The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 16, 1909, Image 8

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LOCAL MATTERS, Mr. W. A. Harrison had busi ness in Atlanta this week. Mr E. L. Tatum spent a day or two in Atlanta first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Tatutn were in Gainesville first of the week. Mr. T. J. Pirkle was in Atlanta a few days of this week. See Dr. Kelly’s new prices in this issue. Rev. C T. Ivey spent a day or two of this week in Atlanta. Miss Charlott Strickland is vis iting in Atlanta. Col. C. L. Harris spent a day or two of last week in the Gate City. Mrs. Mary Brasleton, of Pen dergrass, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Puett, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkins visited relatives on route G Sunday last. It is said that the railroad is in fine shape, and that it is almost a sure thing- Dr. and*Mrs. L D. Rhodes vis iting in Milton county A day or two of last week. Mrs. A. G. Ilockenhull spent a portion of hist, week with relatives in Atlanta. Col. If. L. P ttfcerson and better half visited Mrs. Bacon and family on route G .Sunday. Edmondson Sc Pirkle are selling Highest Patent Flour at $3.20 and a good Half Patent Flour at $3.00 call and see them. Buy your Guano from J. G. Puett High Grade $19.50 Com mercial value $2106 actually found by State Chemists Messrs. W. R. &C. B. Otwell are erecting a large warehouse back of the store house occupied by Merritt & Hockenhull. Mr. H. W. Shadburn, of Buford, spent several days of last week and this in Cumming. FOR SALE —A good milk cow, Apply to Mrs. T* K. Tolbert, Cum ming, Ga. Mrs. Tno. L. Phillips is visiting her sister, Mrs. Oliva Hughes, in Atlanta. Mrs. Candler Clement and child ren, of Big Creek are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. TANARUS, Merritt. Mr. and Mrs. Major Nuckolls, of route 5, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Allen Sunday last- Mr. Frank Benson, of Flowery Branch, spent Sunday in Cum ming. The Farmers and Merchants Bank will pay you interest :n time deposited. We will sell for cash, Diverse Cultivators, for $4,50 Roman Har rows $2. 25 Little Joe Harrows $2. 2<5 ; Jones’ Defenders 50c. Salt 65c per 100 lb. Merritt & Hockenhull. Buy your Guano from J G Puett High Grade $19,50 Commercial value 's2loo actually found by State Chemists, Work of grading the ground, preparatory to laying the founda tion for the new bank was begun Wednesday. The old rubbish in front of the court house door, caused by the recent wind storm, is being clean ed away. Buy your guano from Gumming Oil & Fertilizer Cos, they are home folks and will appreciate your bus-1 iness. Several interesting communica tions were received too late for this issue. It is said that the road commis ioners have refused to accept as much as two thirds of the public roads in the county. Dr. A. Strickland was-in Atlan ta Sauday, where he went to see his sister, Vrs. J. B. Richards, who is very ill. E. L. Tatum has a car load of mules and horses just arrived, this (Thursday night) Call and see them. Deposit your money in the Far mers and Merchants Bank for three six nine or twelve months and get interest on it. of the Cummingites vis ited Sharon Sunday, and a few spentjan hour or two on old Saw nee. Mr. and Mrs. Mather Smith, and children, of near Coal Mountain spent Sunday with the family of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. -Smith. Mr. Linton Tribble, brother of Prof. T. P. Tribble, was a pleasant caller at the Georgian office Wed nesday. W. R. &C. B Otwell are carry mg the strongest line of clothing mens Hats Shirts Ties Suspenders ever before and they will sell them cheaper than any one else. Cumming Oil & Fert Cos. aje better prepared to supply your needs in Fertilizer than ever be fore. Call and see them. Buy your Guano from J. G. Puett High Grade $10,50 Com mercial value S2IOG actually found by State Chemist. Edmondson & Pirkle are selling some good Shoes at s°ts per P air > these specials will not last long, first come first served, only a small lot to close. We will sell for caso, Diverse Cultivators, for $4.50 Roman Har rows $2.25 Little Joe Harrows $2. 