The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 23, 1909, Image 7

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A CURE FOR FITS. £ re ) ? t P lent , I , s to Accomplish What Science Has Been StruK f gling to Attain for Centuries. The intense interest that has been mani j ii tbrou 8 h °ut the country by the won derful cures that are being accomplished daily by epilepticide still continues. It is really surprising the vast number of peonle who have already been cured of tits and nervousness. In order that everybody may have a chance to test the medicine, large trial bottles valuable literature. History of JLpi epay and testimonials, will be sent bv mail absolutely free to all who write to the i)r. Alay Laboratory, 548 Pearl Street, Mew York City. The epilepticide cure is creating great public interest, as well as among Doctors btudents. Hospitals and visiting Physicians! It isn’t a penitentiary offense to take the manners of a gentleman. flror HEADACHE —Hicks’ CA PtDIKK Whether from Colds, Heat. 9tomach or Nervous Troubles. Capudlne will relieve you. It’s liquid—pleasant to take—acts Immedi ately. Try it. 10c., 25c. and 50c. at drug •tores. He who lays on hands with faith lifts with least effort.| Throat Troubles Weaken the System. A serious illness is often brought on by a neglected sore throat. All throat troubles invariably weak en the system and should not be al lowed to go unchecked. A gargle made with twelve drops of Sloan’s Liniment in half a glass of ■water will break up a sore throat. Sloan’s Liniment is an excellent remedy for tonsilitis, croup, asthma and bronchitis. Applied freely to the outside of the throat and chest, it draws out the inflammation, reduces the swelling and relieves any sore ness. Twelve drops of this Liniment in half a glass of water makes a splen did antiseptic gargle. Mr. Albert W. Price of Fredonia, Kans., writes: —"We have used Sloan’s Liniment in the family for about a year, and find it an excel lent relief for colds and hay fever at tacks. Two drops of the Liniment in a teaspoonful of water will stop cough ing and sneezing instantly.” Mr. L. T. Hurst of Coatesville, Ind., R. R. No. 1, writes: —“I find your Lin iment the best remedy I have ever tried for sore throat, either for horse or man. I once cured a case of sore throat on myself the second day and almost the first night, which had con tinued for over three weeks, under constant treatment of three physi cians (I was traveling) and it was get ting worse.” A yawn in time may save a long stay. DOCTOR 'ADVISED OPERATION Cured by LydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Paw Paw, Mich.—“ I suffered terri bly from female ills, Baid thertf no Another Operation Avoided. Chicago, 111. —“I want women to know what that wonderful medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- Eound, has done for me. Two of the est doctors in Chicago said I would die if I did not have an operation, and I never thought of seeing a well day again. I had a small tumor and female troubles so that I suffered day and night. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and it made me a well woman.”—Mrs. Alvena Sperling, il Langdon St., Chicago, 111. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- Eound, made from roots and herbs, as proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, including displacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors, irreffta larities, periodic pains, backache, bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it. and the result has been worth millions to many suffering women. TOWER'S FISH BRAND WATERPROOF OILED ■ CLOTHING will give you full value for every dollar spent \ rn^P y \ A and keep you dry in ' k ,• the wettest weather. J/iii V SUITS *322 sSfL/J SLICKERS *322 Jj / In POMMEL 33 £2 f j L SOLO EVERYWHERE JU. 1 Lj ]_ ■CATALOG FREE 'fj gT^W AJ.Tower Cos. boston, u.s.a. • Tower Canadian Cos. limited Toronto.can. f\VHAT ' To Every Home * as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when .f how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor li e they enjoy the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome dtet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by ca-eful avoidance of every ous or objectionable nature, and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure ancT wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the remedy, I SyruD of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Cos I Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has come into general favor in many millions of I well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence Is based upon I per: Syrup k of o Figs d andE'lix l lr e of Senna has also met with the approval of physicians gen- I erally because they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs and Elixir o Senna obtained by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially, and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Cal ifornian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret I remedy, and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do © not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication. © Please to remember and teach your children also that tne genuine Syrup o igs and Elixir of Senna always has the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.—plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent I size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it I If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family I should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and (Ik. the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. „ PUTNAM FADELESS DYES w A • .. ThAv dve In cold water hotter than, any other dye. Yon Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any othordye. MO MUE UIISJG CO., Quincy, Illinois .an dye any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet—now to cm. n cue izarp Oil igty. I in your Cotton Fertilizer raenns ;'t * j‘r 7 j'r’A vigorous, well-wooded plants with t- 1 thrifty squares and well filled bolls. It 'flPy puts your cotton crop in a condition better J+iMrSXjjr \JjL to resist the attacts of insects and diseases. Get ahead of the boll weevils by planting an Aj||LgP “ y COTTON \ W I cultivating it thoroughly and fertilizing liberally with ■ ■ \ aS //a Potash Fertilizer. ... . . . . . ■ mt/fSiSL yflSßk \\/ i See that your commercial fertilizer contains at least 4* ■ WmlkWL \\ //l of Potash. If it does not, you can increase the percentage of ■ fKjSk \\\/i Potash by adding Muriate of Potash to your fertilizer. Every B ?!4 pounds of Muriate of Potash added to 100 pound* of m fertilizer increases the Potash If. m POTASH IS PROFIT V\||j| Send for Free on Cotton Culture I AMIS german kali works I tl I 1224 Candler Bldg.. Atlanta. Ga. I U \ 1 93 Nassau Btrset. New York. The patient in the office is worm two in the grave, Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to Pure Food and Drug Laws. Murine Doesn’t Smart; Soothes Lye Pain Bluster doesn’t always raise the wind. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists It isn't every theory that can stand up before a condition. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Svrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a tottle Many a man has been “skinned” without losing any cuticle. For COLDS and GRIP. Hick’s Capudut* is the best remedy— relieves the aching snd feverlshness-eure* the Cold and restores normal conditions. It s liauld-effeets immediately. 10c.. 2jc. and 10c.. at drug stores. ACCOUNTED FOR. Hyker—Ever notice what a large mouth Boastem has? Pyiker—Yes; and that mu 7 account for some of his broad assertions. — Chicago Daily News. Wr laagjpK in niJ You Look Prematurely Did An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. BACKACHE IS KIDNEY ACHE. Cure the Kidneys and the Pain Will Never Return. Only one way to cure an aching back. Cure the cause, the kidneys. Thousands tell of cures made by Doan’s WT S Kidney Pills. John C. Coleman, a prom \ incnt merchant of j Swalnsboro, Ga . , mf says: “For several nSjLyears my kidneys were affected and my back ached day and l night. I was languid, nervous and lame in the morning. Doan’s Kidney Pills helped me right away, and the great relief that fol lowed has been permanent.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo. N. Y. Talk scandal, and watch it grow. Garfield Tea has brought good health to thousands! Unequalled for constipation, liver and kidney diseases. Composed of Herbs. Buy from your druggist. if you must shoot birds, use a kodak. •Because of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Use “LA CREOLE” HAJR RESTORER. <*ooo, SI.OO, retail. Awful Condition “I am fully cured,” writes Mrs. Gertie McNeil, of Astoria, 111., “since taking Cardui for my female troubles. Tongue cannot express what Cardui has done for me. I was in awful condition. The doctors did all they could, but with poor results, and I thought that all there was for me to do, was to "wait for the icy hand of death; but I read your adver tisement about Cardui and I am so glad I did, for now I feel better than in three years. “Now my female troubles are all gone, and I have no more pains.” ™CARDUI OH 153 | The Woman’s Tonic iYou are urged to take Cardui, for your own good, i because it will help you. Its ingredi- Sents are harmless. Its action is gentle. It has been found to restore women’s strength and relieve wo men’s suffering. It will help you, foi the same reason, and in the same way, that it has helped others. All druggists sell Cardui. Try it. Faith is the eye of the soul. poll CHII.LH chronic Malaria, Typhoid and Uric Add Fdaons. excellent Tonic. App.tlier ; I.lve* stimulant, laxative and Bowel Antiseptic. I iru art under the mireo/dem/or ,rho dlacoiiercd Ant l■ ChilUn4* Srrui Svmvtomt. i to i week* treatment sent prepaid r |t.M. (rnl wanted Add'.ss Antl-ChlUlas Chemical Ca.. Utchmoud.Va. DAISY FLY KILLER gS3r£3 8.n.M.1. 1,0, ... Ir—On .■ !■ GRANDMA’S MEDICINE For Dysentery. Diarrhea, Summer Complaint and other stomach troubles of Infants, children and adults Put up In 50c. and 75c. bottles. GRANDMA'S MEDICINE CO., P. .oaia. - - - NEW YORK. _ distemper I fttra Pinkeye. Epliootic. Catarrhal Fa- ■ KV cnarrj \ Inlluumt, Coughs. Colds. ■ Hv OtiTtHPW A*o)\ ate ail prstmtad and ■ JOT COUOeCUktAK qulckhrccml hf Crake In.lemnet ■ [W 1 (fuerentead to care. &WI I A" JW ,1 pi at drumt.teer dir.*: prepaid. ■ SB jlVl t'JTI '■ VeteflnerT," u.w took. he". ■ Wnlla la., Laf) etta^ndj METALLIC , HEELS AND | COUNTERS Made of Steel > For Miners, Quarrymen, Farmers, and All Men who ao Rough Work. Can be attached to your old shoes, and will make them as flood as new. You can buy new shoes fitted with them. They will never i wear out. Lighter than leather, easy to attach. Any cobbler can put them on. ' Write for booklet that tells all about them. I UNITED SHOE MACHINERY CO,, 9 BOSTON, MABS. (At-17’09)