The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 15, 1909, Image 7

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HARLAN ONPROHIBITION! Supreme Court Justice Favors Constitutional Amendment. LAW PROTECTS SHIPMENTS At Present Police Powers of States Cannot Attach Liquor Shipment at Any Point of Its Journey. Washington, D. C—The only hope of securing absolute prohibition in states which desire prohibition is for congress to pass a constitutional amendment making liquor a special class in interstate commerce, accord ing to Mr. Justice Harlan of the supreme court of the United States. In discussing the Wilson law and its interpretation by the supreme court, he would not, of course, ex press an opinion on any pending mat ter of legislation. Mr. Justice Har lan said that under this law a man is protected in his right to order liquor for his own use from outside of the state, to have it delivered to his door, and to use it, so long as does not interfere with the rights of others. He was quite positive that the po lice powers of the state could not at tach to the liquor shipment at any point of the journey, either inside or outside the borders of the state. The states, he said, might under their po lice laws, forbid the importation of diseased food supplies, infected cattle or any article that would endanger the health and morals of the people. But, he pointed out, liquors were still considered, under the federal consti tution, legitimate articles of com merce, and as long as they were so considered they could not be made contrabrand by the states. This declaration of the venerable jurist, who has sat on the supreme court bench for thirty-two years, will be a blow to those who believe that congress can give to the state power conferred solely upon congress, under the constitution; or, in other words, can authorize a state, in the exercise of its police powers, to seize a ship ment of liquor which a citizen is im porting from another state for ‘‘con sumption, storage and use.” Asked if the legislature of a state could, in his opinion, pass a law mak ing it illegal for a person to have in his possession, even for his own use, a stated supply of ilquors, Mr. Jus tice Harlan was inclined to the belief that a state legislature could not limit the amount of liquor a man might have on hand. The power to regulate interstate commerce is lodged 'by the constitu tion in congress. Liquors have all along been, and are yet, regarded as legitimate articles of commerce. Until the protection granted liquors under the interstate commerce clause of the constitution is specifically withdrawn, no state has the right to seize and condemn such shipments. This is the reasoning of Mr. Justice Harlan. He said the Wilson law of 1890 did not interfere with the right of a citi zen in any state to have liquor ship ped to him. Furthermore, the liquor must he actually “delivered.” If a citizen of Georgia, for instance, can order 'liquor from outside the state and receive it to his own use and here comes the extreme point in his argument —he declared it as his be lief that the officers of a state could not afterwards step in and seize such shipments, even under a state law. For a state law to authorize such an interference, he thought would be un constitutional. While a state may not at present interfere with a citizen s right to have liquor in his possession for his own use, it unquestionably has the right to prevent the sale, keeping at one’s place of business for the pur pose of sale or’ giving such liquor away to induce tfade. As to the question of C. O. D. ship ments, or the introduction of liquor into a’ dry state in original packages, Mr. Justice Harlan said the interstate commerce character of such ship ments and the protection thereby en joyed ceased the moment the liquor was received and became mixed witn the mass of goods in the state. \\ lien the original package was broken up, the liquor could not then be sold without violating the law AMBASSADORS APPOINTED. Straus Will Go Back to Turkey. Other Changes. Washington, D. C. —Oscar S. Straus, formerly secretary of commerce and labor has been selected for ambas sador to Turkey, and W. W. Rockhill for ambassador to Russia. Mr. Straus was twice before min ister to Turkey. H© succeed® Ambassador LoisD* man, who goes to Rome in place of Llovd S. Griscom, who has expressed a desire to come home. LAKE BURN IN A NIUHT. New Inland Body of Water Has Eye less Fish. Silver Lake, Ind.