25 ; Jones’.Defenders s°c. Salt 65c per 100 lb. Merritt & Hockenhull. Miss Vada Heard, who hus been the guest of Mr. E. H. Tollison and family, has returned to her home on route 2. Miss Edna Barrett, who has been the guest of her uncle. Mr. A. j. Barrett, for several mouths, has returned to her home in Acworth. A large number of the younger set enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt at the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs E. H. Tollison Saturday evening last. See Dr. Kelly’s new advertise ment in this issue. He is certain ly knocking the bottom out of prices. The New pupils in Cumming Public School this week are Miss Capitola Brannon, Ruth Lipscomb, Una Branno, Naomi Lipscomb, and Mr. Earston Brannon. We are requested to announce that there will be an all day sing ing at Shady Grove next Sunday. Everybody invited to come out and help to have a good time. Messrs, W. M. and T. T. Tate were called by telegram to Whit field county Saturday last to the bedside of their brother, who is dangerously ill. Elsewhere in this issue will be found a notice of the Village Im provement Club, calling up'on the citizens to meet and agree upon a set time for a general cleaning up of the town. Let every one inter ested in the health of the commun ity heed this call. Now is the time. Don’t wait until too late. For any surplus money you may have it on nand, great or small, the Farmers and Merchants Bank will gladly pay you interest. Your attention is called to the advertisement of the Farmers and Merchants Bank, will be found in this paper. They will pay you in terest on time deposits. Our office was brightened Wed nesday afternoon by a visit from Mrs. T. O. Redd, of Cumming, Mrs. B. T. Monroe, of route 7, and Miss Lillian Dodd, of route 7. We will sell for cash, Diverse Cultivators, for $4.50 Roman Har rows $2.25 Little Joe Harrows $2. 25 ; Jones’ Defenders 50c. Salt 65c oer 100 lb. Merritt & Hockenhull. We are selling the best buggy of any one for the price. Home made “Dixie Blount” made in Atlanta. Satisfaction Guaranteed. W. R. & C. B. Otwell. Mr. W. W. Wehuut desires us to say to the people that the old Fincher Mill is now running, and is turning out some of the best meal in the county. He will do your grinding for a tenth, instead of the eighth, as heretofore. Among those who were callers at the Georgian office this week were Messrs. R. P. Thompson, of Alpharetta, route 1, and W. G Pil grim of route 4. We are always glad to see our friends. Edmondson & Pirkle say they havetbeen too busy receiving mark ing and arranging the most up-to date and probably the largest stock of Spring goods that has ever come to Cumming, to say much through the papers lately* They say they are now ready to offer this stock which is the propper merchandise at the correct price. Call and see them. We are requested to announce that the following is the line up of the Shady Grove base bad club for this year : —Clay Bagby S- S. and Capt. Otis Benson, r, f, and Mgr ; Claude O’Shields, 1, f Ansel Puck ett, p, and 3rd b, ; Homer Gaines, c.; Frank Benson, 2 b.; Ben Bag by. p. and 3b. Jas. Payne. Is b Lovik Head, c. f, Henry Pew, Sub ; Shelt Beard. Sub. They are now ready to play any team in North Georgia, and expect to play a game on the Cumming grounds at an early date. We have the nicest line of cloth ing we have ever shown over our counter, so come boys and see for yourselves and get a nice fit before they are picked over. We have $5,000 worth clothing to select from. W. R, & C. B. Otwell. Post Cards. Try a few Religious Post Cards 25 different kinds one cent each post paid. Rev. C. T. Ivey. Notice to Teachers. I have on hand 20 per cent of the amount due the teachers for January. You can get the same by calling at my office. C. L. Harris, C. S. C. Notice. The Street tax for the town of Camming has been fixed by the mayor and Council at sß.s° or 7 days work for the year 1909 for all subject to road duty. The 6ame to be paid by the Ist day of May, and if -not paid by said date all delinquents will be kouble taxes Please call on K. A. Kemp and get your receipt. C. L. Harris. Mayor. K. A. Kemp, Clerk. Miss Nettie Rogers, of Duluth, is the guest ot Dr A Strickland and famils Notice of Review Course. Several have asked me to teach a review course for two weeks just before the next teachers examina tion. ________ If a sufficient number wish to take it I’ll teach it for $1.30 for the two weeks. If you are interested please let me hear from you. T. P. Tribble. Legal