The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 07, 1909, Image 8

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LOCAL MATTERS.! I I l 'I-I-I-M' I 1 I -I-1-I-M-1-* Miss Charlotte Strickhnd is re ported quite ill. Several from the country were in to* a Tuesday. Mr. E. F. Smith was in Atlanta first of the week. Miss Mary Thompson, who has been quite sick, is better. Mr. C. B. Otwell is erecting a nice house on West End- Mr. J. L. Porter of route 5, Is again very sick, we are sorry to learn. Mr. Emory Chatham and sister, Miss Addie, spent Saturday and Sunday last in Buford. Mr. Joel Webb is improving his store room and dwelling by put ting on anew roof. A nice young lady has made her appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Tollison. Dr. and Mrs. J A. Otwell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Black, in Dawson county. The little girl of Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Heard, who has been quite sick, is better. Rev. L. H. Burgess and family of near Alpharetta, spent Tuesday with Mr. T. T. Pirk’e and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brannon vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Green on route 3 Sunday. Work is progressing nicely on the new dwelling of Mr. W. W. Kemp on the eastern side of town. Col. A. H. Fisher, who has been quite sick for eeveral days, is again able to be out. Mr. J. H, Stovall, Gainesville, route i, was a pleasant caller at the Georgian office last week. We regret to learn of the illness of the babe of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Shad burn report the arrival of a girl baby at their home. Mr. J. C. Fincher, of Atlanta, was visiting in town first of the week. Rev. T. T. Twitty filled his reg ular appointment at the Baptist church here Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Will Edmondson, of Atlan ta, iB spending awhile with his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Edmondson. Mr. W- A. Edmondson, of At lanta, was shaking hands with his old Cumming friends first of the week. Misses Pearl Terry, Maud Moul der and Yelvie Lee, of Suwanee, route 2, were callers at the Geor gian office Monday. Mrs. David Phillips, of Ports mouth, Va.. is visiting-her parehts, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Stephens, near Cuba. Mr. John L- Phillips is building another room to his dwelling, which will add very much to its appearance as well as convenience. Little Rex Edmondson, of At lanta, is spending awhile with his grind-parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Edmondson. Rev, L. H. Burgess will preach at Beaver Ruin the 6th Sunday in this month at n a. m. Everybody invited, Mr. J, M. Terry, wife and daughters, of Suwanee. route 2, were in town one day last week. Mr. Terry was among those who renewed for the North Georgian, Miss Matjie Merritt, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Merritt for several days, has re turned to her home on route 5, We are requested to announce that there will be an all day sing ing at Corinth next Sunday, May 9th. Everybody invited. Mr. Wesley P. McAfee and lit tle son, Charlie, of Chicago, 111., have been visiting in Cumming this week and last, the guests of Mrs. Emily McAfee and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Puett. The electrical and wind storm last Friday night did consid erable damage. Among other things it blew the new house, be ing put up by Mr. W. W. Jones, off the foundation. Col. and Mrs. A. H. Fisher were called to Norcross last week to the bedside of Mrs. Clifford Long, who has been very sick. She is much improved now, however. Mrs. Mattie Pierce and children, of Atlanta, part of this week in town, the guests of Mr, A. O. Bar rett and family, and Mr. and Mrs. F, C. Merritt. Among the large number who have recently renewed their sub scription was Mr. Eli Davie, route 5. than whom there is no cleverer man in the county. Remember that the Fanners and Merchants Bank, will pay interest on time deposits. £ "Mr. E. W. Mashhurn has just re ceived a nice lot of toilet prepara tions Call and see them. Buy your Guano from J G Puett High Grade $19, 50 Commercial value $2106 actually found by State Chemists, We invite the patronage of all parties who desires to open an ac count. F. & M. Bank. We are selling the best buggy of any one for the price. Home made “Dixie Blount” made in Atlanta. Satisfaction Guaranteed. W. R. & C. B. Otwell. Do you need a gasoline engine? If so call at the Georgian office, as we can save you money and fur nish you a brand new one, fully guaranteed. Buy your Guano from J. G Puett Hierh Grade $19.50 Com mercial value $2106 actually found by Stata Chemists With good faculties for the tran saction of every brrnch of the Banking business. We solicit your account, large or small, with the assurance that all business en trusted to us will receive prompt, and courteous attention. Farmers and Merchants Bank. For sale—two automobiles: one 5 passenger car and one 2 passen ger runabout ; in first-class running order. Call at this office. We have the nicest line of cloth ing we have ever shown over our counter, so come boys and see for yourselves and get a nice fit before they are picked over. We have worth clothing to select from. \ W. R, & C. B. Otwell. Beg to call your attention to the fact, that you can deposit vour money in the Farmers and Mer chants Bank, for Three, Six, Nine or Twelve months, and get inter est. Post Cards. Try a few Religious Post Cards 25 different kinds one cent each post paid. Rev. C. T. Ivey. Mrs. 11. C. Pool is reported on the siek list. We regret to learn that Mrs. De- Wilt Jones is quite sick. Mr. E. H. Tollison is in Atlanta this week. Deposit your money in the F. & M. Bank, where it will be abso lutelyjsafe and get interest. W. R. & C. B. Otwell are carry ing the strongest line of clothing mens Hats Shirts Ties Suspenders ever before and they will sell them cheaper than any one else. 2 Beg to call your attention to the strong Ad,” of the Farmers and Merchants Bank, found elsewhere in this issue. I will be at Cumming ready to make pictures by Friday eveing, May 14th, and remain 3 days on follywing week. H. J, Grogan. Among the callers at