—At a point three miles southeast of this city on the line between Kosciusko and \V abash counties, a subterranean lake has burst its confines and has submerged the highway to a depth of twenty feet and for a distance of more than one hundred yards. People who trav eled the road the evening before its appearance noticed no indications of the break, but early travelers next morning were confronted with a fair sized lake, where the solid road had been just a few hours before. Ihe new-born lake is alive with eyeless fish. i DYSPEPSIA MI'NYON'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY j ■eta almost Immediately on the Gastric Juices anil give* the stomach tone ana strength to digest almost everything that has been put Into it. It soothes sore ana Irritated stomachs that have been Impaired by physic and Injurious drugs. We cannot too urgently advise all persons who suffer from any of the following symptoms to try this remedy: Distress after eating, bloating of the stomach. Rising of the food, Waterbrash Sour Stomach. Heart burn. I.OBS of Appetite. Constipation, Dizziness, Faintness. Palpitation of the heart, Shortness of breath, and all affec tions of the heart caused by Indigestion. We want every discouraged and despon dent sufferer from Dyspepsia or Indiges tion to cast aside all other medicine and give this remedy a trial. If it fails to give satisfaction I will refund y°ur mo ney. MUNYON. For sale by all druggists. Price. 25c. THE DIXIE TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE Offers n complete course In TELEGRAPHY at half price during the month* of May and June Do a little- work; for us in your locality, helping us adver tise and we will give you a free poholarship. good to enter any time after Rept. Ist. Write quick, we need yon. R. R. RUDD, Mann Fer, Abbeville, Oa. The man who thinks he is witty gets a lot of self-approval. AN INTERESTING PAINTTEST. There is a very simple and inter esting chemical test by which to de tect impurity in paint materials. Thousands and thousands of people all over the country are making this test. It is a sure way to safeguard against the many adulterated white leads which are on the market. Any one can make the test—all that Is needed is a simple little instrument which can be had free by writing Na tional Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Building, New York, and asking for Houseowners’ Painting Outfit No. 49. The Outfit also includes a book of color schemes for exterior or interior painting, or both if you wish, and a set of specifications. No houseowner should make any arrangements for painting till he gets this outfit. One can’t expect a satisfactory painting job without pure white lead. There is a way to make sure you’re getting a pure white lead—without testing it. See that the keg bears National Lead Company’s famous Dutch Boy Painter trademark, which is a positive guaranteeof purity. Your dealer probably has this white lead. If not let National Lead Company know. “Teddy” has the lions on the run. Temperance is a shining light which scatters moral darkness. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Hollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hnn perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made bv his firm. Wadding, Kin nan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ingdirectly upon the blood and niucuoussur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by a" Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. There is usually more comfort in getting ready to take comfort than there is in taking it. Try Murine Eye Remedy For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes, Granulation, Rink Eye and Eye Strain. Murine Doesn’t Smart; Soothes Eye l’uin. Is Compounded by Experienced Physicians; Contains no injurious or Prohibited Drugs, fry Murine For \o u r Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. Try It in Baby’s Eves for Scaly Eyelids. Druggists Sell' Murine at 50c. Murine Eye Remedy Cos.. Chicago, will send Y’ou Interesting Eye Books Free. Thought makes the man; thought lessness unmakes him. Certainty, Convenience, Economy. Never has there been known a case where Mitchell’s Eye Salve has not given notable relief. A pure, harm less salve for application to the sur face of the eyelids; the simplest of methods with wonderful results. The price, 25 cents, places it within reach of all. Druggists sell it. A whisper of good impulse should thrust us toward the deed. For COLDS and GRIP. Hick’s Cafudine is the best remedy— relieves the aching and feverishness—cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It’s liquid—effects immediately. 10c., 25c. and 50c., at drug stores. Regret is the stepping stone to a man’s final salvation. Ask Your Healer l l 'or Allen’* Root-Ease. A powder, it rests the teet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen a Foot-Ease makes new or tightshoeseasy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac cept no substitute. Sample mailed Free. Address Alien S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. The tendency to a broader culture is manifested in our metropolis. ECZEMA COVERED HIM. Itching Torture Was Beyond Words— Slept Only from Sheer Exhaustion —Believed in 24 Hours and Cured in a Month by Cuticum. “I am seventy-seven years old, and some years ago I was taken with eczema from bead to foot. I was sick for six months and what I suffered tongue could not tell. I could not sleep day or night because of that dreadful itching; when I did sleep it was from sheer exhaustion. 