The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 21, 1909, Image 8

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LOCAL MATTERS, Mr. R. L. Tatum spent, the first part of the week in Waleska. Mr. W. W. Smith, of near Browne Bridge, was in town Monday. Miss Fannie Harrison is in At lanta this ween. Mrs. E. L. Tatum and daughter. Miss Florence, are visiting in At lanta and Marietta this week. Messrs. R. L. Barley and H. C. Poole went through the country to Atlanta this week. We postively guarantee where others estimate. See J. W. Ford of the Meridian Fife. Mrs. Ella Williams, and child ren, ot Ensley, Ala. are visiting near town. Deposit your money in the F. & M. Bank, where it will be abso lutely safe and get interest. Mrs. W. D. Benson, ot Flowery Branch, who has been visiting near town has returned home. Miss Cassie Brannon spent Sat urday and Sunday with relatives on route 7. Mr. A sherry Montgomery made a business trip to Marietta first of the week. You can be rich in mind, feeling and duty, will insure in the Meridian Life. See J W. Ford at Cumining, Ga. Beg to call your attention to the strong Ad,” of 'be Farmers and Merchants Bank, found elsewhere in this issue. Several from town attended ser vices at Haw Creek Sunday last, and singing in the afternoon. Buy your Guano from J. G Puett Hierh Grade $19.50 Com mercial value $2106 actually found by State Chemists Miss Laura Tatum was the guest of Miss Odessa Duke, on route 6, Saturday and Sunday. Rev. L. A. Henderson was in Commerce Sunday last, where he delivered one or two sermons. Clever E. R. Barrett, with the Davidson Pruitt Hardware Cos., Gainesville, was in town this week. Mr. Fra k Benson and Miss Claire Hawkins, of Flowery Branch, were the guests of friends in town Sunday last. Marriage is a hitching post. Be fore tying up, secure our youDg man's policy in the Meridian .Life. See J. VV . Ford. For sale—two automobiles: one 5 passenger car and one 2 passen ger runabout; in first-class running order. Call at this office. xieg to call your attention to the fact, that you can deposit your money in the Farmers and Mer chants Bank, for Three, Six, Nine or Twelve months, and get inter est. We have the plan perfectly se cured by the tame dollar that pro tects your estate, wife and babies, is a saving for your own old age. Ga the plan. J. \V. Ford, the Mer idian Life. Dr. A. Strickland is making brick for the Farmers & Merchants Bank at the rate of 22 per nnnute. and that’s making‘cm some. We invite the patronage of all parties who desires to open an ac count. F. & M. Bank. Mrs. J. H. Hawkins was a pleas ant caller at the Georgian office Monday afternoon. Remember that the Fanners and Merchants Bank, will pay interest on time deposits. Mr. E. W. Mashburn has just re ceived a nice lot of toilet prepara tions Call and see them. Buy your Guano from J G Puett High Grade $19,50 Commercial value S2IOO actually found by State Chemists, Mr. Motz and Mr. C. C. Foster, of Roswell, were callers at the Georgian office Wednesday. Ye editor i indebted to them for an automobile ride, Mr. Motz being agent for the E M. F. “30.” Letter To FT Wills. Cumming , Ga. y Dear Sir: Twelve words state the fact: Every job painted De voe takes less gallons than of any other paint. If any one doubts this statement he may paint -half his job Devoe, the other half any paint he likes. If Devoe half doesn’t take less gallons, no pay. Your truly 85 F W DEVOE & CO. P. S. Bufurd Hardware Cos Bu ford, Ga. sell our paint. Dainty Slippers. Girls never get too many Slippers. They want pretty ankle strap slippers, a heavier patent tie for street wear. Puett has them all. Visit his shoe department. J. G. PUETT. “Walk-Over-Shop.” OUR OBJECT Is to interest you in Cooking Oil. What articles compete with Cooking Oil in the bake shop? First: Butter. Too expensive for general use. Second : Lard. Higher in price, more required, and it is all animal fat. Third : Lard Compound. Thrt/e fourths of Lard Com pound (the best part) is cotton oil. The remainder, Oleo Stearine, is an animal fat and has little shortening value. Cooking Oil