The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, October 02, 1908, Image 8

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THENORTH GEORGIAN Published every Friday by J. K, Kirby „ year - - - $!.oo 6 months - - 50 3 months • - - 35 Ebtered June 16, 1902, as second coxa mnttoj- pout rtf'p* l 9* Ga., Act of Congreaa of Mareh 3, iMTu, CUMMING,GA. OCT. 2, 1908. LOCAL MATTERS, Some cotton is being bought. Look for school notice iu next issue of the paper. Mrs. Jno, Phillips, has returned from Atlanta. We regret to learn of the illness of Mrs. (J. J. Brannon. Mrs. L. Y. Jones, of route 3, has been visiting Dr. A. Strickland, and family. We want a good correspondent from every district in the county. C iB and see us about it. Miss Rubv Bacon, of routed, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs W. A Edmondson this week. Mr. Claud Patterson, of Atlanta, was the guest of relatives m and near town last week Miss Susan Harrison, who has been visiting near Coal Mountain, has retn-ned home. The County School Commission er has two cards in tins issue which you are invited to read. Mrs Mamie Foster is reported among the number of sick this week. Read the advertisement of Mr. W. M. Glover, in this issue of the North Georgian. The Bank of Gumming has a statement in this issue which you are invited to read. Are you keeping up with ad vertisements in the North Geor gian ? It will pay you. Miss Alma Kirby, of Buford, spent a few days with home folks last week and this. Mr. Frank Light, of Buford, was a visitor in Gumming and route 8 recently. Mr. Berry Edwards, of Atlanta, has been visiting in and near town. Mis.; Addie Chatham is spend ing the week with relatives and friends in Gainesville. Mr. Henderson Estes is the guest of relatives in Gainesville, this week. The trustees of the Methodist church are grading and otherwise improving the church property. A Ladies’ Aid Society was or ganized at the Baptist church last Tuesday afternoon. School will not open until Occo ber the 19th on account of repair ing the building. The North Georgian regrets very much to learn of the serious illness of Mrs Grace Foster Hockenhull. Miss Ada Wham, who has been visithig in Cumming, has returned toher home in Atlanta. Misses Bessie Strickland, and Edna Ferris, of Atlanta, were the guests of Miss Charlott Strickland last week. For Sale—A two horse wagon nearly new, for sale. W ill give a bargain in it. A J Logan. Mat, Ga. Dr. George P. Brice le f t 27 insf for Washington I). C. to attend the International Congress on Tu berculosis ) 11st us like as not yi>ur w ife feels awfully poor because you car ry the purse and do not give her a fair show. She mnv want to make a few presents at Christmas and c<.n not even do that. You mean all well, but please be more thought ful. Lawyers stand up in court houses before jurors, in tin presence of large audiences, and denounce men as liars, scoundrels, thieves and prejured villians, and when court adjourns the men appear to harbor no ill will against them. But let a newspiper faintly intimate that a man’s character is blemished, and he has to confront a horse pistol, stand a libel suit or suffer what the people think to be the greatest of all mortifications —lose a subscrib er. Our garments are old, and tat tered and torn ; the soles of our shoos are shockingly worn ; the crown and the rim are gone from our hat ; our cupboard is empty — riot even a rat would sty'round the house for fear he would starve, or that we might think him a good chance to carve; and yet we ask nothing but what is our due; and if we but had it —perhaps,sir, from you—instead of this said tale of woe that we sing, we’d joyfully shout and live like a king. Notice—Colt Show, There will be a colt show in Cumming the first Tuesday in Oc tober. Every one having a colt sired by my hdrse is requested to be present on that day. A prize of $6.00 will be given for the finest colt, and a second prize of $4.00 for second Jbest. A cordial invita tion is extended to everybody to come out. C. M. Rider. Notice. A fine Jersey cow for sale, call on, or address, M. C. Jackson. Cumming, Ga Notice. All persons owing me either by note or account are requested to come in a:id settle at once as I am selling out to leave Cumming and all notes and accounts not paid at once will be put in the hands of an attorney for collection. J. F. DufTey. For Sale. Mill and farm, 3 1-2 miles from Buford; 20 barrel roller mill, two sets corn rocks, 147 acres land; water power, good custom ; best paying mill in the county. Terms easy. A. T. Green, Buford, Ga. Farm For Sale. My farm 6 miles south of Val dosta, on G. S. &F. R. R., 1-2 mile of R. R. station, consisting of 400 acres land, 250 cleared and 225 stumped. All in a high state of cultivation, growing both long and short staple cotton, corn, peanuts, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, velvet beans, hay, etc. All practically under wire fence, and has one good 7 room house, one good 5 room house, 4 tenant houses, large barn and out houses. Come and inspect it with crops on it. Price s2s per acre. Will also sell mules, tools and feed. ED, L- THOMAS, , Valdosta, Ga. Reference: Geo. L, Patterson, “Progress” Writes. M r. Editor : I have no desire to enter into a controversy with