The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, June 15, 1906, Image 8

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THE NORTH GEORGIAN Published every Friday by J, E, Kirby . year - - sl.oo 6 months - * - 50 2 month* - - - 2^ Entered June 10, 1002, an second ciasn matter, pout oflico at Curnming, (in., Act of Congress of Mareh 8, xB7O, CUMMI'IG, GA. JUNE 15,41906. LOCAL MATTERS, Mrs. Mamie Foster is visiting in Atlanta. Our citizens continue to improve their property. Mr. F. B. Callaway has accepted a position in Arabi, Ga. Mr. Geo. L. Merritt was reported on the sick list first of the week. Mr. C, .J. Brannon spent several days of last week in the Gate City. DufToy’s mill is running. Bring on your corn. E. M. Piigrim. Miss Velvie llawkins, of Mari etta, is visiting Mr. ,T. F. Hawkins and family, Mr. and Mrs. C- B. Otwell and children spent Sunday with rela tives on route 2. ff you look for Linton Heard’s announcement you’ll not get fooled this week. M is-1 Neel Stribbling, of Roswell, was the guest ot Miss Grach Fos ter latter part of last week • A nice line of Men’s Shirts, all sizes, going at cost, for cash, for a short time only,—Williams & Jones Mr. R- *G. Moor, ol Atlanta, .'pent the latter part of last we k with relatives near town. Mr. Abijah Harrison has again e;Cceptsd a position with W- R. & “T’rt." OtwcU. I’rof. T. P. Tribble, of Logan ville, was in town Saturday even ing last. We are glad to learn that Mr. Rufus Tatum, who has fever, is better. Mr. Walter Rope: visited at Flowery Branch latter part of last week and this. Mrs, Willis Pirkle spent Inst week with her son, Mr. T. J. Pirkle, and family. Men’s and Boys’ Hats going at actual cost as long as they last.— Williams & Jones. . Miss Grace Foster, who has been in lioswell the past two months, lias returned home. A nice lot of Men’s Shirts, all, sizes, going at cost, for cash, for a short time only.—Williams A Jones A large number of Cumniingites took m the all day singing at Al pharetta Sund >y. Mr. and Mrs. J. Chap Fincher, who have been visiting -elatives in and near town, returned to their home in Atlanta Monday. Anew baby boy has made bis appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kirby. Mother and child are doing well. Duffey’s mill will be run by E. M. Pilgrim, who is now in charge, and solicits your patronage. Give him a trial. A gentleman atone of our board ing houses, after having beans shoved at him eacli meal for two straight weeks, asked the waiter to please read the etgth verse of the thirteenth chapter , f Hebrews. We imagine this will make some of our readers get the dust off their Bibles. Men’s and Boys’ Hats going at actual cost as long as they last.— Williams & [ones. Mrs. Sallie 0. Tatum, of Novet ta, spent last week and this with her son, Mr, Rufus Tatum, here. Miss Fannie Ilawkins, who has been teaching the past six months, near Faceville, Ga., has returned home, Qjiite a number of our subscrib ers renewed their subscriptions last week, for which they will please accept our thanks. The general examination lor teachers’ license will be held in the College Chapel June 29 and 30. All parties concerned will please take notice. Bargains in Shoes at Williams & [ones’ —going ut cost, for cash, tor the next 1 5 days. Don’t forget the all day singing in Cumming sth Sunday and Sa.- urday before in Tuly. Come out and enjoy some good mu>ic. Mr. Louis Wisdom, of Monroe, and Roy Humphries, of Atlanta, are visiting their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Edmondson. The Forsyth County Teachers’ Institute will be held in the Court House in Gumming July 2 to 6, Prof T. P. Tribbia conductor. The program will be published next week. J;Tlie Farmers’ Institute, of For syth county will be held at Gum ming July 26 and 27, lion. Harvie Jordan director. Program will he publisned later. ,f*\Ve unintentionally left out the announcement of Mr. J. Linton Heard, for Clerk of the Court, last week. However, it appears week, and you are requested to look it up and read it. I will he at Cumming ready tu make pictures by Friday, June 15th, and be there four days on follow ing 've k. Y ours, &C. H. J. Grogan. Bargains in Shoes at Williams & Jones’ —going at cost, for cash, for the next 15 days. Miss Bertha Kirby, who has been staying in Buford for the past four months, has returned home for awhile. Miss Alma Kirby lias taken her place at INIr. Pendley’s lam now in charge of Duffev’s mill and will bo glad to see all the old customers come back and as many new ones as I can get. E. M. Pilgrim. There are many striking exarn oles of the value of good roads. Wherever roads have been perma nently improved it is found that there has been a very great increase in value of the adjacent property. Don’t have the nerve to send items to this office announcing do ings gotten up for profit unless you want to pay for them. We sell our space and papers for a living. If advertising is worth doing it is worth paying for. Good roads will lead to the gen eral improvement of the country side. The farmer who drives to and from town over a spacious, smooth well cared for road will un consciously come to effect corres ponding improvements in the man agement and operation of the farm. If you know or hear of an inter esting item in the community, make it a point to see that it finds a place in your local paper. We should appreciate your effort. Any thing which tends to better or brighten the news service of a pa per makes it of so much more val ue to the community, and the sub scribers are the ones mostly bene fited therebv. