Newspaper Page Text
[Entered at the Summerville postoffice
as second-class matter.]
;■ Publishers.
JOE W. CAIN, - • • Editor.
Twelvemonths, (Cash) $1.25
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months, (Cash) 05
£ix months, (On Time) 75
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A headlong person is far from liv
ing long headed.
Gray and Black went down before
th • red bandanna.
Now watch G. Cleveland and A.
Thurman get there, Eli!
It is said no one can arrest th-
Hight of Time, but any one can stop
a minute.- Ex.
Now stand back and see the red
bandanna whip the bloody shirt un
til it won't know itself.
Hon. John li. Taylor is a candi
date for congress from the district
now represented by Mr. Grimes.
Ex-Senator Tabor, of Colorado,
uses a bar of gold worth $12,000 as
a paper weight. It holds thep 'per
The fact that Allan G. Thurman ’
has a clean record after living for
a long period in Ohio speaks vol
umes in his favor.
The Republicans show a disposi- !
tion to laugh over the Der oeratic i
ticket. They will weep over their
own ticket in November.
It- appears that some people in
Rome actually thought that prohi
bition laws would stop the sale and
consumj tion of whisky,
A Thurman speech : “1 feel t- n
years young-.”.' since I was nomina
te I by the Democracy for vice-pres
ident.” (Tremendous applause). ■
“A Halt on the Divide,” is the
picturesque and truthful head-line
which the Topeka Commonwealth
puts o'-o r the news of Sheridan’s
reconnoitering of death.
Judge C. C. Kihbee, the present
incumbant, and Hon.D. M. Roberts,
of Eastman, an able lawyer, are
avowed candidates for the judge
ship of the Oconee circuit.
The Democratic candidate for
governor of North (’a.iolina is Fowle I
and tie- candidate of the same partv |
for the same office in Arkansas is
Eagle. With such lenders the Dem- !
ocrats ought to fly.
A convention of parrots will soon !
be held in Turin, Italy, and it is ex- ’
pected that a great many wise old ’
fellowswill be present. Prizeswill
be given to the best singer, the lin- :
est conversationalist and the great )
est orator.
Look out for the man who is ad- I
verti-ing an infallible cure for corns I (
pri- ■ 21, and money refunded if the! ,
corn does not disappear. If you
send him a dollar you will receive ij
by return mail the following rccipo: L
“Cut off your toe.” !,
e publish tod ly an editorial !
from the New York World in regard 5
to Jefferson Davis. It partially ! 1
does justice to the greatest man : -
now living in America—but not full 1 ‘
and complete justice, lime will do ’
tha time which sets all things 1
right and balances accounts with '
an impartial hand. t
'll' E
IV e present to our readers the j
Democratic platform in full. Hen- -
ry V) r.tterson was the architect-, ■ f
Scott iurnished the nails and Gor-!
man sawed the lumber, while the
representatives of Democracy from •
all over the land in convention as- I 'j
sembled fitted it up, nailed it to ' t upon it -Grov.-r, u
Cleveland and Allen Thur.n a . Thev h
are hefty men. but th- platform, is ; '
sound and an I will hold in : ildi-’ 5
tion to them ten million voters vit-h [
their wives, children, mothers, fa th- j
ers and cousins even unto the thoi >s
andth remove. (let right on; the re ■-
is not s rotten ; 1 -■■„ ~ y ,
nail in it and nothing small ebon tJ !
the men who are on it except their I «
rascality-■ Hip-hip-hurrr.h-li-h I;; j ( p
An Enthusiastic Contempo
The Chattooga News gays:
“Rome, after bragging for three or
four weeks about the good effects
of prohibition, has now awakened
to the fact that men still drink in
prohibition cities. Rome is learn
ing what the balance of the world
already knows.” Yes, when Rome
and Floyd county went “dry” they
fully expected whisky would be sur
reptitiously smuggled in from Chat
tooga and Gordon counties, which
still cling to the “flesh pots” of
that which causes nine-tenths of
the crime, pauperism, widows' tears
and orphan's woes of our land, and
wrings from the tax-payers great
drafts from their pockets to pay)
for the excessive court litigations I
year in and year out. But we have!
a mayor not to be fooled with on :
this liquor business, as Chattooga
has been apprised of recently, in
his demands upon a Summerville
mail-carrier of a deposit of S2OO in
the city treasury, or 30 days break
ing rock “pro bouo publico,” for
bringing your devilish stuff in our
midst. Try it again, won't you, and
our determined mayor will go for
you to the tune of SSOO and twelve
months in the chaingang. Three
times three cheers for Mayor Ayer.
