The North Georgian. (Cumming, Ga.) 18??-19??, December 07, 1923, Image 1

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VOL,. XXXIV. . “Do Unto Other* a* You Would Have Them Do Unto You. Apply this eternal truth in your banking connec tions Help us connect our business for the best interests of the entire community, by meeting ♦ your obligations promptly, then, when the time comes you need new accommodations, we will be able to extend them with confidence in your reliability. JNO. D.iBLACK, Cashier, Georgia Stato Book. Dr. Geo P. Brice, Chairman of Board. B, P. Roper. C. B. Otwell. W. E. Lipscomb. M. A. Smith, “A Big Bank with the Personal Characteristic a of Home Folks &#***&! Bankers Tru*fr Col ] Sywfrwri of ~ —of Atlanta \ Town, P /Omnfr-y cals, Mrs. C. H. King is reported on the sick list, Mrs. E. L. Tatum,'of Atlanta, was visiting Saturday. Mr. Joe Elliott, of Atlanta, was in town Saturday. Mr. Robert Tatum, of Atlanta, was a visitor here one day last week, Mrs. leona Davis, of near Woodstock, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry. Thomas. Col. J, P. Fowler has been ap pointed game warden of the county. Mr. and Mrs.’Roy Otwell spent Thanksgiving with relatives near Dawson, Ga. Mr. Joe Lipscomb, who is in school at Locust Grove, spent the week end with homejfolks. Prof, and . Mrs. C. H, King spent Thanksgiving with rela tives at Temple Ga. Mr. and Mrs. .Veil Fowler, of Buford, spent"! Saturday night and Sunday>ith. relatives here. Mr. B. L. Fowler, of Chatta hoochee, was a week end visitor to relatives here. Col. J P. Fowder *\nd family visited relatives around Duck town Sunday. Esq. J. L. Williams left this week for Sherman, Tex,, where he will make his home for awhile Mrs. Henry Thomas has re turned from a two week’s visit to relatives in Cherokee county, Mrs. Williams has moved in to the house just vacated by Mr. H. H. Hansard. Send your suit to Cumming Pressing Club. They will clean and press them and send them back to you by parcel post. SI )t Don’t forget that Blackston, Fowler and Cos. are prepared to do tractor repairing, Little Miss Wansley Tatum spent from Wednesday till Sun day with her grand mother, Mrs. E. L. Tatum, in Atlanta. Good sized crowds were in town Monday and Tuesday. A good deal of property was sold, bringing a fair price. Dr. Holtzendorff will be in his office at the Brannon Hotel eyery Saturdry fromjnow on to your dental work- Several of the younger set, both girls and boys—were ’pos sum hunting on the mountain Saturday night. Mr. Hoy Hansard has moved his family to Buford, where he has a position with the Standard Oil Company. Mrs. J. M. Sewell, Mr. and Mrs. Clive Hansard and Mr. Toy Hansard, of Buford, were visit ing in Cumming Sunday after noon. Mr. A. G. Hockenhull has ac cepted a position as manager of the Cash Market and Cafe, and would like to have his friends call and see him. If your tractor is in need of repairs bring it to Blackston, Fowler & Cos., and see how quick they will put it in good shape for vou at a reasonable price. Look up the advertisement of the Georgia State Bank, to be found in this paper. This is a good bank to do business with, and they will appreciate your business. School recessed from Wednes day till Monday, giving all the teachers and boarding pupils a chance to spend a day or two with home folks. Have your suit made like new by cleaning and pressing |by Cumming Pressing Club. They pay parcel post charges both ways. CUMMING, GA DECEMBER 7 he:* Look up the advertisement of Glenn Guthrie in another column Glenn has a well selected stock of general merchandise, and also handles oil and gasoline. He will buy your barter and give you the top of the market for it. Go to see him. Married, last Monday after noon, Mrs. Addie Hansard to Mr. Early Wheeler, both of near Gumming, Esq. Henry Hurt per forming the ceremony. The Morth Georgian extends congrat ulations. Mr. Arthur Reid, of Cordele, was visiting relatives in and near town days of last week and this. He was.’accompanied by Mr. Cape. Arthur is an old Forsyth county boy, and his many, friends axe glad to know of his success, Rev, Conway, pastor of the Flowery Branch Methodist church, died suddenly at his home in that city last Saturday morning. Mr. Conway was well known In Cumming, having preached on the streets numbers of times while traveling as an evangelist. 20 per cent Saved for One Year. On and after this date, for one year, every customer buying goods at my store will be given a trade check with every 50c. worth of goods bougfit. These trade checks will accepted by us at face value on the purchase of any article'in our special Novelty and Jewelry Department. To show our appreciation of vour trade we haveTecentiy add ed this department which con sists of ladies leather belts, hand bags, purse, solid gold and gold fobs, chains, brace lets, card cases, links, scarf pins brooches, etc., all of which is ful lyiwarranted to give satisfaction and can be purchased by you at half price, You are invited to call, inspect the department and commence saving Trade Checks now- Harvie, [Simpson, Jeweler, Cumming, Ga. ANTIOCH. Hope everybody enjoyed Sun day as they should. