The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 30, 1909, Image 4

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THE NORTH GEORGIAN Published every Friday by J, E, Kirby year • . . SI.OO 6 months . . . 50 3 months - - - 2^ Entered June lfl, 1002, as second ceiss matter, post office at Cumming, Ge, Act of Congress of Mar*-h 3, 1879, We ate not responsible for the views of our correspondents. Phone No. 44. CUMMING, GA. JULY 3O 1909 A Toast to Gentlemen The following toast to gentle men is banded in by a lady contri butor : Bless ’em! They halve our joys, they double our sorrows, they treble our expenses, they qua druple our cares, they excite our magnanimity, they increase our self-respect, waken otyr enthusiasm, nrsuse our affections control our property, and out-maneuver us in everything. This world is a dreary world without them. In fact, I may say without prospect of suc cessful contradiction, that without them tins wouldn’t be much of a world anyhow. We love them, and the dear things can’t help it; we control them, and the precious fellows don’t know it. As lius • bands they are convenient, though not always on hand; as beaux they are by no means "matchless.” They are most agreeable as vis tors, handy at state fairs, and indis pensible at oyster saloons- They are splendid as escorts for some other fellow’s wife or sister, and as friends they are better than women. As our fathers they are inexpres sibly grand. A man may be a fail ure in busmess, a wreck in consti tution, not enough to boast of as beauty, nothing us a wit, less than nothing as a legislator for women’s rights, and not very brilliant as a member of press, but if our father we overlook his shortcomings and cover his peccadilloes with the divine mantle ot charity Then, as our husbands, bow we love to par ade them as paragons ! In the sub lime language of the poet: We’ll lie for ’em, We’ll cry for ’em And if we could we’d lly for ’em ; We’d anything but die for’em, bile 100.000 Years Ago Scientists have found in a cave in Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 years ago, when life was in con stant danger from wild beasts. To-day the danger, as shown by A. IV. Drown of Alexander, Me., is largely from deadly disease. "If it had not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery, which cured me. I could not have lived,” 110 writes, “suf fering as 1 did from a severe lung trou ble and stubborn cough.” To cure Sore Lungs, Colds, obstinate Coughs, and prevent Pneumonia, its the best medi cine on earth, 50c and .SI.OO, Guaran teed by John Hockenhull. Trial bottle free. Starting in Life You are to leave and break away from all the tender ties of home, and go oik to seek your fortune in the world. Let us whimper a few words of counsel. We suppose you wish to be rich ; most people do. We don’t think riches desira ble. We should be sorry to have inherited wealth. But a compe tence is very desiradle, is indispen— sible. Well the way to get it is by forethot to plan, industry to exe cute, and prudence to keep the earnings of your work. Get what honestly earn, but never take more, Money is by no means the best thing in life. You are here in this world to become a good man. a wise man, a just man, an affection ate man, a religious man. Work lor your manhood as much as for money; take as much pains to get, and as much to keep it, Keep clear of voice, especially intemper ance. gambling and licentiousness, j These three ruin thousands ot young men every year- Be not gloomy, sour and stiff. Cheerful ness, gayety, liveliness and mirth fulness belong toyoui period of life. You will find little real pleasure in anything your conscience for bids. As you have opportunity, cultivate your mind and fore thought, prudence and industry will help you here as much as in getting money. And now would you prolong the sunshine of life forever? We must say to you there is no real happiness in life without religion. It is a restraint from doing wrong, an encourage ment to bo right, and a great com fort at all times of life. And fin ally. remember, though absent from the sight of the dear ones at home you will ever live in their hearts; and their ‘highest earthly wish will be that you may prove yourself a noble man. The best pills made are DeWitt’s Lit tle Early Risers, the famous little liver pills. They are small, gentle, pleasant, easy to take and act promptly, They are sold by J. IL Hockenhull. The Comfort of Being a Boy There is a comfort to be a boy in the amount of work he can get rid of doing. It is something as tonishing how slow he can go on an errand ; perhaps, he couldn’t ex plain to himself why, when he is sent to the neighbor’s for yeast, he stops