the Reverend S. C. Hawkins over the question of “Sunday Mails,” and write this only to deny most emphatically that anv “thrush” rnadr* Rev. Wills. I have a high regard for Mr, Will-, and did not have him in mind when I wrote the communication signed “Progress.” This being “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” every man and woman, after having at tended Divine services in the morn ing, and when dinner is o’er, and the mail is up. should have the free American right to read their let ters from friends and loved ones, and their paper, also, if they wisti. Of course, if there he a few who do not want theif mail on Sunday, why, they can wait and call tor it Monday, or. later, if they wi-b-uo compulsion about that. In conclusion, I suggest less Pur itanism, and more liberality and progressiveness ; and, my word for it, the churches and the town and county will be the better for it. Progress. Councilman Tatum. . Cumming , Ga. Dear Sir: Why shouldn’t the oldest business firm in America (we were established in 1754) make the paint that takes least gallons and wears longest? 67 F. W. DEVOE & CO. P. S. Buford Hardware Cos., Bu ford, sell our paint. Notice. The Board of Education will meet on Thursday, Oct. 15, 1908, at which time the question of changing the district lines of schools will be considered. All parties interested in this matter are hereby notified to be present on that day to render their com plaints and offer suggestions for the of the school ser vice. By order of Board of Education. C. L. Harris. C. S. C. Pulaski County Farms for Sale. We have a number of nice farms near Hawkinsville, ranging from 50 to 1000 acres for sale. There is no better county in the state than Pulaski in which to live. Our lands are very cheap and productive. Good schools and churches. Write at once for booklet of de;ciiption and prices. Hawkinsville Loan A Abstract Cos. Hawkinsville. Ga. T. B. Ragan, Pres., E. J. Tlenry, Vice |Pies., 11. E. Coates, Sec’y & A tty. •j % -rsggr~~ ■ — For Saie. : span of match mules, weighing 2500 lbs. Age is right. Call on R. A. Stowe, Cumming, Ga., R.F.D. 8 Also a Hoosier Drill and a lot of lumber. For Sale. Machinery, consisting of Engine, 2 Gins, Sawmill, and Gristmill, in good repair. Will sell at a bargain price. Apply to A. 11. Fisher, Cumming, Ga., for information. For Sale. One of the most desirable homes in Buford. Three fourths or a mile west of the depot. Convenient to good school, good orchard, good outbuildings, one tenant house. For further information write to or call on’A. T. Green, Bulord, Ga. And* then —some men are too good to be true, j STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF CUMMING, Located at Cumming, Ga., at the Close of Business, Sept. 23rd, 1908. Resources. Loans and Discounts, $92 790 85 Furniture and Fixtures, 1 98# 09 Due from Banks and Bankers in the State, 2906 44 Due from Banks and Bankers in other states 407 Currency, 1 379 00 Gold, 55 So Silver, Nickels and Pennies, t 711 52 Interest Paid 1 152 29 Total, $lO2 987 26 STATE OF GEORGIA—COUNTY OF FORSYTH. Before me came S. H, Allen, Cashier of Bank of Cumming, who being duly sworn, savs that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. S. 11. ALLEN. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 29th day of Sept 1908. J. H. PRUITT, JNotarv Public Forfyth Cos. Ga. FARM FOR SALE. Sixty three acre farm, hear Cuba, 41-2 miles north of Cumming. Fine strong land, lies well. There is about 30 acres in a high state of cultivation, about 33 acres in fine timber land. A nice location. Settlement carft be beat. Convenient to good schools and churches. Splendid seven room house, good out buildings, one tenant house and out buildings. Good water for both houses. Two good pas tures, wood and Bermuda, running water on the place. Any one desiring a dandy little home will do well to call on L L BROOKS. Cumming, Ga., R. F. D. /, Box 27. FOR A SHORT TIME! 300 pr shoes to go at cost —or below. Other goods that will sell under cost. Cheese —best —2 lbs 35c. 100 gal. syrup —70 gal. extra fine, retailing at 60c gal. this sale at 50c. 600 lbs tobacco —cheap —that must go. S. M. CHATHAM. SELLING OUT AT COST! I -am now selling my shelf goods out at cost. Come in and get all the goods you want while they are to be had at: cost. J. F. DUFFEY. Valuable Town Property For Sale. I am offering my home place on Canton street for sale. There is a good dwelling and out-buildings on the place. The dwelling has 6 rooms, hall and bath room. . All doors and windows and back veranda screened. The lot contains about three acres, fronts on Canton street 325 feet, has a good orchard. Anyone wishing to look at premises will be shown through any time. J. F. DUFFEY. Bank Block, Cumming, Ga. NOTICE! To the Public:-- I will sell my entire stock ot Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, in fact, everything, at cost, to close out or to reduce my stock. So call and get bargains while I have them in stock. W. M. GLOVER, Itley, Ga. Liabilities. Capital btock Paid in, $25 000 00 Surplus Fund, 6 250 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 4 018 84 Individual Deposits subject to Check, 16 953 89 ' Bills payable, including Time Cer tificates representing bot rowed Money 49 764 53 Total, $lO2 987 26