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, Most everybody done picking cotton in this part. Mr. S C Williams and family spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. J M Williams’ Mr. Clarence Tate spent the week end with home folks. School has begun at this place under the management of Mrs. Ida Brown Miss Ollie Williams is spending awhile with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J M Williams. Mr. and Mrs. W P Hughes spent one afternoon last week with Mr. J N Davis. Misses Cleo and Kate Tate were the guests of Miss Ruby Deen Merritt Sunday afternoon. There are several cases of mea sles in this community. All are doing very well. Mr. Amos Pilgrim visited at Mr. J N Davis’ awhile Sunday. And when the day of pentecost was fully come they were al with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they sitting. As there is not much news we will close. Two Sisters. PUBUO DEBATE. There will be debate at school auditorium Friday night, Decem ber 7, at 7:40 o’clock between the two literary societies of Cum ming High School, The subject for discussion is Resolved, That the United States should join the League of Nations, The Clioniaiv are represented by Claud Singleton, S-ni!e Wills and Huey Baker. The Diocle tions are represented 1 y Herbert Kirby, Gunion Heard and Luna Mae Fleming. There will be an admission fee of 10c and 15c. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Light of Bu ford, are visiting in town. * ■ Mrs. R. E. Harrison, of Atlan ta, spent Monday in town. Mr. Roy P. Otwell and familj were in Gainesville Sunday. Miss Irene Barrett, who is teaching at Hopewell, spent the week end at home. Miss Ophie Smith, one of the teachers at Hopewell, spent Sat urday and Sunday at home, Prof. G. M. Futch.of Acwortl was in town a si ort while Sun day. Mr. Lemon Smith of Aeworth, was a visitor to Mr.' L F .Smith and jamily. ME Lee Tatum, of Dawson, has been visiting here this week Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hill, of Gainesville, spent the week end with Mr. Roy P. Otwell and fam ily. Mr. Cliff Vaughan end family of Roswell spent Sunday with Mr. 'N, J. Groover and family. Mrs. Martha Chamblee has re turned to her home en route 2, after'a visit of a few days to her daughter, Mrs, C. B. Otwell, Miss Maggie Smith, who is teaching nsar Marietta, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, near Silver City. ■ • Mr. Oda Orr, wh has been working up North, is at home for a while, Miss Bonnie Carruth, of near Hopewell, visited friends in town a few days of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Wright, of Atlanta, were visitors here Mon day. County Board of Trade. Matters of vital impottance concerning the Forsyth County Board of Trade will be brought up at a meeting to be held on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 1823. at 2 o’clock, p. m. Officers will be elected for the ensuing year, Constitution and By-Laws will be submitted and ad;>| • and. and other matters of int est to the entire county will b< discussed and acted upon. If not already interested come through curiosity—try one little experiment. I yuan otee that you will never regret .ruing. Waterman’s Fa! ink is also lutely the best for -T writing. It is uniform in quality, and will not thicken and dry up, is non corrosive and everlasting in its j record qualities- Harvie Simpson, MAT—ROUTE 1. Well, the first Sundnv in comber has come and gone, an through the goodness <d' G and v are still alive and able to be g ab. ut, We attended Sunday .:h and prayer meeting ; i ; lasp Sunday evening an i good A'oung BroU r Si xn cat ducted the service. Pro l Rainey will {conduct the . r next Sunday evening. We hcp< the house will be full to holp'hir.. in that service, and God hm : ; imised to bless every one thy vili obey him herein this world, He teils us tc try me and see if i will not pour out a blescing tit. your heart will not be able to r ceivo. So let’s try him mm what he will do for us. Sul S great trouble with us is we wan. the Lord to bless us and us e nothing lor him. But in pro isc is a blessing if you oh >. h and a curje if you disobey him’ Now which do you want, a bless ing or a curve? We will get or or the other, sure. Now, we can t fool the Lord for he tells us that the Lord knows them that art nis. and God is no respecter o persons, but in every nation