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer; DeVoe. \n unoccupied man cannot he happy—nor can one who is im properly occupied. There are swarms of idlers in the world, that is m n who pursue no useful occu pation, and sponge their way, of ten living upon the hard earnings of others. In this gr ind and glo rious country no one need be with out an honorable occupation. Did you ever stop to reilect that it "was one thing to talk about peo ple and another thing to have peo ple talk about you? If those of us who use our tongues a little too freely, about our neighbors, would stop and reflect about this matter and know the great ev : l that comes from too much gossip and tattling, we are sure we would call • halt and gossip no more forever, r Our town has never enjoyed such a trade as it has the past few weeks, and it is increasing. T.e fact of the matter is our business men have got right down to business ] and are selling goods cheaper than they can be bought in any town of th : s size in the state, and the peo ple are fast finding it out and are coming here from adjoining coun ties to do their heavy trading. He didn’t have a dollar; be didn’t have a dime. His clothes and shoes were looking just as though they’d served their time. He didn’t try to kill himself to kill himself to dodge misfortune’s whacks. Instead, he got some ashes and filled five dozen sacks. Then, next he begged a dollar. In the paper in the morn he adver tised tin polish th t would put the sun to scorn. tie kept on adver tising, and, just now, suffice to say, he’s out in California at his cottage on the bay. There is a tine meeting in pro gress at the Methodist church be ipg conducted by Rev. Lucian Ro per, the pastor, and Rev. Mr. Con way and wife, of Cartersville. Three services are held each day. two at the ch urch, one at 11 o’clock and at night, and one on the streets at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Street preaching is something new for Camming, but the people are great ly pleased with it. Already great good has been accomplished. The meeting bids fair to be one of the best in years. Everybody cordially invited to attend. The investment by conservative citizens in business and residence property is a very good indication of the faith of the citizenship in the town. Their advance has been gradual but it has only been in keeping with the general prosper ity that has been prevalent in ibe town. People who formerly re sided here on their return visits are quick to see the change in condi tions. There is an atmosphere of good times prevalent. Just at this time the mail order houses are active in flooding the country with l ig handsomely got ten up catalogues, quoting attrac tive prices on staple articles and making all sorts of big sounding claims for your cash. They do not offer to exchange their goods for the farmers’ eggs, poultry, butter or other produce. They don’t trust a penny’s worth, but make you pay cash before you get the goods and the freight besides. If any- wrong with the goods or they do not suit, they will not ex change them for you. They pay no taxes into your city or county treasury, with which our schools are maintained, roads, bridges and sidewmlks built. They do not con tribute to our churches, charitable institutions, nor to our poor. (m) WATCHES! ©JEWELRY! SILVERWARE! SPECTACLES! B-1473. ■ ... .. f n I carry Railroad Watches Box 264 itcoa Ga t 0 Jewels, the highest box ZO4, loccna, Ua. grade ma de. They are ad tion in five positions and isochronism and guar teed to pass R. R. inspection. Eves Tested Free and correct lit of glasses guaranteed. J. L. PENDLEY, Optician. E"' M High Class por anything in the line of ?EHY WORK Don’t fail to see ns, or our representative, John H. Jones, before placing your orders. We can and will make com peting prices. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or mony re funded. We make a specialty of every thing made of mar ble. We earnestly solicit a share of your business. Yours for small profits and pleased customers, JONES & SONS, Old Shoe Factory’Building, * Gainesville, Ga. m ANY NEW IDEA jgx That is brought out in the /tog!!Ik. latest lasts coming from the A exclusive shops is soon seen contrasted with the Pat- For Sale by EDMONDSON & PIRKLE. Yesterday we were asked if we ever saw a baldheaded woman. We answered “No, ’ w° never did, nor did we ever see a worn in waltzing around town in her shirt sleeves with a cigar in her teeth, and loaf ing around the stores. We have never seen a woman go fishing with a bottle in her pocket, sit on the damp ground ah day and come home drunk at night. No r have wt? ever seen a woman yank off her coat and say she could lick any man in town. God bless her. she s not built that way. DR. BEN CLEMENT, DENTIST. GUMMING. - - GA. Will be at my office, here, from the 15th to the 30th of each moth. VV. B. HANSARD. DENTIST, BUFORD. ~ GEORGIA (Successor to Dr. 11. P. Hansard.) Office in Busha Building. Open, entire month. Latest methods in dental sur gery used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ex amination FREE. ' Try us on job printfng.