The Chattooga news. (Summerville, Chattooga County, Ga.) 1887-1896, June 22, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 2.
v * Unabridged Qvarto
With or without Denison’s Patent Index.
Edition of 1887. Enlarged.
A Mew Pronouncing Biogra
phical Dictionary
of nearly 12,000 personages, and
A New Pronouncing Gazetteer
of the World,
noting and locating over 2t.‘,000 places.
Containing also
OVER 12,5(Kl ?< 1< W WORT’S,
recently added, together with
A TAI’.LEoIWm WOKD ■i n (:! IN Eit A L
USE with their S Y NON Y M ES.
Illustrated with word cuts and full page.
National StaiiflarftofAmei’icanLitßrature
Every edition of Longfellow, Holmes
Bryant, Whittier, Irving, am! ellmr em
inent American authors, follows Wor
cester. “11 prsents the usage of all great
English wi ;1 i-. 5.” It is the authority of
th;- h uling magazines.-'and m-ws-vip' rs
nf the country and of the National De
partment at Washington.
“ WorcesH'i nary has ecr.stan! -
ly !■■•!• on my ' ' for daily use, an i
Wt'o> . r’s I • • l shelves ''■> • <'• -
ca-ooHol com
Recognized Ad on Pronunciation.
Worcester’s Dictionary presents the
aecepted usages of our b<‘ si public speak
ers, and has been regarded as. the stand
ard by our leading orators. Everett,
Sumner, Phillips. Garfield, J1 illiard, and
others. M<>-;t i-Jorgym.m and lawyers
use Worcester an authority on pronun-
From Hon. Chas. Sumner: “The best
ant iiority.”
Erom H hl Edward Everett: “His
orthography and pronunciat ion repre
sent, as fiir as J am aware, the most ap
proved usage of our language.”
Erom 11-m. James A. Garfield: “The
most reliable standard authority of the
English language as it is now' written
and spoken.”
Erom Hon. Alexander IL Stephens:
Dictionary is the standard
with me.’’
J. R. LIPPINCOTT CO., Publishers.
715 and 717 Market si., PhikidHphi-i.
Clubbing Rates!
The New York World. The Chattoo
ga News ami a choice of one of three
valunbh’ hooks as a pviuium, all for
$2.50. The books arc: A History of tin
United Slates, 310 pages. Le- > here’
cover; A1’ istor y ugh: mi, :•i. Every
body’s Guide, both th. I.‘.Ger la mg uni
form in style ami binding wilh ic His
tory of the United S. Les. Thin of it]’
The New York Worl ‘.one of A eryyi •
greatest weeklies, y« . r homo p: or Tn r
News both for one year, and or. of tin
above named books, all post paid, for
only $2.50. Send registered letter, P. ■
order or call in person on The News.
<S;i miner vilh , (In.
The Barber
F. W. STVKIH VAXT .< < '< >.
/■fir- X’c.v Shop, X--u Ibiz-ws, y:id
rvoryttling ■•'>'>»'' tc<l wilh ;i s
barb'pr shop. Full in.
Sliot Rifles, Reloading Tools, and
Ammunition of ah kinds,
JN 13 W II AV 13 N, , C O JX M -
Send for76-Pago
‘mention this paper.'
i.nnorable einpl'-vinent Unit will
no-. t..k ■ '■■■-■■n t'roin thrir ! and
one to ■ <• an.! npy. >«!;■ per "ay,
V.ho is Willing to • six,
vounn or •: ■ F? ">• '• V
Kt -ri V >:•. X ■so ■ .|I alsniv ri ,i::r. d;
VOU, road r, <•;.> da it aw; In an < ie.
Write to t" I : 1 • •
which !"■ ■ ' .son A
Co., l'orll:u..l, n‘.
Loaned on improved f-rms. • .id ir
* years iriven ; i i on ..
I will bo at the following places for the
purpose of receiving Tax Returns for
the year isss on the days mentioned be
Trion, Monday, April 2, id, May 7.
Subligna, Tuesday, April 17, Mays.
Haywood, Wednesday, April 4, is.
May 9.
Dirttown, Thursday, April 5, 19, Mav
Coldwater. Eriday, A pri! <’>, 2(‘. May 11.
Seminole, Monday, April 9, May 11,
June 11.
Dirtscller, Tuesday, April 10, May !“.
June 12.
.Alpine, Wednesday, April ll,Al;ty l' : .
