The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 30, 1909, Image 8

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LOCAL MATTERS, Phene U 8 the news Mrs. Josiah Redd is quite sick. Mr, A. W. Pruitt is visiting in Atlanta and Marietta. Sheriff W. W. Reid spent latter part of last week in the Gate City Miss Lucile Riden, of Mcßae, is the guest of Miss Lou Tatum. Mrs. DeWitt Jones, who has been quite sick, is better. Up-to-date-clothing at W. R & C. B. OtwelPs. Mrs. Annie Bell, of Eatonton, is stopping awhile in Cumming. Dr. A Strickland was in Atlan ta latter part of last week. Mr6. L. A. Henderson, who has been quite ill, is better. Mr, J. A. Hope visited Gaines ville Sunday. Col. J, P. Brooke and son, of Alpharetta, were in town Tuesday. Mrs. W. J. Duke, of Duluth, is visiting lier father, Mr. C. T. Kemp We are sorry to learn of the ill ness of Mrs. T. J. Pirkle. Some of the rural carriers are taking their annual vacation. Rev. Lewis Henderson preached at Maysville last Sunday. If you want to see South Geor gia, see W. S. Cobb, Tilton, Ga. Will sell you new Elgin and Waltham Watches at $4.90. E. W. JVlashburn. The “Dixie” buggy is just the thing. “There’s nothing like it.” ,V. R. & C. B. Otwell sell them. Don’t forget that the editor of the North Georgian can save you money on anew gasoline engine. Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Brown of Hastings, Fla., are visiting Mr. Henderson Estes, near town. Mrs. Ethel Riden. of Mcßae, is spending sometime with relatives on route 3, Rev. C. T. Ivey is conducting a protracted meeting at Oakwood this week. Mr, Joel Webb, who has been quite sick for several days, is much better, Mr. E. F, Smith had business m Buford and Atlanta first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Westbrook visited relatives at Buford last week. Watch and Clock Repair work as cheap and good as you can get it done anywhere. 15. W. Mash burn. A drscouDt of 10 to 25 °/o on all Clothing at W. R. & C. B. Ot well’s. Mr. Webb Shadburn, of Buford, was a visitor to Cumming this week, Mr. J. W. Wisdom, of Chipley, was the guest of relatives in town latter part of last week. Will sell you the best gold filled watch chain ever sold in Cum ming for si,oo E. W. Mashburn. We can save you money on a suit now-we [are selling cut our clothing. W. R. & 0. B Otwell. I will shingle childrens and boys hair less than 15 years old at 10 cents every day in the week ex cept Saturday. Regular price of 20 cents on Saturday. E. W. .Mashburn. Mr and Mrs CB Otwell and children are visiting in Atlanta. Rev. J, W. Hughes, of Novetta, ! preached at Methodist church in town Sunday. HMr. R. G. Welborn is erecting a substantial dwelling just outside the incorporate limits on West End. Rev. T. T. Twitty will com mence a protracted meeting at the Cumming Baptist church tonight, [Wednesday ) Misses Floride and Marian Smith, of Atlanta, are the guests of Rev. C. T. Ivey and family. f The many friends of Mrs. Luna Blackwell will regret to hear of her death, which occurred at her home in Mcßae, Ga., a short time ago. School Crayons iOc box; Black board Erasures 5c each, and a nice line of stationery at Edmondson & Pirkle’s Call on them, A pretty lot of wash dress goods that we are selling at just half price. W. R. & C. B. Otwell. If you are interested in South Georgia, write W. S. Cobb, Tiftou, Ga. Mr. C. B. Otwell has sold his new dwelling on West End to Mr. Z. T. Collins, of route 7, who will very likely move to town. Mr. Vick Riden, of Best wick, who is visiting relatives on route 8 and at Big Creek, was in town Tuesday. Mr. S. G. Clement, of Big Creek, tvas in to see us Tuesday. Steve says he is still selling the best phonograph in the world. Go to Heard & Otwell, HeardJ ville, Ga., for any and everything you want. You can come nearer getting it from them than any where. We are still selling the “Dixie” buggy, made in Atlanta. The best on the market for the money W.R. &C. B. Otwell. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Allen and Mr. and Mrs, Christian, of Bu ford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Edmondson Sunday last. Mrs, W, E, Shaw, Mrs, Lillian Kining and Miss Lucile Jones, of Atlanta, are visiting Mr. C. J. Brannon and family. Mr H, L. Hyde is greatly im proving the aopearance of his home on West End, by recovering and adding a gable to the roof. A suit of clothes bought from us now means a saving of from 10 to 2 3%. Come let us show you, even if you don’t buy, W. R. & C. B. Otwell. You can come nearer finding everything you want to buy at Heard & Otwell’s, Headville, Ga., than any other place in the county, or perhaps in adjoining counties, or perhaps in the state. We are requested to announce that Rev. L. A. Henderson will preach at Shady Grove the third Sunday and Saturday before, A