to stone frogs. He is not ex actly cruel, but he wants to see if he can’t hit ’em. It is a curious fact about boys, that two will be a great deal slower about doing any thing than one. Boys have a pow er of helping each other do nothing. But say what you will about the general usefulness of boys, a farm without a boy would soon come to grief. lie is always in demand! In the first place he is to do all the errands, go to the store, post office, and carry all sorts of mes sages. lie would like to have as a wheel has spokes, and rotate in the same way. This he sometimes tries to do, and people who have seen him “turning cart weeels” along th ; side of the road have sup posed he was amusing himself and biding his tiwe. He was only try ing to inveut anew mode of loco motion', so he could economize his legs, and do his errands with great er dispatch. Leap-frog is one of the methods of getting over the ground quickly. He has a natural genius for combining pleasure with business. Tortured On A Horse. “For ten years I couldn’t ride a liorse without being in torture irom piles,” writes L. S. Napier, of liugless, Ky., “when all doctors and other remedies failed, Bueklen’s Arnica Salvo cured me.” Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Boils, Fever-Sores, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Corns. 25c, Guaranteed by John Hockenhull, Spain has adopted Postal Sav ings Banks and Parcel Delivery system. She is about six months ahead of Uncle Sam. Let us credit the trusts with some forebearance. The Ice Trust has not yet asked for a tariff on hailstones. DON’T WAIT jIF YOU ONLY KNEW HOW J would build you up, increase your weight, strengthen your weak throat and tangs and put you in condition for next winter, you would begin taking it now. Tuko it in a little cold milk or water 50c. and SI.OO. All Druggists . M eustanpa*p;.,o EEW or l and Eat What You want of the food you need Kodol will digest it. You need a sufficient amount of good wholesome food and more than this you need to fully digest it. Else you can’t gain strength, nor can you strengthen your stomach if it is weak. You must eat in order to live and maintain strength. You must not diet, because the body requires that you eat a suffic ient amount of food regularly. But this food must be digested, and it must be digested thoroughly. When the stomach can’t do it, you must take something that will help the stomach. The proper way to do is to eat what you want, and let Kodol di gest the food. Nothing else can do this. When the stomach is ' —rf st needs help; you must he-, qr giving it rest, and Kodol wi.. <lO that. SEUVE TO TOWN? 8 This farmer went to market. le in his home can telephone rips thus saved are worth the | of the Bell System the service s farmer owns the instrument 1 I and the equipment. Write to nearest Bell Telephone Manager for pamphlet, or address Farmers’ Llim Department I ' SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. if Jglll 53 SOUTH PRYOR STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Wt U I 13 I{i|| faITAKE THE PLACE OF CALOMELI || K*r- 'Vm I Kiirrjl They are not only a substitute, but a superior. Being Bpg I purely vegetable, they never sicken, salivate or eudan- WA ^|?| s er y° u in aQ y wa y- ah druggists, 25c. ‘wa laxaß Notice. There will be a meeting of the Farmers Union at Cumming on August sth, at 10 o’clock, a m. Let every vmou member be on hand. Business of importance. Henry T. Bardin, Cos. Pres. Notice to Masons. Silver City Lodge No 229, F. & M. will confer thp Eastern Star degree, Friday Aug. 6, at 9 :30 a.m. All Masons, their wives and daughters and sisters are invited. Public speaking in the afternoon. Everybody invited in the afternoon Henry T. Hardin, Sec’y. Get DeWiti’s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve when you ask for it. There are a great many imitations, but there is just one original. This salve is good for anything where a salvo is needed to bo used, but it is especially good for Piles, bold by J, H. Hockenbull. SOLD BY JOHN HOCKENHULL. Our Guarantee Go to your druggist today, and purchase a dollar bottle, and if you can honestly say, that you did not receive any benefits from it, after using the entire bottle, the drug gist will refund your money to you without question or delay. We will pay the druggist the price of the bottle purchased by you. This offer applies to the large bottle only and to but one in a family. We could not afford to make such an offer, unless we positively knew what Kodol will do for you. It would bankrupt us. The dollar bottle contains 25£ times as much as the fifty cent bottle. Kodol is made at the laboratories of E. C. DeWitt & Cos., Chicago. “He’s quite a classical scholar, isn’t he?” “Well, he’s backward In reading He brew.” “You don’t say? I thought he was good at that.” “So lie is. but that’s the way you have to read Hebrew.”