J line
Tologa, Thursday, April 12, May 17,
June 1 I.
Raicam Mills, April 30, Mav 2 ’.
Saw Mill, May is.
Summer\ iile, 2nd, 3rd «>ml Ith S;'.::ir
days in April and .May, ami 2nd and 3rd
Sat urdays in line.
Thon the books will close and all d' -
fault*-.s will be double ta.xi d.
The following is the amount of
the respective funds in the ('ounty
Treasnrv, June Ist, 1S8S:
Panp: r fund $1.125.1 I
General fund I9<>.!".',
Jail fund . 32.27
Total . .$1,054.40
"1 Motto Cards name cover-
Xf-J e*l with scraps and sampb -
for 1888 sen! to your add: < ss for H)
cts (> packs for 50 cis. Address S.
M. II»)iland, Temple, Goor<Hm
tinin Ana I. 11C:
A. I. Anderson
Ara- „ . m
Watches, Clocks and
Jewelry of Every De
\ <• iMra
A BOV 1-: A R'J’ICi.ES.
Church Directory.
BAFTIST ni-:v. D. T. L-I’V.
Summerville Eirst Sunday and even
ing and Saturday before; also third Sun
day evening. . Sardis Second Sunday
and Saturday before. Pleasant Grove
'third Sunday and Saturday ;-<Torc
Moiud Ilarmmiy Eotirih Siimiay and
Saturday before.
;<>•'. Mi'l Eirst Sabbath in en-d’
month at i 1 oT'.»•-'■< . . Perennial Springs
third tan! lh and Srdni'ilay b fore
Melville Eourth Sa!)! a'.h and Saturday
before at 2:30 p. m.
?<!i:ritomsT- kev.t. ii. timmg.ns.
Oak Hill -Eirst Saturday and Sunday.
. Ami Second Saturday and Sund iy;
dso i'ifth S:md;.y evening. .Broom
iowii-Second Sunday e\e.iimr. ami
*i Fifth Sunday im ' i.iiig . South Uaro-
I line.- -'l’-iird Saturday and Sunday
Summerville -Eourth Sunday and night.
Tri m -Every first ami fifth Sabbath.
.. .Summerville livery second Sab
bath Alpine Every third and fourth
Sab-ba th.
Walnut Grove-First Sabbath. Sil
ver Crock, Floyd Uounty Second Sab
bath . Bcm-sheba Third. Sabbath
Lu Fayette Fourth Sabbath.
Court Directory.
I First .Monday in .March and Septcm
- I <-r. John \\ . rnidex, Jmlge; D.
| Hollis. Uhu k; U. U. Ulenient<, Solieitor-
• ral: J. N. Kik* r, St m r; ph •.
. Mo-;:hly terms, second Monday;
i ■ »'i;’i ■ terms, first Monday in .Jar.-
I f ■■■■■. -1. Jiilv. and Octob-'-r. J. M.
i:: •:'! .’ ’ :>. Holi : - .•' ! mk.
I Summ vllle t !'_'■ ■1: dis' ri- I Vlohn r ta v-
I lor, N. I'., mid J. J. P. il'-nry, J. P.
• 'ourt Jril Fri*lay. F.awful Constables:
; I*. A. Urum'y ! E.U. Smith.
' Trion (<7iilh disi;- : ;), J. Simmons,
;N. I’.. <' >!•:-r, J. P. Court 3rd
| Saturday. L< •’ rHorn day Friday be-
' for. • Um‘■first sM m- !.*v. Lawful Uoiista
bh -• 11. I'. William -.
T<‘- _a (927th I). W. U. Tapp. N.
P., and A. John eon, J. P. Court Ist
Friday. Lawful Constables: George
W. Carroll.
AJpin ■‘.-c-Jh distri-d), J. E. Burns. N.
P. Court 4th Saiurduy. Bawful Consta
bles : S. M. I kd<";-.
Dirise’lnr/121-:h distri'-t). J. L. Huie,
! N. Ik. - .'i Hugh Ri*-iiardson. J. P. Court
Ith. Saturday. Lmv’Td Constables: John
M. Rose.
Seminole (!’ distr’ A.J.Hcnder
smi. N. P., •: -I H. C. Ad is, J. P. Court
3rd Saturda . I. ■ I’m C .istablcs: Jos.
Glenn and .P. m o
Cold-.v.iter • dEirict), D. B.
