The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 13, 1917, Image 1

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VOL. XX VI IT. * %;ocaZ and personal. % Clean up. Paint up. Swat the fly. Swat him again. Next week is clean up week, Miss Grace Heard is reported quite sick at this writing. Mr. J. B. Patterson spent Mon day and Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. Thos. Driggers spent from Saturday until Monday in Atlan ta. Messrs. R. E. Hope and R. T. Shadburn were in Atlanta Satur day. • Mrs. Sallie Tatum has returned from an extended visit to rela tives in Atlanta and Buford. Rev. J. W. Gober filled bis ap pointment here Sunday at 11 o’clock and at night. Mrs. Jasper Kelly and children and Mrs. J. G. Kemp are visiting relatives in Sycamore, Ga. Mrs. Ross Carruth and chil dren are visiting, her father on route 8. Col. J. P. Fowler and Dr. W. E. .Lipscomb had business in At . lanta Tuesday afternoon'. Mr. J. Brown, of near Sugar Hill, is the guest this week of Mr. J. S. Harrison and family. Mrs. J. A. Hope and Mrs. R.L. Bagley are visiting relatives in Atlanta and Winder. Supt. Kennemore thinks he will be able to pay the teachers next Saturday. The best shoe on the market today at anywhere near the price is the famous WaljKflver Shoe. See G. W. batteries £ They handle M—best made. tall on C. for your telept;get my serante sh save money. The/ handle the Red Seal—best made. Don’t forget my sample shoes —3OO pairs just received—and they will be sold at wholesale cost. G. W. Heard. Mrs. Alice Mashburn has re tarned from a visit to relatives m Atlanta andNorcross. It is rumored there is to be a wedding in Cumming real soon— possibly next Sunday. Mr. Jno. L. Phillips, Mr. Roy Otwell. Mr. W. G. Pilgrim and son, were in Atlanta Tuesday. Notice change in the adver tisement. of Farmers & Mer chants Bank. C. J. Brannon & Cos. have just received a lot of telephone bat teries,—the very best—and can save you money. Call and get what you need. Three hundred pairs of sam pie shoes, all styles and sizes, to be closed out at wholesale cost. Call and see them, G. W. Heard. Mrs. Heard, mother of Mr. G. L. Heard, has leturned from an extended visit to relatives in Canton. Mrs. Phoebe Edmondson, of Buford, who has been visiting Mrs. John Edmondson, has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Merritt had as their Easter dinner guests Sun day Misses Susan and Fannie Harrisfln and Mardelle Estes. Mrs. R. E. Hope visited her sister, Mrs. T. Shirley, near Al pharetta, several days of last week. Her niece, Miss Mamie Lee Shirley, returned home with her and has entered school here. Just received a large shipment of the famous Walk-Over Shoes, the best shoe for the money man factured. Have all sizes and the prices can’t be duplicated else where. C. W. Heard. THE NORTH (BMr. M. W. Webb, of Cumming, was here Tuesday and Wednes day on business.—Milton County News. Mr. H. P. Mayfield, of the up per edge of the county, was in town one day last week, and call ed around and had us move up his subscription a notch. Mr. Mayfield has been a constant sub scriber since the paper was first established—more than 20 years —and expects to continue as long as he livee. Shoes for the old man, shoes for the old woman, shoes for the young man, shoes for the young woman, and shoes for the chil dren, to be found in the 300 sam ple pairs just received. Prices at wholesale cost. G. W. Heard. Puett has been busy for a day or two delivering the new edition of the Cumming Tel ephone Directory. It carries the names and ringing numbers of the subscribers of the Cumming Exchange. The Company de sires that subscribers refer to the Directory and secure the correct number before asking for con nection. Call by number, in stead of name, and you will se cure more efficient service. ... G, W. Heard has just received 300 pairs sample shoes, men’s women’s and childrens’ which he will sell at wholesale. In fact, some of these shoes will be sold for less than they can be bought for in the open market. Bring your Ford to Strickland & Wisdom Garage when in need uf repair. Being Ford agents, th\' a ! \ naturally interested in I G. w . ,tream‘hoP ju<!s?^n 1 Gy .