The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, September 07, 1917, Image 1

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THE NORTH GEORGIAN VOL. XX V 111. Home Circle Column. Pleasant Evening Reveries —A Column Dedi cated to Tired Mothers as They Join the Home Circle at Evening Tide. GO TO CHURCH MOVEMENT. Go to church thut you may win in the great battle of life, The greatest battlefield on which a man ever fought is within himself. The greatest defeats are there and the might iest victories, Victory on the field of one’s own heart means victory elsowhere. The greatest mastery is self mastery. Every true man, every true woman, recognizes this. Sin first stole our self-master}’away. It must be charged and flanked and gripped. What the particular enemy is each in dividual knows, openly or secretly. What is it, O, woman backbiting, gossip, mischief making, selfishness? You, O, man—blasphemy, temper, appetite, passion? Have you gone down to defeat again and again—see your colors drag at the very time you should have been most ea: ily the triumphant victor? That’s good. Then you know the weak point in your line. That’s where the hottest conflict is to be fought. There’s the key to the whole situation. You’ll hat e to mass your batteries there. Temptation to dishonesty ? bight it, “Are those goods all wop;?” said a woman to a little shopkeeper. “They were, Madam, before the revivals at our church. They are not now.” Uncleanliness, cow ardice and discouragement are the soldier’s weakest points, bind out that point and defend it with all your strength. Vic tory consists in holding on a moment longer. If you want to conquer your great vice you must go to church. • It is in church and church alone that you will find the weapons with which to successfully wage the fight. The Go to Church movement is sweeping onw'ard. It is irresist ible. Join it now. Do not delay. Go to church next Sun day. oi. v\illvdui- neighbors there. Yc-- will he sdad to see them, They will be glad to see you. Mothers sometimes forget that the active and receptive styge of childhood in the nursery is never surpassed nt a lat er period. The little on? is taking impressions every moment, acquiring gentle habits or the opposite, picking up words and sentences, surprising his elders by the facility with which he learns what hey would rather he would not know. In the baby’s home the foundation is laid for the good or bad msnners of the mature man. i. ■ " ■■■ 1 i- ■"! ' ■" ■ - ■—-gi' 1 Why should you go out to tea and praise your neighbor’s ■muffins, when yoa have forgotten to tell mother how good hers were? Wh.f should you announce how much Mr. Wil son over the way knows, when father is a great deal better informed man, and it has never entered your little head to whisper quietly to him how much you appreciate his wis dom ? You keep your ability to discover faults for the home while the eye that should look for virtues is closed tightly until you go out. We should strive to make ourselves such members of the household band that our absence is like the loss of sunshine from a summer day. We can do it if we enter the right spirit of home. The idea seems to exist among us that to be po lite to each other in the family circle is foolish and like “put ting on airs.” We must rid ourselves of this notion and act on the principle that whatever helps to make our intercourse pleasanter with those outside the family circle should be brought into use there. Profanity never did any man the least good’ No man is the richer, the happier, or wiser for it. It commends no one to any society. It is disgusting to the refined ! abominable to the good; insuiting to those with whom we associate ; de grading to the mind ; unprofitable, needless and injurious in society. Young man, don’t be prolane. Home is where mother lives. And whether you be prince or peasant, one of the sweetest spots on earth is the abode of your mother. GUMMING. GA SEPT. 7 HR7 Grand Jury Presentment* Georgia, Forsyth County. We, the Grand Jurors, select ed, chosen and sworn for the August Term, 1917, of the Su perior Court of said county, beg leave to submit the following as our general presentments Ist. We recommend that jurors and bailiffs be paid $2.00 per day for their services during the year 1918. 2nd We find the public build ings of the county in good con dition. 3rd. We recommend that the Ordinary build a lattice bridge across Settendown creek known as the Burnt bridge place. 4th. We have examined the Paupers’ Home and find two female inmates in the home and two out, their upkeep being paid by the'keeper. We find them well cared for and the home in good condition. sth. We recommend that the Ordinary pay R. K. Heard SBO.OO in excesss of his contract for the year 1917 for keeping the home. 6th. We have examined the var ious dockets of the Justices of the Peace andNotaries Public of the county, and find them cor rctly kept, except in some plac es cases not disposed of are not explained. And some have fail ed to index their cases. We rec ommend that they make them clear. 7th. We find the books of the Ordinary, Sheriff and Clerk cor rectly and neatly kept. &U We recommend that +v,o office of the farm demonsirator be discontinued. 