—Rome Clipper.
Now, we assure our angry con-;
temporary that we haven't sent, nor ;
have we caused to be sent, any
whisky to a single one of Rome's;
thirsty citizens, ami, therefore ■
Rome’s determined mayor will not
just yet fine us SSOO nor send us to
the chaingang twe’ve months, one
or both. As much distorted as
Rome’s prohibition ordinances are
they do not authorize even a deter-:
mined mayor to send any one to the
chaingang more than six months;
I for a single violation, and it would ‘
) take a very determined and a very!
lawless mayor to impose a sentence j
of twelve months, as the Clipper-
I would have any Che believe.
i So far ns is known Chattooga.
county has not smuggled any
whisky into the city of Rome. That;
citizens of Rome have become;
thirsty and have sent to Chattooga
county for whisky is true, but if
this is smuggling Rome is the guil-)
tv party and not Chattooga county. )
The people of Chattooga county
are as a whole law abiding and)
scorn to resort to smuggling to I
evade the law. No; the sins of I
Rome can’t be justly charged to)
Chattooga county.
Now, then, a word to the excited
(‘lipper: When the waves of the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans by a
mighty effort rise up out of their
beds and kiss each other across the
highest peaks of the Rocky and
Alleghany mountains then Rome
will be a prohibition town. Then
your citizens will be thirsty no
more, and then no more- will you be
grieved and your soul be vexed at
their violation of prohibition laws,
i Do not get excited—’o excited that;
you want to send us, who are inno- 1
I vent of violating Rome’s prohibi- -
tion laws, to the chaingang twelve |
i months, when ti e hi diest penaltv i
; only six months—and watch for
' the signs of the waters of the
oceans, for by them you will know
when prohibition goes into effect.
) Cleveland was unanimously nom-,
) inated for President by the St. Lou
is convention last week. Thurman)
was nominated for vice-President!
on the first ballot, receiving 712 |
votes, while Gray received 97 and)
Black 32. Before the conclusion of
the ballot it was moved to make!
Thurman’s nomination unanimous,'
which was done. The platform
adopted is in harmony with the!
President’s message, and strongly;
declares fora reduction of the tarii'.
The Vi ills bill was unanimously en-;
dorsed and its passage recommend-)
cd. Thus squarely committed to a!
reduction of the tariff and with |
Cleveland and Thurman as leaders
the Democracy appeals for endorse-,
ment to the people. From the out
look now there is not much doubt
but that in November it wili be I
T. I. N. C. j
Don’t suffer any longer, but usej
Tanner's Infallible Neuralgia Cure, I
the only infallible cure on earth fori
al! forms of neuralgia and nervous !
headache. i'angum Root Medicine !
Co.. Manufacturers, Nashville, Tenn. ,
59 cents p r box. Sold by all,:
The ancient proverb says. -“You ) i
iffinnct get more out of a bottle than 1
' .<ll put 111 it? GLliu-t suh error, i
It --.ides what he puts in he can get 1
1 headache, a sick stomach and ) 1
perhaps t”n days in the lockup. J
Foul Play.
Thci'c are many ways in which I
malicious pei'sons can give vent to
that trait of character and still not
lay themselves open to a flat-footed
charge of slander or make them
selves liable for damages. The
most complete illustration of this
proposition is found in the Atlanta
Constitution of date of June 13th.