> yfovT cars exclusively, can give more and better service for less money. —adv. Card of Thanks. I wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their good and loving help and kind attention during the sickness and death of our companion and father- Also Dr. Brice and Dr Hunt for their kind help. • May the kind Heav enly Father ever watch over and protect each and all of them is our sincere desire. Mrs. Roxie A. Roberts and Children. FROM DULUTH There was a nice program car ried out at the Methodist church in town for Easter. Miss Grace Moore is visiting relatives in Lula this week/ Mrs. Sylvia Hill, of South Ga., has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McGee Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bagwell visited across the river Sunday p. m. Miss Louie Cruse is agaain able to be out, after a lingering ill ness. Mr. Clint Lowe spent Sunday at Stone Mountain. Mr. Cliff Hill visited ftfr. J. W. McGee Saturday night. The gypsies have been here trading. Mr. J. G- Taylor has got his Overland going again. Much is being said about the war. Some few of our boys signed up for the fight Several hens'died here Satur day and Sunday. Easter was the occasion. Subscriber. Insomnia. Indigestion nearly ilwajs disturbs the sleep more or less, and is often the cause of insomnia. Eat a light supper with little if any meat, and no milk ; also take one of Chamberlain’ Tablets immedi ately after supper, and see if you do not rest much better. Obtainable every where. —Adv. - GUMMING. GAI Clean-up Week in Cumming, April 17-23 Next week will be clean up week in Cumming. Every one realizes the need of this great work—and every one is urged to co-operate in making Cumming a cleaner, more wholesome place to live. Clean up your premises, get rid of the trash and destroy the breeding places of the fly, there by helping to prevent future sickness. Notice. The postoffice department is anxious to bring the producer and consumer in closer touch with each other through the medium of the parcel post system, in or der to reduce the cost of living to the consumer at the same time fording the producer a ready market for his poultry, vegeta bles, etc. To this end you are requested to furnish this office your name and kind of produce you have for sale and the time it will be ready for market, then I will send your -name to the postmaster in Atlan ta, Ga., which will be distributed to the patrons of that office through the letter carriers. Please furnish th : s informa tion not later than April 8. A. G. Hockenhull, Postmaster. Cumming, Ga. LONGSTREET. Rev. James 1. Holbrook filled his appointments at Longstreet Saturday and Sunday. Misses Ollie and Estelle Ram sey spent? last week with their sister, Mrs. Beavers, near Canton Messrs. W. Y. Pool and wife, Tom Pool, wife and little son, spent Sunday at Mrs. Henrietta RnHHk 5 it ' l ' Mr. add Mrs. Ernest Samples and little son, and Miss Maude Phillips were visiting at Mr. How ell Phillips Sunday. Mr. Oscar Ramsey and family visited relatives at Union Hill Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Charlie Phillips, wife and son spent Sunday at Mr. Marvin Cobb’s. Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter spent Sunday at Dr. J. T. Hunt er’s. Little Miss Ruth Cobb spent Saturday night at Mr. Charlie Phillips’ Mr. Henry Green lost a fine young cow last week. Mr. Robert Puckett, of near Roswell, is visiting relatives here Mr. and Mrs. Sim Puckett spent Sunday night at Mr. Lewis Dimsdale’s. Master Welborn Cobb spent last week at Birmingham with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Pursell. Miss Estelle Holbrook and Mr. A. W. Holbrook were visiting at Mr. 0. P. Bennett’s Sunday af ternoon. The Misses Beavers were guests of the Misses Ramsev Sun day. There will be a meeting of the second division of the Sunday schools of Cherokee county at Holbrook campground next Sun day, April 15th. L. H. SAFETY FIRST. Cumming has a speed law. It has been on the books of the council for sometime and is ad vertised by posted signs. This speed law is now of force and effect and will be more strictly enforced in the future. This is merely to give notice to motor ists, and all who fail to observe it may expect to make a liberal donation to the street fund, Marcus Mashburn, Mayor. . Claud Groover, Clerk. GEORGIAN I\PBIL- 1 ; 1 1917. Glean ufi This iA is Hot