Franklin, N. ! i V. . ’i’. Herndon, J.
P. Court Ist Sate La wln 1 Con st a-
!»lcs: N. J. Edwu: • and M. W. Bryant.
Dirttown CTith di>:ri*-: i.M. M. Wright
N. P...U;d J. P. .: . -1. J. P. Court
2nd ■ ■ - ■ C.
. M. M. H. . .
• ]' vo. U’ -2nd *listri*-t). Y. \. Jnek-
i son. : ■ and L. S. Seogin. J. Court
Ith Lawful ('<•;>. •: R.
(’. .. .i s a:. J. J. Barlx.u •.
Sn- nia. (‘A>_-hI district).' R. Pon or,
N. P. i L P. .Jacks*)!) J. P. C< -;rt
. ;s’< s. :>■ v. Lawful < <;;d<hs: J.
.M.c is.
Coiupurc U Is v.; .. ■■■■
ra |
: i
■ .. •• :
O ' • J ■ j
~ r -.■Mui - '• Ii
| •' •’• H
PHSLAIA ’ I H .'■■■ t ■
_ '• Pric '■ •. ' ■■
I .
Ira.''. .V-YvJ'K
f?PH w; IMPURE. STATf. ot-iaf.BL.CC-D
A v ■' 'y
MEY i. Al Cj 'lc ‘CU RJ2
t. i.ri.c.
• • • FoR M.rWIA- • •
-Sold EYumfHERC.
For s;d< 1 ail Druggists.
G. E.
Physician and Surgeon,
Tai.iai-ehro, ... - (i.v.
a' ?<• TiiiAd'errv's.
c.r l/ >sjLO?,
Physician and Surgeon,
• . E 2. Fid [
Gffcrs his professional servici’S to the
(•itiz.-s.s of Chatteoga county and sia
rom iingcountry. Will visit this sec
lioll iYe*; uciitly.
Ai torne y -a. t-L aw,
Si:mmer\ij I-'. - - - -
(Hu r ; Els prof-ssio’jal r “rvb- s t tin
;-s of ci.m-/;a ami surrounding
ivs. ! ion to v» hate \er
Ici-i...-w may I.- 1 ei!!?i:s’oi to him, he
li-ip-.'s to merit public conß<’cno.‘.
Attorney-at- Law,
.Summerville - Georgia.
LaFa\ tte, Ga. Summt rville» Ga.
Summerville and J.aUayette, <-’eo.gia.
I’i’-i apt r.ttcriti'm to all leg•• i I ■ -shiess.
Uolh'-ctie.t -■■ic.i-.'." c. Sp-.-c’r
Attorney-a t- Law,
Summer - , ills - - C. orgia.
uawye r;
Summerville - - Gccrgia
JOHN '1 /« YTj >R. J. D. TAYLOR.
Lawy- r s;
. nnimci ‘ i!e < •••<.. -a.
a ws mi m
Letters Winch Indicate That She In
tcinM to Murder Her Husband.
Erom Baltimore comes this item
of news:
A divorce suit in which letters
will be produced showing the alleg- j
ed plot of a wife to kill her hus
band a:i l marry the defendant in
the case, will be tried shortly.
Mary Gray asks for divorce from
her husband Harry M. Gray. Ihe
couple were married in New York
in 18S1, and resided in that city i
until two years ago. The wife al-1
leges that she found three letters in I
her husband’s pocket, the contents
of which is proof sufficient to war
rant the granting of her petition.
The letters 'are full of endearing
expressions, and in one of them this
startling information is given: “My
secret is this. lam trying to put
the old fool out of the way, and it
gives me a great lot of trouble to
do it. I am not doing it myself;
there is sonic one that does that :
busine.- s, and 1 will tell you all
about it, but it must be kept a sc- !
cret vet a while. It will be done by
charms, and he will go off very sud
denly, and no one will know what
killed him. I have to pay her $l5O
and need not pay her until he i:
gone. So, now you see what I
would do to get you, and, dear,
please keep this to yourself forever.
If I did not love you I would not
tell you, and I know that you love
me. Dear, tell me what you think
of this, and if you will be willing to ■
marry mo ; that would lie my joy. ■
and w-iien I get his insurance mon
ey, then we can live nicely the rest I
of our lives. You wanted me to
kill by gas, but that would not be
safe. But if my plan does not do,
then you can come and do what you
| want with gas.”
