The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, April 28, 1922, Image 2

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Till! NORTH GEORGIAN, _ **• Published even/ Friday bv J. E Kirby. Price 7f)C. a Year. (..'LEMMING, GA. APR, 28, 1922. IC.iti'red Jun* It!, 1902, a* second class limiter at the post olHee at Cuin liiiUK. tin, Act of Congress of Marcl: J, 1979. SUWANEE, ROUTE 2. Alter being absent for some time here I come again. The weather is looking more favorable to the farmers in this part. Not very much visiting lately Mrs. W. E. King, who has been very low, we are glad to say, is improving. Miss Ruby Gunter, who is residenting in Atlanta, was vis itiiig homefolks Saturady night and Sunday. i here was an ordination ser vice at Sharon Friday. 4 new deacons were ordained, also Mr. Troy Buice was liberated to preach Saturday, & preach cd a very interesting sermon Sunday night. This part is improving. While it is time that the old world, not only sections, was waking up to the light of God’s truth, and studying more care ful God’s holy word. For it is enough to make the heart ol a true converted man bleed with in liim to see how things go on in the world, for 1 honestly be lieve. according to the book, that there are things goes on even in the name of religion that is an abomination in the sight of God, for even the high leaders in some of the church es wants to draw lines of dis tinction, while the Bible says there i no respect of persons with God. 1 would like for some one to tell me if they can find it in God’s blessed book what right man has to draw the re strictions when God’s word says if the Son shall make you free, ye are free indeed. Also Jesus, in reference to Lazarus being called from the dead,the great likeness of the sinner be ing quickened into life, says, “Loose him and let him go.’” The Bible for it, not selfishness nor man. Where is there any lines of restriction, and besides some men will jump on some poor fellow who ignorantly made a mistake and stamp the very life out of him, and the very same people will then take up someone else, who hai all. ost committed murder at J.aart by using stones or death ly weapons and push him to the ;.vmt. Is this true religion ac cording to the Bible? Not mine at least, and I don’t believe God approves of it either. No wonder disaster after disaster in coming on the world, and un i,! people can get hatred and selfishness out of their hearts and return unto the Lord we need not expect nothing else to be Plow Boy. PLEASANT VIEW. Sunday school was good here Sunday. The prayer meeting was good Sunday night. Mrs. E. L. Bagwell spent Mon day in Atlanta at the bedside ru her mother, Mrs. Fagan, v.-ho is very low. We hope she v ill soon be better. Mr. Inman Glover and fami ly of Winder spent Sunday at Mr. S. M. Stripland’s. Mr. 11. M. Bagwell and fam "y spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bagwell. The famers are in a rush, a planting cotton seed. Mr. S. M. Stripland spent aSt urday night with his father. I wish I could say somehing no ihe young men that would cause them to be stop drink ing. It ib a mighty bad thing to see a nice looking young man intoxicated, and besides that it causes their mothers t local sleep and shed tears, and vill many times shorten their days. So I want to ask every young man who reads this to leave off drinking of strong drink, and try to be a blessing to your old mother and when you see her laid in the grave, you will feel so much better. With love to all, I close. Bob White. LONGSTREET. Mr. Henry Thompson spent Thursday with Mr. A. C. Thompson and family. Mr. A. S. Elrod and daugh ter spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Pledger Lum mus were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Judge Timms Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. M. Pur cell of Atlanta were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Cobb Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Govie Thomp son spent Saturday night with Mrs. Mattie Bates near Bir mingham. Mr. Luther Williams and fam ily of Alpharetta were visiting Mrs. Martha Ramsey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sams spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cobb. Miss Dora Cox, daughter of Mrs. Hannah Cox, was bitten by a mad dog Friday afternoon Mr. Will Hamby and family spent Sunday with Mr. Henry Green. L. H. “Mother and Daughter Week” jointly promoted by the Inter national Sunday School Associ ation and the National Board of the Young Women’s Chris tian Association, throughout all America, wi 1 be observed this year May 14 to 21. A most attractive program, outlined in every detail, has been prepared for this week, and is being issued in Georgia through the State and County Sunday School Association young people’s workers. The program as outlined may be carried out in part or in full, by both city and rural communi ties. Beginning with Sunday, May 14, which is recognized every where as “Mothers’ Day” three services have been arranged, one for the Sunday school hour one for the morning service and sermon, and the