the that worketh righteousness a accepted of him. Who won hinder one of God's little or hero in this world teat v. . : serve him. Surely net. ■ > cry P hinder one of th . ii; one*. We should be cm-,. together with God, and m t o: . g and trying to destroy oi. others influence. As chrisl a., j we should all be of yr.c mind an' ; of one accord. That is the w ' the Lord tells us to be in ti: world. Aro we obey ing h o j rhand? If not why not? If vr ' are not then it is because w .don’t love him, £ .for he tel s that if we love him keep my co I iijandments. If you love me yo 1 wdi keep my sayings. Now , tells us that the strong ua tUn the infirmities of the wt.' am. not to please ourselves. Nov there are some strong Christian in doctrine and there are somi that are weak. Now Ch; Ist toi Petor when thou art convert i strengthen the brethren. N , , that is the duty of the in, preacher today. God neip us ; j to no our duty and not tail, 'i weapons of our are n •oran:, but mighty throe and .o the pulling down ol the st. ■■ lolds of satan, I.' iw it looks at though Satan has a strong hoi in the world and nothing but the g ,-pel can break it down, So tht strong ought to be mightily at work just now, for the gospel 1 the great power of Got! here . this o] l world. Don’t be out just think of the pm.:,! if rod: Lo. lam with > i, ev iO the end of ehe world. Nov. Christ tells us that t. n- vil ylll cast some into pris but be thou faithful unto deati and I will give vou a crown t righteousness. Isn’t that whs? we are looking for? Of course i is. Then don’t let anything hir der you, for Christ tells us tho’ all men may forsake you yet 1 never will I thank God for tl.o. promises for were it not for tl < we might gi re up sometime but just a little long :■ and tl j-batfle will be over and then v ar going home, J. W. Thomas. NOTICE. - Will gin after Oct, 27th only on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat urday.-. After Nov. 3rd, only o Tu< days and Fridays until fu; ther notice, Cumming Oil & Fertz. Cos, NO- 4-.1 LONGSTREET. Jiss Beulah Hawkins spent ■unlay night with Mr. and Mrs. - t her Prdgett >v!r. and Mrs. Grady Bettis were 'ting Mrs. Martha Bettis Tues night. is:. Laura Belle Patterson and r, Mr. Joe Patterson, spent iday with Mr. A C Thompson f unily, Ts. J L Cobb spent Sunday non with Mr. and Mrs. Will mby. ir. Tabor Hawkins, wife and id ie son spent a'few days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Dock S c ms. 'ir.and Mrs. Marvin Cobb were icing Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Cobb iday afternoon, Jiss Cora Bell Lummus and ther spent Saturday night h Mr. and Mrs. Howell Phil lips . iss spent Satur i, night with Mr. and Mrs. Cur ti Phillips, ir. and Mrs. Roy Bettis were i I ting Mr. R 2 Bryant and fam ly Sunday. Jes-rs SC Davis and family, f Atlanta, and W C Tomlinson, ■ and baby, of Marietta,spent lay with Dr, und Mrs. J. T. Fa ter. hool at Longstreet has closed . hile on account of measles ' ; Alice Hall spent Sunt Sun with Miss Irene Thompson, ir. and Mrs. |Curtis Phillips t Fri lay night with Misses -do and Mae Phillips. ■r and Mrs. J, TANARUS, Hunter and Me J W Holbrook were visiting Dr nd Mrs. R L Hunter inCum n. ng Sunday. L. 11. TUBERCULOSIS. By Dr. E. M. Shepherd. ■ berculosis is caased by a rod bacillus, knownjas the Tu , : nlosis Bacillus and is found n oie sputum of those affected ,v. h this disease. The sputum ,t] of a consumptive contains i mall number of these germs the ea-% stages, but as the , uses progresses,they increase n number until there are mil , ; in the last stages of this , i rible disease, ' ie earlier symptoms which can observe, and which M cause one to consult a phy are: slight cough, lasting ,uth or longer; bleeding from gs—spitting up blood; loss j > weight; slight elevation of j a gerature in the afternoon — ! (9b 3-5) to not waste valuable time - en you have these symptoms, ing home remedies, patent rum, or treatment from a ck doctor who advertises to ; consumption by some mys us means known only to him , but consult a reputable phy :rll and do as he directs. .e sure your lungs are care ts.y examined, ami* remember | u . cannot be done through your I cl<h hing. Have no confidence in , , physician who prescribes, for | jvir cough without an examina i in. Insist on a microscopic ex- 1, nation of the sputvm, which i iually done free of charge by . State er City Board of Health I on your local health officer, will help you get the exam ion made. ;cre is a death from Con ion in the United States ry three minutes. There is a late in the United States a -n tins disease of one hundred an : fifty thousand per year. This claims one death out of ry ten in the Unitde States, Tuoerculosis is easily cured if .tment is begun in the early stages.