1 was one mass of irritation; it was even in my scalp. The doctor’s medicine seemed to make me worse and I was almost out of my mind. I got a set of the Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent. 1 used them persistently for twenty-four hours. That night 1 slept like an infant, the first solid night’s sleep I had had for six months. In a month I was cured. W. Harrison Smith, Mt. Kisco, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1908.” Potter Drug & Chera. Corp., Sole Props, of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. Kicking against fate doesn't help any in the great moral uplift. EXCURSION RATE# To Louisville, Ky., and Return, for South ern Baptist Convention, May 13-SO, 1900, Via Atlanta, Birmingham A Atlantic Ky. Tickets will be sold May 10th to 13th In clusive with return limit May 2'2nd, 1909. Close connections at Atlanta and Birming ham with all lines for Louisville. Bee ticket agent. Blessed is the man who remains strong in his faith, honest in his prin ciples and modest in his speech. For his life, Heaven must ever keep the gates unbarred. THIS LETTER IS WORTH READING. “Gentlemen: —For live weeks I suffered intensely from a bad case of Eczema, which covered ray chest, stomach, hack and both arms. After trying three physicians and one skin specialist, and by uetual count twenty-nine different ointments and lo tions, I accidentally learned of Hancock’s Sulphur Compound and Ointment. As l was willing to try anything once, l pur chased a bottle of the Liquid and Oint ment. The first application gave me in stant relief from that awful itching in flamed surface of my skin. 1 persistently used this remedy for one week and at the end of that time 1 had hardly a trace of the eruption on my person. Jf any reader questions this testimonial as not being bona-fide and absolutely unsolicited, an in quiry addressed to the address below en closing postage, will convince any one be yond question. Waiiken U. Oakes, “108 So. Ohio Ave., Columbus, O.” Write Hancock Liquid Sulphur Cos., Proprietors, Baltimore, Md., for Booklet. Sold by druggists. Lacsk of a thing gives value to it. Phantom foes are most to be dreaded. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Svrup for Children teething,softens thegums, reduces infiamnra tion, allays pain, cure# wind colic. 25c a 1 ottl® Self-denial is a virtue which, carried too far, turns to spiritual egotism. Rough on Rats, unbeatable exterminator. Rough on Hen Lice, Nest Powder, 25c. Rough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq’d, 25c. Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25c. Rough on Roaches, Pow’d, 15c.,Liq’d, 25c. Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c. Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 25c. E. S. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J. Many a man who has no show thinks he is the whole menagerie. For HEADACHE—Hick*’ CA PIDINE Whether from Colds. Heat. Stomach or Nervous Troubles. Capudine will relieve you. It’s liquid—pleasant to take—acts immedi ately. Try it. 10c„ 25c, and 50c. at drug store*. Strength of character is far better than muscular strength. Those who keep Hamlins W izard Oil in the house do not have to buy any ether remedy for sore throat. No other remedy will cure this trouble so quieklv or so surely. Remember this. A long hair on a man’s coat never rests heavily on his conscience. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’* Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggist*. Throwing stones from glass win dows is just as dangerous. EARNEST ADVICE. Rev. G. M. Gray Feels It a Duty to Speak. Any person suffering with back ache, urinary disorders or other evi- dence of kidne >' trou hie may feel the ut most confidence in the following state ment made by Rev. G. M. Gray, Baptist clergyman,of Whites "l am the happy K&7 IST recipient of great re |j§! his lief from pain, gfl 'fa through using Doan’s Jig Kidney Pills. Five 1$ years ago when suf fering from distressing lumbago 1 took Doan's Kidney Pills and they removed the trouble, including em barrassing urinary ills. Doan’s Kid ney Pills are an honest remedy, and I feel It a duty to tell my experience, though not seeking publicity.