cordial invitation is extended to all to come out and hear him. Edmondson & Pirkle have just received 120 dozen Mason’s Porce lain lined cap Fruit Jars. Half gallon 90c per dor,. Quarts 75c per dz. Cali on them and buy you some jars and save your fruit and berries. It will pay to save all these good things to eat. Do you need a gasoline engine? If so call at the Georgian oflice, as we can save you money and fur nish you a brand new one, fully guaranteed. Ribbon Tie Always our good friend, for it never grows out o’ date. Yet it expresses at all times the limit of grace and mod lshness. Until you feel its soft, light smoothness, and try its actual comfort,you’ve really but 6cant idea how much vou’ll like it. Always the “Walk Over.” J. G. PUETT. A nice game of ball wag played here Tuesday between Cumming and Buford, Cumming winning by a score of 4 to 2. Dr. Hard Harrell, of Gainesville, Texas, and Mr. Ed Harrell, also of Texas, are visiting Mr, Newton Harrell and family, ear Drew, Dr. Tohn Hockenhull and Dr. J. H. Hockenhull made professional and social visits to Dawson county Sund ly las*. Mrs. Edwards, who has been visiting her brother, Dr. John Hockenhull, has returned to her home in Dawson county. The game of ball between Cum ming and Dahlonega, which was advertised for last Saturday, was postponed on account of sickness of some of Dahlonega’s team. Several pretty styles in slippers at W. R. & C. B. Otwell’s. They’re just the thing for mid-summer wear. Mr. Geo. E. Westbrook has re cedtly bought the A. T. Green home place in West Buford. This is one of the most desirable places in Buford. You can come nearer finding everything you want to buy at Heard & Otwell’s, Heardville, Ga., than any other place in the coun ty, or perhaps in adjoining coun ties or perhaps in Georgia. If you want a farm in South Ga, any size, write me for prices, etc J. Frank Powell. Dealerin real estate, Vienna Ga. Mr. Lemuel Smith presented us last week with a nearly full grown cotton boll. The nine years old son of Mr. Ben Lamb died at his home near Coal Mountain last week of mini gitis He was sick only a short time. The bereaved have the sym pathy of all. Miss Tatum Entertains. One of the most delightful events of the past week was the party given by Miss Laura Tatum, in honor of her friend, Miss Lucine Riden, of Mcßae. The guests were Misses Lucine Riden, of Mcßae, Lethia Vaughan, Lou Tatum, Ina Mae Kirby, Messrs. Olen Merritt, Frank, Groover, Egbert Tatum, Minor Mayfield Arch Harrison, of Atlanta. Railroad Meeting. We are requested to announce that there will be a railroad meet ingat Silver Shoals next Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Let every one interested in the proposed rail road from Gainesville to Rome be on hand. For Sale. A good farm, containing 242 J acres, with two nice dwelling houses and good barns, and other out buildings. Known as the Y. P. Pool farm. For further infor mation apply to L. E. Guthrie, Cumming, Ga., route 3, HEARD S OTWELL, Heardville, Ga. \ Have just received a big lot of FURNITURE, and will close it out at very low prices. We also have a big stock of Rock Hill Buggies and Weber Wagons. to be sold at “hard times” prices. We have a large and varied stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, which will be sold very low. Come and see us. Respectfully, HEARD & OTWELL, HEARDVILLE, GA. GrO TO S. J. BUSHA, Buford, = - Georgia , and get your Gasoline and Kerosine Oil. Gasoline 12 1-2 C per gallon. Kerosine 11c per gallon. Put up in strong iron drums and full measure guaranteed- MONEY TO BURN. IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO BURN Keep it in the house where it may be burned, lost or stolen, but if you want to keep it safe ly where it will always be ready for you when needed, deposit it with us. A bank account will give you a better business standing in the community and a prestige that you may never have enjoyed before. If your name is not on our books, we will be pleased to see it there before the close of the year 1909. : FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK, OF.CUMMING, GA., The Maynard Player Piano fm is a truly good piano, containing concealed within it the Br most easily propelled and controlled, delicately expressive P r and satisfactory, and the most durable and simple- interior 'ml H player made. gj* , j. J M With no other player can as great a variety and degree of expression and natural musical effects be produced. Any '’§s*3 S standard 05 note Perforated Music Roll can be used in the Maynard Player Piano. Any one. even a small child, can make the change from player piano to ordinary piano in Double veneered cases in mahogany, walnut and oak. Send for souvenir catalogue, price and terms. R. K. MAYNARD PBANO CO., State and Adams Streets, Chicago, Illinois.