The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 16, 1909, Image 5

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SPECIAL PRICES ON DENTAL WORK. Amalgam Filling, 25c and up Porcelain Crown, $2.50 and up Gold Fillings, 75c and up Plates, single, $4.00 and up Bridge Work, per tooth, $4.00 Partial Plates 3,50 and up Gold Crown, 4.00 Extracting teeth 25c All work guaranteed. As to my reputation, inquire ol the people who had me do work 18 and 20 years ago. lam a graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Col lege. I graduated in March, 1890. Come and see me. Dr. M. F. M. KELLY, Dentist STOP THIEF ! is what you would say if a highwayman knocked you down and robbed you or snatched your purse and ran. But what would you say if a burglar entered your home at night and un der cover of darkness, while you slept, carry away your wealth, from that “secret hiding place?” Every few days the papers contain accounts of jjust. happenings fre quently life being taken to get the money, and who will guar antee YOU against such a misfortune? Think and Act Now, before it is too late and aWays make it an invaria ble rule to keep your money in THIS bank. Our Bank is Safe, absolutely safe. The Farmers & Merchants Bank, of Cumming, Qa. Shadburn Banking Cos., Buford, Qa. “The Bank With a Backing.” ALLEN, BONA ALLEN, MRS. BONA A LLE V, MRS. BONA. JR. ALLEN, V H ALLEN, MRS, V H ALLEN, H W BROOKE, HON J P COLLINS, T L EDMONDSON, Leßoy FLOR, EDWARD HARRISON, THOS AV LOWERY, R J PIRKLE, T J POWER, IDA MAY PIRKLE, WILLIS Representing an Aggregate Wealth of More than $1,000,000.00. We solicit your business, large or small. Deposit your funds with us and draw 6 per cent interest until you have a better investment. Your money always available. W. B. SHADBURN, President. BONA ALLEN, Vice-President. N. S. ROBINSON, Cashier. E. A. WILLBANKS, Asst Cashier P. S.—A Notary Public in the bank for the convenience of our customers. Analysis of Fertilizers Sold by Cumming Oil & Fertilizer Company for the Year 1908. Analysis of Commercial Fertilizers is not beneficial to the farmer to the extent intended by the law making power. The state expends money to maintain a department, the duty of which is to give official information to the public of the anal ysis of all commercial fertilizers sold in the state during the current year. But this information is never accessible to the public until the fertilizers are utilized and the crops harvest ed. For instance, in buying fertilizers this spring for the pres ent crop, we only have the bulletin issued for the year 1908, and therefore do not know the commercial value of that same brand of fertilizer for the present year. Perceiving this disadvantage, for my own satisfaction, as well as the benefit of our customers, I have had our fertiliz ers analized and the analysis for this year is as follows: Available Phosphoric Acid 11-58 per cent Insoluble “ “ 0 62 per cent Total “ “ 12-20 per cetot Nitrogen “ “ 1-98 per cent Equivalent Ammonia “ 2-40 per cent Potash 2-85 per ceut Thus making the commercial value aetuallp found $21.06 By a careful reading of the above analysis it will be seen that the commercial value of our goods is $3.10 more than the commercial value claimed for them. SEPERINTENDENT OUR STOCKHOLDERS. ROBERTSON, JOHN T REDD, J J SHADBURN, W B SHADBURN, J L SHADBURN, T C SHADBURN, H L STREET, A J SMITH, J T SUDDERTH, L T TEASLFY, JOHN I TEASLEY, I O WILLBANKS, L A WILLBANKS, MRS L A WILLBANKS, E A Alternative Road System. Names of Forsyth county citizens and amounts contributed to annul ac tion of grand jury at adjourned term of Forsyth superior court, Nov. 1909. Amount contributed Feb 17, 1909: Those paying $2 00: Dr G P Brice. Those paying $1 00; Martin Dobbs, B C Fowler, Mrs S Hammonds, J H Thomas, Thos Tate, W M Tate, James Sanders, T J Pirkle, L Edmondson, R P Burress, Jas Willard, Oliver Owens, J H Owens, E A Bennett, Charles Cas tleberry, Thos Phillips, J N Evans, J H Monroe, J P Holbrooks, W P Wheel er, J C Mundy, X T Byers, Ira Wal drip, Charlie Thomas. Those paying 50 cents: Wiley Tessener, John A Kelly, J W Thomas, F B Henson, W A Hendrix, W W Kemp, C W White, A S Hughes, John Terry, Joshua Buice, R J Mould er, Pleasant Buice, A L Glover, Jacob Pirkle, J R Wall, A L Blanton, J F Bottoms, G AV Willbanks, Everett Parks, Roe Crow, Dow Bennett, Roe Hubbard, W T Crow, AV 0 Waldrip, AVillis Black,' T 1 Black, R H Cain, H Porter, AV A Fields, H P Mayfield, AV M Martin, J A Bagwell, J R Black, C D Crow, T H Attison, J B Smith, J E Gravitt, A AV Roper, C AV Owens, G AV Childers, A\ T A Tumlin, H T Jones, S B Jones, Jordan Smith, S T Phillips. R M Montgomery, H Smith, J H Castle- berry, AV T Gravitt. Those paying 25 cents: AV A Bennett, T J Bennett, J T Echols, J E McAVhorter, Claud Boles, N B Ca gle, C C Duke, J P Tolbert, J H Rob erts, A J Smith, G AV Kellogg, Looper Mills, AVm Mills, H C Heard, LAV AVofford, J H Jones, AV H AVestbrook, H A AVhite, E H Owen, S J Westbrook, | E H