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, N. Y. The man with a sharp tongue should mo wthe law 10 times before speaking. (At.2o-'Q9) Because of those ugly, grizzly, gray hairs. Use “LA CREOLE" HAIR RESTORER. Price, SI.OO, retail. A Rural Telephone should be installed in ~ J It keeps you in touch with the 'iVfjlflP' y doctor. It enables you to watch the market. It brings you closer to your friends. It runs your errands. It protects your home. Electric 1 “Bell” Telephones a ßei e Our Free Bulletin No. 102 on How to Build Rural Telephone Lines tells how you and your neighbors can, by cutting your own poles, secure all the rest of the material necessary to build the very best system at a cost of about one-half bale of cotton each. Cut out this advertisement, write your name and address on the margin, and mail (* Jjm gL -l at once to our nearest house, so that we can send you a copy of the bulletin. WESTERN ELECTRIC COM D>AP>TV . northern and Wttiem Officii Sountrn OfflctS The orM‘. olrjeat and large.t tele- Po . tnn Philadelphia Atlanta han nan City manufacturer. I here are ru .-r nhlcaim Pittslmrs Cincinnati Portamouth * 000.010 W-Ur. T.l.phc lion?/" siint Paul mil.. Saint I-ouis in ua in the Inited State, to-day. Ln. An telex Salt Lake Olt/ Dalla9 raint ixmiib Rural TaJaphona* ft Specialty New York Sin Frtncuico Indianapolis Savannah Omaha Seattle Women Suiter I much needless pain when they delay using Cardui I I for their female troubles. Cardui has been found to I j relieve headache, backache, pain in the side and diz-1 I ziness, arising from deranged organs. It does morel I than relieve, —if used persistently, —many have writ-1 j ten to say that it cured them. 1 I It Will Help You ifl Mrs. Maxwell Johnson, Tampa, Fla., writes: “Cardui cured me after doctors and everything else had failed. I had been suffer- I ing with numb spells ever since I was 16 years old. One day I S decided to take Cardui. I have now taken 5 bottles and I can say 1 that it has cured me. I advise ail suffering women to give Cardui H a long and fair trial.” Mrs. Johnson suffered years. Have you? Do you wish to? I 1 But why suffer at all? Take Cardui. Give it a fair trial. i I AT ALL DRUG STORES j yf -m~* B */?/)* FDD PHI II C Chronic Vlfltrla. Ivpluili m . /f "g g, j* M'Am /%/M lUH vlllLLfcJ and Uric Acid Poison*, ox Al/A AA MAr A ivA Am A AA'/~\ '•♦'bent Tonic Appetizer, i,lver Stimulant. i.ux ,MuAu WWS f A S AtL ' J Ative and Bowel Antiseptic, it needs only to be introduced to Mdi AGENTS WANTED! In every ioeallr.v to sell ro friend*. Write at once for special term, to first pere.n In neighborhood who will act ax’nur representative We have a special proposition to make vim and U will pay you to flu,l out w hat It Is. Wt shall not exnecr you to tell y. nr neighbors about it Addio. ANTI-CHI I.MSE OH KM ICA I. COW PAN Y. Klrhmmd. V. National S J]E! institute ATLANTA, GA. ESTABLISHED 1874. Tills Institute Treats Club Fr et. Diseases of the Spine, Hip Joint. Paralysis. Piles. S'stnln, Femaie anil private diseases. Hernia, Kheunrn tism. Urinary Organs, etc aend for illus trated circular. GRANDMA’S MEDICINE For Dysentery, Diarrhea, Summer Complaint and other stomach troubles of infants, children and adults. Put up In 50c. and 7.1 c. bottles. GRANDMA’* MEDICINE t., F. O. Box ‘2103, - NEW YORK. This Trade-mark T V Eliminates Ail Uncertainly in Ihe purehase of lAift. guarantee oi pur- ><y and * l,r y°* ir <,wil protection, see tjgfi.that it is on the side of every keg < J white lead J NATIONAL IEAD COMPANY 1902 Tr nity Building New T#i> sir SThompson’s Eye Water SHAFTING, PULLERS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA, GA. Has Your Distemper? jfsSMpb yK A ure and pmilivr rure for thra div e*se .*OB. CtAfTS rSTOITOI IX3 C2M CMit Remox e* ail tynaptoca*. Cure n IK certain and permanent. Gel a bottle to* da>- At druggiftt’a, or, send to ua for n. * r and 51 00. Send for our free book* l I'fSsWpS' i . WELLS M EDICINF. CO. * O Lafayc.Ua. Indiana BU WEARS ' ,/j i w- "/Wv / : aj* Si!! llfDekil^S •S3OO SHOES 5350 $4.00 The Reason I Make and Sell More Men's $3.00 ktA and $3.50 Shoe* Than Any Other Manufacturer $5.00 la because I give the wearer the benefit of tho Shoei most complete organisation of trained ex -52 00 perts and skilled shoemakers in the country. The selection of the leathers for each part of the shoo, $2 50 an<l ertr Y detail of the making In every department. Shoes l* looked after by the belt shoemaker* in the ihoe - . industry If I could show you how carefully W L Douglas sho*s are made, you would then understand $1 00 why b° l4 f heir shape, St better and wear 1 onger 9 t than any other make. ** no -’O' Method " f Ituning the Sc.'es makes them More um' ’ V Itexihte rut /. H>rrtn„ ■'■■in at y others. Shoe* for Kvery Member of the Family, Men, lioys. Women, Mlnue* and Children. For *ale by nhoe dealera everywhere. rAIITIDVi f N° m * genuine wi 1-out W. 1,. Dougins I;AU I SUn* ■ name and price Htampetl on bottom. Fast Color Eyelet* used exclusively Catalogue Mailed Froo. W L. DOUGLAS. 167 BPAP.K STREET. EROCKTON. MASS.