The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 30, 1909, Image 5

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. I hJ} so* J k A New Type Edison Phonograph The Fireside $22.00 Plays both Amberol and Standard Records. A perfect machine in every respect. Let us show it to you. S. G. CLEMENT, BIG CREEK, GA. Executrix’s Sale, GEORGIA-FORSYTH COUNTY. BY virtue of the authority granted me under the will of M, C, Jackson, late of Forsyth county, deceased, will be sold at public outcry, on the First Tuesday in September, 1909, at the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of land in said county, known as the M. C. Jackson farm, lying two miles north of Cumming. Said farm will be sold in two tracts as follows: First Tract—All of lots Nos. 979, 966, 907, four acres more or less in the north west corner ot lot No. 978, and four acres more or less off of west side of lot No. 967. Two acres more or less in the south west corner of lot No. 967. Six and two third acres more or less of lot No, 906. One sixth Undivided interest of lot No. 594, and eight and three tenth acres of lot No. 965, containing in all one hun dred and fifty five acres more or less. Second Tract—All of lot No. 1037, ten acres more or less of lot No. 1036, and twelve acres more or less of lot no. 1038, containing in the aggregate sixty two acres more or less. The first tract has a good five room dwelling house with out buildings and two 3 room tenant houses. There are twenty acres of good bottom land in high state of cultivation. This place will easily produce from five to six hundred bushels of corn and from thirty to forty tales ot cotton, Good pastures and plenty of timber. Second trrct has no buildings. There are about six acres of good branch bot tom, and the upland produces well. There is plenty of timber on this place, a nice location, on the Tribble Gap road, for a building site. Terms of sale cash, but purchaser can by p-'ying ten per cent down, have until January Ist, 1910, to pay remainder, at which time possession will be given and deeds made. M. S. JACKSON, Executrix of the Will of M, (J. Jackson, deceased. Butterfly—Magnificent, sir! There are scenes in your comedy that Shake speare could not have written. Capter—You are too kind, my dear sir, really. Butterfly—Not at all, sir. Take, for instance, that railway smash in the third act.”—London Globe. Take the North Georgian. Sheriff’s Sales. GEORGIA— FORSYTH COUNTY. Will be sold betore the court house door in the town of Cumming, in said county, at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August, 1909, what ; s known ps the ] H Buice acre of land, more or less, in the north west corner of lot No 872 in the second dis trict and Ist section of Forsyth comity, Ga., being all of said lot except that part belonging to Robert Thompson. This acre being rented the present year by Thurlow Buice, who is in possession of the same, and who has been given notice of this levy, May 27, 1909, by J T Bran non, L C, The above property levied on as the property of J H Buice under and by vir tue of a fi fa issued from the Justice Court of the 795th District, G. M. in fa vor of EL Tatum vs J II Buice said property pointed out by LL latum, plaintiff in fifa and levy made and re turned to me by J T Brannon, L C. Ibis the 29th day of June, 1909. W. W. REED, Sheriff. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. TO all whom it may concern: H Strickland, Jr., having made .appli cation to me for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of E Strickland, iate of said county, deceas ed, notice is hereby given that said ap plication will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in August, 1909. Given under my hand and official signature, this sth day of Jnly. 1909. H. V. JONES, Ordinary. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. TO all whom it may concern: L F & W C Westbrook, administrators up on the estate of W R Westbrook, late of said county, deceased, has in due form applied to me for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said-application will be heard at the regular term of Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Mon day in August. 1909. Given under my hand and official signature, this stli day of J uly, 1909. 11, Y. JONES, Ordinary, uoSpa r x ttiqd -[apnijqj—,73l patpno} J9A9U pun poj COOT‘ dn jtiOAV 9A\. ‘sqooi 31 su qpmo oq: jtsbti os RUSi ifqs oqj pq},, ‘innuojan •tnottuun oqj porjdoj ,/poa.reai p, ,Aqoo} noX dug oqj .fq u.iuoi no.f pip ‘aomqsui .10J ‘9SU, on jo st Sutuooquq siqj^,, Get your neighbor to subscribe fur the North Georgian Application to Prove Will. In the matter of 1 Applicat ion to Ann Hurt, Nom. [ prove will in sol- Executor of the ) emn form, Forsyth will of John Li Court of Ordinary, Hurt, deceased J July Term. 1909. To Samuel A Ballinger, Edgar Y Bal linger, John R Ballinger and Ira C Bal linger, non residents of the state of Georgia, and residents of Spartanburg county in the state of touth Carolina: You and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear in person or by attor ney at the next term of the Court of Or dinary to be held on the first Monday in August, 1909, and show cause, if any you have, why the paper submitted to the Court in the above stated case should not be proven in solemn form and set up and declared to be the last will and test ament of said John L Hurt, deceased, and admitted to record as such. Also that service of this citation is to be made upon you by publication thereof once a week for four weeks prior to said term of the court in the North Georgian, a newspaper published in said county. Given under my official signature, July sth, 1909. II V, JONES, Ordinary, GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNT!