The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 06, 1923, Image 2

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m SOM GEORGIA. Published every Friday bv J. E Kirby. Price 75c. a Year. CUMMING, GA. JULY 6, 1920 Kuh-n-il June 18, ISt<>2, an second claws nmlterat the post olticc at Cura miiiK, .ia., Act ot Oonpress ol March 3, 1871). Program of Exercises Of the Sunday School Conven tion of the Hightower Associa tion Meeting for the 3rd District to be held with Zion Hill church, embracing Saturday and Sunday, July 14-15. SATURDAY. 10:()() a.m.—Opening exercises and organization. 10:30—Bible Readings on Bible School Work, showing the di vinely appointed place and func tion of the Sunday school, J.B. Driske'l. 11:00 a.m.— Address by the As sociations! president, A. W. Pruitt 11:20—Why so little interestin this work in many of our church es? E. S. Sherrill. AFTERNOON. I:3o—Devotional, led by C E Sexton. I:4s—Some of the main hin drances to efficient Sunday school work within the bounds of our association. A M Sosebee, 3:30 Sunday school lesson helps and what use we should make of them. S J Smith. SUNDAY, 9:3o—Devotional, C E Thomas 10:00 a.m.—The Modern Sun day school, and how much of its ideals can be practically applied to our Sundav school work. John W Hughes. 11:00 a.m. Sermon, R H Thompson, AFTERNOON, I:3o—Reports from Superinten dents and District Vice Presi dents. 2:00 p.m.—The Sunday school as a Community Builder. J B Driskell. 3:30 p.m. —Who all in the com munity should have a part in the Sunday school work? A B Tol lison. PLEASANT VIEW. Rev J W Gill filled his appoint ment at this place Saturday and Sunday, preaching interesting sermons to large congregations each day. If the people would take the preacher’s advice I am sure that this wojld be a good old world to live in, and we are sure that if we would all follow God’s com mands we would not have so many pests. Well, B. sure is hard to fool sometimes our wedding has come off, Miss Mattie Stancil and Mr. Vester Meeks were mar ried the 4th Sunday in June, Mr. W L Brannon and wife of Sheitonville were visiting Mr. J T Brannon and other relatives in this part Sunday. Mr. Eugene Bales was visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. M C Mauldin Saturday night. Mr. Chester Thompson spent Saturday night with Mr. L L Wade, Mrs. M J Wade is spending a few days with relatives in At lanta. The ice cream supper given by Miss Lilly Mae Goss Saturday night was enjoyed by all present Mrs. S M Stripland is real sick at this writing. Here’s hoping for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Thompson and grand son spent a few days with Mr. G W Glover and family last week. Mrs. G W Bales and children visited Mrs. W W Goss and chil dren Sunday p m. Mr. Webster Marlin and fami ly spent Saturday night and Sun day with Mr. A A Thompson and family. B. BACON SCHOOL HOUSE. Mrs. Robert Reid and Mrs. Ben Bagwell were visiting at Mr. Jim mie Pool’s Monday afternoon. Misses Lunia and Ronie Sam ples visited Misses Johnnie and Hulit Stone Friday afternoon. Misses Vernia and Willie Jones spent Saturday night with their brother. Messrs. Milt Self and Robert Dougherty spent a while Satur day night at Mr. Robert Reid’s. Mrs. Susie Martin spent Satur day afternoon with Mrs. C C Sam ples, Messis Eugene and Glenn Stone were visiting Messrs Roy and Clay Hughes at Cumming Saturday night and Sunday. Several from around here at tended services at Pleasant View and the sing'ng at Haw Creek Sunday. The Misses Clement visited Mrs. W H Poole Sunday after noon. Misses Edith and Eunice Stone were visiting dear Brandywine Saturday night. Master Odell Pool spent Satur day afiernoon with Master Joffe Smith. Overall Bill. Have your suit made like new by cleaning and pressing by Cumming Pressing Club. They pay parcel post charges both ways. To get the best results from your Waterman’* Ideal Fountain Pen, use only Wacerman’s Ideal Ink. 15c per bottle* Harvie Simpsop. Waterman’s Ideal Ink is abso utelv the best for all writing. It [s uniform in quality, and will not thicken and dry up, is non corrosive and everlasting in its record qualities* Harvie Simpson, The Cumming Garage has in stalled an up-to-date gasoline fill ing station. They handle the Standard Oil products—gasoline, oils and greases, Call on them when in need of anything for your auto. ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE Georgia, Forsyth County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at public out cry before the court house door in Cumming, in said county, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in August, 1923, all that tract or parcel of land in the 14th district and first section, in said county, con tainirig 225 acres more or less, kown as the L. B. Dover place, consisting of 4 acres in the southeast corner of lot No. 363, all of 364, all of 365 and 367, lying on the east side of Bald ridge Creek, and all of lots num bers 378 and 379. This property is well timber ed, has a dwelling house and two good tenant houses, enough open land for a three horse crop To be sold as the property of L. B. Dover, deceased, free from all encumbrances or right of dower (the widow having elected to take a money dower) for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said L. B. Dover, deceased. The crops for the present year will be reserved The purchaser will be entitled to take possession of any un occupied house on the place, and of any open land that is not now in cultivation, as soon as 25 per cent of the purchase price is paid, with the privi lege to cut. timber therefom Terms cash. But the purchaser upon paying 10 per cent of his purchase on the day of sale, and 15 per cent within 60- days, can have until the Ist day of December, 1923, to complete the payment and take deeds to the property. July 3, 1923. Mrs. L. B. Dover, Adminis tratrix. E. C. BRANNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 503 Jackstn Building, GAINESVILLE, GA. Will practice inall the Courts. T. W. Hardwick, Gov., and His Successors in office, etc. VS. A. D. Polk, Principal, and J. N. Webb and J. T. Webb, Securi ties. Forfeiture of Recognizance. Forsyth County, Georgia. February Term, 1923. Superior Court for said county Feb’y. 27th, 1923. To A. D. Polk, J. N. Webb & J. T. Webb, non-residents of Forsyth County, Greeting:— You and each of you are hereby required to be and ap pear personally or by attor ney at the next term of the Superior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the 4th Monday in August next, to show cause, if any you have why judgment should not be rendered against you for the amount of your recognizance, forfeited as aforesaid, as in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall ap pertain. Witness the Hon. D. W. Blair, Judge of said Court this 27th day of Feb’y. 1923. H. S. BROOKS, C. S. C. T. W. Hardwick, Gov., and His Successors in office, etc. VS. W. C. McMitchen, Principal & J. S. Worley and L. J. Terry, Securities. Forfeiture of Recognizance. Forsyth County, Georgia. February Term, 1923. Superior Court for said county Feb’y. 27th, 1923. * To W. C. McMitchen, J. S. Wor ley and L. J. Terry, non-resi dents of Forsyth County, Greeting:— You and each of you are hereby required to be and ap pear personally or by attor ney at the next term * of the Superior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the 4th Monday in August next, to show cause, if any you have why judgment should not be rendered against you for the amount of your recognizance, forfeited as aforesaid, as in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall ap pertain. Witness the Hon. D. W. Blair, Judge of said Court this 27th day of Feb’y. 1923. H. S. BROOKS, C. S. C. T. W. Hardwick, Gov., and His Successors in office, etc. VS. P. L. House, Principal and M. M. Anderson, Security. Forfeiture of Recognizance. Forsyth County, Georgia. February Term, 1923. Superior Court for said county Feb’y. 27th, 1923. To P. L. House and M. M. An derson, non-residents of For syth County, Greeting:— You and each of you are hereby required to be and ap pear personally or by attor ney at the next term of the Superior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the 4th Monday in August next, to show cause, if any you have why judgment should not be rendered against you for the amount of your recognizance, forfeited as aforesaid, as in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall ap pertain. Witness the Hon. D. W. Blair, Judge of said Court this 27th day of Feb’y. 1923. H. S. BROOKS, C. S. C. Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern: W. O. Waldrip, administra tor, de bonis non, upon the es tate of Elias Waldrip, late of said county, deceased, having filed his petition for discharge, this is to cite all percons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, against the ganting of this dis charge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in August, 1923. Giv en under my hand and official signature, this 2nd day of July 1923. W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary. BUM Having opened a Barber Shop in Cumming, on Dahlonega St., next door to the Cash Market, I will appreciate a share of your work. First class tools, first class work, and satisfaction guaran teed, Call and see me. Respectfully, MINOR GRAVITT. FOWLER & HORSEY, Practice of Criminal Law, CUMMING, GA, SALE-ARMY SAOES-SALE. We have just bought a tre mendous stock of Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the pub lic direct, Price $2,75. These shoes are 100 per cent solid leath er with heavy double soles sewed and nailed. The uppers are of heavy tan chrome leather with bellows tongue, thereby