That paper, while professing to be
friendly to Cleveland, deals the
most powerful blow yet aimed at
him. It is intended as an annihil
ator, and unless warded off by a
timely exposure, cannot fail to have
a most appalling effect. In its is
sue of above named date the Con
stitution says many flattering things
; J J 00
■of Cleveland, and at first glance
; any one would Conclude that it was
ready to fight, bleed and die for
him. But this is a delusion made
all the more reprehensible by the
mode adopted in carrying it out. In
this paper is a picture intended to
represent the President. And such
a picture! It makes the President
look like a Berkshire hog, an ou
rangoutang, a monkey—anything!
in fact except the great President
of this glorious country. Several
life-long Democrats have come into
this office, viewed the picture in
astonishment, and, when told who
; it was intended to represent, turned
) sadly away, muttering, “I can’t vote
for s.ich a looking man as that!”
The picture will deprive Cleveland )
of the support of many such men as
) these unless their minds are freed
from the idea that it is a correct
likeness. The picture, however,
does not resemble the President;
neither does the President resemble
the picture, its appearance in the
! Constitution is the result of a deep
laid plan, the diabolicalism of which
was probably never equaled by the
! conclaves of darkness in its gloom
) iest councils, to stub Cleveland in
i the house of his supposed friends.
It is as complete a case of foul play
as was ever originated, and we
brand it as such. We are here to
expose such schemes. Our facili
ties in this line are unsurpassed,
and those who want to keep posted
) as to the tricks employed to defeat
the will of the people and turn this
great country over to the Republi
) cans had better subscribe for the
News without delay.
The following is the closing par
! agraph of a speech recently deliv
ered by lion. J. C. Clements in con-
I do not object to the incidental
protection afforded by necessary
taxation, but the present high and
prohibitory tax is leading to the
aggregation of money in the hands
of a few, which is not production of
wealth, but simply the transfer of
it. The laborer, the man who toils
and takes wealth out of the earth,
is the man who produces it. It is
; not produced by a system of trans
-1 fer, absorption and accumulation.
! Yet this is pointed to as evidence
) of thrift and prosperity, because it
results in great manufactures at
particular places, forgetting that
the masses of the penile from whom
it has been taken are lingering and
struggling along for a bare sub
sistence. IVhtit is the effect? The
result is that wc have already inau-
Iguratedin this .country a system)
i which will male the debtor class, in)
the North as well as in the South, I
■ dependent alike. Money is loaned
; upon mortgage on real estate!
) through money-loaning associations ;
'all over the country. The rate of j
; interest, lai ge itself, is doubled by!
: commissions paid to men who ne-;
gotiate the loans. These mortgages ;
; rest upon men who have little farms |
| without other means than their j
) labor to pay the indebtedness, and
) who, under this system of protec
' tion, get. deeper in debt each year
;as the interest accumulates. The
result will be that this class will be
turned out homeless, and the real
estate of the country, as well as the
money, will he largely aggregated
in the hands of the favored few
1 through a system of oppression up
|on those 'who will become pauper
) tenants like the tenants in Ireland.
Sorrow is transformed by time
I into a pleasant memory. We look
[on the face of a dear one for the
last time with intense anguish; but
when there has been time for grief
to be assuaged, we recall all the
good qualities of the departed and
muse on them till the thought be
comes a pleasure. Aiany a middle
aged or old person will admit that
the memory of one child who died
in the lcve>ine.:.> of early youta is
now more agreeable than the at
tractions of yoy one that lived to!
full maphpnb -><l womanhood.
The Center of the World
Como to Chattooga County
and Summerville on the
V. Xi. V.
Which is Here.
The Railroad
Reached Summerville
AVednesday of this week.
It docs us proud to say so!
After years of pulling together
through very hot and very c.-'d
weather Summerville hasarailro : 1.
It is with a feeling of gratillca’.i >n
that our people view the result,' of
their earnest solicitude for so m i-iy
years. There seems to be a gene. il
feeling of rejoicing and well there
may be for after years of waiting
the hopes of the county arc real
Purify Your Blood.
Bodily and mental health depends
upon a healthy condition of the
blood. The blood particularly in
the spring and summer months,
becomes clogged with impuriti'. s,
which poison and generate disease.
A harmless blood purifier is nee s
sary to restore a healthy tone. 'Die
best purifier and tonic known is
Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.). Os its
wonderful purifying and tonic pow
ers we give a few testimonials:
Mr. AVm. A. Siebold, with G o.
