The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 10, 1909, Image 2

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THE NORTH GEORGIAN Published every Friday by J, E, Kirby i year • • SI.OO 6 months - . 50 3 months • • - 25 • Entered June 16, 1902, as second cents matter, post office at Cumming, Ga., Act of Congress of MarU3, 1879, We are not responsible for the views of our correspondents Phone No. 43. CUMMING, GA. DEC. 10. 1909. The next time you catch cold, give it something that will promptly and freely but gently move the bowels. In that way the cold will at once he driven out of the system. Kennedy’s Laxative L'ough Syrup moves the bowels prompt ly and freely, yet gently, and at the same time heals irritation and stops the cough. It is especially good for child ren. Sold by John Hockenhull. Goodbye Mother. It is recorded that when the plague broke out in a little village of Italy, the children of one house was taken first. Toe parents watched over them but only cuight the disease they 6ould not cure. The whole family died. Then a cross the street, in the home of a poor laborer, who was abser t all the week, returning only on Sat urday to bring his scauty earnings, the disease next began The wife felt herself attacked in the night by the fever. When morning dawned she was worse, and before night the plagued spot showed it self. She remembered the terrible fate of her neighbors. She knew she must die, but, as she looked at her dear boys, she resolved not to communicate death to them. She therelore locked the children m the room, and snatched the bed clothes, fearing they were already impregnated with the dreadful germs, and with them left the house. She even denied herself the pleas ure of a last embrace. Oh ! think of the heroism which enabled her to conquer her feelings and leave home with all she loved—to die! Her oldest child saw her from the window. “Goodbye, mother,” said he, with a tender voice, won dering why she left so strangely. ‘‘Goodbye, mother,” repeated the youngest child, stretching his little hands out of the window. The mother paused, ller heart was drawn towards those little ones, and she was on the point of rush ing back. She struggled hard, while the tears rolled down her cheeks, at the sight of her helpless babes. At length she turned from them. The children continued to cry. “Goodbye, mother,” until their voices d'ed away, and the mother with an anguished heart, entered the house of those who were to burry her. In a short time she died, and with her dying breath commended her husband and child ren to the care of heaven. Was ever other love like that? Only once, when for the plague smitten race it hung in bleeding mercy on the cross. Exhibitions of a moth er’s love, tho not so striking as this, are by no means rare. Live where she may. and how she will, “a mother is a mother still, the holiest thing alive.” The svmptons of kidney trouble are urinary disorders, weak back and back ache, rheumatism and rheumatic pains anu twinges, pains in the groin, etc. There is nothing as good for kidnev and bladder trouble as DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Tills. You may depend upon them to give entire satisfaction. They are antiseptic, act promptly and soothe pain, Sold by John Hockenhull m The best pill is DeWitt’s Little Early Risers—-the safe easy, pleasant and sure little liver pills, DeWitt's CJarbo lized Witch Hazel Salve is the original, Good for cuts, burns or bruises, and -especially for piles. Sold by John llock onhull. 111 nine cases out of ten, man’s life will not be a success if he does not bear burdens in his childhood. If the fondness or vai ity of father or mother has kept him from hard work; if another always helped him out at the end of his row ; if * instead of taking his turn at pitch ing off he stowed away all the time —in snort, if what was light always fell to him, and what was heavy about the same work to some one else, if he has been permitted to shirk, until shirking has become a habit, unless a miracle has been wrought h s Jife will be a failure, and the blame will not be half so much his as that of his weak and foolish parents. On the other hand, if a boy has been brought up to do his part, never to shirk his responsibility, or to dodge his work whether r not it made his head ache, or soiled his hands until bearing burdens has become a mat ter of pride, the heavy end of the log his choice, parents as they bid him goodbye may dismiss their fear The elements of success are his, and some time and in some way the world will recognize his capa city. Where is my boy tonight? You are his father or mother, and if you desire to lay your hands on your boy within five minutes any night, you wouldn’t know where to find him. He is on the street somewhere, or at the railroad depot jumping on freight trains, but just where, with whom, in what engag ed, what plotting or executing for the shrewder ones who plot for him, you could not tell for the life of you. He has a good home and he ought to be there at night. He desires to be somewhere else with the boys, and you lack the moral courage to insist that he shall be where he should be. You hope that he will escape the pitfall, but you know the chances are against him. Why don’t you do the boy the kindness to keep him at home nights? The time will come when he will thank you for u or reproach you for not doing it. - Sometimes. Sometimes ’he hasty word has been spoken,the sharp, snappish word been carelessly uttered in the home circle. The true wife’s heart so often bleeds at the bitter, thoughtless, but cutting word of a husband. When she is gone to heaven and he “weeps o’er her bier” he will retneinoer it. NURSING MOTHERS show the beneficial ef fects of Scott’s Emulsion in a very short time. It not only builds her up, but enriches the mother s milk and properly nour ishes the child. Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid food tonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to properly nourish their children. FOB SALE BY ALL DKOGGISTr- Bond 10c., jmmo of paper and thin ad. for onr beautiful Savings Bunk and Child’s Sketch-Book. Each bunk contains a Good Luck Penny. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. New York Women Suffer Agonies from Diseased Kidneys And Most Women Do This Not Knowing the Real Cause of their Condition These poor, suffering women have been led to believe that their misery of mind and body is entire ly due to “ills of their sex.” Usually the kidneys and bladder are re sponsible—or largely so. And in such cases, the kidneys and blad der are the organs, that need and must have attention. Those torturing, enervating sick headaches, dragging pains in back, groin and limbs, bloating and swell ing of the extremities, extreme nervousness or hysteria, listless ness and constant tired, worn-out feeling—are almost certain symp toms of disordered and diseased kidneys, bladder and liver. DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills have, in thousands of cases, been demonstrated as remarkably beneficial in all such conditions of female organism—affording the most prompt relief and permanent benefit. As an Illustration of what these Pills will do, Mrs. P. M. Bray of Columbus, Ga., writes that she was very ill with kidney trouble, and that she is now well —and that these Pills are what cured her. They are very pleasant to take, and can in no case, produce any deleterious effects upon the system —as syrupy, alcoholic, liquid prep § Stover Engine Works, E. C. Atkins & Cos. Gen’l Agents, Sometimes the finds no warm kiss of affcfton and sweet, cheery word of \ welcome at the door and fireside, when at nightfall he conies home weary and lieart heavv from toil which may have yielded small return. O, my friends, how bright our home ought to be! Kind words, loving deeds and pure affection shotild rule in them Are the little one* made to feel that home is the sweetest, cheer e;,t. best and bright ->st spot this side of glorv The Whigs. In United States history “Whig” de notes those who in colonial times op posed British rule. It is also the name adopted in 1834 by the survivors of the old National Republican party after its defeat by Jackson in 1832. In the opinion of these survivors Jackson was a worse tyrant than George 111. had been, and in their revolt against him they took the old name Whig. The party after gaining several nota ble victories made way in 1854 for the present Republican party. Whig Is a shortened form of “Whiggamor,” a nickname of the peasantry of the west ern lowlands of Scotland, derived from "whiggam,” a sound used by them in driving their horses.—New York Amer ican. A French scientist states that the island of Jersey, in the English chan nel, once formed part of the continent of Europe. Indeed, there still exists an ancient charter by which a certain ab bey was compelled to furnish the nec essary plank for communicating with the mainland at low water. Ukerdek What makes you think that he is a man of metal? Gobang— Well, he has a steely eye and a wiry beard. One of the Fiends—Pardon me, sire, but why do they call you Satan? His Diabolical Majesty—Ob, that's just au Old Nick name.—Cleveland Leader. II as King Edward begun to sneer at American women since he failed to catch Mrs Leeds and her millions for one of his pauper Dukes? SOLD BY JOHN HOCKENHULL. arations are apt to do. E. C. DeWitt & Cos., Chicago, 111., want every man and woman who have the least suspicion that they are afflicted with kidney and blad der diseases to at once write them, and a trial box of these Pills will be sent free by return mail postr paid. Do it to-day. After exposure, and when you feel a cold coming on. take Foley’s Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung iemedv, It stops the cough, relieves the conges tion, and expels the cold from your sys tem. Is mildly laxative. John Ilock enhull. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY To all whom it in j y concern: J A Stone, administrator upon the estate of M J Stone, late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite all- persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show causi, if any they can, against the granting of tins discharge at fftie regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in January. 