; the best and gentlest regula tors of Stomach and Bowels. Guaranteed by Dr John Ilocken hull druggist. Psice 25'c. The Baptist Teacher has no su perior for Baptist Sunday schools. From cover to cover it is a source of inspiration and pleasure. The lesson staff includes some of the best writers and most experienced teachers. Mat, Route 1. As I haven’t seen anything from this part, I’ll write up a few dots. The farmers are getting behind with their work, the grass grows so fast, but more rain, more rest. The wheat crop is generally good in this section. There have been several tele phones put up around here, and several more are talking of putting up lines. Let the good work con -1 in ue. Mt Tabor church has booght a new organ for the church and Sun day-school. Come on, R, don’t let Uncle Jessie beat you. Mr VV W. Heard, our efficient rural carrier, is ne of the best in service. He knows his biz. More anon. June Bug. Following - the Flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippines, health was the most important consideration. Will's T Morgan, retired Commiss ary Sergeant U. S. A., of Rural Route 1, Concord, N. H., says : “I was two years in Cuba and two years in the Philippines, and being subject to colds, I took Dr King’s New Discovery for Consumption which kept me in perfect health. And now in New Hamshire, we find it the best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung dise see. Guaranteed at Jno Hockeuhull’s druggist. Price 50c and 81.00. Tr al bottle free. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE,DAY' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E, VV, Grove’s signature L on each box. 25c. ' , . WANTED: by Chicago wholesale and mail order house, assistant manager (man or woman) for this county and ad joining territory. Salary §2O and ex penses paid weekly; expense money ad vanced Work pleasant; position perm anent. No investment or experience re quired. Write at once for full particu lars and enclose self addressed envelope, COOPER & CO., 132 Lake street, Chicago, 111, R-I-P-A-N-b Tabules Doctors find * A good prescription For mankind Thes cent packet is enough for usual occasions The family bottle 00 cents) contains a supply or a year. All druggists sell them.