is the shortening to use; being purely vegeta ble is healthy, economical and pallatable. You will always find this fine shortening on sale at Edmondson & Pirkle’s. Brmer are you? ner Thi. farmer we.t to mrk.t I first telephoning and learning I s. The Telephone saves these | saves wear and tear on stock j and equipment, by connecting with the Bell Sys- | 1 tern the farmer can talk from his home to distant points. Under the Bell plan service can he secured 1 | at low cost. j For information and booklet write to J nearest Bell telephone manager or to Farmers* Line Department . feU 1 SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. L Jgt p) r-.-i SOUTH PRYOR STREET, ATLANTA, GA. WyliEpfe/ 1 With good faculties for the tran saction of every brrnch of the Banking business. We solicit your account, large or small, with the assurance that all business en trusted to us will receive prompt, and courteous attention. Farmers and Merchants Bank. Don’t forget that the editor of the North Georgian can save you money on anew gasoline engine. New Style Edison Phonographs ft Records for sale by S. G. CLEMENT, BIG CREEK, GA Write for catalogue and prices. Let us Equip Your ADD:. Y g' 'IU- ‘i4- ' 4 ■ I jkTvc *iH'l machine with gear attachment to play Amberol 4 minute Records, Mr. Edison’s latest Invention. Does not interfere with playing old style recor*is. S. G. CLEMENT, Big Creek, Ga. T will always find I V/ on hand at my store a line of Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods of all kinds. Prices as low as the lowest. have on hand a nice lot of Pictures and Frames at bargain prices. 5^ Also a big lot of Lunch Baskets for the school children and a nice assortment of Work Baskets for the ladies. Special: A lot of Table Oil Cloth at 15c and 20c a yard. I have overstocked myself on brooms and will sell fhe 30c weight for 25c and the 25c one for 20c. I also earry a nice line of good Jewelry. Come in and see me when in town at Duffey old stand. Yours to please, OSCAR HYDE. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Farmers & Merchants Bank, - Located at Cumming, Ga., at the Close of Business April 28th, 1909. Resources. Loans and Discounts 4S Demand Loans 1 408 06 Overdrafts 355 S5 Furniture and Fixtures 981 35 Other Real Estate 600 00 Du ■ from Banks and Bankers in the State * 12 56S 44 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States 2 S2l 14 Currency 4 173 00 Gold 30 00 Silver, Nickels and Pennies 81 80 Checks and Cash Items 1 206 00 j Total $72 991 40 Total $7 2 99 1 4° STATE OF GEORGIA—FORSYTII COUNTY. Before me came M. W, Webb, Cashier of Farmers & Merchants Bank, who be ing duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. M. W. WEBB. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Ist dhy of May, 1909. H, V. JONES, Ordinary. Shadburn Banking Cos., Buford, Ga. “The Bank With a Backing OUR STOCKHOLDERS. ALLEN, BONA ALLEN, MRS. BONA ALLE V, MRS. BONA. JR. ALLEN, V H ALLEN, MRS, V H ALLEN, H W BROOKE, HON J P COLLINS, T L EDMONDSON, Leßoy FLOR, EDWARD HARRISON, THOS W LOWERY - , R J PIRKLE, T J POWER, IDA MAY PIRKLE, WILLIS Representing an Aggregate Wealth of More than $1,000,000.00. We solicit your business, large or small. Deposit your funds with us and draw 6 per cent interest until you have a better investment. Your money always available. W. B. SHADBURN, President. BONA ALLEN, Vice-President. N. S. ROBINSON, Cashier. E. A. WILLBANKS, Asst Cashier P. S.—A Notary Public in the bank for the convenience of our customers. Phone No. 4. Merritt & Hockenhull, DEALERS IN All Kinds of Hardware, Dry Goods. Full Line of Groceries. Liabilities. Capital Stock Paid in 25 000 00 Undivided Profits, less Cur rent Expenses and Taxes Paid 1 359 00 Individual Dposits subject to Check 11 57° 91 Time Certificates 10 031 49 Notes and Bills Rediscounted Bills Payable, Including Time Certific ites representing Bor rowed Money 25 000 00 ROBERTSON, JOHN T REDD, J J SHADBURN, W B SHADBURN, J L SHADBURN, T C SHADBURN, H L STREET, A J SMITH, J T SUDDERTH, L T TEASLFY, JOHN I TEASLEY, I O WILLBANKS, L A WILLBANKS, MRS L A WILLBANKS, E A