B. Rowell <fc Co., 10 Spruce Street,
New Yo'k,writes: “I feel it my duty
for the benefit of others who may
be afflicted as I was, to write you
this letter, which you can use in
any way you choose. I suffered
great pain from boils, all over mv
neck; I could net turn my hi .id
[without acute 'pain. After tni:::r
I all the usual remedies, and finding
no relief, I used one bottle of S. S.
S., and very soon I was entirely >•■•-
) lieved of my “Job’s Comfort'. : .'’
) Now not a sign of my affliction can
be seen.”
Mr. M. S. Hamlin, AA’inston, N.
. C. writes: “I use it every spring. ;t
always builds me up, giving me -
) peti e and digestion, and enabling
me to stand the hot summer day.;.
On using it I soon become strong of
body and easy of mind.”
Mr. C. E. Mitchell, AVest 23d St.
Ferry, New York, writes: “I weigh
ed 116 pounds when I began taking
your medicine, and now 152 pounds.
I would not be without S. S. S. for
several times its weight in gold.”
Treatise on Blood and Skin Di s
eases mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co, Draw
er 3, Atlanta, Ga.
Uniform kindness and politene.-s
wili win every time. AVe have
thought of it often and wondered
why it was, but until we made it
our business to sec for ourselves
we were in the dark. AVe have
reference to J. AY. Pitts, the lead 'r
of low prices, short profits ar. I
quick sales. Mr. Pitts treats every
one politely, sells them his goods
at close figures, has a kind wo-.'l
and n smile for all, and whe n y- :i
! patronize him once you will do
again. He buy- and receives fn ■.l
’ goods every week and you will firn!
, something new every time you go.
■ Tii!- D ••in.: -hi: i•. ;•••:!', o lie United
tes i’i .n.i! c«»nvci»ti hi :h c’jhH' <! ,
■ rpucWß th?* p’pjge of fiJelit)’ l<» ‘he Di u -
o rntic fuilh und reaffirms the phitfviPl
a’opt<•(} by iis ivp:('-fiiiMiiveK b» the coh
v inion ol ISS4 a»id cn lorses the vic vs
xpressed by I’ie<dt*nt Cleveland in his
!.»>t enrnc>t mcs.agc to (,'<»ngr.!*s (h<
•nrrcct interpret ition id that | l i’fvriii
: upon she question of l.iiifl i<’J«ir.tirii; ai d
ahm eudoiFco the < fiorf? nfi ur Penin i;»l
--representatives in (’orch’is In cuOre
I reduction <•!’exues-ive tnxaH* n.
; An-ong its principles of paCy fibhae
I he maintenance of the indiss Ju 'c union
!of lr< e and i de.-lruchb’c St.: cs, n”-.'
1 ibout to errer upon its rcceml c iUmy of
i unexamp'ed i ro.less and ie:u) ,v fr. Jevn-
I linn to tlie. plan of government regulated
|by •};<• written comtuu'i-m, strictly spyci
• ijit'g every gianted pov.-.r :;:»d esj rossly
! ic.-erving to the States or the people the
entire ungranlcd residue of power; lie
encourage iuCh( of a jrahms popular viJ
iancc, directed toward all vho have been
chosen r ur brief leiins to enact and exec
■ite laws, rd arc chaigcd with the duly
of prerci’. inc peace, insuring rq□ nlit/ and
c tr.:.'i.>lii;-i' jus'ico.
The Democrat c parly welcomes active
serut-iny oi the administration of the ex
ecutive power v.l.’.c’h four years ago, was
committed l > its tiust in the election <f
•hover Cl twill: 1 . nJ. Pre,.- dent oft ! c Un States, and challenges the most j
•enrobing inquiry concerning its fidelity
and devo.ion to the pledges wlh.Ji tlun
invited lhe suffrages of the people. Dur
ing the mo--! critical period of our finan
cial affairs, resulting f on over taxation,
the anomalous condition of our currency
and lhe public debt u:;?jat nred, it lias,
hy the adoption of a wi j ? and conserva
tive course, n-)t on ! y .av-'uded disa Jcr but i
greatly promoted the prosperity of the ■
It has. reversed lhe improvi lent and |
unwise policy of the Kcpub ican patty
touching the public domain, and has re -
claimed from corporations and syndicator, |
•i»ien and demesti , a d n-Mored to the I
:p. nple nearly one hundred million acres I
’ of land, to be racrcdly held .as homestead.-!
