The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 02, 1908, Image 5

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i a Rose For Toe Livii g. i ro'tt tor llie i. , iiiii ,t fin * lie doiul alone. A i >st* now, a o', do io>t kep ali ci-a.-tint ove am 1 smiled up ani l our friend' rue (1 id and prepirvri the quint qi ive. l>-—t,,r bet 'ter —roli! heir 1 1v s inillovnr love fcDU ,ji>ve>. ‘'Kim) words car* nev*r die"—-peak kimii>, spoak m pro'/inffly, cheerfully, before h-- ear is dumb 10 all earthly sound', while yet t heir hear' 'Cm tie thrill eel and ech the music of Kindness Toe kind and approving tlnny sp ded up in rhe heir n> he 'aid after they are dead, say before, s . \ while they are liv'njr and nee 1 i lit sympathy and love hum m If-dii- ■>- alo-ie can give rh** r > > i h floWers intended for their ,ai i > 10 beauiity and cheer wane o-i u,, swe.-t echo may con • i> aa ■> you ; •do . U*li 111 111 I lowed pel : line ' Mink Y * ‘ * FRAUDULENT ADVERTISING. An interesting article on fraudulent ad vertising was presentrd at the last meeting of piano manufacturers and dealers in New York City last June. This article was written by Lewis H. Clement of New York and covered the entire field of ad vertising in a most practical manner as applied to the piano business. One of the special features, mentioned by him, was reference to the German and English laws with regard to mis-statements made and fraudulent representations in advertising and called special attention to the clause which refers especially to the placing upon any manufactured article any name other than that of the original maker as being subject to a heavy penalty such as fine or imprisonment, as it is a very common practice in the manufacture of pianos to deceive the public in regard to the real origin of the piano by putting false and fictitious names on the fall board and cast ing the same in the iron plate of the piano. Mr. Clement in his article deplored the fact that there was no such law in this country whereby every manufacturer of pianos would be compelled to cast in the plate of the piano and place in the fall board his own name showing the actual origin of the piano. In connection with this article, it is in teresting to note the advertising in this paper, inserted by the Bush and Gerts Piano Company of Chicago, which com .p3H*y —hac- -.■. n -a -strong fight through the Associations and has taken up along legislative action the question of in troducing laws, in this country similar to those in Germany and England, following the-trend of the legislation which comes under the head of the Pure Eood Lpw, which has been such a great protection to the public since its inception. Damo Berners, Fisherwoman. Dame Juliana Berners, prioress of the nunnery of Sapwell, near St. Al bans, England, was the author of the first book on angling iu the English language, printed in 1400. She gives a list of twelve flies, and now, after a lapse of four centuries, artificial flies, constructed after her formulas, would prove ns successful ns any of the up to date creations.—London Saturday T'eview, Hardship. <lnate—l hear you ■ doing? ■ Graduate—Oh, run sol cleaning Inkwells ■Ait Is, until my em p ' w-o to ask me out to his ’ in"">r. It’s pretty tough to lie tes with your social Infer if '’ness hours.”—Life, ! The Great Diarrhoea and Dysentery Remedy Cures acute and chronic diarrhoea, dysen tery, cholera morbus,“ summer complaint,” Asiatic cholera, and prevents the develop ment of typhoid fever. Same wonderful results obtained in all parts of the world. “WORKS LIKE MAGIC.” \y olwtn>.sS MWWWm Price 25 cents per box. Don’t accent a substitute —a so-called ‘‘just as good.” If your druggist hasn’t it aud don’t care to get it for you send direct to THE ONTARIO CHEMICAL COMPANY, Oswego, N. Y., U. S. A. SALLA^jIg is anew Dandruff Cure A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. We guarantee that this prepar ation will clean the scalp of all Dandruff. All we ask is that you who are affected with dand ruff, purchase one bottle and Try IU It is also a splendid dressing, perfectly clean, and very desir able. Makes the Hair strong, healthy, abundant and beautiful. For Sale by Druggists. SALLA ROSA MFG. COMPANY, Hancock, Mich. If your drug-gist does not have it send one dollar direct to us and we will send you a bottle prepaid. bAn| I suiter with indigestion TAKE PKOGPKO. liuhi’T sulTer from full stom ach after eating I TAKE PUG3PHO. DON'T have a headache I TAKE PKC3PHO. DON’T have that taste in your mouth in the morning! TAKE PHCCPHO. DON’T take Calomel! TAKE PMOGPKO. DON’T have “that tired ft--ling !" TAKE PHOSPHO. DGn’ l suffer with Stomach and Bowel Troubles! TAKE PHOSPMO. DON’T SUFFER WREN YOU DON’T HAVE TO! TAKE SHCSPF:O. GOARAN i E_D. Which means that if you are not satisfied with PhOSPHO you get back the 50 cents you paid for it. Directions with every bottle. THE GHILDREHS’S GUARDIAN. (THE DOCTOR ll\l YOUR HOME.) VICK’S Group and Pneumonia SALVE. (EXTERNAL) Endorsed by Registered Nurses and Physicians. Three Sizes, 25c. f 50c. and Si.oo. FAMILY SAFE-GUARD. Combined stimulant covering and per fect continuous inhalant, furnishing Antiseptic vapors for Respiratory Or gana with every breath. Results as tonishing. Relieves Croup in twenty minutes ; abortes Pneumonia in six hours. Also for Asthma, Bronchitis and Whooping Cough, Head Colds. Worth its weight in gold. Criminal to bo without It, Sold by druggists. Money returned if not satisfactory. Prepared only by VICK’S FAMILY REMEDIES CO., L. RICHARDSON, Mfg. Chemist, Prop., Greensboro, N. C. XMwI jffij IT i y ffinß SINGLE STRAP ItiikHmsss This is the mo3t perfect aud serviceable set of [jjness tc be bought anywhere for the price. 1: is made in Imitation Rubber mounting, with Kay Saddle and Griffith belly Hand; has solid wave turnback. Lines flat all black with spring billets. Every part strong and well made. We want to satisfy you that we can save you money by ordering from us. We will send any of our goods on approval, under guarantee. We manufacture Harness only and sell a better [uraiity of material than the ordinary dealer. Write direct to our factory and save money. UNITED STATES HARNESS CO., - Statesville, N. C. Hhe most popular of the age. Strictly high-grade, havlna ands of artistic endorsements from well known mu- til is. used In over tour hundred public schools and over hundred conservatories ot music. 1 JN.'ON LABEL PIANO MANUFACTURED] the name of the name of the manufacturers— [ Chicago, cast in tne plate. Buy no piano I the name of the real manufacturer cast in the f getting nothing but a stencil. IJ ‘ The Siory of the Stencil.’* Also make application and If iful souvenirs—sent flee. Agents wanteTin all TS. Sh Cm d ber e ?h t e^,me. tomer8 ’ freighl aD<l elpeuseß I £. GERTS PIANO COG TEMPLE, CHrCAGO.ILL. t ijjfe 1 * \ >. * .... \ . , ; e , •,-r ■>. ' • / 1 *—' ' ' ‘ • *> -* Pi**! L.. m; r.. 'iitfi*. s***~r\ ■ - * ' v < X s i t / \'G? . , / ’ i ...... J . I: /•> ‘ v • ' ■ ’ / ''t 1 ’ • . . -* ' ’ r if 1 t iy* *• • ■ S ■•x < v •/'. c - --..-ji Eii *K£ s’4/yiLk '' , ;\'V ,\ - /■. /, \ \:.f V-'y r==r= - ■vfciA / \ '/ / \ ■■- v , , j a rtasen y/hr. eS yoci atfCftsy wmaio cis about it, Wholesalo only. Address HIGH POINT, M. C. \ *-■ *jSSS-aSSR?, M nj PIEDMONT g • 1 solicited from lit. \ M PIEDMONT BUCCY CO., t B “ We sell them wherever we go; they go wherever tee tell them." Xj CRESCENT put mm Stoves and Ranges ifiMftnniliWftl Latest improvements— only the best oLmatenals used. Strongly built. Will give the best ot sat _.jpmSSaSggj J isfaction. Every CRESCENT Stove and Ra go B 'Sifl is accompanied with a full guarantee /.'l.:; flCvil Ask vour dealer to show you th CKtbCtNI Iffeggjf CRESCENT STOVE WORKS, Evansville, Ind. KEEP POSTED Keep posted on the politicnl news of the state and na tion. Read all {he news a few hours after it has reached the press. To do this you must have the daily papers. We are offering: The Daily Constitution from now till Nov. io, for .75 Daily Constitution, North Georgian, and new map of Georgia $ 5.75 Daily Constitution with Sundays, and The North Georgian, one year, 7-75 Sunday Constitution and North Georgian .75 Tri-Weekly Constitution, North Georgian and new map of Georgia (which has been selling ev erywhere for 2.00 and 2.50) for 2.00 Call at our office and see one ot these new maps. These prices aae strictly cash in advance. BULLAE cough and CUS3E the LUNGS w,th Dr. icing’s fe| ilssewarY IbR W <J L DS K fißottlifrce AftP ALL THpOP T AND LtlilQ TROUBLES. GUARAHIPFJ' D ‘3ATI3FAOTOKY OB MOTyjur tt77-. SOLETSEIBMYCURE Makes Kidneys c:id Bladder Right PATENTS and TRADE-MARKS promptly ootained ia | all countries, no fee. Wo obLam PATENTS I THAT PAY. advertise them thoroughly, at oi I exiKinse, and help you to Bi.ucess. i Send model, photo or sketch for FREE report I on iatntabllity. 