1910 Given under my hand and official signa ture, this 6th day of December, 1909 11. V. JONES, Ordinary. Elizabeth Robins the eminent English authoress, writes about the English Suf fragettes She tells why they resort to the violence that lands them in jail. Save a little of your indigna tion for the chapters of “ The Beast and the Jungle” that are to come. Judge Lindsey hasn’t really started to get to the heart of his story yet. DECEMBER EVERYBODY’S Ask to see the frontispiece Foley’s Orixio Laxative For Stomach Trouble, Sluggish Liver and Habitual Constipation. It cures b£ aiding all of the digestive organs —gently stimu lates the liver and regulates the bowels —the only way that chronic constipation can be cured. Especiallyrecommended for women and children. Clears blotched complexions. Pleasant to take. Rcfuso substitutes. Mrs S Joyco, Claremont, N H., writes; ‘•About a year ago I bought two bottles of Foley’s Kidney Remedy. It cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble of several years standing. It certainly is a grand, good medicine, and I heartily recommend it.” John Hockenhull. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY^ To all whom it may concern : A W Holbrook, administrator upon the estate of F M Holbrook, late of said county, de ceased, laving filed his discharge, this is to cite all pe-sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, against the granting of this dis charge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary ot said county to be held on the first Monday in January, 1910. Given under my hand and official signature, this 30th dav of November, 7909, ' H V, JONES, Ordinary. Georgia— FORsmi county To all whom it may concern : Mrs G E Hardin having made application for 12 months support for herself and three minor children out of the estate of T A Hardin, and app aisers duly appointed set apart the same having filed their re turn, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in January, 1910, why said ap plication should not be granted, Given under my hand and official signature, this 30th day cf November. 1909. H, V. JONES, Ordinary, GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTyT To all whom it may concern : S N Poo!, administrator upon the estate of John Pool, late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition tor discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, against the granting of this discharge at the regular term of th# Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in Januaiy, 1910 Given under my hand and official signa ture, this 30th day of November, 1909. H. Y. JONES, Ordinary. Sherifl’s Sale. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. Will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Cumming in said county, within the legal hours of sale,, on the first Tuesday in December 1909, to the highest bidder for cash, the entire Stock of goods in the Store room, in said town occupied by S. M. Chatham, the present year, and known as the S. M. Chatham stock of Merchandise, consist ing of Dry Goods, Ready-Made-Clot’’- ing, Shoes, Hardware, Drugs, Canned Goods, Tobacco and other things usually kepLfor sale in a general Merchantile Store. Also the Scales, Show Cases, Gil Tank, Ice box, and other conveniences, used by merchants in such business. Afoo 1 Disc Plow, r Cuttaway Harrow, 1 Grain Drill, and 1 Thresher levied upon as the property of S. M. Chatham, found in his possession under and by vertie of, and to satisfy one Mortgage fifa from tne Super ior Court of said county in favor of the Bank of Cumming against said S. M Chatham, Nov 8,190 ft, Also at the same time and place, will be sold, one pair of large bay mules known as the A. J. Bryant mules named Lou and Jim, and one large Tennesee two horse wagon 2% thimble complete, levied up u at the property of S. -M: Chatham under and by virtue of, and to satisfy a mort gage fifa from the Superior Court of said county in favor of E. L. Tatum against said S. M. Chatham, Property described, in said fifa, W. W. REID, Sheriff Forsyth County Nov. 8. 1906. w i 11 ■ 1 [■umaMMn*c**n ■—l am- mum m NO MORE HEADACHE. SALLADE’S Nerve-Alga Gold and Silver Headache Powders. A positive and permanent cure for all forms of headache and neuralgia. Is compounded by one of the best chem ists in the United States. Positively has no morphine or dangerous opiatedn its composition and will cure the most violent headache caused by biliousness or nervousness in ten minutes if used as directed. " It leaves the head clear and bright, and the strength renewed. There is nothing “just as good.” Can be taken by an infant and leaves no after affects. A few of the many testimonials we have received. Mrs. Deli Arevill, Madison, Wise., writes: “Your Nerve Alga Headache Powders have en tirely cured me" of Sick Headache.” | Mrs. Wm. Fihnoro, Albany, N. Y., writes: s “N:)ihi’ ( like your Nerve Alga Headache Pow t-d -rs. 'i .y have cured of Periodical Head laches. Would not bo without them.” I Mr. vV. I>. Pi-ivl, Waseca, Minn., writes: “ W <; could 110 cbe without your Nerve Alga Headache Powders.” 2S ccn*s box at all druggists. Write for free sample. S 3ALLADE CHEMiCAL CO., IFond-du-Lac, - Wis. s " M ' MW ■iwuairvvt > ’aa. vmjmmrmnaawmmmmmnmmmmmaKmmm Fom’3 feMAMiivi For Stomach TroeatE. and'Constipation.