I for our ci’izous.
j While carefully gum ling lhe intcre.-ts i
: of taxpayers and conforming s’ri/tly to I
i (he principles of justice and iq i-iy, it has i
! paid out moic f->r ponsinn-i arid bomitm.s ;
: to soldiers arid sailors o! the republic lhan •
■vas over pai l bef'.ru durieg an cqud pc.- j
I riod. , ■
■ 1; has ad pfed and c-msi-tonlly pur-I
hsued a firm and prudent foreign pibwy i
. preserving peace with al! nations whiD I
i-crmnilomsfy mairtlaini-.g all rights and '
I io*-, re-is (>!’our awn gov/r i'ne it tnl po-
; pie at imine an-! abr >ad.
I The exclusion f.omour shore- of Chi '
ue.-e h' or has been cflecimdly oeu:e<l
unde, the prtivisi.m of a tre.ity, the oper
ation of wiii di ha* bcm postpon'd bv the
I action o' :lm Republicans in lhe tScnntc
if in<‘.-t reform in the civil ser.'i<-e ha
; b'en ioaueurrHed aid m r itaiue 1 by
I’ .t-ident Cievel.ind, an I : c I:;h brought ;
: (ho public service to the hic’;c.-t standard
;of cfThdeney. mH only i.y rum and precept, i
i but by tin* exa n;de of his own 'Hitiib.L’ |
:i!»d un.*< ill h admini*.!rati .'ii of publi-.';
j a.Tairs.
I lu every Lian eh m-. 1 d.partmon'. of the
; government uml. r Dimine** die control th-’
I rights an I we’! ;;.! <4 al! the people have
I been Kuarlcd and defended, everj’ public.
, inter/'M I ec'; prei.-cted and the equditv
, of all our citizens before the law, without
regard to r .c? or eo'o r , his beenstcadfa-t
--’y mainiaino'i.
Upon it-me.nd. thus ixliibitcd, and
upon the pledge of a coi.tirimance to the
people <»! «!;•• benefits o’ g »ve;n , ncnt thus
•»d iiiiii.-fercd, the Dcmoera \v invokes a
renewal of popular lrn< by the re elec
tion ofthe chief m v Iwh • h s l,?< n
faiiliful. "Id ■. nn I pi ii'lcnt, i .■.•o'<e, in
additioii to that Iru.-H, the tran-i’cr a’s • to
the Demoerucy of the pi toe |. g: l-div;
; power.
j 'flic R.’pub'izan » arty, c -nti -ITm the
I Senate a: d iv-Jsiii.g in both Huu-’n of
iCt nv.r.’s- red aa'i >f ll.c unjust ami
i iincq-i i; t.»X laws which have oul’isiel
lhe HOC --ili's of war and a-e n vuu ’er
tn’iiiug the al;U'.dance of b.i-g p.j ice. <l.«i y
the peotde e<j <i:v b - fore il ■ i? v and lhe
' thiiiic-s and jo-, i • whu h are tin R rßhi
• lhemy of A me: i !:,h.. r f, r n brttrr
• duin in the ;ph s-Is us ,
' ami leom I 1 .wii t;i Lome mar'el-; aii
( i capita! i- r- stiirle 1 ! j ihe o ;r. t !a«>
: 'bn.'s can i.e-i’m r be p:-.q.erly au.ended
r n ppabei.
' ’! :<• Den . -rntm part;, will cmiimt-,
J i with aii t’m; I'ouer ..... Ji i.i j;, j n t’ c
■ S'lUee'c fnrel.em these law.- in a C i.i-
■ ace With tm- pled J s (1 f it- pia-f.i n
d r-e ! at |h.» i,I, .x Lj the suffrages
’: of;he I cop!.-. ()f a’l the imb: hinu
|lr ‘'-jh ii aft.i'r hui-I. an i r.mer’s- • j ri
l\ i mmliug t very ti'ici <•’’ i -bi e ?! ;i
’, n • adv< .tag •!■ m x • • ■ .• v law-,
■ | but the p r i‘*:- of i.c.’.r • .v. H-.-v
i-ny i> mcrei-ed b lhe lav..: iri- of t!.<
• : 'l'-nv. ’.-i-.ry ux »-i i : tmjn.r laxaihm.
