The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 16, 1909, Image 4

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of the eye and the pride of life can wish, and let the Lord’s work lag, and refuse to give the bread of life to the perishing nations of earth. Who is to blame for this sad condition of things? We must confess, says brother Hawkins, that the preachers are to blame in this section of the country, and especially the pastors.” That brother Hawkins gives us a sad condition of things is very apparent. That we are too\ slothful and neglectful on the mission question no one surely will deny. Bu‘ when our pastors are as serted to be the cause of the existing “condition of things” I rise to enter a plea of not guilty in their behalf. Let us notice the charge carefully as we enter the plea of not guilty for our pastors. First: “While we have a number of missionaries on the field it should be double what it is,” Are our pastors to blame for there not being ON the field? Our pastors through this section are continually preaching and exhorting the church and brethren to go preach the gospel to all nations. &c, Are the pastors. to blame for their HEARERS not working oi getting on “the field?” The Lord is calling, but what about the money, says brother H. Yes, indeed ; what about the MONEY, brother ? Are our pastors to be MONEY col lectors? lias the Lord made the pastors financial overseers? Are they financial shearers of the flock, or gospel feeders of the flock ? Does this responsibility not rest upon the deacons and church instead of the pastor, brother? “We have a heavy debt on 11s with those that are on the field,” says Brother Hawkins. Dear brother, are the pastors of the Hightower association responsible for this indebtedness? Did our pastors contract this debt? Are those pastors the collectors of money, if so, when made so? Did those pastors send or appoint those missionaries? Did they as a CLASS agree to support them? If they did not, then why are they to blame? Brother Hawkins, you ask is not this indebtedness a shame to Southern Bap tists? Suppose I should answer yes, Then the whole of the shame and disgrace would fall on the preachers and ESPEC IALLY on the pastors, where I contend it don’t belong. Now you ask again : “Are we going to continue robbing God as we have been doing, us’ng his money to satisfy our lusts? Most assuredly we will if we con tinue to have such pastors as at present, if your confession is correct Bro, Hawk ins. Again, it would seem that the are to blame for the lagging of the Lord’s work and refusing to send the bread of life to the perishing nations of earth. This is a very grave charge against our pastors, had it not been I would not have said a word, But dear brethren, I ask humbly to enter a plea of not guilty on behalf of every pastor in the Hightower association. 1 contend that the pastors, so far as lam acquainted, preach a full gospel, so far as time and ability will pel in it. “They shun not to declare the THE NORTH GEORGIAN Published every Friday by J, E, Kirby k year - • SI.OO ft months • • 50 3 months • - - 25 latered June 16, 1002, as second c<asa matter, post office at Cumming, Ga., Act of Congress of Msrh 3, 1879, We are not responsible for the views of our correspondents CUMMING, GA. APRIL 16 1909 Are Pastors Especially Guilty: F. H. TAILANT. In last issue of the North Georgian I notice an address to the brethren of the brethren of the Hightower association, signed by my beloved brother, C. S. Hawkins. That brother Hawkins and myself may be fully understood I quote the following from his article: “While we have a number of mission aries on the field, it should be double the number it is, and there is a number say ing send me ; the Lord is calling them, but. what about the money? We have a heavy debt on us with those we have on the field. Is it not a shame on us South ern Baptists, who have plenty of the Lord’s money to carry on his work with out debt? What are we going to do a bout it? Are we going to continue rob bing God of his dues as we have been doing, using his money to satisfy our lusts? We must have everything the lust whole council of God,” Is the gospel not self-propelling, i.e. is there not sufficient in the preached gos pel to promulgate the whole plan of sal vation ? We contend that our pastors preach the whole plan of salvation as contained in the Old and New Testament. Is this not so, brother Hawkins? Are THEY”, the pastors, not faithful shepherds? If not, say so. And point out what particular chapter, book or verse, they refuse to preach. Tell us is it in Matthew, Luke or John, or the Acts of the Apostles, or where is th'dr failure. Point it out. Again I quote from Bro. Hawkins’ ar ticle. He ayß “They fail to PRESS THE MATTER and insist on the churches doing their duty.” Do you acknowledge, brother, that our pastors a;e preaching the full gospel? If so,.is there not sufficient power in the WORD of God? Or is there some out side pressure? In other words tell our pastors how to PRESS THE MATTER. Come to Friendship and learn Bro In gram how to PRESS the matter of mis sions if there is something with more force than the gospel. Go to Coal Mountain, go to Sharon, and Pisgah and Hightower, if there is something lacking, my dear brother, and you know how or where to touch the electric button to turn on the mission current, by all means lets have it. Touch the button, my dear brother. If I could see wherein our pastors were missing the mark of the