A Brute of a Husband.
| G. ixr ii.i.r, Texas, June 1.1.
At Sunset, near here, or. Sue-lay,
• Dr. AVyle stripped his wi -of all:
I her clothing and beat her unmerci
fully. She escaped and ran through
the street in an entirely nude con
dition, the doctor following, firing
at her with his revolver. She took
refuge in a neighbor’s iioii-e, when
the doctor, upon attempting to en
ter, was disarmed and handed over
to the authorities, lie was taken
to Montague jail to prevent lynch
ing by the infuriated citizens. Mrs.
Wiley will probably die.
Are you restless at night, and
harassc;! by -t bad cough? Ise Dr.
.1. 11. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung
Balm, it will secure you sound sleep
> and effect a prompt and radical cure.
Au Incendiary Shot Down.
! Souira-sr.T, Kv., .June 15.—Silas
’ I Richards-.:), charged with burning
the resi b-nee of Peak Gastiueau,
b refused to surrender to a sheriff’s
posse at his home, yesterday, but
, fired on 'he officers and the crowd
with th m. He finally escaped,
P hotly pursued, and was brought
down by a shot in the bowels. lie
was jailed in time to save him from
The Seventeen-Y r eaf-Locusts.
AYi'i:'-.-<>x, 111., June Ifi.—The
: seventeen year locusts .appeared i
p i here about two weeks ago, and have ■
I so rapidiy increased in number that
- i new tln-v literally cover all kinds of
I bushes :: :id trees.
Drc.v r, lowa, June 10.—Lo
custs have appeared here in vast
- numbers in the last few days.
The Banker’s Body.
Bai.TiraOi:::, .Tune 12.—The body
’ of T. Harrison Garrett, who w-ns
drowned Thursday night last, by
i the sinking of bis yacht, “Gleam,’
. was found this morning.
i It was found a mile distant from
the spot where the accident occur
j red. The steamer Nanticook
brought the remains to Baltimore.
Says Benjy Butler: “Who doubts
Mr. Cleveland's fitness to be Presi-
Ident?” No one, Benjamin. Cleve
' land’s fitness to be President is as
well an established fact as your
predilection for spoons.
Sick headache, wind on the stom
ach. biliousness, nausea,arc prompt
.and rec-:- ly banish Iby Dr. J.
II.YIcI. m’s l.i !■ Liv-. a : Kid
ney Pi' ts. 25c. a viai.
Elected Again.
Newport, R. L, June 12.—Sen
ator Jonathan Chase was re-elected .
to the United States senate today,
having a majority of both houses.
Jin Awful Crime.
Harrisburg, Pa., June 15.—Al- 1
j bort Miller was yesterday sentenced
|to two months’ imprisonment for
kissing his sweetheart on a public
An Invasion.
{ Algiers, June 14.—Locusts are
' advancing in a compact mass twelve
miles long by six in breadth. A
j panic prevails in the province of
Constantine, The valley of Quelma
has been devastated by locusts.
When nature falters and requires
I help, recruit her enfeebled energies
with Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Strength
ening Cordial and Blood Purifier.
.SI.OO per bottle.
A Heavy Burden.
Lynchburg, Va., Juno II.—A
; mortgage was recorded in the cor
poration court today, from the Ro
anoke Machine works to the Nor
folk and Western railway company '
for $5,000,000.
Looking Up. ;
Washington, June 12.—Indian i
Commissioner Atkins will tomorrow <
tender his resignation to take effect. ;
at the pleasure of the president, |
and will leave for his home in Ten
nessee to enter on an active canvass
for election to the United States
Where Jim Lives.
Portland, -Mm June 12.—The <
Republican state convention assem- i
l>h il here today, with 1112 delegates ,
present, the largest state conven
tion ever held in Maine. State ,
Treasurer Burleigh was nominated
for governor on the tint ballot, re
ceiving 775 votes.
They Got Away.
iiitow . Kr., June 14.—A
s uid of convicts to the number of
eighteen, employed on the Versaille,
Midway and Georgetown railroad,
escaped from their camp last, night,
i md are still at large. A reward of
: SSO each is offered for their capture.
Bad Boston.
Boston, Mass., June 11.—The
board of aiderman this evening, by
a, vote of 7 to 4, refused to confirm
the mayor’s nomination of E. G.
Walker, a well known colored law
yer, as principal assessor. This
action has mad" quite a stir among
colored residents of the city.