I r | ue!<:»i.t to the er. o 1 <•! D im»e
--i la?. - iEat by ,-n h t.ixmnm ti c. co.-l oj the
: nece.-.-of •{ sho :id he ut , iu-'ifi »b!\
inwea-ed a,..: l.'y
| L'emi»cr.ji.-. j.« •..( t tie i.i•} t .
1 people nr.j : e:; :y<..J wher.. by num r. i
~ r y taxat ion, :. n-t.-: ..nd combin::’ -ms
permiite l lo exist, which, while umii.i
. : enriching the few th-it cum ’;«c, r<-.h ?» .
1 body of « ur ci- : z-as ! y dept ivi• _ ‘L.-p.: m
J benefits o' national competition. Every
. Democritic rule •{ '_ov<'m ) j-cl’ux
•; is violated wh -’i. thr evil unn. -.
| taxation, a vast e‘ money fer bey ths
• . the needs of ra -micai admioi.-iraimu i
- drawn from t J • coplc ; ii, j chan- c. 1.-
! of and aep-imn'-o •: i a- a dehjorbix
! * ’n-'' surplus in the : at; .’.a! f ?'t
• , money u >w lying idle in (he fc h-:al
: ury monis to more than r.eie luii;4;od
1 : and ; 4cn! j-live millions, a ., f t ! ;e ,-urplus
;co ’clcd is :ea-f;ng (b.n >u;u of more-
rhul: -■’f'r •• i ’l'HiH i- • ual’y.
D b.urlo«l :-y' •I ? immilisc lempta
tiou, .'lie remedy of the I’eptibllr ;n party
is lo meet and i :.'..a:r-t by extravag n'
appropriation and cxpei’.e, wL« thor coo
-titinioiinl or net. the are.u nn ! a(i"ii< <f
ur.necesy tix itiom oir ostabii.shc'i
dotncsl ic indm-trirs and m t. rprises .-Imu’d
not, an i n •••I not, be end mgi’l'e I b tlm
reduction and e.orreciion of lhe bu»- lens < :
taxation () :ihee hh . ary, for• n 1 care
ful revision of ur tax laws ,niih due Al
lowance for the dificrence bet ween wavc
of Aim:! ir- nod foreign labor must pro
mote a: 1 cm? ov\ rv bran di of sue’
in lijs! r : e.< and e: ierpris'-s. by giving t:i‘*n
assurances of an extended market, ni d
stead;, and cooiin r:m- «» t .cr it n»n The in
I (crests o' Amorcan Inb-r. which, sLo-l .
in no cv-’?-’ 'm m v'ce’ed, ami thu r ”.’1 ion
of our t x ! » vs. as cnutemphited by tie
D'-mocruic pait}. .•.Loufi 1 i ' i- He ii..- ad
vantage of . i ih-cr hy chenpeniug the
cos! of tint iip.ccss iiies of life in tha home
of cvciy wording man and at the same
tim* to him steady remunerative
e.nployu ent.
Upon this question of tariff reform, so
closely concerning every ph :*se of our na- j
Honal life and upon every question in
volved in the problem of good govern
moot, the D im-cratic party submits its
priiici; le- .and professions io the inlelii
gent s'llfr.ig s .fthe Amoricn people.
WAN'TEI)—S9 shouts; will pay
i the cash for them. Apply to John
son & Cleinmens, Summerville.
The Remarkable Cures
Which have beer, eifeet.d by flood’s.
Sarsaparilla are sullie’ent proof:
that this medicine does possess pe
culiar curative power. In the se
verest cases of scrofula or salt
I rheum, when ••t-ier preperations had
I been porrerless, tiie use of Hood's
j Sarsaparilla has brought about the
i happiest results. The case of Mise
' Sarah C. Whittier, of Lowell, Mass,,
I who suffered terribly from scrof
ulous sores; that of Charles A.