9th. We find the road in every single district in the county in bad condition, and we present to the Court every single Com missioner in the county for fail ure to do their duty, present ing each Commissioner sepa rately, namely, Barkers Dis trict, J. W. Hughes, I. T. Harris and R. K. Heard Road Com missioners; In Bells District, Sam Jones, Ed McGinnus and Wash Thomas Road Commiss ioners; In Big Creek District, W. T. Bagley, C. H. Brooks and Carlton Green Road Commiss ioners; In Coal Mountain Dis trict, J. S, Hughes, L. W. Wof ford and J. L. Norrell Road Commissioners; In Chestatee District, A. J. Sims, J. H. Wat j son and A.J. McClure Road Commissione’’?; In Rolands District, L. Z. Burruss, D. J. Ben nett and Lee Tatum, Road Com missioners; In Settendown Dis jtrict, J. H. Tallant, J. P. Ban jister and J. C, Stephens Road Commissioners; In New Bridge District, M M. Martin, Erskin Waldrip and Jeff Woodliff Road Commissioners; In Chat tahoochee District, John Rice, C. W. Thornton and Ed Dover Road Commissioners; In Cum ‘ ming District, J. N. Davis, JFi F. ( Jordan and Claude Wheeler, ! Road Commissioners; In Vick ! ery District, E. L. Brannon, Gus i Bacon and Phillips Road Commissioners; In Duck town District, Noah S Hawkins, I A. J. Lummus and Benj. Hend erson Road Commissioners; In Hightow'er District, A. W. Harris, A. T. Haygood and John Dooly Road Commission ers. 10th We attach hereto as part of these general presentments a report from the Ordinary, Tax Collctor and Treasurer of the county. 11th. We wish to thank His Honor Judge N. A. Morris for his able charge to this body and for the manner in which he con ducts the business of the court. We also wish to thank our able Solicitor-General, E. H. Clay, and his assistant C. L. Har ris for the many courtesies shown us during this week, and wish to thank our Bailiff, A. J. Sims, for his faithful discharge of the duties. 12th. We recommend that these presentments he publish ed in both of the county papers and that they be paid ten dol lars each for publishing the same. Perry D. Brown, Foreman. Arbin C. Hall, Clerk. Report of Treasurer. Georgia, Forsyth County. To the Hon. Grand Jury se lected, chosen and sworn for the Aug. term of court 1917. I beg to hand you herewith the following report. Feb. 19, 17 Overdraf at Bank 48.65 Feb. 21, 17, Ain't rec’d from W J Ti-.pv'!\ Ord’y 65 Max 5, Ain’t rec’d iiom J R Bramblett, T C. 400.09 Apr. 26, Am’t rec’d from w J r p:j 11 r\ -i. T g 19 Apr. 28, Ain’t rec’d trum J R Bramblett, T C. 355.19 May 12, Am’t rec’d from W T Merritt, Sheriff 1.77 Aug 27. Overdraft Bank 361.02 1126.82 Paid out on proper vouch ers 1 '78.17 1126.82 Georgia, Forsyth County. Personally appeared before me D. W. Lowry, Treasurer of said county, who being duly sworn on oath says that the a bove repoi’t contains all his acts and doings as Treasurer of For syth county since last report, D. W. Lowry, Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Aug 27, 1917. Glen N. Merritt, C. N. P. Report of Ordinary. Georgia, Forsyth County. To the Grand Jurors selected, chosen and sworn to serve at the August term 1917, of the Su perior Court of said county; In compliance with law I sub mit my report showing just and true statement of the amount of money received by me belon ging to the county, and the sour ce from which the same was de rived and the expenditures of the county by the issuance of or ders as shown by claims against the county: Rec’d Automobile fund for year 1916 551.58 Rec’d Automobile fund for year 1917 902.54 Total 1454.12 Paid out on just claims to March 15, J 917, 727.78 Bal in hand 726.34 During the year 1917 county orders were issued on proper claims to am’t of $10,866.81 Respectfully submitted, W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. Report of Tax Colector. Georgia, Forsyth County To the Hon. Grand Jury chosen ami sworn for the Aug. term, of court: i submit my report of special taxes collected by me from my last report, April Ist, 1917, as follows J. A. Wills, Cigarettes & Smoking Tobacco $25.00 T. M. Fowler soda fount 5.00 J I Lathem photographer 10.00 44.00 Less my commissions 4.00 Paid State Treasurer 36.00 40.00 M W Webb, Ins. ag’t 10.00 CB & Roy Otwell auto 25.00 35.00 Less my commissions 3.50 Am’t due state 31.50 35.00 H. L. Hurt, T. C. Sworn to and subscribed before me Aug. 29, 1917. W. J. Tidwell Ordinary. Georgia, Forsyth County. The within presentments re ceived and read in open court, let the same be filed spread up the minutes and published as recommended. This Aug. 31, 1917. N. A. Morris, Judge LONGSTREET. The meeting at Longi-trect dose i Sunday with seven addi tions to the church. Dr. A. M. Pu cel!, wife and little daughter of Oaknifm, spent Saturday and Sun !a. at Mr. Wi 1 Pucketts. Miss ICoil Buicc is visiting at Mr. Fro cl Bu’ce’s. Mr. Alfred At lbrook and fam |y were visiting at Mr. Albert Thompson's Sun lay Mrs. J. S. Hall is rop .rted on the sick list, Mr. Henry McClure andjfamily spentOSunday at Mr. James Rich ards. Mr. A. J. Holbrook is spending i few days in Atlanta. Mr. Henry Cox and family vis ited at Mrs. Hannah C"::’s Sun day- Mr. W, E. Hancock and son, VV, E., Jr., of Atlanta, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. J.T. Hunt er Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pat terson Friday. The new church at Longstreet will be dedicated next Sunday, Sept. 9. L. 11. Bring your Ford to Strickland & Wisdom Garage when in need of repair. Bei?'* agents, we are naturally interested in your Eord, and by working on Ford cars exclusively, can give more and better service for less money.—adv. NO-