The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, May 12, 1922, Image 2

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m IjUM Bltt Published every Friday bv ,J. E. Kirby. Price 75c. a Year. CU.MM INC, CA. MAY 12, 1922. I'nlcn ,| ,Uino It!, 1902. a second .Mai ter at the portt ottlee Hi Cum ininjr, , Act of Congress of March J, 1N79. JESUS AND THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA. (By. Mercer Williams.) (Continued from last week) Jesus answered and said un to her whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again. John 4:13. Jesus made known to her the fact that that water was literal and that its satisfaction did not last long; and more than that He pointed out to her the fact that even if she did drink she would thirst again. How precious are these words of our Lord. From nature we learn that literal water does not bring lasting satisfaction, for we thirst and thirst again. But let us notice how vividly and plainly Jesus revealed the great source of life and perma nent satisfaction. The woman saith unto Him, Sir, give me this water that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw. John 4 :15. Now she begins to realize and begins to ask Him for water that brings lasting satisfaction for which the woman herself points out two motives. One be cause she would not thirst a gain. Another is because she would not have to come hither to draw. Now, we are to notice in this verse a willingness on the wo man’s part to rid herself of for mer things. In other words, a desire to change her mode ol life, and to this all sinners must come before they can be saved Jesus saith unto her, Go call thy husband and come hither. John 4:16. He knew before He ask her, yet He asked in order to re ceive her confession. In other words He meant for her to con fess her sins and come to Him who could cleanse her from all unrighteousness. He knows a bout all sin. He knows even the deepest secrets of our hearts. He knows our hidden desires. He knows our concealed mot ives. He knew more about the woman and her life than she knew herself. He knows more about us than we know our selves. 'file woman Answered and said I have no husband. Jesus saith onto her thou hast well said 1 have no husband. John 4:17. Jesus commended her on the answer that she gave. Yet, I believe the woman was trying to conceal her former life, for ;.t the time she replied to out Lord she did not entertain the slightst idea that He knew a bout her conduct in the past. 1 have no husband was her re ply, and sure enough she an swered right, yet in the next verse we will note the great revelation He made to her. whether her confession in re gard to her husband was hon est or dishonest, we know not but iet that be as it may, she confessed. For thou hast had five hus bands, and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband, in that saidst thou truly. John 4:18. Now He begins to reveal to her the very secret sins of her life. He begun to tell her things which astonished her beyond measure. He begins to point out to her His knowledge of her conduct, and I want to say that there has never been a sinner saved yet without facing and realizing the great revelation of their sin. Jesus revealed and the woman confessed If we will confess our sins He will forgive and more abundantly pardon. The woman saith unto Him, Jii , I perceive thou art a proph it. John 4:,1f. She believed He was a props et because He revealed to hei her life. He told her all about her life. In fact, he brought to her memory afresh things she thought no one knew but her self, and He spoke with knowl edge so direct that no wonder her eyes were opened. No won der her understanding was deepened, and in astonishment she said I perceive that thou art a prophet. (To be continued.) FROM SPOT. The continued rains are cause for a lot of whitling at the coun try stores. The boys gave the little coy ot Wolf’ a heluva chase Friday but failed to capture him.Some runner he is. Mr. G. L. Stovall and family of Gainesville spent Saturday night with their daughter, Mrs M. G. Williams. Mr. W. A. Wolfe and family visited at Waleska Saturday night and Sunday. If the North Georgian had a few correspondents that were as near all the time on the job with something interesting as L. H. it would be a great help to the paper, and I am sure it would be appreciated by the editor. Many new hats and frocks failed to make their debut Sun day on account of the rains.. Mrs. N. E. Wolfe of Cumming spent the weekend at her old home. We learn that whiskey has been brought into our county and stored at several places for Saturday night and Sunday sale to boys or any one that will buy it. And often this is done near an allday gathering. Citi zens this is bringing hell right to your door and if allowed to continue will be cause for some one wearing stripes. Very little old cotton in this section now and poor prospect for any new. If you are not attending Sun day school at Spot you are miss ing something you ought to have. Jakey. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of P D Brown deceased are hereby no tified to present the same prop erly proven at once: and all per sons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate set tlement. Feb. 27, 1922. C. L, & B D. Brown, Admrs estate of P. D. Brown, deceased. Taste is a matter of We state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Chesterfield are of finer ft quality (and hence ot better F taste) than in any other Liss’tH £7 Mytrj Tobacco Cos. Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos — blended 20 for 18c . * ' 10for 9c c.itM Vacuum tins . of 50 -45 c 4 *]W\ * J THE NORTH GEORGIAN, CUMMING, GEORGIA. Written by Rev. J. L. Garrett in memory of his little son, Leo das, who departed this life on May the Bth, 1919, WAITING FOR ME. I’ve a little angel waiting for me on the beautiful banks of the crystal sea, not impatient ly waiteth my darling there,for a smile lights up his face so fair and his little harp rings out so clear, so soothing, sweet to faith’s listening ear,and he liv es on the smiles of the Savior’s love, who so tenderly called my lamb above. I’ve a little angel waiting for me on the beautiful banks of the crystal sea. Ever free from sorrow and pain, spotless and pure from all earthly stain, nev er in erring paths to rove, ever more, evermore, walking in the lights this little angel robed in white. I’ve a little angel waiting for me on the beautiful banks of the crystal sea. When my heart is yearning and throbbing in pain, and I long to clasp up my darling again.l look away from this earthly strand to the beau tiful banks of the better land: I think of the angel waiting up there, and offer to God a thank ful prayer. I’ve a little angel to welcome me when I, too, shall stand by the crystal sea, when the great refiner has fitted me in me His own image shall clearly see, when the robe of Christ’s right eousness my soul shall seek the home of the blest on the beau tiful banks of the crystal sea. my darling, still waiting, shall welcome me. GoodsYouHavetoHave Men’s best grade overalls sl.lO Men’s blue work shirts 75 Boys Sunday Shirts . 50 14 pt Dish pan 45 40c aluminum dipper 25 90c Lamp 68 Best Rice, 6c lb ' Roasted Coffee, 15c lb All Low Cut shoes to close out Best grade Hickory Shirting, 15c yard 35c White Lawn, 22 1-2 yd Pink Salmon, 2 for 25c sO inch screen wire. 25c yard Water ground meal, 85c bushel 50 lbs Flour, $2,10 Eggs 22c. Hens 18c, Fries 40c lb S. G. Cross. I.ONGSTREET. Mrs. C. A. Puckett and little son of Atlanta are spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. Tarp ley Lummus. Miss Huldah Holbrook was visiting Mr. Henry Cox and family Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. C. Stone and child ren of Atlanta were visiting rel atives here during the past week. Mr. Will Puckett spent Wed nesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rudisill near Birming ham. Mr. Luther Padgett and fam ily were visiting Mrs. Sarah Tallant Thursday night. Mr. S. A. Holbrook and fam ily spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Wright Bagwell and family. Mr. Jesse Blair, wife and lit tle daughter, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Elfod Saturday night. Mrs. John M. Stow is report ed on the sick list; also Mrs. Edd Pharr is reported in fee ble health. Mr. Marion Self and family spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Majors. Mr. Ed Strawn, wife and lit tle daughter spent Saturday with Mr. John M. Stow and family. Several from here attended the funeral af lit f ’e Eutralia Burgess at Midway Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Perry spent Monday with their father near Cumming. L. H. OV1I) T. WHEtCHEL. Attorney at Law, CUMMING, : GEORGIA. Office over F, & M. Bank. Cumming-Alpharetta-Roswell- Atlanta BUS LINE S C H E D U L E—(CENTRAL TIME) Lv. Cumming 6:00 A. M. Lv. Alpharetta 6:50 A. M. Lv. Roswell 7:20 A. M. Ar. Atlanta 8:30 A. M. Lv. CUMMING 3:30 P.M. Lv. Alpharetta 4:20 P. M. Lv. Roswell 4:50 P. M. Ar. Atlanta 6:00 P. M. FARES ROM TO ONE WAY ROUND TRIP Cumming Alpharetta SI.OO $1.50 Cumming Roswell 1.50 2.50 Cumming Atlanta 2. 0 3.00 Alpharetta Atlanta 1.50 2.50 Roswell Atlanta 1.00 1.50 Round Trip Ticket Qood for Three Days Lay-Over LEAVING AND ARRIVING POINTS Phone Nos. Cumming: Cumming Garage 86-38 Alpharetta: Alpharetta Drug Store 29 Roswell (Upper): Strickland Drug Store 27 Roswell( Lower): Roswell Drug Store 44 Atlanta: Marion Hotel, 97 North Pryor St Ivy 2700 Atlanta: Belle Isle Garage, 30-40 Auburn Ave. Ivy 6486 ROY P. OTWELL CLIFF P. VAUGHN Insurance, See me about fire insurance, I rep resent the Citizens Insurance Cos., of Misso ri, and the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co* Both sound old line companies, Olen Merritt. at F. and M, Bank, Corn Liquor and Automobile Oil. Quite a difference you will say, but in one respect there is a similarity. A bar-keeper used to buy a barrel of corn liquor and make two barrels out of it. Some re finers blend, mix and compound their oils. The bar keeper didn’t mix water with his liquor to make it bet ter, neither does the refiner mix his oil to make itibetter; both were mixed because there was more profit to the dealer, and because the buyer could be fooled / Treat your car right. Use nothing but a straight run, high grade oil, Such is K.walturoyl f Sold by Cumming ara ge, Cumming, a. EAGLE No. 174 For Sale at your Dealer Mada in fire |rai ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK Send us your subscriptions for McCall’s Magazine. 51.50, including this paper. Lv. ATLANTA 8:00 A. M. Lv. Roswell 9:20 A. M. Lv. Alpharetta 9:45 A. M. Ar. Curiming 10:30 A. M. Lv. ATLANTA 4:00~ P. M. Lv. Roswell 5:20 P. M. Lv. Alpharetta 5:45 P. M. Ar. Cumming 6:30 P. M.