: Roberts, of East Wilson, N, Y., who
| had thirteen abscesses on his face
; and neck; that of Millie Duff, of
Walpole, Mass., who had hip dis-
: case and scrofula so bad that phy
sicians said he could never recover,
ore a few of the many instanced in
wiiick wonderful cures were effected
iby this medicine.
A.n Octogeno.rian Statesman.
Jesse; -cm Davis Hik'd his eightieth !
rear List Sunday. It is not often!
| that our p üblic attain that age
■with fairly good health and unim
i paired intellect.
M’hile in the public services of
the United States, as soldier and
• | stat'-sman, Mr. Davis established a
j reputation for courage, ability and
, integrity which errors cannot ob
literate nor prejudice gainsay. On
! the plains and in Mexico he show
,! ed his military qualities. In the
House of Representatives, in the
Senate of the United States and in
the Cabinet be proved himself a
.skilful and capable statesman. lie
was the recognized leader of the
Democratic party in Congress when
j Stephen A. Douglas, Jesse D.
: Bright, John Slidell, George E.
i Pugh, James A. Bayard and Wm.
: Bigler were in the Senate, and Pen
dleton, Vallandigham, Cox, Pryor,
1 McClernand, Niblack, Lamar and
John A. Logan were among the
Democrats in the House. In every
. position his honor wr.s unimpeached
; : and his integrity unquestioned.
Many an honest and brilliant
S'.ates-Biglit disciple was led int)
' secession through a conscientious!
belief in the duty of primary idle- !
giance to his State, That error.
,■ changed the position Jefferson Da-!
-■ | vis would otherwise have held a„ i
: this time among the public men of i
•' Amer’ea. But it can neither oblit-!
p erate nor impair the merit of his
■ i faithful services to the Union for
. nearly twenty years in the field and
• in civil office—services which must
always identify his! name honora-
■ hlv and creditably with his coun
' ‘ try’s history.—N. Y. World.
. '/ ? • ".
/•‘ftOYAL 'SM
! 'b .d
This powder never varies. A marvel
lof nnrilv, stench and wluilesom-.'ncss.
j 1 .'tore <thii'i the or': : i:nry
; kinds, and lie sold ill compeition
: witii flie nivltilnde of low iest, short-
I : weight alum or phosphate powders.
' .'■-'.old onlv in eans. Ib-v.M < . ■ <.••■’.-
■ n.-.n <• dii-AXY. l<fi Wall s’- .1 New
r-1 York.
It is a Curious Fact
That the body is noiv more suscep
tible to benefit from medicine than
at any other season. Hence the
importance of taking Hood’s Sarsa
parilla now, when it will do yon the
most good. It is really wonderful
for purifying anti enriching the
blood, creating an appetite, and giv
ing a healthy tone to the whole sys
tem. Be sure to get Hood’s Sarsa
parilla, which is peculiar to itself.
There are 1,171 school children
in Rome.
Now is the Timo
to use Hodges Sarsaparilla with
lodine ol Potash, the grert purifier
tor the blood. A certain cure for
rheumatism, scrofulous affections,
in 1 al! desenses peculiar to females.
Renovates and invigorates the svs
tcm. Physicians reccommend it.
Take no other. Rangum Root
Medicine Co., Manufacturers,Nash
ville, Tenn. $1 per bottle. Sold by
all Druggists.
; Before arithmetic was invented'
people multiplied on the face-of the
Attention, R, fL L,
For sprains, bauises, rheumatism,,
cramps, inllammat ion, swelling,,
cuts, burns, etc., in man, and splint
ringbone, windgall, epizootic
scratches, etc., in horses, Rangum
Root Liniment is a sure cure. The
I ‘King of Liniments” is the univer
: sal verdict. Never fails to cure any
ailraen- that can be reached by an
external medic application. 50
cents per bottle. For sale by all
The statement that in a gutter in
New Orleans which ha? not been
cleaned since the war a number of
silver spoons were recently found
must be taken with a few grains of
salt. It is hardly possible that such
things as spoons were 'overlooked
by Benjy Butler.