Premises. all filth anc r lutes aboufjbod time to clean up feeding grefl trash that accumu carefully I'/ftKur ?n and out on the Vys s 'fakxvesacmld be ed on gallsLif thin places, it will add humus? o* the soil and mate rially inciiase the yield of the crop, and jp ill make home more sanitary'~lA* r *V > vmg the germ beds and place for flies. Chicken mouses, hog pens and privies should be thoroughly cleaned ./ and ’washed with lime. Use'air slaked lime freely all through the summer and it will reducwjthe number of house flies. This w(Pk can be done while the land is |too*wet to work. The stable man ire may be cut up fine while it is training and thus save time whe r the ground gets dry enough tc cultivate. The ma nure, if pi Ad up in heaps, should be well trjSmped to keep it from heating to \> much, and should not lie very k ■ g in heap before it is carried to [he field. If from any cause it br,;omes necessary for it to lie in i bap longer than JO or 12 days. [ should be examined, if very im jeh wafqier than blood heat, it should be-watered by making b-pies from the top of the heap with/ r hoe handle and pour ing waterj m them. The lai; wet spring makes it necessary 1 for the farmer to have his plans r ell mapped out and all wet weatt er work out of the way so he cav+ push the preparation for and j anting of his crop as rapidly a# possible. Don’t Neglect to clean up for it pays iimbetter health and more food. ft _ SMITH, -PUTE 7 A Briefs and Pithy ° r . Paragraphs. Written for the North Georgian by'David Dawdon. We hope everybody had a hap py Easter. The egg hunts were too num erous to mention. We were blessed with both sun shine and showers on Easter. Mr. John Beavers was an East er visitor at Mr. W. Ramsey’s. Mr. W. D. Sullivan and family visited relatives in Alpharetta last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. W. Ramsey has some land planted that has not been in cultivation in fifty years. News items are hard to get, conseauently our sheet is short this week. If you know any news deserv ing of print, please tell us about it. The farmers are going to be quite late getting their crops planted- But we notice one thing we are g'ad to see, and that is that the farmers are putting their undivided attention to plant ing food crops. Misses (ftllie and Estelle Ram sey spent last week with their uncle, Mr. Milt Beavers. The Misses Beavers were guests of Misses Pauline, Ollie and Estelle'Kamsey during East er. Mrs. P. A. Sullivan of Alpha retta, has a sewing machine that has been in use twenty two years and is now using the same needle that was in the machine when bought. The machine was bought second hand and there has been only *2.00 paid out on it fbr re pairs. Mrs. Guy Smith is visiting in Atlanta. Read the article “Fallacy of all Cotton,’’ These figures were prepared by Mr. Bradford Khapp of Washington, D. C. PLEASANT VIEW. Well, it just keeps raining, but we must not get out ol heart—it will stop at the proper time. Measles have been the order of the uay in this part, but glad to i r.ay’ we are about through with hoplfe had a fitie Sunday school g u Are Sunday afternoon, and we will continue good every ment'at °' ir part are beUer ' Sunday filled Ws Rev. G. W. For’rist wllhJrS!" here next Sunday night. If yoiK l want to hear a good sermon be ' on hand, as Bro. Forrist is a.very able preacher. Remember the old book sing ing here next Sunday afternoon. Everybody invited to come and bring both old and new books. It rained out visiting Sunday morning and all went to Sunday school in the afternoon. Mrs. Fagans, who has been visiting in Atlanta, has returned home. Don’tthinkhard of Bob White for being absent two'weeks, he has been busy waiting on the measles Well, I hope if I get to go to the Sunday School Convention I will see all the correspondents there The war is not what I am look ing for, and I want to say to the young men that are in sin, did you know that you may soon have to go to the battle fields and face the great guns? Then do you not feel like it is time you were making peace with God while you have time? for if you have to go and do get killed, it will be entirely too late. May God bless you. and help you to think of these things and may the good fathers and mothers eve’x PS mii men that are in