Many Words.
St. Louis, 510., June 15.—'The
enormous amount of work done on
account of :i president,in! convention
may be realiz. dwhen it is stated that
during the Democratic convention
here over 3,000.000 words in refer
ence to it alone were transmitted
over the wires. The matter when I
set in type would make over two I
thousand columns.
Very Sad.
Columbus, Ga., June 11.—On
: Sunday afternoon a young man by
the num" of Elliott and Miss Mag
gie Stark, both of Shelby county,
went out buggy riding. Lit" in the
afternoon the horse and b Iggy were
discovered floating down the Coosa
river. The river was dragged and
the bodies of Elliott an 1 Mis., Stark
were recovered. It is supposed that
the horse ran away and dashed into
the river with the unfortunate
couple. No one witnessed t*!ie ac
Tha Red Bandana.
Columbus, 0., June 14.—The red
ibandana handkerchief is destine 1
Ito become one of the emblems of
j Democracy in the coming campaign
I from th" fact that it is the favorite
of the candidate for the Vuie-.Prcs-
I idency. Its history, so far as Judge
’ Thurman is concerned, is soon ex-
I plained. 11.• til l the Enquirer
correspondent tonight that he had
used, the red bandana sin ■ 1 ; I5,
when he began using snulf. Jn ;he
, memorable campaign of Hon. Wm.
.' Allen for governor, his red ba.-ulana
. I attained considerable celebrity. The
J history of ti.-- bandana anterior to
. li'ds .me is no: ktwo . cv.-a by
| Jud- Thu in.
Rev. Joseph Jones Eolyes Willi a
Young Lady in Soulii Carolina.
Grkenvillf, S. June 11.—
News has reached here that great
excitement prevails in Laurens, S.
C., caused by the recent elopement
of Rev. Joe Jones, brother of Sam
Jones, and Miss Bassie Earrow, of
Cross Anchor, S. C.
Mr. Jones met the lady last sum
mer while conducting a series of
religious meetings at Laurens. The
mother of the young lady was very
much opposed to the match, but on
the other hand it was favored by
her father. On one occasion, it is
said, Mr. Jones went to see his affi
anced, and was met by her mother
who “shut the door in his face,”
and refused to admit him.
It seems that Mr. Jones became
tired of such obstacles, and with
the aid of a. friend secured the girl
and ran away and married her. The
happy couple were expected to leave
on last night’s’train but unfortun
ately the bride had left home in
such haste that , she neglected to
carry her baggage, and therefore,
they were detained.
The mother declines to give it up
and threatens to shoot the “first
man who puts hig foot inside the
door.” Mr. Jones is about thirty
years of age and has for sometime
past been preaching at Liurens.
New Y’ork, June 14.—The talk
among local politicians, and espec
iallv those Democrats who were at
the St. Louis convention, is on the
question whether President Cleve
land favors a light between the dem
ocratic factions here over the coun
ty and city oflices. It has been as
serted and denied that Mr. ('leve
land, through Secretary Whitney
and two or three other New Yorkers,
has sent word that lie will not in
fluence New York city politics in
any matinor. This message is con
strued to mean that lie will with- i
hold iris soothing hand in the mut
ter of an alliance between Tamma
ny and the county democracy, and
that such non-action will leave
these halves of the party indisposed
to a fusion. The oliices of mayor
sheriff and county clerk are to be
filled at the November election, be- i
sides a lot of minor places, and if
Mr. ('leveland desires that Tamma
ny and the counties shall each nom
inate a ticket, it is because he be
lieves that such a campaigh will
bring out a larger vote than would
otherwise be the case.
Letter From Lee.
Butler, Ga., June 13.—C01. Ed.
Willis received the following letter 1
from Gen. Lee to whom the twelfth I
Ga. regiment had sent a box of pro- '
visions. The letter is now in the
possession of M ij. Carson, of But- .
ler, who prizes it above price:
Headquarters, Apr. Sth, 1864. —
'Colonel: I return my grateful thanks
!to the Twelfth Georgia regiment i
‘ for the box of provisions is has so
1 kindly sent mo, With the express
ions of my gratitude I beg leave to
add that I should have greatly pre
ferred the regiment t > have retained
the provisions for itsown use, tor
fear it more needed them than my
self, ami that they ar; more essen
tial to i s comfort than mine. V i:l:
•rreatresp ct, vour obedient servant.