X £3
It is that impurity in tho blood, which, ac
cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro»
duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which
causes painful running sores on the arms,
: legs, or feet; which dcvelopes ulcers in the
eyes, cars, or nose, often causing blindness or
I deafness; which is tho origin of pimples, can
j ccrous growths, or the many other manifesta
' tions usually ascribed to “humors:” which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and death. Being the most ancient, it is tho
most general of all diseases or affections, for
very few persons are entirely free from it.
H< jr ß c : n cured
T.y taking Rood’s Sarsaparilla, which, hy
tlio remarkable cures it has accomplished,
often when other medicines havo failed, lias
proven itself to boa potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. I f you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
“ Every spring my wife and children havo
been troubled with scrofula, sores breaking
out on them in various places. My little boy,
three years old, has been a terrible sufferer.
Last springhc was one mass of sores fromhead
to feet. I was advised to use Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and we have all taken it. Tho result
is that all have been cured of the scrofula,
my little boy being entirely free from sores,
and all four of my children look bright and
healthy.” W. B. Atitekton, Passaic City, N. J|
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
SoldbyalldriWßlsts. ;l;slxforfs. Preparedonly
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass
100 Doses Ono Dollar
ns'jwwfMihas revolutionized the world
the hist lialf century.
Not least among the wonders
of inventive progress is a method and
svstem of work that can bo performed
all over the country without seperating
Urn workers from their hollies. Pay lih-
■ oral; anv one can do the work: either
sex, vmiugor old; no special ability -e
--imirtd. Capital not needed; you are
started free. Cui this out and return. u>
u s and wo will send you free, something
of great value and 'importance to you,
Hint will start you in business, which
: will brim.' voiti.i more money right away
tlun: am thingelse in the world. <>;:ani>
: outi-it Address Titt i: it Co.,
Augusta, .Maine.
Legal Advertisements.
Sheriff’s Sale.
! GEORGIA, Chattooga County:
I Will bo sold at the Court House door
: in Suuimerviilo said county, on the first
, ! Tuesday in July, ISSX, at public oipc.-y,
j within the Ic'rai hours of side, to tlie
highest bidder, for cash, the following
! propertv, to-wit: Twenty thousand tert
. 1 of plank and onr hundred <-rosstics.
Said pr> ertv will bef<»ui:d in tho Saw
mill yar of k'ilg- ‘c Davis near Poplar
; Spring rhurrh in id rountv; al: ooi e
i vok‘* of hulls and two yokr of oxen, one
eart and two wagons. L< \ :••<! on as the
i property of d«?frn< hint. .S. Jv«lg<». h;.
v; rt i’i* of Ihr 1' olosu rr o! a lieu in ta v'w
of.John lbw.- against AV. S Kibm issurd
from the (’onrJ.y Court oi’ *aid rountv.
Pro -erty pointed on< bv plaiiiulf. Lt 'V
mat c and returm <l by . W. Bryan, .j.
C. Juno sth, ' ‘<
J. T. 'Vonsi! am, Shen!!-
I will I.l'l at the f.illowing places <or llm
purpose of receiving Tax B’c u l ’ ; i,: '
lhe year IS-S on the days i.m’>l 'o’li’d b’--
' -I H 11. Monday, Apii! 2, bi, May 7.
Sidiligna. Tm.s.'my, April ILIlayS.
I‘irttown, Timrsd Aurli ■ . in, May
Coldwater, Friday, April (I, 20. May 11.
t--. mimic, Monday, .vpril I’, May 11,
Dirtseller, Tuesday, April 10, May I>,
.lune 12. ~
Alpine, Wednesday, April 11. May F’,
June 13.
Tcloga, Thursday, April 12, Mr.v 1/,
June 1-1. , r
Raccoon Mil’s, April :c, -day _s.
Saw Mill. May 18. .
Summerville, 2nd, 3rd and sth S;.i.r--
davs in April and May, and 2 id and 3rd
Saturdays in June.
Then the books will close and all de
faulters will be double taxed.
! The following is the amount of
■ the respective funds in (!>;• ('ouiHy
t i Treasur,, June Ist, ioi-.S:
- i Pauper fund . v 1.125.14
. : <ii mu-ill fund ..
-| Jail fund .32.27
' I Total .51,fiM.4>