sin, for we plain ly see the great need of earnest prayer to God. Let us remem ber his promise that whatever w T e ask in his name that will he do. Then let us have strong faith in him who has all power to rule the whole nation, and who can bring peace. With best wishes to all, I am Bob White. ROANOKE NEWS Mr. Robert Reid and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with Rev. J. W. Thomas and family. Misses Millie and Othila Han sard and Lavada Samples spent Sunaay with Mamie and Velvie Mullinax, Mrs. H. D. Hansard and chil dren spent Saturday p.m. with Mrs. Berry Samples and children Mrs. W- A. Samples and chil dren spent Sunday p.m. with her mother, Mrs. A. L. Hansard, We are glad to say Mrs. J. W. Thomas is slowly improving. Mr. Henry Thomas and son spent Sunday with their grand pa, near Coal Mountain. Mrs. Alice Williams and Mrs. Furman Williams spent one even ing last week with Mrs. J. W. Thomas, Mrs. W.O.Samples spent Sun day with her daughter, Mrs. J. W Thomas. Miss Pollie Hansard and sister Dollie spent Saturday night with Mrs. Arzell Samples. Mrs. Addie Hansard spent Sat urday a m with Mrs. H. D. Han- sard. Mr. Chadwick and Miss Larry Dover were happily married Sun day. Ido not know who mar ried them. Mr. Tom Fowler and wife and little girl spent Sunday p.m, with Rev. J. W, Thomas and family. Bone-dry law, but it still rains once in awhile, both water and booze. The samp'o\d Kittie. BETHLEHEM. We have enjoyed another Sun day, and how have we all spent it? . u . Ambition, seasoned with wis dom and courage, with the glory 3 f God and the good of Humani ty as its aim. leads to real great ness, This is the King’s highway which is travelled by few. Keeping a body busy doing good things keeps it healthy and happy, but a “busybody” de stroys its own happiness and that of others. Upuouj s.u-inqpgHb Qlia^ urdafy"night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Chamblee visited home folks in this part Sunday. Mr.fl tn-Strickland and daught er. Mary Jane, spent one day last week at Mr. E.A. Strickland’s. Misses Lucy and Belle Hender son were the charming guests of Misses Ola Belle and Essie Man gum Saturday night and Sunday. We had a nice shower of rain Sunday morning. Mr. Jack Westbrooks and fam ily visited Mr. Willie Hughes and family Sunday p.m. Mrs. J, W. Mangum spent Fri day night with her sister, Mrs. J.O.Henderson, and family. Let your neighbors have the blossoms ; Let your comrades wear the crown. Never mind the little set-back, Nor the blows that knocks you down, You’ll be there when they're forgotten, You’ll be glad with youth and dawn. If you just forget your troubles. There’s a lot of sorrow round yon, Lots of ionesomeness and tears ; Lots of heartaches and of wrong Through the shadows of the years. Miss Jane Mangum spent Sun day night with Mr. J W. Man gum and family and will stay several days. As new’s is scarce I’ll skidoo. { JL'' | ROUTE 1. Easter has come and gone. Guess several had their pleasure spoiled by the rain Sunday morn ing. The ninth of April and scarce ly any farming done yet, besides our country being in a state of war. Looks a little gloomy, doesn’t it ? Mr. Guy Pirkle and family spent Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. Lee Mundy’s. Miss Missie Chadwick spent last week with her sister at Coal Mountain. Mr. J. D. Pirkle and family of Norcross spent the latter part of last week with relatives here. Miss Ruby Wallis spent Satur day night with Miss Missie Chad wick. Miss Edith Porter spent Sun day p. m. with Miss Ixouie Beav ers. Mr. Raymon Roper and family visited Mr. Charles Roper and wife Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Bill Byers and family spent Sunday night with Mr. G. W. Byers. Mr. R. M. Wingo and family spent Saturday night at Mr. G. E. McCoy’s. Mr. M. T. Wallis and wife spent Sunday p.m. with relatives at Cuba. Mr. T. A. Wallis made a busi ness trip to Buford one day last week. Hoping all the correspondents, together with our kind editor and readers enjoyed Easter, I am as bver, Country Boy. I wish to thank my friends and customers for their patronage in the past and announce that I have opened a barber shop in the building partly occupied by the Cumming Garage and earnestly solicit your patronage. Phone 89. W. J. Mashburn. NO- 15