Patterson, A J Hardeman, C AV Jones, F D Tatum, AV H Mayfield, N R Brogdon, J E AVhitten, E D Brogdon, M M Martin, D AV Gravitt, AV F Orr, Erskin A\ r aldrip, Berry Bennett Max A\ T aldrip, H A Martin, H AA r Orr, J B Evans, Mose Ethridge, J B Baily, J AV Dunaway, AV P Pirkle, J T Garrett, Y J Martin, J Roach, AV S AVilson, AA 7 m Crow, JohnPendly, Chas Grinnel, Dan Pendley, O T Smith, Henry Owens, Monroe Jones, AV E Jones, John Robbs, J AV Neal, AV M Neal, AV B Pruett, G AV Honey, S J Jones, R N Hamby, J H Hays, J A Rider, L AV Hood, J H Ham by, H D Martin, T A AA 7 illiajns, AV J Thompson, J D Buice, A M Blackstock, AV M Glover, R G Buice, J AV Holman, AA r R Settles, J A\ 7 Boss, F S Andrews, P D Brown, W C Vernon, AV P Sloan, J L Duran, G F Thomas, AV C AVheeler, Thomas AVheeler, Charlie Graham, M A Smith, AV H Montgomery, Furman AVilliams, B P Stovall ; Chas AVillard 30 cents ; AA r J Mangum 17 cents. Those paying 10 cents: Ike Pendley, J L Mayliue, T J AVofford, C S Callahan, C E Martin, N E Banis ter, J L Martin. Oolered, 10c each: G P Roper. A L Smith, Quilis Slaper, Early Griffin, Gordon Strickland, Frank Slaper, G G Roper. The above list correct so far as list I received. There was one small list lost before handed in which will leave some names not accounted for; the money shows up more than contribution list. Amount and dates of [money paid in to Farmers and Merchants Bank ; Jan 25, 1909 $74 55 Feb 17, 1909 75 45 By W E Bell Feb 18 2 55 Feb 17 10 50 „ Total $163 05 Amount paid out: Jan 25 chk to H L Patterson SSO 00 Feb 17, chk to J P Brook 25 00 Feb 16 chk H L Patterson 25 00 March 6, chk J P Brook 25 00 March 6 chk to PI L Patterson 25 00 March 27, G M Owens 13 05 $163 05 As will be seen from above I have given G M Owen, chairman of injunc tion committee of alternative road sys tem check for $13.05, being total amt due by Farmers and Merchants Bank, and after paying expense of printing above list will dispose of small balance as the people may direct. This closes my work as treasurer, which has been performed to the best of my ability. Respectfully, A. J JULIAN. Up Before The Bar. N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pittsfield, Vt., writes: “We have used Dr. King’s New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medicine we wouldn’t be without them.” For Chills, Con stipation. Biliousness or Sick Head ache they work wonders, 25c. at John Hockenhull’s. Vfll T will always find M \mJ U on hand at my store a line of Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods of all kinds. Prices as low as the lowest. I have on hand a nice lot of Pictures and Frames at bargain prices. Also a big lot of Lunch Baskets for the school children and a nice assortment of Work Baskets for the ladies. Special: A lot of Table Oil Cloth at 15c and 20c a yard. I have overstocked myself on brooms and will sell fhe 30c weight for 25c and the 25c one for 20c. I also earry a nice line of good Jewelry. Come in and see me when in town at Duffey old stand. Yours to please, OSCAR HYDE. You Should See WHITE S SHADBURN, Buford, Ga. before buying your fertilizers. They have a large stock of popular brands, and will sell you a “High Grade” 10-2-2 for $19.00 cash or $20.00 fall dating. Other grades in pro portion. MAT CANNING COMANY. To our old customers as well as new: We have on hand a few more cases of Tomatoes for sale, in No. 2 cans. A home cannery, run by home people. Our cans are full and best grade. Send us your order for Tomatoes. We guarantee our price with all goods the grade of ours. We guarantee satisfaction or your money back. We think our people ought to patronize home industries. We are preparing to can for our country everywhere next season. We want everybody to give us a chance. Bring us everything you want canned and we will do you right and good work. M. O. Sexton & Cos., Mat, Georgia. DENTAL SPECIALTIES. (For White People Only.) Amalgam Fillings SOc Gold Fillings $1 to #2.50 Bridge Work per tooth $5.00 Plates, single, 7.00 Goid Crowns 5.00 Partial Plates $4.00 to 6.00 Porcelain 3.00 Painless Extraction 50 All work promptly and accurately attended to. Dr. L. D, Rhodes, Dentist. Cumming, Ga. Phone No. 4. Merritt & Hoclenhull, DEALERS IN All Kinds of Hardware, Dry Goods. Full Line of Groceries. jgeggga RIVAL AMERICA STEEL RANGE ery attract ' vc > n appearance and perfect in oper at’on - Of superior and careful construction. Made by skilled workmen, only first class material used, body i3 l|| made of NVellsville Polished Steel perfectly fitted, ings and duplex grate, f turns all kinds of fuel. L 3l- ? 6 Oven Door with Balance Spring. Heavy incovers and centers. Has many nickel parts, which makes it especially attractive. Made in four sizes, 14, 16, 18 and 20 inch oven and in * wo st y' es > w ’ f h or without reservoir. Ask your near -3 est dealer for special inducements that we are offering, or write to ns giving the name of yonr dealer. CHICAGO STOVE * RANGE COMPANY. Manufacturers. Chicago.