the Geor gian office this week was Mr. M. T. Wallace, of Spot. He reports the f armers away behind in his section, and on bis farm there has not been a cotton seed planted, and only five acres in corn. He is, however, still hopeful, as is ev idenced by the fact that he renew ed his subscription to the North Georgian. Your attention is directed to the statement of the condition of the Bank of Cumming to be found in another column of this paper. This is a first class showing, and one that will compare favorably with towns of more than twice the size of Cumming. Read the statement and see for yourselves. Notice to Mosons. There will be a special commun ication of Lafavette Lodge No 44 F. & A. m. on Saturday afternoon May 15 1909 at 2 o’clock sun time. All the brethren are urged to be present, as some very important business is to be attended to. W. S. Davenport, W. M. T. P. Tribble, Sect. Union Singing. There will be an all day singing at Friendship church the fifth Sunday in this month. All invited to come and bring all singing books. We will have Prof. Smith wick, Blackstone, Drummond, Webb, W. A. Myers. F. T. Wil liams and other good singers with us. Come one, come all. Let’s have one more good time. M, T. Wallace. Letter to R. P. Rogers. Cumming , Ga. Dear Sir : Here’s the paint sit uation at a glance : Devoe takes less gallons for a job than anv other paint. If not, no pay. Your? truly 83 F W DEVOE & CO. P. S. Buford Hardware Cos Bu ford, Ga. sell our paint. Legal Blanks. Call at the North Georgian office and get a supply of Justice Court blanks. Attachments, Garnish ments, Foreclosures, Fifas, Sum mons, Subpoenas, etc. If you expect to got the original Car. bolized Witch Hazel Salve you must be sure it is DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is good for cuts, burns and bruises, and is especially good for piles. Refuse substitutes. Sold by Jonn Hockenhull. Wanted—Teachers, School teachers—l have the questions and answers of the last seven State school examinations in print. Will mail them all for one dollar. Descriptive circular free, B. S. HOLDEN, Box 27, Ellijay, Ga. NOTICE. Any one wanting to raise fine mule colts call on 11. A. anc. W. M. White, We have- a fine Jack. I live twojmiles of Brown’s Bridge. I will not be responsi ble lor any accidents, but will do all I can to prevent any. Terms, $8 and $lO. W. M. WHITE. Flowery Branch, Ga., R. F. D. 1. Buy your Guano from J. G. Puett High Grade $19,50 Com mercial value $2106 actually found by State Chemist, Dainty Slippers. Girls never get too many Slippers. *They want pretty ankle strap slippers, a heavier patent tie for street wear. Puett has them all. Visit his shoefdepartment. J. G. PUETT. “Walk-Over-Shop.” STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF CUMMING, Located at Cumming, Ga., at the Close of Business, April 28th, 1909. Resources. Loans and Discounts, SBO 166 64 Banking House 6 000 00 Furniture and Fixtures, 1 999 °9 Due from Banks and Bankers in the State, 5 4& 1 7° Due from Banks and Bankers in other states 4 LS6 21 Currency, 1 00 Gold, " 3° 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies, IS6 15 Checks and Cash Items 7 06 Interest Paid 829 *7 Total, SIOO 725 02 STATE OF GEORGIA—COUNTY OF FORSYTH. . , . , . Before me came S. H. Allen, Cashier of Bank of,. Cumming, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true £id Bian!k, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. . Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of Notary Public Forsyth Cos. Ga. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Farmers & Merchants Bank, Located at Cumming. Ga„ at the Close of Business April 28th, 1909. Resources. Loans and Discounts 48 463 76 Demand Loans 1 4° 8 ° 6 Overdrafts 355 °5 Furniture and Fixtures 981 35 Other Real Estate 600 00 Due from Banks and Bankers in the State 12 568 44 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States 2 821 14 Currency 4 *73 00 Gold . 3° 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies t 00 Total $72 99i 4° STATE OF GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. Before me came M. W, Webb, Cashier of Farmers'& Merchants Bank, who be ing duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition o said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. w WEBB. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Ist day of ordinary. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK, OF CUNMING, GA., begs to call your attention to the following con densed statement at the close of business, April 23d, 1909: Capital Stock, $25,000.00. Stockholders liability 25,000.00. Available Cash 20,000.00. Profits 2,500.00. Total, $72,500.00. We solicit your account, small or large. We pay interest on Time Deposits. Farmers & Merchants Bank. INO. D. WALKER, Fres. W. R. OTWELL, V ice-Pres, M, W. WEBB, Cashier, HOYT BRANNON, Ass’t. To My Friends of Forsyth County: I want to say I have open ed up a nice Jewelry Store and Optical Parlor in Buford and will be pleased to have my friends and customers of old Forsyth to call on me in my new place of business in the Shadburn and Allen block, second door below Bank of Buford. I am handling a nice line of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware Spectacles and Eye-glasses. Send me your order for sew ing machine needles, with a sample needle, and get your needles by return mail. J. F. DUFFEY. WANTED: Second-Hand Bags and Burlap. Any kind, anyquan ity, anywhere. Write for prices. Richmond Bag Cos., Richmond, Va. Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid in, *25 000 00 Surplus Fund, 8 250 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 3 02 7 57 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State 5 000 00 Due to Banks and Bankers in other States 5 000 °°‘ Individual Deposits subject to Check, 27 183 9S Time Certificates 27 233 47 Total, \ *IOO 725 02 Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid in 25 000 00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid 1 389 00 Individual Dposits subject to Check 11 570 9i Time Certificates 10 031 49 Notes and Bills Rediscounted Bills Payable, Including Time Certificates representing Bor rowed Money 25 000 00 Total #72 99i 4°-