—Exchange. Gov. Yon Yonson is for woman suffrage. You see You loves, Minnie Sota. , Electric ißiffers Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE * it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter. Notice to Contractors. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. THE wiDd storms that haye swept over the good county of Forsyth within the past few months have done a great deal of damage to property. A niong other things damaged and destroy ed was the wood work to the tower of the county’s court house, that part de stroyed comprising all that part of the same above the brick work. It is now necessary for that pair of the tower which was thus destroyed to be rebuilt. The work of rebuilding the same will, as per arrangements and r esign, necessi tate two separate and distinct contracts, One contract for the doing of the wood work and anothei contract for the gal vanized iron or metal work. Notice is therefore hereby given that sealed proposals, aDd this means sepa rate sealed proposals for each of the above mentioned contracts —that is to say. sealed proposals for the doing the wood work and also sealed proposals for doing the metal work, will be received by the Ordinary at hi? office up to 2 o’clock P- M, on the 16th day of August, 1909, sun time, for the rebuilding of that part of the tower of the Forsyth County Court House destroyed by the recent storms. The person or persons bidding on the wood work will do so with the understanding that the county will fur nish the lumber and the person or per sons bidding upon the galvanized iron or metal work will do so understanding that they will be required to furnish all such material required in the work, and that they will he required to furnish the best quality of material. The wovk to be done will comprise, a xnong other things the[buildingand com pleting of the present tower from the top of the brick work, except that the present cornice properly and neatly re paired v ill be allowed to remain for use, and extending upward approximately 40 feet. The wood work to include any and all things necessary and usual In order to make the work first class in every particular and when complete to pre • sent the appearance of a modern court house tower. The metal work will also be done so as to be first-class in work manship and. among other things is to continence at the top of the cornice sit uate immediately on the brick work ana extending upward is to cover the entire outside surface, except necessary open ings, of the rebuilt part of the tower. One opening of special notice is one to be left and properly fitted up about 20 feet above the floor on which is now sit uate tne hell of the clock where the contractor or contractors will be requir ed to place the clock. For minute par ticularization I refer all persons o the plans and specifications now of file in my office, Any and all contractors will be re quired to make and file with the Ordi nary their bonds, in double the amount of their bid, with good and suffi cient security for the faithful perform ance of their several contracts. The payments for this work will be made in county warrants drawn upon the county treasurer. The payment will be made in aggregate when the work has been fully and finally completed and the same has been accepted by the Or dinary and the Architect drawing the plans and specifications. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Done by order of the Court of Ordi nary sitting for county purposes, this July 7th, 1909. If. Y. JONES, Ordinary, Professional Cards. \S\y-\y- /.AAA^A/'yVVVVVV'^WVVVWWVWVVVVkA W, B. HANS A AD, 1) E N T I S TANARUS, [BUSHA BUILDING] * BUFORD, GEORGIA E, O. DOBBIS, Attorney at Law, BUFORD, GA. CHAS L. HAIUUS Attorney at Law. CUMMING, GA. General practice in ail the Courts. Office: Court House. J. G, STONK. M. 1).. PhgT, CUMMING an.l ALPHARETTA, GA, R. F. D. Nos, 3 and 1. Calls honored in day time $1.25. At night $1.50. Obstetrics uncomplicated $5.00. Connected witli all local telephones. Dr. M, F, M. DENTIST CUMMING GEORGIA Phone 43. T ;■< ' V PATE NTS 1i ?! 111 - 14V1 lUk ‘V'i - • a v -.('CaL'%*. Hiih.. .A ' ami TRADE-MARKS promptly obtained ini all countries, or no fee. Wo obtain PATENTS THAT PAY, advertise them thoroughly, at cvr I exjicnse, and lielp you to success. Send model, photo or sketch for FREE report on patentability. 20 years’ practice. £uR - ’ PASSING REFERENCES. For free Guid. Book on Profitable Patents write to SO3-SOS Seventh Street, WASHINGTON, D. Ct.