20 practice. SUR- I PASSING REFERENCES. For free Guide j Book on Profitable Patent* write to 503-505 Seventh Street. I WASHINGTON, P. Q. D SWIFTS- fOLEYSHQNEMAS t.cpslhe coujjh and healslungt CHAS. L. HARK IS. At I I \KY AT I \w. v MMING, GA. ’Genera! practice in all the Courts, t Eli <•: Court House L. I). RHODES. DENTAL SURGEON. GUMMING GEORGIA GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: E E limn non, administrator upon the estate of Wifson N and Huldah .1 lilackatock, late of said county, deceased, has in due form applied to me for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de ceased. and said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordi nary for said county to bo held on the first Monday in October itK)B. Given un der my hand and official signature, this ilth day of September IJOH. H V JONES. Ordinary. Adiiiiiuatmtor’ft S;tl*. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. Bv virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Forsyth county, I offer for sale before the court house door, in said county, on the first Tuesday in October, 1908, next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property of William C. Crow, deceased, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 14th district and t't section of said county and state. Said land consisting of lots No 1251, containing 40 acres, more or less, except 20 acres of said lot which was deeded off to llenry W Crow on the north east part. Also all of lot No 1250 containing 40 acres more or less. This sale is made to satisfy the debts of William C Crow, deceased, and for distribution among the heirs. Terms of sale : 10 per cent of purchase price on day of sale, balance on Thurs day the 10th of December. 1908. R. M. CROW, Administrator. This Sept 7, it)o8. Administrator's Salt*. STATE OF GEORGIA— FORSYTH COUNTY. Be virtue of an order granted by the Court of Ordinary, of Hall county and State aforesaid, will be sold, at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in October, 1908. at the court house door in Cutn ming. Ga., between the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to wit : A tract of land situaP and, P ing and being in Forsyth county, about one and one hal miles from I!rown’> Bridge, known as the W.C. Crow old home place, bounded on the north by the !ud of Lir. George Brice, on the east by land of V.\ C. Crow, decvs'i t l . • which was t!, ** ;• . *.i ~■! i.i A. L.r Ay, .it* 1 1 s-'.iiti In', ■liueA I*l- ■ Nitiev t?r<r# itti 1 <- 'f 1 ite west by land of Marcus Walarup. Slid tract of land containing fill of land lot No 1227, and 15 acres more or les-, o land lot No 1226, which lies just north of and adjoin ing said land lot No 1227. 11 of sai ■ trac it land containing 55 acres more ~>r less. Said property being 'o'd as the prop •rty of Elizabeth A Cos . di; 1 ased, late of the county of Hall and rate aforesaid. Terms of sale : 10 per cent of purchase price on day of saie. Balance on Thurs day, the loih of December, 1908. This the 7UI day of September, 1908 H. W. CROW, Administrator of Elizabeth A Crow, Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. By virtue* of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county 1 will offer for sale, before the court house door, in the town of Gumming, in said county, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tues day in October next, to the highest bid der, the lands belonging to the estate of F M Holbrook, deceased, late of said county, part of what is known as his home place, containing one hundred and four teen acres more or less >n the 2nd district and Ist section in said county con-isting of lots No 37 and 108, an 1 a strip across the west Side of lots Nos 38 and 107 of sufficient width to contain seventeen acres off of each of said lots This prop erty lies well, is well improved, a good dwelling, out buildings and storehouse at splendid country stand, and may be sold in one body or divided into parcels and sold separate ly as the -’dministrator and heirs may determine by day of sale. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sai l deceased. Terms cash, but purchaser by paying 10 per cent of h's bid on day of sale will be allowed un til December Ist to complete the pay ment and title will be made when the full amount of the bid is paid. Possession given on or bv January Ist. 1909. A WHOLBROOK. Administrator. Sept 7th, 1908. Notice to Debtors anti Creditors. GEO R GIA—FORSYT H CO UN T Y Notice is hereby given to all persons having demands against the estate of Thomas Willingham, deceased, late of said county, to present them to tne un dersigned properly made out and prov en by the first day of April, 10ot*. And all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to us. Aug 2fi, 1908 F T WILLS, and J F HAWKINS. Extr's of T Willingham, dec’d. WANTED—Second hand bag-* and burlap; any kind, any quantity, any where; we pay freight. RICHMOND BAG CO., Richmond, Va. Adam wasn’t president, but Eve was ihe first lady of the land.