evening serv ice and sermon, which is des ignated as old folks’ night. Monday is community day; Tuesday, home night; Wednes day, midweek prayer meeting; Thursday, visitor or chum night Friday, mother and daughter banquet; Saturday, recreation day; and Sunday, May 21st, Taste is a matter of Chesterfield | CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos— blended 20 for 18c Mr 10 for 9c Vacuum tins of 50 -45 c * THE NORTH GEORGIAN, CtJMMING, GEORGIA, Girl’s or daughter’s day. The program for this Sunday in cludes a special worship serv ice in the Sunday school, morn ing worship service and sermon centered about the daughter, and a special girls’ evening ser vice at regular church hour. The program for the week may be secured from the State Young Peoples’ Division Super intendent, at 917 Hurt Building Atlanta, or from the County Young Peoples’ Division Super intendent, W. R. Stovall, Flow ery Branch, Ga., Rt. 1. Any Sunday school desiring a pro gram for Mothers’ Day may se cure one by writing to the state office for same, if the whole week’s program is not carried out. I say, Jim, said a creditor to a bankrupt the other day, what’ll you pay? Wall, I’m going to 50 cents on the dollar if I have to pay it out of my own pocket. Qood Work of Wireless. Throughout the world there la * shipwreck about every slxtocn hours, and the general adoption of the wire less system of communication prom ises to cut this rate down very ma terially. It Is estimated that the sys tem hag, already been the means of saving marine property valued at *12.- 000,000, and of saving nearly six thou sand lives.—Philadelphia Record. More Goods For Less Money. Sheeting, 7 l-2c yard 25c Curtain Scrim, 12 l-2c yard Dress Ginghams, 10c to 22 l-2c yard Men’s Dress Shirts, 98c Men’s Work Shirts. 75c Ladies’ Hand Bags, 7Sc grade, 35c Men’s and Boys’ Dress Caps, 75c to $1,40 75c Neck Ties, 50c Children’s 50c Socks, 35c Ladies’ 75c Silk Hose, 50c Dotted Swiss, 50c yard Silk Voile, 50c yard Mignonette Voile, 17 l-2c yard Ladies’ Slippers, $2.00 to $4.50 Men’s Plow Shoes, $1.75 to $2.25 Good Flour. $2.00 sack Bring Your Barter. Eggs, 20c dozen. Fries, 30c lb. S. G. Cross . Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of P D Brown deceased are hereby no tified to present the same prop erly proven at once: and all per sons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate set tlement. Feh. 27, 1922. C. L. & B D. Brown, Admrs estate of P. D. Brown, deceased. CLAY & BLAIR, Attorneys at Law, MARIETTA, GEORGIA! OVID T. WHELCIIEL. Attorney at Law, CUM MING, : GEORGIA. Office over F, & M. Bank. }, P. FOWLER JNO. T. DORSEY FOWLER & DORSEY, Practice of Criminal Law, HUMMING.' GA. Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern: R E Hansard having made applica tion to me for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of A L Hansard, late of said county, deceased, notice is here by given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in May, 1922. Given under my band and official sigi 8- ture, this 3rd day of April, 1922, W. J. Tidwell, Ord’y. Cumming- Alpharetta-Roswell-Atlanta BUS LINE S C H E D U L E—(CENTRAL TIME) Lv. Cumming 6:00 A. M. Lv. Alpharetta 6:50 A. M. Lv. Roswell 7:20 A. M. Ar. Atlanta 8:30 A. M. Lv. CUMMING 3:30 P.M~ Lv. Alpharetta 4:20 P. M. Lv. Roswell 4:50 P. M. Ar. Atlanta 6:00 P. M. FARES “FROM TO ONE WAY ROUND TRIP Cumming Alpharetta SI.OO $1.50 Cumming Roswell 1-50 Cumming Atlanta 2. 0 3.00 Alpharetta Atlanta 1.50 2.50 Roswell Atlanta 1.00 1.50 Round Trip Ticket Good for Three Days Lay-Over _ LEAVING AND ARRIVING POINTS Phone Nos. Cumming: Cumming Garage 86 A? 8 Alpharetta: Alpharetta Drug Store 29 Roswell (Upper): Strickland Drug Store 27 Roswell( Lower): RosweH Drug Store 44 Atlanta: Marion Hotel, 97 North Pryor St Ivy 2700 Atlanta: Belle Isle Garage, 30-40 Auburn Ave. Ivy 6486 ROY P. OTWELL CLIFF P. VAUGHN Insurance. See me about fire insurance, I rep resent the Citizens Insurance Cos., of Misso iri, and the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co* Both sound old line companies, Olen Merritt at F. and M, Bank, Corn Liquor and Automobile Oil. Quite a difference you will say, but in one respect there is a similarity. A bar-keeper used to buy a barrel of corn liquor and make two barrels out of it. Some re finers blend, mix and compound their oils. The bar keeper didn’t mix water with his liquor to make it bet ter, neither does the refiner mix his oil to make it'.better; both were mixed because there was more profit to the dealer, and because the buyer could be fooled- Treat your car right. Use nothing but a straight run, high grade oil, Such is KwalsLiiroyl, Sold by Cumming Garage, Cumming, Ga. EAGLE No. 174 For Sale il your Duler Mad* in fir* (rada* ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIICAPO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK Send us your subscriptions for McCall’s Magazine. £1 .50, including this paper. Lv. ATLANTA 8:00 A. M. Lv. Roswell 9:20 A. M. Lv. Alpharetta 9:45 A.M. Ar. Cumming 10:30 A. M. LvTaTLANTA 4:00 P. M. Lv. Roswell 5:20 P. M. Lv. Alpharetta 5:45 P. M. Ar. Cumming 6:30 P. M.