*. 'T'O all whom it may concern: J F X Hawkins and F T Wills, executors upon the estate of 1 homas Willingham, | late of said county, deceased, having [filed their petition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they cau, against the granting of this dis charge at the regular term of the Court of Oidinary of said county, to be held on the first Monday in August, i909. Given under my hand and official sig nature, this 7th day of July, 1909. 11, V, JONES, Ordinary. BUGGIES, SURREYS, WAGONS. We have in stock five or six cars of well selected vehicles. The cel ebrated Rock Hill, Durham, High Point, Piedmont and other brands ot Buggies. Ames Surreys, White Hickory, Kentucky and other good brands of Wagons. Just come along and bring your team, for we never let a cus tomer go away unsold. PIANOS AND ORGANS. We have just bought a solid car of Pianos and Organs and expect to sell them at prices that will certainly attract the attention of any prospec tive buyer. Don’t fail to see our instruments before buying. Sewer Pipe. We have in stock all sizes of pipe from 4 to 24 inches, and at prices lower than ever sold before. We can supply your wants in Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Paints, Lumber, Nails and all styles of Wire Fence. Let 11s know when we can serve you. Yours for Business, BUFORD HARDWARE CO., Buford, Ga. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. Will be let to the lowest and best bid der, on July the 9th, 1909. at 2 o’clock, p m„ the contract for rebuilding the wooden part of the tower of Forsyth County’s Court House; and also at the same time and place contract for the metal work on said tower, all metal used to be of the best quality. Sealedbids on each. The bidder is required to file with his bid a bond double the amount of his bid to insure the faithful perforin ance of his contract. The light to re ject any and all bids is reserved. P,ans and specifications on file in mv office, This June 10th. 1909. II V JONES, Ordinary. To Have Disabilities Kemoyed. Harrifon Bales vs Kate Bales Libel for Divorce iu Forsyth Superior Court, August Term, 190S. The yerdict for total divorce granted the 15th day of February, 1909. Notice is hereby given to all concern ed that on the 24th day of April, 1909, I filed with the clerk of the Superior Court of Forsyth county my petition addressed to said court, returnable to the next term thereof, to be held on the , fourth Menday in August, 1909, for the removal of disabilities resting upon me unper the verdict in the abovo stated j case by reason of my intermarriage with Harrison Bales, which application will j he heard at the next term of said court which commences on the 23rd day of August, 1909. KATE BALES. NO MORE HEADACHE. SALLADE’S Nerve-Alga Gold and Silver Headache Powders. A positive and permanent cure for all forms of headache and neuralgia. Is compounded by one of the best chem ists in the United States. Positively has no morphine or dangerous opiate in its composition and will cure the most violent headache caused by biliousness or nervousness in ten minutes if used as directed. It leaves the head clear and bright, and the strength renewed. There is nothing “just as good.” Can be taken by an infant and leaves no after affects. ' A few of the many testimonials we have received. G .Mrs. Dell Arevill, Madison, Wise., writes: 2 “Your Nerve Alga Headache Powders have en- R tirely cured me of Sick Headache.” I Mrs. Wm. Filmore, Albany, N. Y., writes: j! “ Nothing like your Nerve Alga Headache Fow ls dors. They have cured of Periodical Head- I aches. Would not be without them.” Mr. W. B. Pearl, Waseca, Minn., writes: “We could not bo without your Nerve Alga a Headache Powders.” 25 cents a foots at all druggists. Write for free sample. SALLADE CHEMICAL CO.,, - Wis. If you want good job printing, brsng it to us. Georgia School A of Technology ffi- GA. A TECHNICAL INSTITUTE of the highest /J 1/1 / \ gM fi rank, whose graduates occupy prominent M il/ yf LI and lucrative positions in engineering and Wlif* IAT J is commercial life. Located in the most pro- JijF 1 ■ gressive city of the South, with the abound. I i ing opportunities offered its graduates in the £h / aPi B South’s present remarkable development. ii A I P ' Advanced courses in Mechanical, Electrical, p r'yL I§ J ijjj Textile and Civil Engineering, Engineering II Ml I r \ Chemistry, Chemistry and Architecture. I ! JBi I /* 1 Extensive and’new equipment of Shop, Mill, If A II I I , B Laboratories, etc. New Library and new I / /11/ j*® Chemical Laboratory. Cost reasonable. ■/I j f | t Each county in Georgia entitled to 15 free scholarships. 9 // 3 / J Students received any time during the session. [S / [ / J For illustrated catalog, address It I 111 B K. G. MATHESON, A. M., LL. D., Pres. j&/ LU ATLANTA. GEORGIA Cz/ S' M - § Worry j Worley i our Engines, Windmills antlßßl jßftk JCS3 Stover Engine Works, jj jg| E. C. Atkins & Cos. Gen’! Agents, Atlanta, Ga. t... ’ - "WW-.V ■>; For Sale. A beautiful home in Cumming. 8 room house, with 8 acres ot lar i. This place is known as the Jno. F. Hawkins place, and is one of the most desirable locations in Cum ming. For further information call on A. I. Barrett. Cumming, Ga. Is this Uncle Sum’s country or Uncle Ntise A) lrich' 1 ? You 6ee. a girl nil by iherself with nobody but other girls gets awful lonely. The wise reads no hot— i weather food hints.