R. E. Lee.
Col Edward Willis, Twelfth
Georgia Regiment.
Tha Rich Man.
Chattanooga, June 13.—Jay
Gould is in Chattanooga today. lie
do--s not look like a rich man. His
lit of el'-lhc.- could be duplicated
for S3O. Ext ept a plain gold chain
from which is suspended a gold
pencil he wears no ornaments. He
is very quiet, talks little and in
subdued tones, seeming to take lit
tle inter,>st in anything. He ap
pears like a man who has restless
nights and poor digestion. To see
the man no one in good health
' would exchange positions with him.
He says the south, offers superior
I advantages to the west to emigrants
as the west is over crowded.
It Ims been recently decided by
i the ; eroin; cour of Ikunsyl uti:i
■ that. S, .'ibty mar iges are util; ml
. void.
NO. 20.
Appointed Judge.
Baton Rouge, La., June 11.—The
senate confirmed the nomination of
ex-Gov. Samuel D. McEnery to be
associate justice of the supreme
court for the term of twelve years
in place of Robt. B. Todd, whose
term has expired.
Topeka, Kan., June 13.—At the
annual convention of the state tem
perance union, yesterday, resolu
tions were adopted denouncing the
statement that the prohibitory law
cannot be enforced .and asking that
the national republican convention
adopt an anti-saloon plank. Mrs.
■J. Ellen Foster, of lowa, addressed
the convention. She said she was
■ enroute to Chicago, and in the name
of the women of the country would
demand that the republicans would
declare against saloons.
Fredkicksbukg, Va., June 13.
At Chancellorsvillc the monument
that marks the spot where Stone
wall Jackson received the wound
from which he died, was dedicated
with imposing ceremonies. Gen.
Fitz Hugh Lee was chairman of the
meeting. He made a brief speech,
after which he introduced Senator
John IV. Daniel as the orator of the
day, who spoke for more than an
hour, reviewing the life and char
acter of Jackson. Many touching
incidents were related of the dead
j hero, and the speech was received
with applause. Brief speeches were
made by others.
It is estimated that 5,000 people
were present.
Quick Work.
Tallahassee, Fla., June 12.
Dennis Williams, colored, who shot
and severely wounded Snpt. McCor
mack at Ellerville Saturday, was
taken to the woods by a mob and
lynched yesterday, and his body
w:i s afterward found in the river.
The negroes were greatly incensed,
ami it is reported they will try to
i avenge the lynching.
Salida, Col., June 14.—During
a saloon row at Monarch last night
a one legged gambler named Sheck
shot and killed George Davis an I
fatally wounded an unknown man.
A mob afterward took Sheck out
I ami hanged him to a telegraph pole,
i The friends of the two dead men are
gathering and more trouble is feared
Helen Ont., June 11.—Robert
son, a negro soldier at Fort Shaw,
Saturday night had a row with a
man near the fort over a sporting
woman and killed an innocent by
stander. Fifty masked men from
Sun river took the murderer out
I last night and lynched him.
Tamm auy's Ratificat ion.
New York. June 12.—Tammany-
Hall ratified the National Demo
cratic ticket at the Academy of
Music tonight. John Cochrane
pi< sided, and there was a list of 700
v!• "-presidents ami secretaries, in
cluding all the well-known members
of the organization. Gen. Cochrane
in his speech said that lor the first
time Tammany met without its
walls. So jubilant had the old walls
of Tammany been that they bad
i'liiitcd by spontaneous combustion
at tlie nomination of Cleveland and
Thurman. He then spoke highly
of the candidates, but was inter
rupted by the entrance of Gov. Hill,
and immense cheering followed.
, After Gen. Cochrane had concluded
I’ii'.-ident Forester, of the board of
aldermen, read the resolutions in
ratification of the nominations and
- i of the platform.
Gov. Hill was then introduced
and made the speech of the evening.
; He spoke in great praise of Ties.
! Cleveland, Thurman and the plat
-1 form. During the governor’s speech
. one of the “braves” exclaimed,
. “three cheers for the next governor
of New York,” and for several min
utes he was unable to continue his
s address.
The result of the'census just
1 completed gives Baltimore a popu
lation of 416,805.
r ; _ ;
s W. F. Ayer has been appointed
local agent of the C. R. & C. rail
road at Rome.
a. Puck: In marriage, one and one
d ; ii ike one; in divorce, one from one
h-aves two.