Blanks. Call at the North Georgian office and get a supply of Justice Court blanks. Attachments, Garnish ments. Foreclosures, Fifas, Sum mons, Subpoenas, etc. WANTED: Second-Hand Bags and Burlap. Any kind, any quan ity, anywhere. Write for prices. Richmond Bag Cos,, Richmond, Va. Wanted—Teachers School teachers —I have the questions and answers of the last seven State school examinations in print. Will mail them all for one dollar. Descriptive circular free. B. S. HOLDEN, ? Box 27, Ellijay, Ga. Cleaning lip Day . The Woman’s Improvement Club re quests all who are interested in the' sani tary condition of Cumming to meet at the court hodse next Tuesday night, April 20th, at'B o’clock, for the purpose of discussing ways and means of clean ing up the town, and of fixing a date for a special cleaning day. This meets the hearty approval of t' e Mayor and Town Council. We urge all who are interested in the looks of the town, and what is more important, the healthfulness of the place, to be present, MRS. C. L. HARRIS, Pres. MISS LEILA BISHOP, Sec. 11 P Holbrook. Cuba , Ga. Dear Sir: The point is right here: Every job painted Devoe takes less gallons than of any other paint If any one doubts this statement he may paint half uis job Devoe, the other half any paint he likes If Devoe half doesn’t take less gallons and cost less money no pay. Youre truly 80 F W DEVOE & CO. P. S. Buford Hardware Cos Bu ford, Ga. sell our paint. There are a lot of people who would be willing to play the Good Samaritan were it not for the oil and wine and cost of keep, Announcement. Our Spring and Summer Millinery is being displayed. We want every one to come and see them. Shapes and styles the latest. A. hat to suit every face and purse. Thev must be seen to be appreciated. Our patterns are real pretty and are some of the prettiest ever shown here. New Lot of Waists. —Long sleeves, and prettily trim med with lace and embroidery. Every one fresh and dainty. Fannie A. Harrison . BAGLEY & POOL Have a full line of up-to-tfate GROCERIES. Cali Phone 3 and have your Respectfully, BALGEY & POOL. A Card of Thanks. We wish to express our gratitude to the neighbors and friends for the many kindnesses shown us in the last illness of our beloved hus band and father. Mrs. B. B. Spence and Family. A Card. The true physician is not called only to minister to the sick and relieve the suffering, but to a higher duty of pre venting disease and avoid 'the spreading of contagious and infectious matter. He well knows that personal ambition must be put in the back ground, the aim of his profession being not meiely to cure dis ease by the simplest method and keep people cured the longest length of time, but to prevent sickness and disease as far in as his power lies. Only a few are permitted to have a course in a medical college and learn how to prevent and cure sickness. So it becomes the duty of that few to use their knowledge, not as a means to gratify their personal ambition or greed, but to be the most practical aid to their fellow man who is dependent upon them for his health. The majority of people have neither the time nor the inclinasion to study hy giene, but there are a few simple laws which can be put before them in a prac tical wry which, if carried out, will pre vent much sickness which otherwise will come if these laws are disobeyed. Having been elected health officer of Cumming I shall endeavor to live up to this ideal of a true physician, and in a series of short practical articles to follow lay these laws before the people and ask : their co-operation in “cleaning out, clean in'* up and keeping clean” onr town, that we mav have the most healthful town in North Georgia. CHAS. I), HEARD, M. D., Health Officer. “I’d Rather Die, Doctor, than have my feet cut off,” said M. L. Bingham, of Princeville, I’ll, •‘but you’ll die from gangrene (which had eaten awaj eight toes) if you don’t, said all doctors- In stead he used Bucklen’s Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of Eczema. Fever Sores, Boiles, Burns and Piles astound the world. 25c. at John Hockeuhuil’s. AB otn SHOES. Lots of boys in this town work hard for the money to buy their own shoes and things. It they want that money to buy the very most it can buy in shoes, J. G. Puett’s is the place. Puett has the kind of shoe the boy wants. J. G. PUETT. “Walk-Over-Shop.”