making them waterproof. These shoes are selling very fast and we ad vise you to order at once to in sure your order being filled. The ; sizes are six to 11, all widths; Pay Postman on receipt of goods or send money order. Money refunded if shoes are not satisfactory, THE U. S, STORES CO.. 1441 Broadway, New York City, Jno. S. Wood, Sol. Gen., as Re., lator for the State of Georgia. VS. One 5 Passenger Ford Car, Motor No. 243657. Georgia, Forsyth County. Condemnation Proceedings. Forsyth Superior Court, February Term, 1923. To the Owners or Lessees of the above described property: You and each of you are here by notified that a proceeding to condemn the above described property as forfeited on ac count of same having been used in the transportation of intox icating whiskey in said county of Forsyth has been filed in the Superior Court of Forsyth coun ty, on the 18th day of June, 1923, and you and each of you are required to be and appear in said court within thirty days from said date and file your defense, if any you have why judgment o f condemnation should not be entered against said described property. Witness the Hon. D. W. Blair Juge of the Superior Court of said county, this 18th day of June, 1923. H. S. BROOKS, Clerk. Jno. S. Wood, Sol. Gen. as Re lator for the State of Georgia. VS. One 5 Passenger Ford Car, Motor No. 6715394. Georgia, Forsyth County. Condemnation Proceedings Forsyth Superior Court, February Term, 1923. To the Owners or Lessees of the above described property: You and each of you are here by notified that a proceeding to condemn the above described property as forfeited on ac count of same having been used in the transportation of intox icating whiskey in said county of Forsyth has been filed in the Superior Court of Forsyth coun ty, on the 18th day of June, 1923, and you and each of you are required to be aryl ap pear in said court within thirty days from said date and file your defense, if any you have, why judgment of condemna tion should not be entered a gainst said described property. Witness the Hen. D. W. Blair Judge of the Superior Court of said county, this 18th day of June, 1923. H. S. BROOKS, Clerk. T. W. Hardwick, Gov., and His Successors in office, etc. VS. . Cliff Boling, Principal, and J. F. Boling and E. W. Glistrap, Securities. Forfeiture of Recognizance. Forsyth County, Georgia. February Term, 1923. Superior Court for said county Feb’y. 27th, 1923. To Cliff Boling and J. F. Boling non-residents of Forsyth Coun ty, Greeting:— You and each of you are hereby required to be and ap pear personally or by attor ney at the next term of the Superior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the 4th Monday in August next, to show cause, if any you have why judgment should not be rendered against you for the amount of your recognizance, forfeited as aforesaid, as in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall ap pertain. Witness the Hon. D. W. Blair, Judge of said Court this 27th day of Feb’y. 1923. H. S. BROOKS, C. S. C. Atlanta Welding Cos., 74 Ivy St., Atlanta, Qa. H. J. Moatgoniery, Prop’r. Prepared to weld anything that can be welded. Use both elec trie and autogenous. Prices very reasonable and satifaction guar teed. NOW! The Unprecedented and Extraordi nary announcement is made —that from now on there will be < • . ... , . •< • • Colored Comics Every Day In a Four Page Comic Section .t.-■ . 4 < * WITH THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN &> CO. HFWrOKKUS.i. ma " m ‘J\ YOUR DOLLAR ■; Will go a long ways with me. v I have just put in a stock of Staple and Fancy Groc eries, Feedstuff, etc , at the Pirkle building, on the south side of town, and invite you to trade with me, . My prices are right and the goods o. k. and I will ap preciate it. I also handle ice and you can get it in any quantity at anytime. I will pay the market price for barter. Come and see me. Will deliver anyMhere in the city limits. George Coker. Georgia, Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern: Judge H. L. Patterson having made application to me for per manent letters of administra tion upon the estate of Ben F. McAfee, late of said county, de ceased, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on the first Monday in August, 1923. Giv en under my hand and official signature, this 2nd day of July' 1923. * W. J. Tidwell, Ordinary; Georgia, 1 Forsyth County. To all whom it may concern: . W. L.iHood having made ap plication to me for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of Corbin S. Hood, late of said county, deceased, notice is hereby gtven that said application will be heard alt the regular term of the, Co.urt of Or dinary, of said county to be held on the first Monday in Au gust, 1293. Giv'en under- my hand and official signature, this 2nd day' of July, 1923. W. J. *Tidtve 11, Ordinary. .