high calling as you do, I would push the work at once. It is your SACRED DUTY to show Is rael her sins and the Lord’s people their traugressinns. If you have found the disease and have discovered the healing balm now show those pastors how to ap ply the poultices so as to get a head on mission. Remember my position : Our pastors are not to blame for the existing THINGS that Bro Hawkins enumerates. As you must know I am neither deacon nor preacher, but what might be called a “bench m mber.” Now brother, take your seat by me for a few minutes. Let us look for some things that are actually calculated to cause a lag in mission conti ibutions. In the year of our Lord not many years since here appeared in the midst of the Hightower association a brother of large corporality and phvsn'cally great. From whence he came or whither te went the average '‘bench member” never appeared to know or care. He possibly could have come as near enjoying an Easter festive of eggs, etc. for 360 days in the year as any other man whose lot was ever cast in tiie midst of our association. T 1 is broth er pr ved to be a minister, and I will say as much for him as you sav for our pas tors, he MAY be a good man. This brother came as pastor of churches that had been sell suttaming, able churches. And soon us “bench members” discover ed that this pastor was on salary and he received a portion of his salary from our State Board. And thusly we became a SUBJECT of missions. We were not sustaining, so we had pastors quartered on us, not sent to our most cestitute churches but to those that were able to have paid their pastors sufficiently, There was one of two causes why this was done. Those mission supplements were either sent because we were not self sustaining or to PRESS THE MATTER of missions Does the Baby Thrive If not, something must be wrong with its food. If the mother’s milk doesn't nourish it, she needs Scott's Emulsion. It supplies the elements of fat required for the baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial food, then it requires SCOTT’S EMULSION Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired effect. It seems to have a magical effect upon babies and children. A fifty-cent bottle will prove the truth of our statements. Send this advertisement, together with name of paper in which it appears, your address and four cents to cover postage, and we will send you a “Complete Handy Atlas of the World. SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Pearl St. New York Better Not Get Dyspepsia If von can help it Kodol prevents Dyspepsia, by effectually helping Nature to Relieve Indigestion. But don’t trifle with Indigestion. A great many people who hare trifled with Indigestion, hare been sorry for It —when nervous or chronic dyspepsia resulted, and they have not been able to cure it. Use Kodol and prevent having Dyspepsia. Everyone la subject to Indiges tion. Stomach derangement follows stomach abuse, just as naturally and Just as surely as a sound and healthy stomach results upon the taking of Kodol. When you experience sourness of stomach, belching of gas and nauseating fluid, bloated sensation, gnawing pain in the pit of the stomach, heart burn (so-called), diarrhoea, headaches, dullness or chronic tired feeling—you need Ko dol. And then the quicker you take Kodol—the better. Eat what you want, let Kodol digest it. Ordinary pepsin “dyspepsia tab lets," physics, etc., are not likely to be of much benefit to you, in digestive ailments. Pepsin is only The Man Who Receives sl2 a Week for his"services may not be able to get a raise in salary just at present, but he can make an effort to save a little from his weekly pay. One Dollar will opeu an account at this bank and additional sums may be deposited from time to time. This plan has started many wage earn ers on the road to a competance. Why not you?] We loan you free of charge one of our vest pock= et Savings Banks, and allow interest at the rate of 4 per cent semi-annually. Withdrawals can be made at any time. A postal card from you and we will explain more fully. Bank of Buford, BUFORD, OA. So you see it was calculated to leave us “bench members” in doubt as to whether we are in the nominative or objective case, as to whether we are the agents, actors or doers of missions; or the ob jects who receive the result of the action Often as it? “bench members” were be ing fed by those supplemented shep herds on their hard corn we actually felt we were very near the subjunctive mood passive voice, Wa were suffering as we received, Clod knows our pastors were not reponsible for those half bred mis sionaries nor the dry eyed messages they delivered. This and a great many other things I could mention have probably had effect [Jat you are not aware of. I shall prob ably call your attention to in'the future. I have only entered a plea of not guilty for the pastors. • My manner of reply may seem a little bit rough, but it is just as mild as I could put it. The truth is what we are after, and let every fellow share his own blame. Don’t blame Bro. L L. Wyatt, my form er pastor, nor Bro. H. T. Ingram, my present pastor, for my inaction. Us “bench members” kmw the channel through which MONEY can be sent to China or elsewhere. We have seen the map drawing of those countries, The mail passes daily bv which we could send MONEY off for missions. Our pastors are not holding us. This is not the first time our pastors have been thrown at as standing in the way of the cause of mis sions. I can’t imagine a greater sin than it would be to stand as a hinderance to the spread of the gospel of Jesus. My beloved pastors, who have “borne the heat and burden of the day” you are NOT GUILTY. DeWitt’s Little E.irly Risers, the best known pills and the best pills made, are easy to take and act gently and are certain. We sell and recommend them. Dr. John Hockenhull. SOLD BY JOHN HOCKENHULL. a partial digester—and physics are not digesters at all. Kodol is a perfect digester. It you could Bee Kodol digesting every particle of food, of all kinds, In the glass test-tubes in our laboratories, you would know this just as well as we do. Nature and Kodol will always cure a sick stomach —hut In order to be cured, the stomach must rest. That is what Kodol does —rests the stomach, while the stomach gets well. Just as simple as A, B, C. Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today and get a dol lar bottle. Then after you have used the entire contents of the Dottle If you can honestly say, that It has not done you any good, return the bottle to the druggist and e will refund your money without ques tion or delay. We will then pay the drug gist for the bottle. Don’t hesitate, all druggists know that our guarantee Is good. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one in a family. The large bot tle contains 2£ times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol Is prepared at the labora tories of E. C. DeWitt & Cos., Chicago. You should not delay under any circumstances in cases of Kidney and Bladder trouble. You should take something promptly that you know is reliable, something like DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills. They are unequaled for weak back backache, inflammation of the bladder. rheumatic pains, etc. When you ask for DeWitt’s Kid ney and Bladde- Pills, be sure vou get them. They are antiseptic. Accept no substitutes : insist upon getting the right kind. Sold by Dr. John Hockenhull. Route 4. The North Georgian is our pa per. Will send some dots to show that route 4 is not dead. We heard the best sermon that was ever preached at Harmony Grove Easter Sunday. Sunday school is progressing nicely and we have some good singing there. Let every body come and join us at 3 o’clock Miss Maggie Dover reports a good time those few days spent in Gainesville. Mr Amas Evans and sister Ma tilda were the guests of Miss Maud Cain Sunday. I suppose the people are very busy at work, but never too busy to read the North Georgian. If this escapes the waste basket, will come again. Two School Girls. Professional Cards. IV. 15. HANS A AD, DENTIST, [BUSHA BUILDING] BUFORD, GEORGIA CHAS. D. HEARD, M. D: ( Diseases of Women and Children. Phone Connections. CUMMING, GA f E, O. DOBBS, Attorney at Daw, BE FORD, GA. Dr. M. F. M. KELLEY, DENTIST CUMMING GEORGIA Phone 43. CHAS. L. HARRIS. Attorney at Law. CUMMING, GA. General practice in all the Courts. Office: Court House. L. D. RHODES. DENTAL [SURGEON. CUMMING GEORGIA J. C. STONE, M, D„ Phg., CUMMING and ALPHARETTA, GA., R. F. D. Nos, 3 and 1. Calls honored in day time $1.25. At night $1.50. Obstetrics uncomplicated $5.00. Connected with all local telephones. Bring us your job work. We can please you • •♦•O'*- GEORGIA —FORSYTH COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: Johnson Wade having made application to me for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of Mrs Francis Wade, aiias Mrs Francis Fowler, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordi nary for said couuty to be held on the first Monday in May. 1909. Uven under my hand and official signature, this 18th dav of March. 1909 H V. JONES. Ordinary. _ * GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY, To ill whom it may concern: i C Fincher having made application to me foi pu ma ent letters of administration, de bonis non with the will annexed, up on the estate of S U Fincher late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordina ry for said county to be held on the first Monday in May. t ,, 09. Given under my hand and official signature, this 27ih day of Mar li, IWO9. H.V JONEs. Ordinary GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. To all whom it may concern: J. L. Dav. administrator upon the estate of Mrs Mary S Hawkins, late of said coun tv, deceased, has in due form applied to me f'r leave to sell the lands belonging to th ■ est te of said deceased, and said application will be heaid at the regular term of Court of Ordinals torsaid couu ty to be held on the first Monday in May, 1909. Given under my hand and official signature this sth dav of April, 190 q H V JONES, ■ Hi ' V ■nKr best. This is even more essential in buying a Piano as ■ Rnßr the reputation of a Piano is worth consideration. The BEST ■ fl Will will always be a source of inexpensive pleasure, where the poor v fMf instrument by continually getting out of tune and order, will be fjU an intolerable nuisance. Be wise and buy an artistic Piano to which (If class the COTE belongs. It has many superior features,— quality of tone, delicacy of ill touch, greatest durability and excellence of design. A scientific evenness and perfection n illj of scale which sustains an even singing and carrying quality throughout the whole in- II strument. Every instrument fully guaranteed. Ml Agents wanted in unoccupied territory. If we haven’t an agency in your section, JS/k write us direct and we will quote a price that will interest EDMOND COTE PIANO MFC CO. FALL ftIVEP , MASS,